Chapter 1

I remember it all like it was yesterday. The world seemed much simpler back then. We rode together, fought together: together we saved almost several thousand lives in the name of justice and adventure. So went the life of Zorro. He was every bit the legend everyone had come to believe he was. He could out-wit anyone, and nobody could beat him in a sword duel. He still has those skills many decades after his time. But he wasn't always like this. He was quite clumsy at first. Would you like to hear the story? I thought so. I was there at the time. All parties involved have each allowed me to write it here, with the exception of one Senor Michael Moncada. But that doesn't matter. Let us begin with the most important part: the beginning. It all happened back in 2015, in a place known as the Magic Railroad. Back then, many engines from the Island of Sodor were on loan to help run the economy of that magical part of the world. But with the transport of both goods and passengers came crime and ne'er-do-wells hoping to cause trouble. Having just returned to life from being transformed into stone fifteen years prior, the Heroes Guild came back together to deal with the influx of villains.

It was these villains that Zorro had gone after one night in June of 2015. Aiding him was his best friend, Senor Super Hero(and yes, this was his real name). While he and Zorro fought for the same goals, they couldn't be more different. While Zorro was quiet, stealthy, and quiet serious, Senor Super Hero was boisterous, his manner quite clumsy, and his costume was a colorful array of reds and blacks befitting of a luchador. Despite this, they were the best of friends. Together, they had managed to track down the Moncada Gang to a mine near the mountains. It was being used for the mining of gold, which the gangsters wanted to steal. A swift punch to the face of one of the goons put an end to that discussion. A great battle erupted right then, with Senor Super Hero punching out the gangsters, while Zorro fought with his trusty sword. "I've got to say, mi amigo", said Senor Super Hero, "these gangster are getting beaten easier than ever". "Seems like the boss can't stop us from taking back the stolen gold", said Zorro. The two then kicked two gangsters down! Just then, Zorro saw two more gangsters escaping. He caught a rope and and climbed after them!

When he reached the cliff they were trying to escape to, he knocked them off with ease! Suddenly, a massive, green troll leaped down with his sword! "Ready to be crushed?", the troll asked in his gleeful, wicked way. "We shall see", said Zorro. Soon enough, the two clashed blades with one another, never being quite able to wound the other! Senor Super Hero was able to knock out one last goon before looking up. Zorro then sliced a massive Z into the troll's chest! As he cried out in pain, Zorro was able to kick him, knocking the troll from the cliff and into a deep pit below! Suddenly, Zorro threw his sword at a shape in the shadows, and gunshots rang out! Zorro fell over as the shape ran off. "NNNNNOOOOO!", cried Senor Super Hero. He grabbed onto the rope and climbed up to Zorro's side. He held Zorro's head on his lap. "Stay with me, mi amigo", said Senor Super Hero, "By Zeus's power, stay with me!" "It's too late", groaned Zorro, "He already has some of the gold dust". "He won't get away", said Senor Super Hero as he activated the emergency beacon on his belt, "Help is on the way. Just stay with me". "You..must find him", said Zorro as his voice grew weaker. "Don't worry", said Senor Super Hero, "we will find Michael". "Not son, Cortez", said Zorro, "I have hidden him from his destiny for too long". Then, with his last amount of strength, he handed Senor Super Hero his medallion. "He is to take my place", said Zorro, "Find him, and make sure he is as good a hero as my ancestors were..." With that, Zorro's eyes closed and his body fell limp, leaving Senor Super Hero to grieve alone in silence.

Three months to the day of that event, a young man awoke on a farm near the boarder of the Magic Railroad and the Indian Valley. He was instinctively strong in both mind and body, his hair was as black as the night sky, and his smile could make just about anyone fall in love with him, though he didn't quite know why. This was Cortez de La Vega, the unknowing son of Zorro. Today was when he went down to the station to collect the corn seeds for his farm. He looked at the property, noting to himself how much repairs were needed, before heading off.

The local station was just a block away. Cortez strode onto the platform just in time to greet Thomas the Tank Engine, who had been making his morning rounds, delivering cargo from one part of the land to the other. "Hello, Thomas", said Cortez. "Hello Cortez", said Thomas, "Lovely day in the country, don't you think?" "It sure is", said Cortez, "I'm here to pick up the seeds for the corn. I'm hoping to make enough to fix the barn this year". "I've got it in the back", said Thomas, "I hope the horse will like the new barn". "After last night's storm", said Cortez, "I think they'll be glad to sleep without dripping water." He looked up at his barn, taking in its patches and holes. Just then, a green engine with two tenders rolled into the station with passenger coaches. This was the world-famous Flying Scotsman. "Hello, Thomas", he said, "Hello, Cortez". "Hello, Flying Scotsman", said Thomas, "You're looking tired". "You don't say", said the Flying Scotsman, "I've been in a rush since this morning". "Why?", asked Cortez. " Someone's been setting off explosions in the yard", explained the Flying Scotsman, "My driver thought it was gremlins, but some are saying that someone is setting off bombs". "Are you sure?", asked Thomas. "Quite", said the Flying Scotsman, "Luckily, no one was hurt, though I'd hate to be late because of an explosion". Just then, the conductor blew his whistle. "That's my cue", said the Flying Scotsman, "Good-bye for now, my friends". He raced off into the distance. "Does he remind you of someone?", asked Cortez. "Only of his brother", said Thomas. "Say, how is Gordon?", asked Cortez. "He's been better", said Thomas, thinking back to Gordon's recent accident. "Well", said Cortez as he took his seed bags, "I have to get back to the farm. I'll see you tomorrow, Thomas". With that, he ran back to his home.

