Between them there was no need for "thank you" or "sorry". Too many things together, many feelings that did not stop overflowing between the two. For Lan WangJi one thing was certain, nothing would take him away from Wei WuXian. It would be his, after all Lan Zhan's heart only belonged to him. He could only imagine being by his side. With those thoughts hanging around in his head, Wei Ying called out to him. He could hardly tell when he lifted his chin and placed a kiss on his lips. From the view of a spectator, one could say that the kiss was almost chaste but not for Lan WangJi ...

Wei WuXian started teasing him, asking how he was. He couldn't be serious, he waited decades to hold him in her arms and be able to shower him with kisses. Now Wei Ying reciprocated and even acted on his own!

He tried to maintain the composure and self-control that he cultivated for so many years in his sect. However, Wei WuXian's chatter continued and every word that came out of her mouth… would make him swallow. Before he could finish the sentence, he grabbed his neck tightly and kissed him. The position was awkward, he being on the donkey but still Wei Ying kept smiling between his kisses. This only further fueled the passion he felt. In a swift motion, he pulled him out of the saddle and in the blink of an eye they were lying on the ground smooching kisses. For his part, Little Apple continued on his way, understanding that it was the third wheel.

Lan Zhan felt himself soaring through the heavens as he felt Wei Ying's lips on his. He did not want to stop inserting his tongue into the other's cavity, entirely appropriating himself, leaving nothing unmarked. However, feeling that his partner's hand was resting on his shoulders as if wanting to separate, he had no choice but to do so.

-Wait, wait!

He was stunned to see Wei Ying looking like he was calculating something by the expression on his face. A certain doubt seemed to be looming, but he spoke. He did not expect the following to come out of his mouth: "The hunt on Baifeng Mountain. That time I covered my eyes… Lan Zhan, was it you? "

This was not happening. The mind of the correct Lan WangJi, the mighty HanGuang-Jun went blank. Yes, it was me. As if he could say that without dying of shame! That outburst was perhaps one of his most cherished memories. He had been wrong, of course he had, but he never felt more alive having his Wei Ying in his arms, not the much-feared Patriarch Yiling. More than a decade had passed since that moment when Lan WangJi consciously let himself be carried away by the pleasures of meat, an almost embarrassing need to possess the young man who played WangXian. as if he were literally luring the Second Lan Jade into the most delicious trap. He was lost in thought again, but the lack of response and reaction his body gave was enough reason for Wei WuXian to get up and for some reason put his ear to his chest. He didn't know why, but a sense of déjá vu flooded him for a moment.

Wei Ying's disbelief at the perhaps most "aberrant" act that Lan Zhan did in his life, which questioned all the directives of his sect and even more, put him in an extremely uncomfortable position by hiding it from Wei Ying, it came to light. Apologies between them were no longer necessary but deep down he wanted to do it, not for the act itself, since it was more than clear that he enjoyed kissing him but the way had not been correct. Maybe.

Lan Zhan's heart however, was unprepared for when Wei Ying confessed that this had been his first kiss.

Was he bothering him again? How had someone as shameless as Wei WuXian ever kissed someone? Furthermore, they were twenty years old at the time and Patriarch Yiling and all but he was still the world's fourth most handsome cultivator of cultivation's world. A feeling of disbelief invaded Lan Zhan and it was compounded by perfectly remembering how the young man below him told him that he had a lot of experience. And that mere thought made him twist his jaw and clench his teeth. Now he wanted answers, he deserved them. But the words didn't come out easily, which Wei Ying instantly noticed. Deliberately, he dropped a weight he had held for years. It was common sense that if one person assaulted another, the victim would offer resistance. It was not the case of Wei WuXian who in a few moments allowed his perpetrator's mouth to enter his and do what he wants. Lan Zhan didn't know that kiss had left the awful Patriarch Yiling trembling on the brink of collapse. But already Wei Ying would have time to say it, now he was only delighted with the great revelation.

"Why didn't you resist ... and then why did you tell me ...?"

Perhaps to Wei Ying these things seemed insignificant. He would like to believe no, but the fact that he remembered himself from that moment after so long gave him hope that he was something precious like him. Hey, snatch or not, that was Lan WangJi's first kiss.

