Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter. A special thank you to LavishLunaLovegood who gave me the idea to have the part with Evelyn in her POV. Anyways, I hope you Enjoy!

Tris POV:

Marcus opens the door wider for us to walk through. I keep my hand on Tobias's as we walk inside. The walls were a simple grey colour and everything looked exactly the same as our home. I now understand why Tobias was so freaked out when we first entered it. He keeps his head down whilst I look Marcus in the eyes. "I must ask. What are your names?" He asks bringing the food from the kitchen. Dang it! We forgot about names. He will know who we are if we tell him our 'cover' names. I need to come up with names quick. What are some names that I would know. What can I do. My friends for some reason pop into my head. Those names wil have to do. "I'm Christina." I say holding eye contact. I motion to Tobias. "This is William." Why can't I come up with better names?! Why can I only think of my friends?!

"Christina and William." He repeats. We all sit down at the table and pray. I hadn't prayed since I was in Abnegation last time. This leaves a certain feeling in my stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling. "Amen." We all say together opening our eyes. I take a bite of the Chicken that Marcus made. "So, if I may ask, how long have you been in Abnegation?" Marcus asks. I swallow quickly and answer "I transferred this year."

"Really. From which faction?" If I'm going to be Christina I have to go all out. "Candor." I say. Tobias is keeping his head down and staying silent. His short hair isn't doing much to hide the fear on his face. "I see." He says. I take another bite of chicken. "If you don't mind me asking what faction are you originally from?" I ask. I know the answer, but this conversation seemed very one-sided. "Abnegation." I nod. We finish our plates. "I never got an answer from William about what faction he is from." Marcus says collecting our plates. He stares at the table, so I tap him lightly. "I'm sorry." He mutters "What is it that you need?"

"William, Marcus wanted to know what Faction your from."

"Oh. I'm.. um. I'm from Erudite." He is keeping character. Thank God.

"Really?" A small bit of anger washes over Marcus's Face. Oh, I forgot about the dispute between Erudite and Abnegation. There isn't really any problems with them and Dauntless. "I don't remember any Erudite Transfers this year."

"That is probably Because I transferred three years ago."

"The same year as my son." Marcus says his voice going up slightly.

"I believe so."

"He meant a lot to me after his mother died. I was probably distraught when he chose Dauntless. I am dreadfully sorry for not remembering you." Tobias' face gets red. I know what he's thinking. I'm thinking it too. It's the way Marcus is acting. He's mad at Marcus for pretending to care about him. Marcus gets up with the plates that he collected and walks over to the Kitchen. He Trips and The plates that He was carrying fall and shatter. Tobias Flinches and starts to cover his neck. His breathing starts to stagger. I place my hand on his to show him that I was there. He turns his hand and grabs mine tightly. I stand up, pulling him with me. "The dinner was Lovely, Marcus, but I'm afraid We have to leave. Thank you for inviting us." I say rushing Tobias towards the door. I don't like what this home is doing to him. He had just calmed down living in an Abnegation house. I can tell how hard he is trying to stay calm.

"Christina." Marcus says. I don't respond until Tobias clears his throat. Oh yeah!

"Yes sir?" I ask turning around to face him.

"This evening was lovely. Thank you both for coming over." How can he do that? He seems a completely different person from the one I saw in the fear landscape. How can he be so two faced? I bow my head to say goodbye and turn back around. Tobias and I walk back over to our home without saying a word. We may be quiet, but I can still tell that the further away we get from that house the more relaxed Tobias becomes. When we finally get back to our house I allow Tobias some time to sit down and organize his thoughts before talking. I just sit there next to him. A few minutes in I can't take it anymore and speak. "Do you think he's suspicious?" I ask

"Who? Marcus? Yeah." Tobias says putting an arm around me.

"Aren't you worried about that?"

"As long as his public appearance is at stake he won't say anything. He won't risk being wrong and becoming a laughing stock." Tobias shakes his head. I nod agreeing with him. If Marcus would do anything to keep up his public appearance then he isn't going to tell people that we aren't Abnegation and risk being wrong. People are already questioning his leadership. One wrong move like that and he could lose his position.

"Are you okay now?" I ask putting a hand on his chest.

"I'm fine. just a little angry. That's it." He says planting a kiss on my head. I let out a small smile and stand up. "Where are you going?" He asks

"To bed."

"This early? It's only Eight o'clock."

"You can either come with me or stay up by yourself. Either way, I'm going to bed." I walk into the master bedroom and get changed into my Pajamas. I then jump into bed. Tobias comes in and joins me minutes later. Ha! I knew he would break! I rustle around in the bed trying to get comfortable. It takes me a while, but I do finally fall asleep.

