hiya, ppl and welcome back to another chapter of toni uzumaki stark and i'm sorry for the misspellings in my other chapter's. anywho let's start this puppy up

DISCLAIMER - i do not own the X-men or any of the marvel characters

(bayville mall 8-24-13)

toni and jazz was enjoying the day as they shopped for some clothes to wear for their first time going out to the club.

"so what do you think of this one?" jazz asked as she modeled the outfit she picked out

"hmmmm it fits you really good. i like the mini-skirt but the top isn't working" toni said as she went into the dressing room to try on her outfit

"ok so just try another shirt but keep the skirt? got it" jazz said as she tried on another shirt she had picked out

"oh man. hey jazz what do you think of this outfit?" toni asked as she walked out

toni modeled her outfit in front of jazz. her outfit consists of a red halter tube top and a denim jean mini-skirt with black leggings underneath

"cripes, toni i am so jealous of your curves and boobs" jazz said as she checked out toni's hot body in jealousy and envy

"oh hush jazz these thing's are more trouble then you know" toni playfully rolled her eyes at jazz

-- line break --

back at the institute Xavier was discussing toni's power with Ororo as it turned out one of toni's power had fully manifested after a little accident had happened in the bathroom first thing that morning

-- mini flash back --

it was 7 am in the morning as toni woke up early as usual to get the shower first.kurt woke up to use the rest room but was still a little sleepy so he did not hear the shower was on till he hear toni singing in the shower.

kurt turned around and in he's shock he accidentally knocked over toni's hair dryer which spooked toni into opening the shower curtain

"what in the...KURT! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE" toni yelled as she quickly used her hands to try and cover herself

"i..i..i'm...s..s.sor..sorry!" kurt yelped as a loaffa hit him the faceafer toni threw her loaffa at kurt she had made a portal appear underneath her feet that allowed her to fall through the floor and ended up in the laundryroom.

-- end of mini flash back --

"so what your saying is toni's power allow's her make a portal that she can go through and come out the other side?" Ororo asked in slight surprise

"yes that seems to be one of her powers the other's haven't manifested themselves yet" Xavier explained as he was think on how to train toni in using her gift safely

scott, jean and kurt sat on the couch while Xavier and Ororo were trying to discuss their plans on how to help the teens how to use their gift's

"i hope toni won't be to mad at me. i didn't mean to walk in on her while she was using the shower" kurt felt ashamed as he thought he was the cause for what happened that morning

"it's not your fault kurt it was only an accident. and i know toni won't stay mad at you. now jean on the other hand" scott said as he looked over at jean

"oh come on, scott toni didn't have to kick duncan that hard" jean said in an upset tone of voice as she replayed why she and toni were arguing about

--mini flashback--

"jean i told you and i even showed you that scott and duncan were both at fault" toni spoke in an upset tone

"but that didn't give you the right to kick him so hard" jean argued back at toni

"so i kick him, so what he's a jock he probably take's shots to the head alot besides did you not see from the video evidence that if i had not kicked him he would've knocked scott's glasses off" toni raised her voice at jean as she crossed her arms over her chest

"thats besides the point toni. you could've hurt duncan with how hard you kick" jean argued as she placed her hands on her hips

"so your saying it's my fault is that it!" toni yelled as she glared at jean in anger

"toni i'm not saying that" jean tried to calm toni down

"fine! next time i won't save your dumb boy toy's stupid ass from scott!" toni yelled as she ran up to her room and slammed the door hard

"well that turned ugly" scott spoke up as he and kurt showed up in the living room after scott gave kurt a tour of the institute

"did something happen between them?" kurt quietly asked scott

"i'll explain it to you later 'kay kurt rightnow we just needa stay clear of the girls" scott told kurt who nodded in agreement

-- end of mini flash back --

as much as toni and jean considered each other as sister's they had their fair share of disagreements and arguments. toni would ignore or out right avoid jean. while jean would try and apologize to toni for the argument they had but only to be ignored till toni calmed down enough to speak with jean and mend their sisterly relationship.

toni came back to the institute after 2 pm and told the professor she wanted to train in the use of her portal powers which xavier allowed her to on the condition that Ororo watch over her as she trains which toni agreed to.