Wei WuXian's laughter flooded the forest. Almost spinning on the floor, hands on his belly, the boy seemed to be having a great time. In a few seconds he regained his composure to approach his partner who seemed to be pouting despite his stoic expression. Another kiss and the laughter followed. Silly stuff. Just bullshit. A sense of relief adorned Lan Zhan's heart. He did not want to imagine other people close to Wei Ying, much less maintaining physical contact with him. Inadmissible. However that calm that was born was replaced with the loss of patience. In spite of everything, Wei Ying had not stopped laughing and he couldn't think of a better way than to silence him with a kiss.

Words perhaps were not even noticed when they rolled until they were behind some bushes. Hidden. Just the two of them. Nothing else.

Between the kisses that seemed not to end, the hands of both did not hesitate to lash out against their clothing. Realizing that his chest was bare and Wei WuXian's fingers brushed delicately, he felt the erection in his trousers shudder even more. As if that were not enough, he did not want to be left behind. He stroked Wei Ying's neck, sometimes forcefully and other times tenderly. The kissing session had left Wei Ying's hair untied, his ponytail down but most importantly, a blush on his cheeks that only made him look more than appealing. Luckily for Lan Zhan, he was not the only one who thought that way about the other.

When he could see it, Wei Ying was almost on his knees. Observing a certain area that required a lot of attention. Lan WangJi looked at him for a moment and wanting to try to make a move, Wei Ying stopped him.

"Do not move"

The kisses that followed afterwards were like a balm: sweet and full of love. It seemed that Wei WuXian wanted to hint at how much he liked Lan WangJi's body, and the latter could not help but feel a mixture of happiness and excitement at being reciprocated in such a way by his loved one.

Everything was fine, until he felt like Wei Ying in the middle of those caresses, he slowly lowered his pants. The uneven hair subtly brushed his thighs and his breath reached that particular area. A dirty thought crossed his head when he saw the position in which Wei Ying was, he almost did not hesitate and when he wanted to reach his shoulder to stop, his wrist was caught. Again, as an order, he told him not to move. That he left everything to him.

At those words, Lan Zhan swallowed hard. When he settled his hair again, he tried again to stop him from continuing. This very intimate form between the two should not occur here. They could go to an inn, go directly to bed and defenestrate each other as if there was no tomorrow. But here, when the rain had barely ended, the two of them exhausted by everything that had happened in the temple… maybe they were going very fast. Or not.

-Yes- Wei Ying whispered.

And at that moment, he felt the world stop. He clenched his fists to contain himself, presuming that if he did stronger they would end up bleeding. But what did it matter. Despite his denial at first, having Wei Ying's mouth there, taking everything he could and adjusting to his length, had him in awe. However, he did not want to let himself be carried away by his own lust, to the smallest display of discomfort he wanted to stop. They had all the time in the world but also feared that Wei Ying was only doing it forcibly. All those thoughts were thrown into the very underworld itself when he felt the suction from Wei WuXian's mouth. He couldn't say more, just gritted his teeth before a drowned "You" escaped between his lips.

The minutes that followed did not know how to catalog them. The greatest torture or blessing bestowed on a tray by the gods. The warmth of Wei Ying's mouth, which now contained his member, could not be compared to anything. At times, a very concentrate Wei Wuxian would withdraw his mouth to run his tongue from head to trunk. Butterfly kisses were also deposited around while at the same time he used his hand to lewdly touch him. It occurred to him to recite the rules of his sect to calm the myriad of impure thoughts that were forming in his head. This whole situation seemed to be taken from the odd erotic book he read in his youth. Oh yeah.

That first time he reached orgasm with Wei Ying in mind was after he had turned to reading those short-sleeved books he got after his departure from Gusu. That seemed so far away and at the same time not, since Wei Ying was between his legs sucking and licking everything he could afford. At any moment he felt he would let go, the pleasure was beyond him. The situation in itself went beyond what he could have dreamed and imagined. A tickle went through his back as he felt Wei Ying's head go down and up faster. He couldn't help but close his eyes and finally touch the sky. It completely poured into his mouth ... Lan Zhan recalculated back before that thought clicked into his mind ... It had just came in Wei Ying's mouth!

