Well, here it is! First chapter/prologue of the second story. I promise that it is not exactly the same as the sneak peak ya'll got, because OF COURSE IT'S NOT! I'm simply not that type of person...lol

I am halfway through the writing process now and I originally wanted to wait until I was completely done. Eventually I came to realize that if I did not just start posting the first chapters, I would keep going back and editing them, and the rest of the story would never get finished. So I am now giving myself a hypothetical kick-in-the-ass to get a move on. At least it is all laid out, so I'm not overly worried that I will have to make changes to these chapters after I have posted them (hopefully...).

Updates will hopefully be once a week (but no more than that) until the story is completed. Then it may or may not move back up to twice a week. We'll see how it goes. Anyways, love you all and enjoy! :D


Odin sat alone in his chamber. Fingers massaging his temples as he furrowed his snowy white brow in frustrated concentration, but it was just no good. He had been trying to scry that blasted Rider for the last few weeks and he was getting nowhere. How was this insignificant human continuing to block his sight? It just shouldn't be possible! This unfortunate fact had bothered Odin right from day one. Although, if he was honest, there was nothing insignificant about the human. Neither of the humans, really.

To make matters even worse, he was unable to scry the half-elf prince either, most of the time. The Allfather just didn't know what to make of this uncomfortable situation. Ilweran and Hiccup had the potential to solidify Odin's rightful claim to power. To rally everyone behind them and conquer the evils that threatened the worlds. People of all races liked them, and were willing to follow them anywhere. Together, the two part-human Riders were a true force to be reckoned with. He was sure that they were the humans of the lost prophecy.

It had been foreseen that the ones who would bring an end to this war were approaching. The prophecy had spoken of two Riders. Both with close ties to Midgard. One of night, and one of light. A pair of polar opposite, yet perfectly matched warriors.

They were fated to restore balance to the nine worlds, and purported to possess gifts that would make them nigh unstoppable. Providing whichever side they chose with unchallenged control over the lands. The moment that Odin had seen Ilweran escorting Hiccup into headquarters, he had known that he was witnessing history in the making. They were exactly as the prophecy had claimed they would be.

Ilweran had always been the golden boy of the elven race. Half-human crown prince; gifted with all of the same physical skill and arcane power as the elves, but with the rugged looks and empathetic charm of the humans. Everything from his white blonde hair to his sunshine eyes and persona making him seem like the embodiment of beauty and light. The women of every realm had fawned over him, and the Æsir and Council members had been equally as enthralled. From the moment that Ilweran had bonded with his dragon, Odin had been sure that they had found the Rider of Light.

Now he just needed to find the darker half that would complete the fated circle. The only problem was that Loki seemed to have somehow learned of the prophecy as well, or at least parts of it. Although the entirety of it remained a mystery, it was clear that this Dark Rider would be from Midgard. Odin had made sure to close the gateway to the human realm right after receiving the vision. Limiting access to the world, but there were always ways around Bifröst if one was clever enough. Despite his other flaws, Loki had always been uncommonly clever.

It became a waiting game between Odin's soldiers and Loki's minions. Each of them anxiously preparing for when a new human would become bonded. It had finally happened, and the race was on. When Ilweran had reported that the newest Rider had been located, everyone in Asgard had breathed a sigh of relief. Relief that promptly turned to nervous uncertainty when the midnight black night fury landed in the square outside Order Headquarters.

The dragon had glared around at the waiting spectators with deeply intelligent eyes of a menacing acid green. The tall and slender man on his back dressed in all black battle armour to match his dragon. Complete with a full helmet that concealed his face. He could easily have been mistaken for a draugr, as he peered around the square as well. Bright green eyes, remarkably similar to those of his dragon, glinting through the slits in his sinister mask.

Finally, the man had pulled off his helmet. Giving a brief shake of his head, not unlike a wild dog, before running a hand through his tousled mop of auburn hair. Looking around at them all again with a crooked grin. Judging their reactions with a twist of humour as he placed the helmet into his saddlebag. Giving everyone their first real look at the ruggedly handsome face; with its high cheekbones, square jaw, and wickedly clever eyes of brilliant emerald.