"ok toni, since you just manifested your gift we'll start things out slow. ok?" Ororo asked as she stood in the control room

"got it Ororo. let's get this show on the road shall we" toni spoke in excitement and glee at using her new powers

as toni stood waiting for the obstacles to pop up. a lazer gun fired off a single shot at toni as she focused on creating a portal in front of her. the lazer blast entered the portal as toni focused on making another portal facing the lazer gun. the same lazer blast existed the portal and shot the gun destroying the gun.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" toni exclaimed in shock and surprise

"toni mind your language young lady" Ororo spoke in a disappointed tone at toni's use of foul language

"sorry Ororo" toni sheepishly said

"hmmm so toni can also use her portal's for offensive as well as defensive proposes it seems" Xavier spoke as he entered with the other three teens following behind him

"it looks that way charles" Ororo said as she watched toni dancing in happiness at how she took out the lazer gun

-- line break --

it was around 9 pm at night when toni had athena to bring down the security systems to allow her to slip out of the mansion.

toni didn't feel like using her portal power while leaving the mansion as she thought jean and the professor would sense her leaving the institute after curfew was in place. she had no idea that the professor had already sensed her thoughts but didn't say or do anything and will confront her the next day

once toni met up with jazz the two girl's hailed a cab to drive them to the club

"an 'ere we are girlies. that will $15.50's for the ride" the cab driver said as he pulled up in front of the club

"oh wow, this place is so cool" jazz said as she got out of the cab

"yeah, yeah jazz if you say so. and here's a 20 for ya and thank's for the ride" toni paid the guy as she got out of the cab

after the cab drove off both toni and jazz stood in front of the club looking at it in excitement as they walked up to the entrance of the club

"i.d.'s ladies" the bouncer spoke as he held out he's hand

"oh yeah, sure thing big guy" toni said as she and jazz gave him two fake i.d.'s that toni forged

"hmmm these don't look real Miss. Smith and Miss. O'Hara?" the bouncer questioned

"oh pish posh my dear sir they are real" toni said as she handed the bouncer two hundred bucks

as the bouncer saw toni slip two hundred bucks into his hand he smirked and nodded at toni

"well ladies your right about these i.d.'s they are real. sorry for the hold up's. but we gotta keep the riff raffs out if you catch my drift. now you two please enjoy your evening at club wham" the bouncer allowed toni and jazz entry

as toni and jazz walked into the club where they heard the loud music and saw lot's of people dancing and having a good time

"well jazzy shall we go and enjoy our first ever clubbin' experience while we still can" toni asked as she hooked her arm with jazz's arm

"hell yeah! we should most definitely enjoy our night out clubbin'" jazz said as she hugged toni's arm

both toni and jazz walked up to the bar to get a drink and once a the dj played a new song both toni and jazz went to the dance floor and started to dance with each other till some guy's joined in

"so what two cuties like yourselves doing here all by yourselves?" asked random guy #1

"oh we just needed the night to our selves so we thought we'd go clubbin' for a little while" toni spoke as she danced with the guy who said he's name was mike

"oh really? while me and mike just came to cut loose from a hard day at work" spoke johnny as he danced with jazz

"oh really and where do you two work at if you don't mind me asking?" jazz asked as she was dancing to the beat of the music

"we work with a group called S.H.I.E.LD. and today was not our day as we had to handle so top secret stuff" mike said

toni's facial expression told jazz that something was wrong or bothering her so being the best friend she made an excuse for roni and herself to go talk in private

"do guy's mind if toni and i go to the rest room i need to ummm check my make up" jazz lamely said