How uncomfortable, what little lack of chivalry on his part. It is not as if he knew, but the semen should not be a pleasant thing to swallow. Completely uninhibited, he snapped. Spit it out. Quick. Spit it out.

A few moments later, Wei Ying only opened his mouth and smiling said that he had swallowed it. Everything.

He already felt his erection rise again from just having seen and heard that. But now that their feelings were clear, this would become daily between them. Kisses, caresses. Privacy. As spouses, as cultivation partners. Although they still lacked their third bow.

Surely the expression he was making ended up encircling Wei WuXian who climbed on him. His tunic lay open and his belt seemed barely attached to his waist. Having it on top didn't help much. He was still excited and clearly seeing the bulge protruding from Wei Ying's pants, he could notice that he had never forced himself to do what he did. On the contrary, he enjoyed it to the point that he kept saying sweet things in his ear. He did not know what to answer, he wanted to blame the orgasm that Wei Ying had given him but if there was one thing he was sure of, it was that they would not go to any inn as soon as he heard that he loved him very much and that he wanted to do this forever. His sanity was lost in that instant. Nothing else mattered, he would make it completely his own in the puddles of rain and the bushes.

In the blink of an eye, he turned Wei Ying to lie him down on the grass. The snowy skin that covered his body was a delight for Lan WangJi who did not hesitate to start biting him passionately. Mild, with a scent of jasmine, everything about Wei WuXian drove him crazy. He went down to his pants, not finding a negative from Wei Ying, he continued on his way until he found a crease between his buttocks. That was the specific place.

An Ah! sound escaped from the lips of Wei WuXian who, incredulous, asked him what he had put there.

Laugh or cry. Lan Zhan was struggling between one and the other. But it had already begun, he had no intention of stopping when it was theoretically inside him. He would have to hold back a little even to prepare it. It was warm and tight, not being able to avoid relating it to the mouth that minutes before had filled with part of his being. He sighed before inserting another finger, beginning to move slowly and remembering at the same time how he could make it not hurt as much. Feeling that those two fingers were not enough and Wei Ying seemed to play along, he inserted a third finger. There his expression changed, not only was he no longer laughing but he seemed to have understood what was going to happen.

Too late.

By this time his pants were barely hanging from his ankles, and when Wei Ying started chattering to a stop, he shut him up with a kiss again and thrust his limb's head into the long entrance. Hot and tight. Having felt that with his fingers was one thing, but now feeling it with his penis didn't compare. The mere sensation sent an amalgam of fireworks through his nervous system to his brain. Using all the self-control taught in his sect, he would not move until Wei Ying allowed him to. Although that same self-control was also useful to avoid ending early.

The kiss hid Wei Ying's stifled scream. his legs contracted at the intrusion and he instantly regretted doing so. It was practically going back to the stage of Baifeng Mountain, with its obvious differences but the most notorious now was the vindicated Patriarch Yiling with his legs spread and HanGuang-Jun penetrating him dry. This time he couldn't help it and although the feeling of being inside Wei Ying was radiant, his heart would not live with the mere idea of having forced it on his first time. The closeness of their hearts and breaths was such that it seemed that the beats would come out of their ears. When he broke away from the kiss, he couldn't help but notice Wei WuXian's expression of pain. Guilt gnawed at him inside and even with the feeling of pleasure in his throat he asked for forgiveness. He wanted to tell him to come out, he did not want to continue hurting his, but Wei Ying stroked his cheek and said that he did not have to hold back. And to add, he asked what he should do.

He couldn't be serious. It was more than clear that Lan Zhan was inexperienced and was acting on his most feral desires. The fact that Wei Ying himself consulted him put him in a certain awkward position. He didn't know what to do and he couldn't lie to him either. Still, he thought only a few moments more before say to him to relax. Maybe that way Wei WuXian's body would get used to it. Perhaps his erection would drop a little and he could enter the cavity more comfortably. As if that were possible.

Wei Ying listened to him, trying to loosen up a bit of his body. Noticing, he pushed a little more. Again, his legs and buttocks contracted. Lan WangJi at this felt disoriented. He had gone a little deeper but his partner was still tense. He couldn't think of a better thing than to ask him if it hurt a lot.

