Author's Note:

Since I dropped the Martha (he he) bombshell, I wanted to delve into a little of the Wayne backstory.

Also I know I skipped Jason Todd, but I kind of liked Tim Drake better and he fits my story better. I may include him one day.

Also I know Donna's age might not line up but this is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Chapter 2 – The (Wayne) Road so Far

Martha Wayne had only seen that look of utter pain and lose a few times.

Each and every time makes her heart ache so much.

The first time was 23 years ago when a punk with a gun had taken her beloved husband and her ability to walk.

- (flashback) -

Thomas Wayne in his last act of love had moved to cover his wife when the man pulled the trigger and the bullet pierced his heart and hit her spine.

It was only the yell of a bystander down the alley kept the man pulling the trigger again.

Martha tried to stay awake she looked over at her husband to this day she's sure she heard him whisper 'I love you' one last time before he died.

Despite the doctors telling her he couldn't have.

Unfortunately, she couldn't stay awake, last thing she recalled was her son, tears streaming down his face grabbing her arm shaking her, begging her to stay with him.

Pushing past her pain, she tried to lift her hand… to speak… to do anything to try and reassure her son.

But the darkness claimed her.

She woke up sometime later in a hospital bed. She looked to her left and saw their most trusted friend and confidant Alfred standing silently like a guardian she wasn't sure why at first but then she saw, bundled up in a too large trench coat, her son curled up in the chair asleep.

Alfred is watching over them both.

She would have gasped if she could. She's never seen Alfred looking so haggard, he has always been prim and proper. She's afraid to ask how long she's been her.

"Madam?" She heard a voice looking up to see Alfred looking at her, his expression a mix of relieve and pain.

"Alf…red," Martha started to say her throat dry and scratchy.

Alfred moved over silently and poured some water in a cup next to the bed. He put a straw in to allow her to get a drink.

She took a couple of sips then looked at Bruce still asleep. She can't recall if Bruce was hit or not.

Thankfully Alfred had developed mind reading abilities over time. "he is unhurt but has refused to leave your side. It's been almost two days." His voice was rough and scratchy and tired.

Martha doesn't know if her heart can hurt anymore. She hasn't forgotten that Thomas is dead, she'd known that his wound was fatal. She knows she can't feel her legs, but she can see them. In fact, she can't feel anything below her waist.

"Alfred…" Martha started again but can't finish the question.

She watched Alfred's eyes close and saw something glitter in the light at his eyelids… tears.

"You are paralyzed from the waist down. They were able to remove the bullet, but the damage was done. You are not in any more danger. Or we would not be allowed in here. I hesitated to let master Bruce in here, but I feared the trauma would be worse, he was in shock when I arrived. A detective… Gordon told me that when they loaded you into the ambulance, they had to hold him back. When I arrived, he was unmoving even when I picked him up.

Suddenly they both heard a small pained voice softly start to say, 'no, please, don't leave, please, no don't leave…"

Martha knew her baby would need her. "Alfred wake him, so I can talk to him, then I'm going to tell him to have you take him home for the night."

She saw a look of disbelieve cross Alfred's face for a bare second before his manners kicked in. "Of course, madam."

Alfred moved quietly over to the chair and gently shook Bruce's shoulder whispering that he needs to wake up.

She watched as Bruce's eyes snapped open, he looked around until his eye's focused on her.

She watched his face light up for a just a second before it fell.

"Come here baby." Martha said softly holding her arm that didn't have an IV in it.

Bruce slowly got down from the chair the coat dropped on the floor. She can see that he's wearing sweats and a t-shirt, in the back of her mind she wondered what happened to his clothes.

Then Bruce slowly almost fearfully climbed into the bed she guided him to lay next to her.

She wrapped her arm around him as she pulled him up, he tucked his face into her neck.

She felt his tears, he's finally seems to relax against her. He shoulders gently shook as the dam was let go.

She rubbed her arm up and down his back, softly humming the melody she would hum when he was a baby that would calm him.

As she took in his reaction, she started to reconsider trying to have him be sent home. It wouldn't be good for him.

"If I may madam, he as another set of clothes, perhaps he can take a shower and get ready for bed." Alfred said softly knowing more then she does right now.

Martha realized what he's trying to do, nods. She brushed Bruce's hair, getting his attention. "Baby why don't you go get ready for bed." She can see how tired he is.

Bruce just nods, she watches fear flash in his eyes, she brushes her thumb on his cheek, "It'll be okay baby."

Bruce trusting his mother gently gets up, careful around her, and takes the small bag from Alfred as he heads to the in-suite bathroom.

