It was the 3rd Sunday in August and it was a gorgeous day. Today's family dinner was going to be a little different. They were going to celebrate Danny's birthday by getting wings, ribs, pizza, and other messy sides. His favorite. This dinner was going to be held at 4 and they were going to have it outside.

"Alright I got the outdoor baby dome, your pump, the sprinkler, diaper bag, towels, sunscreen, blanket for the grass...all loaded up...anything else?" Jamie said coming back into their apartment out of breath from taking trips back and forth. Eddie was buckling Scarlett in her car seat while Emmalyn was in her cute one piece bathing suit with her crocs on and her hair in a ponytail waiting to go.

"Sounds good to me, it's just that cooler yet and we're ready." Eddie said pointing to the soft cooler on the table that had breast milk, and a strawberry pie Eddie made in it.

"Okay well I'll carry Scarlett if you get that." He said picking up the car seat. Eddie got her purse and the cooler and they headed out. When they got down to the front doors Emmalyn started running she was so excited.

"Emmalyn..." Eddie called out fearing she was going to leave the building without them. She stopped though and waited. Eddie put her hand out for her to grab and they got to the car.

When they got to the big house they walked right around to the back yard. They had a table set up for the food with balloons tied to it, a table for everyone to sit, and a kiddie pool set up for Emmalyn.

"Heyyy" Pop said.

"Glad you guys made it." Erin said.

"We wouldn't miss it." Jamie said

"Emmalyn you look so cute! I love your swim suit!" Nikki said getting down to talk to her. Emmalyn loved her cousin Nikki. Frank came out of the house.

"Where are those little granddaughters of mine!?" He smiled and laughed waiting for Emmalyn to run and give him a big hug like she does every time. And she did. He scooped her up and gave her a big bear hug and kiss, then he let her down. Frank made his way over to Jamie and Eddie to see the other one. Eddie was getting her out.

"Hey dad." Jamie said and Frank patted him on the shoulder like guys do to acknowledge eachother. Eddie stood up with Scarlett and showed her to Frank. He put his hands out to hold her.

"She's getting so big." Erin said.

"Is she?" Eddie asked laughing.

"Well I guess when your home everyday all day it's hard to tell but she really is." Erin said.

"Exactly." Eddie said laughing with Jamie.

Danny got there and they all sat down to eat. When they picked their heads up after saying grace Emmalyn turned to Nikki.

"Can we go in the pool now?" She asked. Jamie and Eddie didn't say anything, Nikki knew what to say to her.

"Well after we're done eating we can." Nikki said.

"2 hours." Pop said.

"What?" Nikki asked.

"You have to wait 2 hours." Pop said.

"I DON'T WANNA WAIT THAT LONG!" Emmalyn yelled before anyone could say that it was a joke.

"He's just kidding Em relax. You can play when we're all done eating." Jamie told her.

"I'm not kidding that's a rule isn't it Francis?" Pop questioned.

"I think back in the day that's what was believed but nowadays it's been proved to be a load of crock." Frank said. Pop didn't want to believe it, he sat there pondering.

"A load of crock!" Emmalyn repeated, it caught everyone off guard they couldn't help but laugh hearing it out of her mouth.

"Um you don't say that." Eddie told her giving her the mom eye with the raised eyebrows

"Sorry." Frank said to Eddie. She shook her head like it wasn't a big deal. Jamie was hiding his mouth with his hand, laughing to himself hysterically. Eddie hit him in the arm and quietly told him it wasn't funny. He tried hard to stop, but it made Eddie start to laugh too. She excused herself to make Scarlett a bottle inside.

When she came back out Pop offered to feed her so she handed her to him, happy to get a little break.

They finished up eating and then sat out and watched Emmalyn play in the pool and sprinkler with her cousins. Eddie sat in the grass with Scarlett on a blanket with Erin also. It was a beautiful day.

The boys threw a football around and of course it turned into tackle between Jamie and Danny.

"I knew he shouldn't of worn that shirt." Eddie said as Jamie got up off the ground with grass stains on his nice blue collard shirt. Erin just smiled.