The ladies had practically swooned as he leapt down from his marvellous night fury and sauntered towards the main hall beside Ilweran. Odin, however, had been uncomfortably reminded of his infamous adopted son. Loki had carried himself with the same cool arrogance. His eyes, the same devious shade of shadowed emerald. The ladies had loved Loki too. At first...

This mysterious human just seemed to command respect and attention. Even walking beside Ilweran, who had been nearly a foot taller than him at the time. He somehow still maintained an imposing presence. Likely thanks, in most part, to the aura of darkness that surrounded him. He simply radiated a dangerous sense of carefully controlled power that was hard to ignore.

That's him! That's the dark Rider, Odin had found himself thinking in stunned relief. We have found the Rider of Night! He just has to be the one. Thank the Norns that we got to him first, hopefully... What Loki and his minions wouldn't give to control this one. Hiccup and Ilweran really did appear to be the perfectly opposite pair of warriors mentioned in the prophecy. Becoming fast friends and close allies almost immediately after that day.

They were edgy, powerful, and as unstoppable a team as the Order had ever seen. They were also clever and secretive risk-takers who blatantly denied authority at every turn. Only Odin and Skuld knew the full contents of the true vision, but that didn't mean that parts of it hadn't leaked out over the years. Making others long to have the human Riders in their corner. It was disturbing to think that Odin's most dangerous and sought after resources were completely beyond his control.

Both sides of this blasted war desperately desired the Midgard Riders, and as of yet, neither of them had sworn loyalty to anyone but each other. Everyone wanted them, and they both knew it. When they had finally tracked this second human down, it had felt like a huge victory to Odin. Anyone that talented needed to be secured to their side as soon as possible. Especially before his adopted son's minions could sink their claws into him.

Upon meeting Hiccup, Odin and the Council had quickly realized that this Rider and his night fury did not just look dangerous. They were dangerous. The Dark Rider was more powerful than any they had seen before, despite being a human, and much too clever to be contained or coerced. It was worrisome that he had outright refused to be officially sworn in. Had Loki got to him first after all?..

As the first bonded night fury Rider in history, no one knew what he was capable of. Night furies, or 'dark ones', were often feared or mistrusted in nearly all of the realms. Even by other dragons. They were powerful, intelligent, and mysterious beasts that gave off a strong aura of danger and malice. Much like the Rider that this particular one had chosen, it seems. The Dark Rider was just as powerful, mysterious, and intelligent as his night fury, and no one knew where his true allegiances lie either. He had blocked their mental probes as effortlessly as he continued to block the Allfather's sight.

After hours of interrogation that went nowhere, they had eventually been forced to take Hiccup at his word and hope for the best. He was simply far too great a prize to let Loki have. Curse that infernal demon and his devious intelligence! Odin thought with an irritated sigh. Their reactions to the sight of him during those first few moments in the plaza had been enough to give up the game. Hiccup knew they wanted him desperately, and he had played them like the fools they were. Odin would have blamed Ilweran for it, except he knew that the crown prince never mentioned his status to anyone.

Everyone had been on their guard around the man for the first couple of years. Convinced that he was a viper in their nest. Simply biding his time before exposing himself as a traitorous supporter of the Trickster. That he would ultimately be revealed as the catalyst for Ragnarok. Hel bent on bringing about the destruction of everything they held dear.

That time had never come. Although he hated it, Odin had to admit that neither Hiccup, nor his dragon, had ever really done anything to call this suspicion to themselves. Carrying out every mission with the proper ethics of honourable Order members. Disposing of many of Loki's top generals without a single moment of hesitation. Would a minion of the Trickster really be willing to kill so many of his own, just to conceal his allegiance? Unlikely... The others had finally begun to relax around the Dark Rider.

Then he had shown up at the palace one day looking like a bloody elf. Although he and Ilweran now looked even more the part of the prophecy brothers, it was obvious that Hiccup had dabbled in some sort of extremely dangerous magic. Only that could have altered his appearance so drastically. Once again, everyone was on tenterhooks around the man and now those accursed swords of his. Certain that it was finally time for the traitor to reveal his true colours. Still, Hiccup had maintained the same calm and diplomatic demeanour that he had displayed since day one. Slowly regaining everyone's trust, despite the evil presence that surrounded his newly procured weapons.

