Summary: Kagome awakes alongside Allura and Coran after 10,000 years, only to be met by the destruction caused by her husband. The new Paladins of Voltron are chosen, and the fight for the cosmos begins anew. The husband she loves seeks to put an end to her, while the son that never knew her finally gets his chance to meet his mother.

Pairing: Zarkon x Kagome

Disclaimer: I do not own either series. Each belongs to their rightful owners.

I decided to redo this one.
Flashbacks/Past are written in bulk italics.
Will lack canonicity.


She felt sore and heavy. So very, very heavy.

Her hair was pinned up in a sloppy bun as she settled down onto the bed once again, breathing a tired sigh as a cream-colored feline leaped up beside her. Kagome turned blue eyes to Kirara and smiled as she began to fluff the covers of the bed before she finally settled down next to her legs. Her tails thumped in a steady rhythm, purring contently when Kagome started to slowly comb her fingers through her soft fur.

"You don't have to stay by me all the time," Kagome mumbled quietly to the cat, and Kirara perked her head up to stare at her. A second later she looked away and arched her back more so Kagome would keep petting the same spot. Kagome smiled softly and let her nails scratch between her shoulder blades. Kirara stretched out in response, mewing faintly in satisfaction.

It was quiet in the spacious room, and she was able to sort through her thoughts as she sat there. Her expression clouded some as she glanced at her lap. Red eyes burned in her mind and she winced at the dull pain that shot through her mind and chest. Kirara glanced at her in worry, but Kagome waved her hand to soothe her again.

The dying field she stood in was a lament to a furious battle waged. Fallen bodies marred the grassy plains as if they had been plants sprouting, weapons and armor torn and broken into worthless fragments.

She couldn't remember how or when she had ended up on her own there, but she was. Her friends and allies had all fallen like the countless demons all around her. She couldn't tell who was where, but she was thankful for it. She didn't want to think about seeing her friends laying lifeless, not when the enemy was still very much alive.

Kirara stood at her side, deep cuts dug into her sides and legs as she stood trembling at her side. It seemed like she'd keel over any minute, and, despite the obvious pain she was in, she refused to back down and leave her fighting on her own. Kirara stood protectively next to her, practically curled around her as crimson eyes finally came back to her.

The spider demon stared her down, a content smirk on his face as if he was already counting his victory. In his mind, he had already won, taking down the stronger foes and leaving her alone on her own for the final one.

Still, Naraku smiled and held a hand out towards her, his smirk turning into a smile that made her feel sick to her stomach.

"Why fight anymore?" he asked, his voice calm and smooth. Had she been anyone else, and had they not been standing in an arena of blood and bodies, she might think him to be a kind, gentle creature. "I'll spare you if you offer up the jewel to me. Having you at my side might not be too bad."

Kagome glared at him. "Never!" she snapped. She had her bow at the ready, an arrow strung against the wood tight. Her eyes narrowed as she took a steady aim at him. Despite the threat of her power, he didn't move out of the way. She let the arrow fly, but it didn't phase him. The faint purple barrier around him dissolved it as acid did to tree branches.

Before she could blink, a barrage of tentacles soared towards her. They curled around Kirara and slung her away into a large tree. She hit with a sickening crack and fell limp, a low whine coming from her.

"Kirara!" Kagome was about to race towards her when a beige tentacle coiled around her chest and lifted her from the ground. It squeezed her tighter until it was impossible for her to breathe. She felt her ribs cracking as the grip tightened, and she cried out when she was flung out of the way. She hit a boulder and laid limply on the ground as she tried to breathe.

She pushed herself up on shaking arms, but she didn't move fast enough. She wasn't prepared for the tentacle that ripped through her chest, and she hit the ground once more as blood pooled under her.

Her consciousness was fading from her as she felt him approaching her, seeking the jewel she still had on her. Knowing she wasn't going to survive for much longer, she closed her eyes and made a desperate wish.

She'd rather die somewhere all alone than let Naraku get his hands on the Shikon no Tama.

"I-I wish to go to a place where Naraku won't e-ever get the j-jewel," she mumbled out. The jewel decided to grant her wish, and she was wrapped up in a barrier of pink. The last thing she heard before drifting out of consciousness was Naraku's furious shout.


How was she to know she'd end up surviving the wound that had been fatal? She didn't know she'd live, and she had made the wish just to keep the jewel out of Naraku's hands. Well… she hadn't exactly survived. She had died, but not in the way her companions had. Her soul was brought somewhere and kept safe. She was able to continue to exist.

