Hello everyone!

I want to thank these people for their kind reviews:

monkymarzipan, ahealingrenaissance, and aaksupertrooper!

love, Ash


As we pull up to the house I am shocked. I shouldn't have called it a house because it was a mansion. The house was magnificent. It was three-stories tall, rectangular, and painted a soft, faded white. It had a deep porch that wrapped around the first story. There was more glass than there was a normal wall.

Edward parked while I was gawking at the house and came over to open my door. I blinked at him, still surprised by his gentlemanly actions. I swooned slightly on the inside as I took his hand and followed him up the porch.

My nerves were doing somersaults in my stomach. Edward gave my hand a slight squeeze in comfort and opened the door. The house was even more amazing on the inside. It was open and bright., with few internal walls, with a wide staircase to the left and a raised area with a grand piano to the right. The southern wall was almost completely made of glass. I could see a river running through on the other side of the glass.

I notice two figures standing and watching us as Edward took my coat. One I know to be Dr. Cullen and other, I assume is Esme Cullen. He retakes my hand before pulling me closer to introduce me to his parents.

"Bella, you have met Carlisle." I nodded and smiled at Dr. Cullen taking his stone, cold hand to shake it. "It's nice to see you again, Dr. Cullen."

"It's Carlisle, please Bella. I'm quite happy to see you as well." Carlisle said, smiling at me kindly.

My eyes turn to the magnificent woman to his side. "This is my mother, Esme." Edward murmured. She is beautiful. She had a heart-shaped face, dimples, caramel-colored hair, and a soft, rounded figure. Her golden eyes were shining with kindness and happiness as she spoke, "Welcome to our home, Bella. It's very nice to know you." She too reached to shake my hand. I found myself entranced by her, my thoughts soon remembering to my mother.

"I'm going to take her to see the others." Edward murmured giving my hand a slight tug. I walked with him into a living room. His siblings were all in there during a variety of activities. Emmett was playing a video game on the tv, with Rosalie sitting beside him looking at a magazine. Jasper and Alice were playing chess.

Emmett turned when we walked in and grinned, "Bella-boo you're finally here. Want to play with me?" I chuckled, amazed at how a bear of a man could be a little kid. "Maybe later, Emmy."

Rosalie beside him huffed and shot me a glare. I made a mental note to ask Edward what her problem was later.

Alice flitted across the room and surprisingly gave me a hug. "Hi, Bella! It's so good to see you again!" I remember our first introduction and I wonder how a tiny thing could have so much energy.

Jasper kept his distance, but spoke kindly. "Hello, Bella."

I smiled and murmured a hello. The next minute was all of them just looking at us either glaring (Rosalie) or grinning. I ignored the stares, my eyes finding the piano in the corner.

"Do you play?" I turned to see Emse in the doorway. I smiled politely and said, "I knew some basic songs at one point. My mother taught me some and I had lessons. But it's been so long since I played. The piano is beautiful, is it yours?"

"No," she laughed. "Edward didn't tell you of his musical talent?" I turned and pursed my lips at Edward. "No, I had no idea."
Edward smiled at me sheepishly and Esme encouraged him, "We'll go play for her!"
He took my hand and led me to sit on the bench beside him. He gave me a shy smile before he turned to the keys.

And then his fingers flowed easily across the keys. The song he played was so complex and magnificent, it was impossible to believe only one person was playing. I probably looked like a fish out of water as I watched him play. His eyes found mine, but he didn't stop. "Do you like it?"

My eyes widened. "You wrote this?"

He nodded. "It's Esme's favorite."

Wow. Why am I beside him again? I wondered to myself, feeling insignificant.

But aloud I stated, "It's absolutely amazing, Edward. You're incredibly talented." He beamed at me and at the compliment. The music slowed, transforming into something softer. It's like a lullaby. I thought to myself dreamily.

"You inspired this one, " he said softly. I stared at him with wide eyes. I couldn't speak. I don't deserve his kindness. It was probably the nicest thing someone had ever done and said to me. My voice was thick when I finally found it, "Thank you, Edward. It is the most wonderful song I have ever heard."

We sit there like that for several minutes. Just staring at each other.

"They like you, you know." He said, softly. "Especially Esme." I glanced behind me, finally remembering we had an audience, only to find the huge room now empty.

"Where did everyone go?"

"They wanted to give us some privacy, I suppose."

"Some of them like me sure, but Jasper and Rosalie…" I sighed.