Tobias's POV (last day in Abnegation!!!):

I wake earlier than Tris and get ready. Finally! We are almost out of Abnegation!! Just one more day! This time tomorrow we will be off in either Candor or Erudite. My hopes on Erudite. I want to stay away from those Smart-Mouths for as long as possible. I make the eggs today allowing Tris to sleep in even more. It's her turn, but whose cares! When I finish scrambling the eggs I go into the bedroom. With two pans. I hit them together creating a loud bang that startles Tris awake. "Good morning!" I say with a big grin on my face. I can't help it! I don't know what's gotten into me! "TOBIAS!! What the hell?!" She yells I start to back away slowly. She takes a deep cleansing breath before continuing to speak. "Someone's in a good mood today." She says smiling. I nod picking her up out of the bed. She lets out a small squeal before I put her down so that she stands on the floor. "You get ready. I already made breakfast." I say starting to step out of the room. "Why are you in such a good mood. It's kinda scary." She asks.

"Last day in Abnegation! How could I not be happy!"

"Oh, I forgot about that. Don't get too happy. We still have to go to the church service." I groan. Before Marcus started to keep me locked away I would Go to church every Sunday with Evelyn and Him. It is so boring!! The pastor is extremely plain and just uggh this is going to be boring!!! I run my fingers through my hair as I wait for Tris to finish getting ready. She comes out of the bedroom with her hair down in Waves. Wow. She looks amazing. She grabs the ribbon from the couch where she took her hair out last night and pulls it into an Abnegation bun. She's still stunning even with her hair back. I shake my head and go to the kitchen. She follows me. We grab some plates and shovel some egg onto our them. I don't wait to get to the table. Instead I start scoffing down eggs. Tris does the same. We finish our plates of food and wash them. "Do you want to go to the community picnic?" Tris asks grabbing the leftovers and putting them into a basket.

"Sure! Why not!" I say with a smile on my face. Marcus never let us stay for the Picnic! What's the worst that could happen? I help her put together a small basket full of snap peas, Chicken, and Bread. The exact thing we have every day in Abnegation. I swear, when I get back to Dauntless I am going to have a Slice of Cake and A burger. It's one of the best meals we have there and after this, I kinda need it. We pack the Picnic basket and head out to the church. Like the other buildings it was just a grey box with the occasional window. The only difference was the floor plan. When you walk in there are pews lines in rows. In the very front is a small stage and a Pedestal. Tris and I sit in a row in the very back of the room. Hopefully we can do something to keep ourselves awake without others noticing. The pastor walks up to the front. We open the sermon with prayer. After that everything just blurred together. I try to stay awake. I get the occasional shake from Tris and I give Tris the occasional shake to keep us awake. At about two in the afternoon we are let out. I stand up and stretch. That was the longest six hours of my life! How did I handle that every week as a kid?! We grab our picnic basket and go out to a clear lot with green grass. We sit down on the grass and have lunch. I notice that Tris packed extra. "What's this?" I ask pointing to all the extra food. "After the pic we go hand out food to the Factionless." She explains quietly. I eat my food slowly. "Speaking of the Factionless, you said you would talk to your Mother."

"Yeah, and you tried to get me out of it. What changed your mind?" I ask taking a bite of bread.

"I don't know. I just don't like this unsolved mystery. What actually happened to her? Why did she do it?"

"We'll find out soon enough." I say taking out a piece of paper. It was part of Max's letter to Tris. I was going to use it to doodle on during church, but I must have completely forgotten. I take out a pen from my other pocket and write on the piece of paper. Meet me at 2:00 am at the train platform. Tris takes the letter from me and reads it. "So we are meeting her later tonight." I nod my head. People start getting up, so I stuff the bread in my mouth we pick up the basket and walk towards the Factionless sector. We hand out pieces of bread and water like we do every day. After we get far enough away from everyone else we start looking for Evelyn. We find a man who was no older than me. "Excuse me!" I say walking up to him. "What do you want?" He asks

"We are looking for Evelyn Eaton."

"What do you need with her?"

"I need to speak with her."

"Why" i sigh

"Give her this." I hand him the piece of paper. Obviously he wasn't going to let me see her. Maybe that's for the better though. "Alright. What's in it for me?" I sigh I knew that was going to happen. "Umm-"

"What about that." He points to some of the bread. Oh my! Thank goodness! We were going to give that to him anyways! "Alright." I hand him a loaf. "No, no, no, I mean the e tire basket." He says holding out his hand. Uggh! I hand him the basket. I don't know why I'm doing this. Evelyn wasn't in my life. She obviously didn't want anything to do with me. "I'll get this to her right away." The man say. Tris coughs and I startle. I had forgotten she was here. "Well, now that we don't have anymore food we should head home and pack the little stuff we have." She says. I grab her hand and we sneak back into Abnegation. When we get to the house I start cleaning up everything a bit more. I fold the clothes, and put them into a bag. We decide to sleep until it's time to go. The last two times we didn't and we were exhausted the next day. I place our bag at the door of our bad and try my best to sleep.