Odin could feel the overwhelming press of energy radiating from those dreaded blades. Even when they were safely sheathed. Legendary weapons were always powerfully magical, but there was just something distinctly sinister about those particular ones. Although only the most ancient or powerful were able to truly feel the pull of such essence, the others were still understandably afraid of the swords.

The man's inherent brutality only serving to enhance the unsettling aura surrounding the blades. The skill with which he wielded them and their unknown enchantments not helping to ease anyone's discomfort in the slightest. They all respected Hiccup, but they remained wary of him just the same. It all culminated into a dangerous man that Odin certainly needed to keep a close watch on. Too bad he couldn't even do that.

Rising from his chair, Odin began to pace the length of the chamber in frustration. Running his hands through his long white hair and causing it to stand on end. There just had to be some way to bring that man under his influence. Ilweran had Queen Lerina's protection and was, therefore, well beyond reach. The Dark Rider, however, had to have some sort of weakness. Something that they could use to reign him in. Some way to buy or force his loyalty. They just needed to find it. If they could break Hiccup, Ilweran would likely follow.

The only problem was that, as far as anyone could tell, Hiccup did not have a weakness. He had severed his ties with his homeland. Been completely unaffected by the revelation of his mother's existence. He refused to be bought with gold, power, or women. He cared for no one, and nothing; aside from his dragon and a few chosen friends.

The only women that he had ever bedded were all inconsequential. Usually priestesses in the Temple of Freyja on either Vanaheim or Asgard. Often denying the advances of other women from these realms. Claiming that it was simply because his tastes were too singular for the average woman to satisfy. Odin had initially suspected that Hiccup only used these excuses in order to keep from forming close personal ties. Outsmarting them at every turn, it would seem.

Unfortunately, the temple ladies and healers had been quick to confirm that Hiccup was indeed a twisted sicko with a taste for erotic violence. This fit with the shadowy image Odin was already coming to accept as reality. Not that it mattered, really. A hired assassin only needed to be good at their art, and loyal enough to their employer. They were rarely ever 'nice' or 'good' people. Ilweran being one of the rare exceptions.

Knowing that Hiccup was honestly just a sexually deviant monster with dark fetishes did ease some of Odin's fear of deceit. It also destroyed his last hopes of reigning in the dangerous man. They had absolutely no hold over the callous bastard. A man that had quickly become known throughout the realms as the 'Dark Rider'. Even by those that had never even heard of the prophecy. The title just seemed to fit him, and he accepted and owned it. Wearing it like a badge of honour.

Using his sharp wit and dry humour, he befriended everyone. While at the same time, getting close to none of them. Those rare few that Hiccup had allowed within his circle, were not ones that Odin stood any chance of asserting power over. Queen Lerina, Prince Ilweran, and Princess Ilmara of course. All untouchable royals. Then there was Golwen, the Order's Head of the Arcane Arts. She was much too powerful. Lastly, Odin's own wayward son, Thor, had befriended the Dark Rider. Of course he had, as fate was always a horribly cruel mistress...

Still, Thor was adamant that Hiccup was a good man around those that he trusted most. Perfectly friendly in fact. Thor had even gone so far as to call him 'generous' and 'loyal'. Either Thor had been hopelessly fooled by an elaborate and ongoing illusion, or he was telling the truth. The latter seeming more likely, if Odin was honest. However, that only served to prove that the monstrous man was capable of honest friendship and basic empathy, at the very least. Not that this knowledge helped in the slightest.

Hiccup simply refused to build relationships with anyone that did not already possess substantial status and sway within the realms. At first glance, it could be taken for arrogance. As if he did not see those of lower status as worthy of his time. This did not really ring true to Odin. It was more likely that Hiccup was just being his irritatingly clever self. Any mercenary assassin worth his salt would be sure to know what a weakness personal feelings of any sort could be. It was absolutely maddening!

Just then, a knock sounded on the door of his quarters. Grumbling at the interruption, he bid the person enter. This had better be important, he thought angrily. He was not in the mood for trivial issues right now. The Riders had been on Midgard for two whole moons and he had yet to receive a single report. He only stopped his pacing when Elder Noldo pushed through the door. Looking up into the elf's delicately handsome and slightly haughty features, Odin waved an impatient hand in the air. Plainly gesturing for the elf to get on with it already, and then get out.