Edward frowned at my words. "Don't worry about Rosalie. She's Rosalie." He shook his head as if that explained it all. "As for Jasper, he doesn't have a problem with you. He may think I'm crazy, but he kept his distance to keep you safe. He's the newest to this diet."

I did feel slightly better about this. Though I wanted a slightly better explanation for Rosalie's rude behavior. I decided it could wait. I wanted to have a nice day with Edward.

"Do you want to see the rest of the house?"

"No coffins?" I joked.

He laughed, taking by the hand and pulling me away from the piano. "No coffins." He promised.

We went up the massive staircase and as we passed he named off whose room they belonged to. Soon we are on the top floor standing outside a door. "This is my room," he said as he opened the door and pulled me through.

His room faced south, with a wall lengthened window like the room below. He had a view of the river and the mountains. It was breathtaking. Another wall was completely covered with a shelf after shelf of CDs. There was a sound system and then a black leather sofa. No bed. Right, no sleeping. I thought to myself, curiously walking over to look through his music collection.

"How do you have these organized?" I asked as I studied his collection, unable to figure out a pattern to the titles.

His voice told me he was distracted. But he seemed to come back to life and answered as he picked up the remote to turn on the sound system. "Umm… by year and then by personal preference." The music that filled the room was a soft jazz number.

I turned and sat on his sofa, patting the seat next to me in hope he would join me. He smiled and granted my request.

"I have a billion more questions," I stated the obvious.

He chuckled and nodded, "I knew you would."

"Can you tell me when you were changed? Or is that too imposing?"

He shook his head. "It's not too imposing, Bella. I just fear you may hear something that will upset you. It's not a nice story." His forehead creased at the thought. I placed my hand on him and stroked it comfortingly.

"Not this again. What you tell me will change nothing, as it didn't when I told you my past." His eyes soften at my words and he nods.

"I was born in 1901 in Chicago…" I listened as he told me about his dreams to become a soldier and how that all changed when Carlisle had saved him from a fatal illness. I was very thankful for Carlisle at that moment. "I don't really remember it very well- human memories fade. However, I was able to remember some things from Carlisle's memories. I do remember how it felt though when Carlisle saved me. It's not an easy thing, not something you forget.

"Wow," I breathed. "So you're 104." I blinked in shock.

Edward looked worried and I heard it in his voice. "Does that bother you?"

I came back to reality and shook my head to reassure him. "No, it doesn't bother me. It's just hard to wrap my head around, that's all."

Edward studied me before letting him feel relief.

"Why are you so worried about me getting freaked out?" I asked.

"Because a normal human would have run away screaming along time ago," Edward said in a teasing voice.

I rolled my eyes, ready for him to answer my next set of questions. "So, how does one change? Does Carlisle have to be the one to do it?"
Edward shifted and seemed extremely uncomfortable at my question. He hesitated before sighing and answering,

"It was difficult. Not many of us have the control it requires to stop feeding. He changed me first, and then Esme soon after. She fell from a cliff. They brought her straight to the hospital's morgue thinking she was dead. But Carlisle could hear a heartbeat. "

"Wow, so the bite changes you. Do you have do be dying?"

"No, that's just Carlisle. He would never do that to someone who had another choice."

I nodded thoughtfully. "Emmett and Rosalie?
"Carlisle brought Rosalie into the family next. It was two years later she found Emmett while hunting. He was being attacked by a bear. She carried him back to Carlisle, afraid she wouldn't be able to change him herself."

"But she made it!" I whispered amazed.

He nodded. "Yes, and they've been together ever since."

"What about Alice and Jasper?"

"Alice found Jasper wandering alone after leaving his first... coven. Alice has a gift that helped her find him and then us. After they found each other, they set out to find us. Alice had seen Carlisle and the family."

"That's amazing." I murmured fascinated. There was so much to think about.

The ride back to my house was quiet, except for Edward's questions.

"Thank you, Edward." I murmured thoughtfully as I reflected on the day.

He turned and looked at me surprised. "For what, love?"

"For sharing your family with me today. They are really nice. I had a great time."

Edward's answering smile warmed me. "They loved you, Bella. And will be pleased that you had a good time."

I was so happy at that moment. I had Edward. His family had been so kind and welcoming. (Well minus Rosalie.)

I began to wonder what our future was. He doesn't age. My worried mind whispered.

Thanks for reading!

Please leave a review.

My word document for this story is 40 pages long?!

Never in my life did I think I could write that many words. Wowwie.

I truly appreciate everyone reading this. Thanks again. 3

-love Ash