Almost crying, the odd tear escaping his eyes, Wei Ying put his arms around him and with a pitiful voice answered: -Yes, it hurts. It is my first time, of course, it hurts.

Clenching both teeth and fists, Lan WangJi did his best to contain himself. He hoped Wei Ying didn't notice his member's reaction inside him but oh, how wrong he was. A laugh invaded the forest a third time, and biting his lips he moved closer to his ear, whispering. "... Er-gege, I will tell you what to do. Come kiss me. If you kiss me, it won't hurt anymore… "

Lan WangJi's body called for a truce. How could this creature be so shameless? Calling a reputable adult cultivator that way so… playful and sensual? He felt the shame creep up onto his face and surely settle on his ears. A stutter accompanied the next words that came out of Lan Zhan's mouth, all the more reason he gave Wei Ying to annoy him by starting to call him by a different variety of name combination that only increased his shame but also the desire to penetrate him. Glancing at those lips, he bit down fiercely and slipped in fully. An exchange of "sorry" followed later but now it was Wei Ying who remarked that those words were not necessary between the two of them. Then he tried to bend down to find his face, and those lips that seemed painted red slowly opened for his tongue to enter. They were like this for a long time, till the moment Wei WuXian touched the brand on his chest. The Wen's brand.

As they parted for a moment, he saw his smile disappear accompanied by a question that would surely come with a painful answer.

"I just drank a lot"

It was not a lie. Upon learning of his death, still convalescing, he went to the Burial Mounds to confirm that it was true. He only found a small A-Yuan and on his return to Gusu he stopped at Caiyi and bought that bottle of the Emperor's Smile. In the solitude of the Jing-Shi with a glass in hand he began to drink. A heat invaded his being. He didn't like the wine at all but the thought of Wei Ying, of that long-awaited memory when he met him on a roof in the moonlight as teenagers, invaded his entire chest and beyond. His other half was taken from him.

What happened next he couldn't remember, only brief snippets. The uneasy voice of his brother trying to calm him and him looking for something he couldn't find. When he rested his eyes on the staff to mark that his Clan confiscated from the Wen, he hardly hesitated. In the middle of his room he marked himself on the chest, wanting to feel something, hoping that the pain that that burn caused him would fill the desolate emptiness that he felt when he understood that his love had been eradicated from this world.

His mourning began at that time.

33 whips on his back that should heal.

3 years in seclusion that would serve.

A child that he would take care of as his own.

A mark on the chest with the sun's rays embedded.

A soul that yearned for him to return.

He couldn't tell all of this to Wei Ying right now. The moment would come but now that their bodies were a little more used to it, he began to move. The swing was awkward at first but the movements were powerful. Lan WangJi was doing his best to control his strength and not tear Wei Ying's bottom. The pleasure of being inside his, of having him in his arms and listening to the moans that escaped from that mouth slowly made his lose his mind. To make things better, he felt Wei WuXian begin to move his hips to accompany him in penetration. His eyes widened at the surprise of seeing Wei Ying's face change from one of discomfort to ecstasy. However, the young man lying underneath reopened that shameless mouth asking if it felt good to be inside him.

He was teasing him. He could not believe what he was hearing. It was obvious that he was bothering him or rather, tempting him. It did not occur to him to respond verbally, he only turned back to give him a strong and powerful onslaught, which almost rolled his eyes. But still ... he didn't shut up!

Everything that came out of that mouth could not deny that it heating him more, it only ended up stoking the passion he felt for Wei Ying from his youth. Feeling Wei WuXian's legs begin to wrap around his waist, he stopped his movements. A wave of compliments to his person mixed with deafening sensuality were taking him to the peak of his patience. If, there was some glimpse of it yet.

His legs spread even wider, giving way for an okay from Wei Ying to go deeper. Oh, and that he could filled him with his seed too.

He would have to bear it then since Lan WangJi had little self-control left. Bringing one hand to Wei Ying's waist, he rested his arm on the ground and lunged. Hard.

Wei Ying's eyes widened, wide, groaning accordingly. If he could go deeper now he knew. Swiftly, Wei Ying went into denial exclaiming that it was too much. Forgetting that he would listen to him, he had asked for it by saying all those kinds of shameful things. And this time he would make it clear.

"You... reap what you sow!"