"We have had a visit from young Aldanil. A new Rider has been bonded and they have already located them. Apparently, he and Ilweran will present the new bonded one to the Council once their mission on Midgard is complete." The ancient elf spoke with no formalities, as if he was simply passing on interesting information.

In a way, Odin understood the old Rider's attitude even if he didn't like it. The head of the Order was never deliberately rude to the Allfather, but he did not treat him with any particular respect either. Instead he preferred to act as if Odin was of no more importance than any other non-Rider. As an ancient, and one of those first bonded pairs to ride out into the worlds, Elder Noldo did not have much patience for formality.

Anyways, Light or Dark, the elves simply refused to accept any authority figure beyond their own Queen. Except for their silly little festivals to honour Yggdrasil, as if they thought the tree was actually a true goddess with real power... Superstitious fools. Fortunately, they were loyal enough to the Æsir and served their purpose well in the ranks of Riders. Elves being some of the most skilled warriors and assassins in all the realms. Their general lack of empathy meaning that they were not burdened by such bothersome feelings as remorse and shame.

Still, their customs were odd at best, Odin mused. They were like animals! Choosing to cling to the wild ways of the nature spirits that they had once been, instead of becoming civilized creatures like the Vanir. They had very few class distinctions in their social structure and held crazy, drunken festivals every other month that no other races were allowed to attend. Never mind the strange name they always used for Hiccup, as if he was someone special.

Suddenly Noldo's words registered in his distracted mind. There was a new bonded rider from Midgard? There had never been two bonded human riders in the same age before, never mind three; and so close together! He had been sure that there were only two of them currently because of the prophecy, but now... The Allfather felt an uncomfortable chill run through him. Something was happening here that he did not understand. Something far beyond a powerful Dark Rider that was able to block his sight.

Seeming to sense his unease, Noldo continued, "Aldanil has assured me that they have only been training the new bonded one to communicate and fly with her dragon. He wanted to be clear that he and Ilweran are leaving her instruction in the ways of the arcane in the hands of the Order. I am quite sure that he knows how little you trust him..." the ancient elf trailed off with a smirk.

Odin grumbled at the snide comment, but the Elder's words did give him pause for a moment. The new bonded rider was a woman from Midgard? This might be just the thing he had been looking for. Humans did tend to stick together and form stronger emotional bonds than the other races. If they could get the woman, they could likely use her to lure in the other two without a fight. Men of every race were often swayed by helpless damsels, after all. Hiccup may seem like a monster, but Odin just couldn't shake the faint hope that deep, deep down, he was really just a man.

Allowing a small smile to form at these thoughts, he turned to face the elf. "I would like to meet this Rider immediately after she has been judged by the council. We need to make sure she swears the oath, no matter what. Do not fail me again, Noldo, or I may just find another to lead the Order in your stead. I will not have one more bonded Rider from Midgard that is outside of our control. You know of the prophecy Noldo. You know as well as I that it is simply too dangerous to leave loose ends when the stakes are this high. Am I understood?"

The elf seemed to bristle for a moment at these words, as the amused expression disappeared from his perfectly sculpted face. Elves did not respond well to direct orders from anyone, nor did they truly accept Odin's claim of authority over the ranks of the Riders. He also probably took offence to the fact that Odin had basically called the crown prince a 'loose end'. After a deep breath however, Noldo relaxed his stance again and tilted his head in a slightly mocking bow. His shapely lips twisting into a bastardized version of a polite smile as a spark of bitterness shone in his rich brown eyes.

"As you wish Allfather. I will do what I can. Unfortunately, these bonded Riders from Midgard do seem to be a tad more wily than you had given them credit for. It is a shame really. To be played the fool by ones who are so clearly inferior. Bested time and again by this 'lesser' race. It must drive you mad! At least, that would be the assumption if one was to judge your sanity by the state of your hair..." With that he turned on his heel and left the room before Odin could form an angry retort. Noldo's deep emerald cloak billowing out behind him.

Odin felt his face twist into an irritated scowl as he angrily attempted to smooth the fly-away pieces of his now unruly mane. Curse those disrespectful elves straight to Niflheim. He would feed them all to Nidhogg if he could! Still, the elf really did have a point. The Midgard Riders had so far proven to be much more skilled at recognizing and pressing their advantage than he had ever dreamed possible. Probably why nobody trusts the humans, he thought with a huff. They are far too unpredictable.