Later, after the sun had set, Cortez looked to the horizon from his front porch. A 1939 Ford was pulling up near his house. Cortez groaned and stood up. The neighbors had informed him about the local gang going to farm houses to collect money under the threat of arson, something that Cortez didn't stand for. "Where's the money you owe us?", asked one of the gangsters. "Sorry, I wasn't informed that I owed money to anyone", said Cortez. "Well, here's the rub", said a gangster, "Either give us the money or the place goes up in smoke". "I'm", said Cortez. Then, he hit the gangster upside the face with a broom! He then kicked another gangster out of his way and leaped into the barn just as the other two fired their guns in the barn, hitting an oil lamp that set fire to a bale of hay! Cortez threw the doors open and freed the horses, letting them stampede to freedom. But before he could escape, a gangster knocked him out with his gun! By then, the fire had spread to the fields and house! "Let's go", said one gangster, "The place is going up in flames!" "We won't leave yet", said another gangster as he held his hurt jaw, "Not without having some fun". He aimed the gun at Cortez's head, but just then, Senor Super Hero burst through the wall and punched the gangster aside! The other three fired upon him, only to find Senor Super Hero was immune to their bullets! He punched one through the wall, then slammed two of their heads against each other! The gangsters, overcome with fear, ran in terror and drove away! Senor Super Hero then picked up Cortez and ran out of the barn just as it collapsed!

Thomas looked up from his place at the station to see Senor Super Hero holding the unconscious Cortez. "I saw the fire", said Thomas, "Is Cortez OK?" "It is nothing the Heroes Guild can't handle", said Senor Super Hero, "But I'll need your help to get to the castle before his condition becomes critical". "I'll do my best", said Thomas.

Thomas sped down a line near the coast as the sandy grass danced in breeze. "Am I going the right way?", he asked. "Si", said Senor Super Hero, "We're almost there". Thomas made a left turn away from the coast and saw it. It was a massive, beautiful castle. He stopped at a nearby set of buffers and took it all in. It was a hybrid of both Arabian towers and a Spanish hacienda. The center building looked like the old California missions, only bigger, with a massive drawbridge in the center. The Arabian towers lied within the walls of the main building, each one looking different. One had a telescope, another had vines growing out of it. Watching over the castle were several gargoyle statues, and on the side of the building was a bridge that lead to a hidden station. Finally, connecting to the ocean was a large moat.

"Wow", said Thomas. "Wow is right", said Senor Super Hero as he carried Cortez, "Gracias, Thomas. I hope we can meet again soon". "But what about Cortez?", asked Thomas. "He'll be fine", said Senor Super Hero, "He's home now". Thomas watched silently as Senor Super Hero carried Cortez off to the castle.

The next morning, Cortez awoke with a loud yawn. "Buenos dias, mi amigo!", said Senor Super Hero. Cortez yelp and jolted back in his bed. "What?", asked Senor Super Hero, "Is it my breath?" He breathed into his hand and sniffed. "No", he said, "That's not it". "Who are you?", asked Cortez, "Where am I? What's going on?" "I can answer all of those", said Senor Super Hero, "I, of course, am Senor Super Hero". "Really?", asked Cortez incredulously. "Really", confirmed Senor Super Hero, "As for the where, this is your new home, the lair of the Heroes Guild. Want to see the rest of it?"