"Brothers I know." Erin said as they continued to watch. Emmalyn ran over torward Jamie and Danny as they were in the middle of wrestling around in the grass.

"Daddy!" She yelled concerned.

"Emmalyn!" Nikki yelled to stop her from getting too close, she ran after her."

"Jamie watch!" Eddie yelled to make him aware he was getting a visitor. Jamie looked and saw and they broke apart. Emmalyn ignored Jamie and went after Danny trying to fight him. He went along with it and fell down and let her tackle him. Everyone laughed histarically! Jamie just crossed his arms and watched, exchanging looks with Eddie smiling.

"You can't hurt my daddy!" She yelled at Danny as she got off of him and stood there looking at him laying in the grass she was angry and it was so funny. She wound her foot up and kicked him in the stomach as hard as she could.

"Woah!" Everyone said watching.

"Oh woah hey." Jamie said and pulled her away from him.

"Jamie..." Eddie called out giving him a look to handle that and he nodded at her already on it. He bend down to Emmalyn.

"Hey we're just playing, We weren't really hurting each other okay? Can you say sorry to your uncle Danny for kicking him?" Jamie asked her. She went over and said she was sorry and Danny gave her a hug and forgave her with a smile. Everyone was still laughing at the whole thing though.

"So will Sydney still be her teacher this upcoming year or will she have a new teacher if she's in an older class?" Erin asked Eddie sitting on the blanket in the grass with Scarlett.

"No it will still be her...she has the same class for 2 years." Eddie said not too excited.

"That makes sense, what are your feelings with that?" Erin wondered observing Eddies reaction, she let out a sigh.

"You know...I think Sydney is a great teacher, she has taught Em so much..." Eddie stopped to think about what she wanted to say.

"But...?" Erin said.

"It's Jamie's ex fiancé. It sometimes feels like a parental custody battle. Mine as well be his ex wife and her kid." Eddie confessed, Erin tilted her head confused looking at Eddie.

"What do you mean?" Erin asked.

"Emmalyn was adopted, and it sometimes feels like Sydney's her mom and we have to split the custody and try to out do the other. Leaving Jamie in the middle I mean does he think Sydney's a better mom figure to her? Because Emmalyn loves her and sometimes it hurts. Makes me wonder if Sydney ever thinks she made a mistake." Eddie said.

"Eddie I've seen Jamie with Sydney, and yes they got along well and cared for each other no question, But I've also seen your relationship with Jamie from the beginning and witnessed it grow over the years. I'll tell you...I've never seen Jamie look at someone like he looks at you, or respect someone he loves so much. Sydney has no chance and anyone in this family would back me up on that." Erin told her. Eddie was happy to hear what Erin said.

"Really?" She asked smiling.

"I swear to you. There's nothing to worry about. Your the best thing that could've happened to him." She told her. Eddie smiled and they continued to watch the boys wrestle around in the yard.

Pop came out carrying a lit birthday cake and everyone started singing to Danny. He said thank you when they were done and blew the candles out. Everyone grabbed a plate and dug in. Danny's phone started ringing, he dug it out of his pocket.

"Oh c'mon it's your birthday. Take a break from the office." Frank said to him but he got up to answer it. The family just laughed shaking their heads.

"Linda?!" Danny said over the phone, turning the heads of everyone at the table. Did they hear him right? Danny was as white as a ghost , his eyes bugged out staring into space.


THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING! I didn't expect so much feedback and love, I did this just to fulfill my love for Jamko, little did I know it would be a hit! Leave your replies or pm me your thoughts on all this! I was a little skeptical about writing Linda in...I know some people want her to come back but some don't. So in order to try and please everyone I'm not going to be focusing too much on her. She'll just be at Sunday dinner, maybe babysit every once in awhile for Jamie and Eddie. I also don't think I'm going to write in cousin Joe to this story, he is however written into my other story "Born Blue" because it starts off at that episode and I think he fits better in that story, this one is way too evolved.

Also feel free to give me story plot ideas/events to take place that you would be interested in reading. I've received a few requests and have write them into the sequel already, which is very helpful and fun to try and figure out how to link it all together!

Sorry for the ramble haha.

~To all the Jamko fans out there...Much love~