'It's cold' Was the thought that finally laid itself inside the young boy's head. And it was true all he wore was his orange hoodie that was broken and cut all around.

Lincoln Loud the sole boy in a large family was walking down a snow-covered path. His eyes always looking down and ragged breaths coming from his mouth.

His arm, lip, and leg were bleeding, but he didn't feel it. Instead, the cold had numbed it out making it just more bearable.

The boy didn't care where he went. All he wanted to do was to go and walk straight not looking back. Except for the sharp wind noises, Lincoln heard nothing, no people, no cars and just nothing.

As he walked along the snow-covered path crushing the snow beneath his feet he thought back to a simple time. A time where everything was better than it was now.

Soon he began passing the park and noticed a bench covered in snow. Not having anything else to do he went towards it and scraped of the snow with his hand feeling the cold mix with the warmth of his hand.

He sat down and soon found himself easily relaxed on the bench. He looked forward and saw the beauty of snowfall.


The tension was high in the Loud house. There was no noise in the halls as there used to be, and with every second the silence cuts deeper in every sibling.

After Lori moved Leni was left alone with a large room and naturally every sibling wanted to be roommates with the sweetheart sister.

It started out as a competition of sorts, who would Leni chose as her next roommate? Smug glares were thrown, angry rants and blackmail that came out to everyone.

Everybody was on edge and one spark could light the entire house. And this spark would start today and change the Loud house forever.

Everyone was currently eating dinner not saying anything. They all hurried with eating because they finally made Leni choose, she had said that there should be no hard feelings with who she picked, and everyone had agreed.

But everyone knew that was a lie. With the smug and death glares, it was obvious that the competition was still on and almost every sibling was silent this dinner.

There were, of course, siblings who weren't targeted like Lincoln, Lily and obviously Leni. Lincoln wasn't being targeted due to him not wanting to be involved in another family clash, Lily was considered too little to make her a suitable roommate and lastly Leni because well she owned the room.

Otherwise, it was every sibling against every sibling. And the most shocking part was that his parents didn't care about the high tension or what this could lead to. But he knew and tried his best to stop this from going too far before things ended violently, but they couldn't listen to him for once, being too confident that Leni would pick them as her next roommate.

Lincoln said next to nothing during dinner along with his sisters. He had a plan of course, during the next sibling meeting where Leni would announce her answer, Lincoln would stay in his room far away from the upcoming brawl.

Soon enough dinner was finished, and no one had said a word. Even Leni looked pressured from the looks of hope she received from her siblings. He truly felt bad for his sister knowing that everyone else who expected to be roommates with her would be mad at her for a long time.

'Good luck Leni' He thought to himself. He walked to his room and entered before laying down on his bed and hoping that in some way everything would go back to normal.

He started hearing the squeak of the stairs signaling to him that his sisters were about to have the meeting.

He opened his door enough for him to see with his eyes, Lincoln saw his sisters entering Leni's room all with smug and confident faces. Slowly he counted all his sisters entering until everyone had come in, the door was closed, and the meeting had begun.

Even though he wasn't a part of the meeting he was still getting knots in his stomach. Deciding to calm himself down he closed the door and picked up an Ace Savvy comic book of his desk. Reading for what felt like hours with a slight unease with how much time it was taking he gulped, and his heart started beating faster which each second passing.

He could hear high voices sounding from her room until suddenly silence, nothing and that put him on edge.

Then there was a sound of a door slamming open with pure anger and Lincoln hoped for the best and feared for the worst. He thought that they would all retreat to their rooms soon enough, but more and more footsteps were starting to sound closer and closer to him.

And then it suspiciously stopped, it felt like they were right outside his door waiting for him to take a small breath to know he was there. He was quiet and scared at this point not knowing what was happening until his door was kicked open out of anger revealing most of his sisters.

"SHE CHOSE YOU!" Was all Lincoln could understand as shadows of his sisters loomed over him. The next moments of his life were his most painful ones.

Flashback end

Lincoln thought back to that memory feeling the wounds he had received. His face already had a black eye, his legs barely wanted to move, and arms quaking. And now he was here, sitting outside on a cold night that most children would be happy to have.

The cold consumed Lincoln more and more for every second he sat there, deciding that sitting here forever wasn't an option he got up and walked towards the popular side of the city.

With his face covered by his hood, he could only walk forward not knowing where to go. He was never a person to do something unplanned, it was his gift to always be prepared to make a plan and that is what he needed.

A simple plan…

He stopped in his tracks and made sure he had something on him. He felt the pockets of his hoodie and knew what he found when he felt a small lump coming from it. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his wallet.

Opening it up revealed nothing but Lincoln was the only one who knew of a secret about this wallet. There was a secret compartment that only he knew existed, reaching deep into his wallet he pulled back a small piece of cloth revealing money that he had saved up for a while.

Showing no emotion while counting it he made up a plan there was no turning back from. He thought long and hard about it before cracking a small smile that not even Lucy could see.

Lincoln began walking faster and faster not wanting to let the doubts settle in, he soon found himself outside a train station. Checking for cameras he made his way towards a ticket booth that suspiciously had no cameras looking over it.

Making sure his hood covered his hair and face, he went up and bought a ticket as far away from home as he could.

Looking at the time and seeing that he had some time before the train arrived, he went to a clothes store and bought a jacket and a new hoodie.

While leaving the store he took off his orange hoodie and threw it in the trash can before putting on his new clothes and heading back to the train station.

Soon enough the train arrived in front of him and opened its doors. Lincoln felt his adrenaline wear off but that didn't matter as he took his first steps in.

Watching the train doors close behind him he felt no regrets for what he was doing because he knew that it didn't matter what he wanted now.

He was free now and gone like the wind.

c0ffeee here with my first one-shot that randomly appeared in my head. No idea where it came from, but I hope you enjoy this, thanks for reading. And as always, any type of criticism or feedback is welcomed along with reviews.