Evelyns POV:

"Evelyn! This guy has a letter that he wanted to give you!" Edward comes into my office with a piece of paper. "Ah, Edward, how are you doing?" I ask taking the paper from him. "Just fine, Ma'am." He says leaving. I open the small torn off piece and read the note. Meet me at 2:00 am at the train platform. Could it be? It has to be Tobias!! I hold the letter tight. It's him! I let out a little sigh before looking at the clock. Thirty minutes till two o'clock! I jump up and straighten out my hair. I have to get there quickly! "Where are you going?" Edward asks as I run out the door. "I have a meeting." Is all I say. I rush to get to the platform. I'm actually going to see my baby! I've seen him since, but he denied ever knowing me. Now I'm actually going to get to see him as him! I will get to talk to him and explain everything. I arrive at the platform three minutes early. He still isn't here. I pace anxiously waiting for his arrival.

"Evelyn." A deep voice says from the shadows behind me. I turn at the mention of my name. There standing In front of me is Tobias. I run to hug him, but he stops me. A Girl comes around the corner. "I thought you said you would let me help." She says looking at him. Who does she think she is talking to my son like that? "Tobias." I say looking at him. It's obvious he's not going to let me hug him. "You said you needed to explain some things to me." Tobias says holding the girls hand now. "Yes, I wanted to explain my reasoning behind everything I did."

"What is your reasoning behind leaving your Child with a monster? What's your reasoning behind leaving your son in an abusive home making him think that his own mother was dead."

"Tobias I-"

"No, my name is four only my family gets to call me Tobias." I'm shocked by this. How could I not be his family? I'm his mother!

"I'm your mother."

"If I remember correctly, my mother is dead." I'm taken aback by this statement.

"Let me explain." Tobias starts to turn away, but the girl stops him "we still have to be here for the train." She says putting her left hand on his shoulder. I notice a gold ring on her finger. Are they? No, they can't be. He lets out and exasperated sigh "fine. Explain." He says sitting on the floor. How do I explain all of this. "Marcus was beginning to get extremely abusive to me. I faked my own death and fled to the Factionless."

"And you couldn't take your own son?"

"I thought it was safer for you in Abnegation."

"How was it safer for me to be alone with Marcus?" I shudder at the name.

"I never expected him to hurt his own son! Besides, You would be starving in the Factionless. I did this all to protect you"

"You weren't protecting anyone, but yourself." The girl Mutters.

"Tris." Tobias says

"No, Tobias, let me speak. He was abused by Marcus. You left him there to deal with him on his own. You left him there to keep yourself safe!"

"What do you understand about family? Your just a little girl." I say glaring at her.

"I know that I'm more family to Him than you are." How could she say that? I'm his mother! I am his family!

"Tris." Tobias says putting a hand on her arm to calm her down. "This was a bad idea. Evelyn, please leave."

"One question. Who are you?" I ask pointing to The girl.

"She's my girlfriend, Tris." He says pointing to the way of the factionless sector. "Now go" I sigh obviously he is going to choose the girl over his own mother. Ugh! Tris.

Tris' POV:

My breathing is heavy. I didn't realize I would get so riled up. Who knew Tobias would be the one calming me down. We wait for the train to arrive and jump on like we have for the past two weeks. In the train is a bag and two files. I open the bag to see the clothing that was in it. Black and white clothes fill the bag. "Looks like we're going to Candor!" I say excitedly "yay! Candor!" Tobias says with a sarcastic tone. I grab the File with the stuff in it. Like always, there is a key card for the apartment, an ID, and a brief description of her cover.

Charlotte Williams


Birth faction: Dauntless

Faction : Candor

Like all of the other briefings I'm basically a model Candor. I don't look at Tobias' briefing. We get close to Candor Headquarters. "What do I call you?" I ask Tobias while I grab the bag. "It says here to call me Liam." Liam. Hopefully I can remember that. We jump off the train with all our stuff to find one I person at the front door waiting for us. "Are you Liam and Charlotte?" The Man asks us. We nod. "Well then, welcome to Candor."

hey guys, this chapter took me like a week to come up with thank you for reading it! Anyways, Thursday was my cousins birthday and Friday was my sisters kindergarten graduation. That's why this was out late. Remember stay awesome, stay lucky, and peace out!!!