Cortez barely considered the question. Soon enough, he and Senor Super Hero were traversing the halls, looking at unique sculptures and paintings of heroes like Perseus, Robin Hood, a woman with mystic ice powers, the Scarred Knight, the Shadow, and Tintin. "The Heroes Guild has been around for quite a while", explained Senor Super Hero, "Here, we have everything from the past 10'000 years on display". "10'000 years?", asked Cortez. "Yes, ever since ancient Greece and the Collapse of the Magic Railroad, we've been finding more people who want to help", said Senor Super Hero, "I mean, hey, everyone needs a hero, especially one like your father". "Who was my father exactly?", asked Cortez. "I'm glad you asked", smiled Senor Super Hero. He lead Cortez to a massive painting of a hero in black riding on a horse. "He was Zorro, hero of the ages!", declared Senor Super Hero with grand gusto. "Whoa", said Cortez. A huge smile appeared on his face, remembering the stories of Zorro that his father told him when he was younger. "Whoa is right", said Senor Super Hero. "Hey, how come I never knew of any of this?", asked Cortez. "Being a hero is no easy task", said Senor Super Hero, "At least one villain has tried to get to Zorro on a personal level. So, in order to protect you from that life, he hid you on a farm near the Shining Time buffers". Just then, Cortez remembered something. "Oh my gods", he gasped, "the farm!" "Yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't stop the fire", said Senor Super Hero. "It's not that, though you are forgiven", said Cortez, "It's just that I have no income without my cornfields". "Well, compared to some scorched earth, the castle is a mighty fine place to live", said Senor Super Hero, "Not to mention, you're practically a millionaire now". "So, is being Zorro the right thing for me to do?", asked Cortez. "Absolutely", said Senor Super Hero, "But you will need some training". "When do we begin?", asked an excited Cortez. "When she says so", said Senor Super Hero. Cortez turned to face a young woman with red hair, a scar on her left cheek, and electric blue eyes. Cortez thought she was beautiful, though I must confess, I still have very little idea of what he saw in her. "Cortez, let me introduce our resident witch, Helena", said Senor Super Hero. "Actually, it's wicca", said Helena, "Nice to meet you..." "Cortez", said Cortez, "and the pleasure is all mine". "Well then", said Helena, "let's begin".

The three of them entered the training room, where there was an obstacle course with moving logs and dulled, spinning blades, a rack of antique weapons, and several mannequins made to look like potential enemies. At once, Senor Super Hero took two swords off the rack and tossed one to Cortez. "First", said Senor Super Hero, "you must get to know your weapon. Zorro never uses guns, because they are unreliable and dishonorable. Do you know how to use a sword?" "I have good grasp for it", said Cortez. "Bueno", said Senor Super Hero. He swung his sword, but Cortez blocked the fake attack! But then, Senor Super Hero knocked his sword out of his hands! "You must be careful", said Senor Super Hero, "If this were a real fight, that could have been the end of you". "And Zorro", said Helena. "OK", said Cortez, "OK, no pressure". "Exactly", said Senor Super Hero, "Now, let's make you a hero".

No one told Cortez that it would be easy. His training was a few successes and many failures. Despite his quick reflexes in the obstacle course, he was knocked flat by single punch during a boxing match, hit his head with a dislodged wooden board while training with the whip, and managed to do surprisingly well during dance training. "What does this have to do with being Zorro?", asked Cortez as Senor Super Hero taught him to ballroom dance. "Helps with the reflexes", said Senor Super Hero. Cortez looked to Helena skeptically. "Hey", she said, "There is some truth to this madness". "Well", said Cortez, "I think that's enough of dancing, crashing into walls, and hitting myself with wooden boards". "Si, time flies during a single paragraph",said Senor Super Hero. With that, everyone headed for bed, except for Helena, who instead mounted her horse and rode to the plains.

There, inside of seedy hacienda, a meeting of assorted thugs and gangsters was taking place. They were waiting on their boss, and passed the time playing cards or dice. "I don't like this", said one of the gangsters, "The boss isn't usually this late, Ratface". "He'll be here", said Ratface Ramon, a gangster with a gray suit and fedora, a thin, black mustache, and crooked, rat-like teeth. "What if he's not?", asked Timid Terry, a fat young man with a brown suit and long, brown hair, as he wiped sweat from his forehead. "What have we talked about you being timid, Timid?", asked Ratface Ramon as he puffed a cigar. "To not to be", said Timid Terry. "Exactly", said Ratface Ramon. Just then, the door burst open and into the office stepped a man with slicked back, graying hair, steely eyes, and a Z-shaped scar on his right cheek. This was the fearsome leader of the gangsters, Michael Moncada. "So", he said, cool fury evident in his voice, "one stinkin' kid was against the four of you and you couldn't at least kill him?" "Boss", said a gangster, "Senor Super Hero found the kid. There was nothing else we could do". Michael, without so much as a single sound, grabbed the man and tossed him out of the window! He looked out to see him wipe mud off of his suit. Michael smiled and adjusted his red tie before taking a seat behind his desk. "It's so hard to find good help these days", said Michael, "right Helena?" Almost like magic(because it was), Helena stepped out of the shadows. "You haven't the slightest idea", she said. "How'd she get in here?", asked Timid Terry in a hushed tone. "It's best not to ask", said Ratface Ramon in a similarly quiet manner. "So", said Micheal, "they found him right?" "It think it obvious", said Helena, "When he becomes Zorro, you'll regret ever cursing me". "We'll see", said Michael, "Ramon!" "Yes, boss?", saluted Ratface Ramon. "Call our contact on Sodor", said Michael, "We need to eliminate this new threat to our interests". "It shall be done, boss", smiled Ratface Ramon.