"oh right, i do have to use the rest room i seemed have drank to much liquid" toni said as she and jazz walked off the dance floor

once in the women's restroom jazz turned to toni

"ok, toni spill it. what's up with you?" jazz asked in concern

"those guy's work for S.H.I.E.L.D. and you know what that means don't you?" toni asked as she looked at jazz

"wait a sec. you mean that they might also work for the avengers" jazz gasped out as toni nodded her head

"we need to leave right now. as much fun we were having i don't want them telling you know who about me" toni said as she looked uneasy

"yeah, yeah good idea we should go now like right now" jazz said

both toni and jazz carefully walked to the restroom and made their way to the exit. once outside the walked down the street and made they weren't being followed.

but luck wasn't on their side as a group of guy's grabbed both toni and jazz and brought them into the alley

"ok yous two girlies are gonna give us all yous moneys or else me and me boys are gonna mess yous up" spoke the leader of the group

"FUCK YOU! YOU FUCKING ASS CLOWN!" toni yelled as she kicked the leader in the groin and back handed the guy holding jazz

"THE FUCK! QUICK GET HER" one guy yelled as the other's charged the two girls

jazz punched one guy in the face as hard as she could then she ducked a sloppy punch aimed for her head and she sweeped the guy's legs out from under him then she kicked him in the face knocking him out

toni was facing the last two guy's when suddenly outta the corner of her eye she saw jazz was surrounded by floating trash cans toni quickly ducked out of the way just as jazz's power unleashed itself and taking the rest of the guy's out

"jazz...did..you...did..you just?" toni asked in awe and surprise

jazz looked at toni with wide frightened eyes as she just saw what happened and was scared out of her mind.

toni slowly walked over to jazz. while jazz slowly took some steps back.

"toni..i...i...don't come any closer...toni...please..s..s..st..sta..stay..back" jazz said as she was back up into the wall

"ssshhh it's ok jazz...everything is...gonna be ok just calm down and listen to me" toni sofly spoke as she slowly inched closer to jazz

"h..h..how...can..you..be.s..s..so..sure! did you not see what i did or what i am now!i'm a freak! one of those mutant things!" jazz yelled at toni in a mixture of fear and aggression

"jazz please just listen to me. everything is going to be ok. i promise you" toni said as she pulled her best friend into a hug as jazz held onto toni tightly

"what am i gonna do toni if my mom finds out i'm a mutant i don't know what i'll do" jazz cried into toni's shoulder

"hey,hey jazz your mom loves you to death there is no way she'll fear you just cause your different. i mean i'm like you also" toni revealed her status as a mutant

"you mean, your also a mutant?" jazz looked up to her friend hoping she was telling the truth

"yeah jazzie. i am a mutant. here look at this" toni made a portal in front of her that lead to the Xavier institute

"come on jazz you can stay the night with me. then we can go talk to your mom together ok?" toni asked as she held out her hand towards jazz

jazz just looked at the portal then looked at toni who had her hand out for her grab onto. just as jazz took hold of toni's hand toni lead her through the portal after entering the portal both girls suddenly exited the other side of the portal and in to toni's bedroom.

"now since it's late let's get you a change of clothes that you can borrow" toni said as she grabbed her night wear and got an extra pair for jazz

"can...can...i sleep with you...i..i..mean i'm just scared that you know" jazz said as she changed into the night wear toni lent her

"yeah sure no prob jazz. now let's hit the hay" toni said with a smile as she crawled into her bed

"ok" jazz said as she to crawled into toni's bed

as both girl's slowly drifted off to bed little did they know that Professor Xavier was up and had over heard toni's thought and found out about her friend having awakened her gift and was truly afraid of her mother not wanting her around just cause she had the X-gene and has powers. Xavier was proud of toni in trying to help and reassure her friend that everything will be fine.

-- END --

yay! a new chapter is up and what a surprise! toni finds out her BFF also has the x-gene and has powers of her own. now with a new member to the team what other surprises await them. find next chapter.