( chapter 2 - Love )

22 minutes later.

"Jaden, congrats. You won." says Alexis as she give Jaden a kiss.

"Thanks, Lex. It wasn't too hard. Even now after all these years, Chazz ain't much of a challenge for me." says Jaden.

"Okay, but it was still amazing." says Alexis.

"Alright. I'm glad you enjoyed watching." says Jaden.

"It's rare to see an interesting duel these days." says Alexis.

"Really? This is Duel Academy, I assumed there'd be plenty of duelin' here all the time." says Jaden.

"There is, but it's often low quality duels with duelists who are not very skilled." says Alexis.

"Sounds crappy. I hope that's gonna chnage soon." says Jaden.

"We all do our best to bring the standard back up to where it belongs." says Alexis.

"I'm sure you'll be able to do so eventually." says Jaden.

"I hope you're right." says Alexis.

"Don't worry." says Jaden.

"You always knew how to make me feel confident." says Alexis.

"Tryin' my best, babe." says Jaden.

"Nice." says Alexis.

"Yeah." says Jaden.

5 hours later, Jaden leave the island.

Alexis feel sad when Jaden step onto a ship.

She love him and wish that he'd stay a few days.

Jaden has feelings for Alexis as well, but he believe that she is more happy without him.

"I love Jaden." mubles Alexis.

The next day.

Alexis focus on her job in order to forget about Jaden for a bit.

"New day. New duels." says Alexis as she put on her uniform.

She walk to a classroom.

The students cheer in joy when Alexis show up. This is because she's famous.

"Okay, class. Today we'll continue to talk about ritual monster cards." says Alexis.

Alexis is a popular teacher. Pretty much all students at the school like her.

"If used properly, ritual monsters can mean the difference between a loss and a victory." says Alexis.

Nearly at the same time, Jaden enter the gaming store that is owned by Yugi Moto's grandpa.

"Hello. What can I help you with? Wait...you're Jaden Yuki." says grandpa Moto.

"I am, yeah. Do you have any good cards?" says Jaden.

"Of course." says grandpa Moto.

"Alright. Let me see what traps ya have, sir." says Jaden.

"These are some of the best ones I have right now." says grandpa Moto as he place a box of rare trap cards on the counter.

Jaden finds 5 cards that he wants.

He buy them and then leave.

50 minutes later.

Jaden sit outside a café, drinking coffee and eating a burger.

"I wonder..." mumbles Jaden, thinking about something important.

Nearly 2 weeks later, Jaden once again arrive at the island where the Duel Academy is.

He wear a white and black uniform, the Duel Monsters Master League uniform.

A couple years ago, Jaden was in that league and made it to the grand final where he lost to Xander Redent, the current King of Duels, who got that title by actually defeating the great Yugi Moto himself.

Jaden walk up to the Duel Academy's main building and the enter and walk to Alexis' office.

He genty knock on the door.

"C'mon in, please." says Alexis.

Jaden enter the room.

Alexis is surprised to see Jaden.

"Ya got a minute?" says Jaden in a casual way.

"Sure, more than a minute, yes." says Alexis.

"Good." says Jaden as he take a seat on the chair that Alexis gesture to.

"I see you're in uniform." says Alexis.

"Well, I decided it would fit to do so today." says Jaden.

"Nice. So, why are you here?" says Alexis.

"Because I've got somethin' important to ask you. Alexis, do you wanna marry me?" says Jaden as she get out a golden ring from one of the pockets on his uniform coat.

The ring is made of gold and has a single smooth blue gen on it.

Jaden decided on a blue gem as a symbol of Obelisk Blue, the dorm that Alexis used to be in.

"Yes! of course, Jaden. I love you." says a very happy Alexis.

"I'm glad you feel that way. I love you." says Jaden as he stand up and slide the ring onto Alexis' finger.

The next day, Chazz arrive at the academy to be a guest-teacher.

"Seems like some dude's finally hooked you, Alexis." says Chazz when he notice the ring Alexis wear.

"Yeah and that man is Jaden." says Alexis.

"Then many were right. Plenty of people, including me, have suspected that you and him had feelings for each other." says Chazz.

"It's been going on for a long time, but we've not acted on it much." says Alexis.

"Okay. Congtrats." says Chazz.

"Thanks." says Alexis.

Jaden enter the room.

"Chazz, what brings you here again?" says Jaden.

"Nothing too fucking special, just a guest-teacher job." says Chazz.

"Alright, man. Good luck with that." says Jaden.

"Thanks, Jaden." says Chazz and then leave the room.

"Did you invite Chazz to teach?" says Jaden.

"No, it was actually Cyrus, believe it or not. We gotta admit that Chazz is a good duelist." says Alexis.

"I've never denied his skill. It's his personality that's annoying. Less so these days though. He's not as much of a rude damn shit as he used to be." says Jaden.

"True. I agree 100 %." says Alexis.

20 minutes later.

"Chazz, thanks. Nice that you agree to be a guest-teacher." says Cyrus.

"I only do it for two reasons. One, I'm kinda bored. And second, it would look bad if a pro duelist like me turned down such a request. Don't think I've turned soft in my old days, man." says Chazz.

"Deal." says Cyrus.

"And third...even though I said it was only two. I still like the academy and a guest-teacher job gives me a reason to come here for a bit." says Chazz.

"We all like this school." says Cyrus.

"So it seems." says Chazz.

"Perhaps you'll feel better about the fact that the academy pay you well." says Cyrus.

"I'm no longer that kind of man." says Chazz.

"Okay." says Cyrus.

2 weeks later.

Jaden and Alexis get married at the academy.

Cyrus is Jaden's best man.

The End.