She had woken up in a field of white, pink and blue clouds. With her, to her surprise and relief, as an awake Kirara. Her wounds had healed up into faint scars, but she was just fine. She didn't know where she was at first, but she soon came to understand that she had been taken to a place called Oriande.

The realm of Oriande had been created by the Shikon no Tama's presence. In this peaceful place, she found a place to call home. It wasn't lonely with Kirara at her side there, even though she missed her friends.

In this realm, time didn't phase her. She hadn't known how long she'd been there, and she merely went through her time there. Some days she'd walk for hours but never see a change in appearance, as if she had been walking backward on a track.

The Shikon no Tama gave life to something new in this realm. It breathed power and essence into the alchemy a species called Alteans used. Though the jewel never parted from her, the power of the jewel flowed through the realm. She could feel it's pulse of power everywhere, even if the pink bauble hung innocently from her neck.

Kagome chose to form a guardian of the realm. The White Lion of Oriande was created from her energy, and of course, she modeled its appearance after her only companion in the pastel world- Kirara.

The White Lion stood guard at the entrance of Oriande. It denied all those unworthy of access, keeping it safe from those who only seek power and strength.

She wasn't sure how long it had been before she was able to leave, at long last. She felt the pull at her soul, and she was finally able to depart from the pastel realm located deep in the depths of starry black space.

She was born to the royal family of planet Altea, as the second born and only daughter to the king and queen. Sealed around her neck was a pink jewel that was all too telling about who she was. None outside the royal family knew that the Woman of Oriande had been reborn into their family as their daughter.

Kirara had been able to leave, too. Much to the family's astonishment, a twin-tailed cat had practically been waiting outside in the gardens on the eve of her birth. She wouldn't leave, pacing around and meowing for attention. Of course, she was taken in as a pet due to her persistence and friendly nature.

Right away she attached herself to their daughter's side.

She adjusted her body some, swapping how she was sitting when it began to get uncomfortable. She didn't think she was so far along, but she felt bigger than she expected to be. She set the hand that wasn't petting Kirara onto her swollen midsection and hummed thoughtfully. She wasn't alone for much longer before the door opened. Her eyes swept over the room before landing on the form of her husband, and she felt a warm smile lift her lips.

"I thought you wanted to sleep?" Zarkon questioned, curious as to why she was still up despite her previous statement. Kagome nodded, and she realized she still felt incredibly tired.

"I did, and still do," she said, giggling softly as she continued, "I just sat down and turns out I'm more comfortable like this than laying down."

She had returned to their room and put her hair up so she could take a nap, but she had ended up getting distracted by her thoughts. She closed her eyes and sighed under her breath as Zarkon approached her. He knelt before her as she sat on the edge of the bed. One of his hands braced his weight and his other rested next to hers on her stomach. It was faint, but small movements could be felt every now and again.

He had something he wanted to talk about, she could feel it. She opened her eyes and looked expectantly at him. Kirara looked at him before closing her eyes and nuzzling close to Kagome, returning to her dozing state.

"What should we name him?" he asked finally,

Kagome blinked as she considered the question. In her eagerness for their son to arrive, she had forgotten one important thing, and that was giving him a name. "I've been so excited that I completely forgot about names," she said, lifting her hand and tapping her chin thoughtfully as she heard Zarkon chuckle.

She thought it over for a few seconds before she was distracted by a yawn. Tears of exhaustion pricked in her eyes and she let out a low whine. "I'm too tired to even think about it right now," she said, and she waited for him to move his hand before she got up again. Kirara moved the moment she did, hopping along the bed as Kagome slowly walked to the head of it. She pulled the covers back and settled down with her head on the pillow, sighing in satisfaction as she relaxed.

Zarkon approached her side of the bed, being mindful to have limited contact with her pet cat as he brushed a loose lock of hair out of her face. "Have a nice rest, my love," he said as she finally went to sleep.

Kagome murmured something incoherent in response as she drifted off to sleep, but he was certain he'd heard her say, "I love you."

C.R: So, as mentioned above, I'm redoing this. I love the idea still and I want to make it better.

I don't know if I'll still pair Kagome up with someone else for the end pairing.

Some more information to know for this story;

Lotor does join the Blade of Marmora.

That's it for now, and I hope you all enjoyed! Hopefully, I got all the errors out before posting, but, if not, sorry.

Please remember to Review&Favorite&Follow, thank you!

Bye for now~