Returning to his chair, Odin decided to see if his vision was blocked from this new Rider as well. If they had already located her, it meant she was probably with them right now. Which also meant that he likely wouldn't be able to see her either. Placing his fingertips against his aching temples, he peered down into the stubbornly black surface of the scrying mirror and cursed the humans.


In her grove, Cuithanna smiled as she stretched her arms toward the life giving star that was her mother. It always amused her to watch The Terrible One struggle. These past ten years had been exceptionally uncomfortable for the man that professed himself a god. Her sister had been incredibly wise to give the rider that seal of protection to wear. Although this was not really surprising, as she was the Goddess of Fate and Future after all. Thankfully, Hiccup had continued to wear it at all times since leaving her sister's cloaking presence.

Although by now he was likely strong enough to shield himself and the others on his own. He knew what the Allfather was and did not trust him. Cuithanna was so proud of her precious Melindo. He had come so far in such a short time, not even a blink of an eye to her. He was honestly powerful enough to complete his true mission already, and was now just waiting for the time to come when he no longer had to hide himself. Providing everything went smoothly with the new bonded one's introduction, it would soon be time to set their plans into motion.

She laughed as she watched The Terrible One take to his scrying mirror once again. It was a pointless gesture. He would not see a thing. She had felt his uncertainty as he had sensed that the balance of power was shifting. Although if he had not been so busy pretending to rule, he would have noticed it before now. All the signs were there, if he had bothered to look beyond his own arrogance that is.

How dare he assume to hold dominion over all the realms? Spreading his lies that he and his brothers created the cosmos. She was the whole reason that the insolent man had any power at all! Who had given him his magic? Her! Such a man deserved to be brought down by his own adopted son. A child that he had turned against as soon as it no longer served his image. Such callous behaviour was often the downfall of every great leader. The weight of betrayal was a heavy burden to cast off, after all.

Not that Loki was much better now, really. The once loyal son with a devious streak had now been twisted and warped by hate. Becoming a truly formidable enemy to all life. His and Odin's mutual hubris, meddling, and power hungry hypocrisy spawning the worst monsters yet. Along with a war that would decide the fate of the cosmos, and all the creatures that dwelled within the nine realms. The only hope of a victory for either side apparently resting within a prophecy that spoke of two Riders.

According to lore, there was to be one of goodness and light, and one of darkness and night. Although such interpretations were rarely entirely accurate. Odin and Loki were both so sure that controlling these two Riders would be their salvation. An assurance of victory. Unfortunately, the future was a tricky thing to dabble in. Cuithanna knew the truth of the prophecy. Just as she knew that both of the Riders that Odin thought he possessed, were in fact, hers. They always had been, and they would serve as she directed.

One of them even bore her mark already. The immensely powerful Dark Rider had been her lover and loyal soldier for years now. The other Rider would receive their mark soon enough. Despite her distaste for both Odin and Loki, she was willing to use her soldiers in whatever way best served to protect the future of all of her children within every realm. Hiccup already knew of this and had accepted his role without question. Ready to do whatever his goddess required of him, he was now simply biding his time until the moment she called.

Regardless of who 'his' Riders really answered to, Odin was certainly right to feel threatened by them. As should anyone with half a brain, really. Light was often foolishly taken to represent innocence, but darkness was where the shadow monsters were known to dwell. Her Melindo was a very dangerous man. The one that she had been waiting an eternity for. One not only worthy of her gifts, but finally able to handle the unmatched powers that he would acquire through them. Able to guide the other Rider as they reached their true potential as well.

She longed to be near him again, but it was simply not to be. She was only able to take on her corporeal form at specific times of the year. The festivals on Alfheim were never too far apart, but she had not been with him since Beltane. Unfortunately, he had been absent from Litha. He and Ilweran having been busy in Midgard during the summer solstice. Not that the humans really celebrated every festival in the ways that the elves did.

They would not arrived back in Alfheim until after the bread harvest of Lughnassadh. Likely skipping both celebrations entirely, Hiccup would simply send his love to her from afar. Of course, she would see him at Mabon. That was still almost two whole moons away though, and it was only for the one day. At least they would get even more time together at Samhain.