Despite crying and pleading for mercy, Wei Ying's moans increased in tone. He got to the point of exasperation not knowing if he had to stop or not, because tears were present but those moans and his hips that moved in tune with the onslaught led Lan WangJi not to understand what Wei WuXian really wanted. Was it some kind of game for him?

He could have kept thinking about this but when he saw his screaming for help, he stopped to kiss his tears and cheeks. Almost like a plea, in a trembling voice, he asked him to stop doing that. And noticing that Wei Ying was fine, he returned to ram him hard.

A few more minutes passed and Wei WuXian spoke again but this time it occurred to him to bring up his uncle on the matter. Among the thousands of rules of his sect, promiscuity was more than prohibited. A member of the Gusu Lan Sect would only fall in love with his intended person and with this he could get rid of all regulations. Ultimately, Lan WangJi had met that person years ago but it took thousands of storms for them to finally be together. For this reason, when Wei Ying mentioned that he was condemning himself, he hardly hesitated to reply that he had been condemned for a long time. The moment he laid eyes on that smile.

He felt that the onslaught he had given after his words had left Wei Ying completely helpless, his neck free at his mercy. He approached and voraciously bit him, continuing the onslaught. Wei WuXian's body began to tremble beneath him, his lips let out a stifled moan of satisfaction adding to the tightness Lan WangJi felt on his shoulder. Witnessing how Wei Ying came under him was more than a delight, with that image he would treasure forever, he knew it wouldn't last much longer. He took both of Wei Ying's hips and filled it completely. No drop was going to be wasted inside

They were both trying to catch their breath, holding each other sighing. For most of his life Lan WangJi had been known as someone oblivious to worldly pleasures. Those who were closest to him knew that this was a lie, especially when their feelings towards Wei WuXian were clearer than water. But now he feared that having tasted perhaps the greatest earthly pleasure on earth, or rather, Wei Ying, it would not take long for him to become addicted to it. Although perhaps, in theory, it already was, he couldn't live without him. His thoughts were stunned as Wei Ying began to masturbate, using some of the semen that had been released on his torso and also on Lan Zhan's chest. This only led him to think of one thing. He wanted to continue.

Wei WuXian's comments and questions ended up turning him on more and before the sentence was over, he rammed him.

Its interior was wet, completely damp, the white liquid trickling down as Lan Zhan continued his onslaught. With his arms around his neck, Wei Ying with a malicious smile began to whisper obscenities that could head over even the most ascetic disciple. The worst thing was that many of those things that came out of his mouth, he had dreamed of at some point. Yes, the two of them alone in the library having relationships about the books and scrolls so prized by the scholars of their sect. It was certain that this fantasy haunted him for years although now that Wei Ying was with him or below him, nothing could compare to having him this way. Moaning his name, pleading for mercy and at the same time not, acclaiming his ability in bed. He wanted to make love to him until he was stupid as he had said.

This second sex session lasted longer than expected. Wei Ying's legs could barely stay around his waist, having to hold them by him. In turn, its interior, despite remaining humid and cozy, was warmer than usual, a heat that ended up completely embracing its member and invited to continue with the swing. Wei Ying who was still with his hands on his neck kissed him with extreme sweetness and gave him a somewhat pitiful smile before speaking.

Still appealing to their virginity and the fact that they would have a long time to come, he had no intention of coming now. At most, he hoped Wei Ying would do it first, since he couldn't tire of that image. However, when he mentioned the fact that he had said he wanted to do it with him every day, he got his attention. Ah, but Wei Ying asked him to forget it.


It didn't take long for him to reply that he couldn't. An outrage could be seen in Wei WuXian's eyes and with a pout he snapped that he had never denied him anything. It was more than adorable to him that Wei Ying could be like this in the midst of his intimate activities. It was inevitable to love him so much and without being able to hide his happiness, he gave his a smile, once again clarifying that he couldn't do that. He would never forget their confession and that promise that they would lay together every day. Wei Ying seemed to lose sight of that smile, and Lan Zhan continued their onslaught as he continued chattering or rather negotiating the number of days they would lay together.

Lan WangJi stopped his body, stroked his cheek, and placing a kiss on his forehead, concluded what he considered both a rule and a promise: "Every day is every day."