As the lines blurred between the worlds of the living and the spirit realms, her form was permitted to linger. Still, that festival was even farther away. She was able to visit him during his other meditations or his waking dreams, but it was not the same. No amount of mental focus could convey the true warmth of his touch to her skin. Besides, he would need the other woman now if he was to stay anchored to the light.

After all, the Dark Rider had always carried an added burden that the Light one would never know. Although he fought against it, the staining on his soul would always try to pull him under. The power of the seal he bore unfortunately provided that darkness with an easier way in. It was a battle that he should not have to wage on his own any longer. Not now that Astrid was finally bonded.

Cuithanna would just have to accept that she could not keep him to herself anymore. The women in the temples did not count in her mind. He had never cared for any of them. It was only for appearance purposes anyways. An elaborate ruse created to protect the ones that he truly cared for. This woman was different. This one, he would do anything for. Would be anything for.

Astrid owned him, heart and soul. She always had. She was his perfect match, and his missing piece. Cuithanna had known that it would happen right from the beginning, but it still saddened her. Apparently she would need to do something to help prevent this young woman from swearing loyalty to the Allfather. It was too dangerous for Odin to have his hands on either one of the Riders. If he got the woman, it would give him power over both.

His words and the intent behind them had bothered her greatly. She could feel it in her very roots that The Terrible One would resort to any means to control Hiccup and Ilweran. Convincing himself that he was only doing it for the safety of the realms, instead of to save his own skin. Knowing full well that the clever Dark Rider would not give up his freedom without a fight. Odin was no fool. He also knew that the Dark Rider preferred to use his skills in cunning deception to win where possible. Because of this, Odin would likely be preparing for any number of possible tricks on Hiccup's part.

Hiccup and Ilweran would just have to be smarter. Not that the Allfather really stood a chance against Hiccup, but the heart could pose a dangerous distraction to even the strongest of soldiers. Still, the elves were wonderfully devious creatures of magic. The new Rider being just as clever and quick on her feet as the other two. Surely, between the three of them, they would be able to come up with something. The alternative was just too ghastly to consider.

If Odin was to threaten Astrid, or if she was to come to great harm, Cuithanna feared what may happen to her Melindo. He had a good heart, but he also had such a darkness in his soul. Both were necessary aspects when it came to harnessing his powers. Too much pain may cause the precarious balance to swing out of his favour though. It was not a risk Cuithanna was willing to take. He was too powerful, too important, and far too dangerous.

She was sure that Hiccup was already preparing himself for some sort of confrontation. He knew what Odin was and what Odin wanted. Cuithanna was certain that, if left to himself, Hiccup could and would keep Astrid safe, but at what cost? There was little that he would not do for that woman. Even going so far as to declare war on the Æsir, if it was the only way to keep Astrid from becoming a sacrificial lamb in this twisted game of power. Unfortunately, that would not turn out well for anyone.

Perhaps a visit to Lerina was in order...Cuithanna thought with dawning clarity. Her son was in the perfect position to negotiate with the Order. The Council was understandably leery of making deals with the potentially volatile and mysterious Dark Rider. However, they were unlikely to directly reject the half-elf prince without a very good reason. Smiling softly, she planned out her words to the Queen carefully.

She was still uncertain what side the elves would choose when the time came, but it would most likely be hers. They always did care more for nature than for any of the other races, and they had no sense of loyalty for the Æsir. The elves chose their own path, rather than following orders. They always had. Continually defending the sanctity of life since the dawn of time, despite the petty and ridiculous power struggles going on around them.

They were also the only race that still recognized and honoured her as the true mother of creation. Not buying into the self-gratifying beliefs of the other realms. Still, she could not risk giving too much away too soon. Not until every piece was aligned. Allowing her mind to wander as she watched the four beautiful deer forage in the glade, she felt a sense of comfort begin to fill her. Everything was finally falling perfectly into place...


A little of Odin's perspective, a little of Cuithanna's. Seems everybody has a shoe in this dance...

The first book was honestly relatively tame. As with most good stories, our world evolves with our characters. Getting darker, grittier, dirtier, and much more real. My characters are not childish cartoons after all. Honestly, would you really want them to be perfect? Especially when most of us are pretty f*cked up... ;P

The only thing I can promise is that there will be much more mythology in this one. Real mythology, not Marvel (though I will likely still steal some things from them, such as character appearances). Anyways, hope you liked it.