He closes the door, and they wait until they hear the shower turn on.

Martha turns to look at Alfred waiting for him to tell her what he needed to say that Bruce can't hear.

"Madam, the press is camped out at all the exits. I asked a couple of my old friends to provide invisible security and the security has been increased at the manor. Maria was able to pack a few changes of clothes for both of you and smuggle them in. However, I don't recommend he be sent home."

Martha, once again thankful that she and Thomas had hired Alfred not just because of his servant skills but his skills he had acquired as a member of the elite unit of the British Army special forces named the Special Air Service or SAS. As well as his time with MI-6.

They wanted someone to watch over them that could do more then be a butler.

His many skills had been invaluable over the years.

"Is there a danger?"

"No, I have looked into detective Gordon he is an honest man. He was able to have two of his people here. A new patrolwoman by the name of Montoya, she also seems to be honest. Her partner Bullock while a little rough around the edges is also an honest police officer. There are no known issues, but I don't recommend he be separated from you for now."

Martha took all of what he told her and what he left unsaid. She agrees with him. "Okay."

She watches as Alfred's shoulders drop just a tiny amount in relieve.

They heard the shower shut off as the room lapsed into silence again.

The door quietly opened as Bruce softly stepped out, he's wearing a new set of sweats and shirt.

Martha looks him over, "Are you ready for bed, baby?"

Bruce nods, his steps still hesitant not knowing what's going to happen next. He's smart enough to know the two adults were talking while he was in the shower. He wished he could have heard what they said.

"Then come here baby, I could use your company." Martha said.

Bruce walked over to the same side he was on earlier, but hesitated, "I don't want to hurt you mommy."

"You won't, come here. We both need sleep."

Bruce gently climbed into the bed and she helped him get under the covers as she tucked him in, then gently pulled him up so that his face was back in her neck.

Martha as they settle in for the night realized how much she needed her son with her.

"Alfred pull the chair over and sit down please." She knows he won't fully relax but having him hover isn't helping.

"Yes, ma'am." Alfred picked up the detective's coat and hung it up, then walked into the bathroom to pick up Bruce's clothes. He's happy that the boy cleaned up after himself. He picked up the bag and set it near the door for when they do in fact leave. He then quietly picked up the chair and set it near the bed and sit down.

Martha felt Bruce fall asleep quickly more relaxed now that he's safely in his mother's arms. Martha not to long after falls asleep herself, relaxing that her son is safe in her arms and their most trusted friend is watching over them.

Alfred waited just a little longer after both of his charges are asleep then he takes a deep silent breath, his eyes close briefly as tears threaten to fall again.

He has been using all of his skills to suppress his mixed feelings, anger at what happened, guilt that he wasn't there to prevent it, pain at what the people, he has come to consider his family, are going through.

He would have honored her request if she had still wanted her son to go home. However, his reluctance to leave was for several reasons.

True they weren't in any more danger than normal, the attack had not been a cover for something deeper, just another unfortunate Gotham crime statistic.

However, mentally and emotionally both mother and son need time together.

To start to heal from this.

Plus, he can't watch over them both if they are in two different places.

He waits a little longer then he falls into his own light fitful sleep. Knowing that come morning they will need him.

- (end flashback) -

Martha recalling that time as she looks at her grown son, in his domain. It was the beginning of so many changes for her family.

It took almost a month before the doctors let her go home. Thankful the press eventually moved on and Alfred had been able to get Bruce out of the hospital without a mob of flashing bulbs and shouted questions.

It had taken several months with Alfred and Bruce's help to get into a routine that became normal.

She had always been the business minded one in the family.

When she married Thomas, he was more than happy to be a doctor and leaving the family business to others.

She watched others try to takeover and direct the company in the wrong direction. So, she and Thomas had engineered a takeover of their own.

She was made CEO of Wayne Enterprises.

She took the helm of the company and became one of the first women in charge of an international fortune 500 company.

Several of the board members had issues with it, however most of them were the ones trying to engineer the takeover and oust the Wayne's.

A slim majority backed her, having meet and talked to her several times knowing she is the real deal.

One decision she will always be thankful for was to hire a young and hungry… the right kind of hungry, man name Lucius Fox, as a junior COO. He was fresh out of school.

But Martha had a good feeling about him and had picked him over several others who on paper seemed more qualified.

She and Thomas had initially worried that the current COO Douglas Fredericks who had been there from the beginning with Thomas's father would be upset.

However, after talking to him, he never wanted the reins of the company. He was instrumental in Martha becoming CEO.

Later when Lucius was hired, they talked to Douglass again who is getting closer to retirement and had met with the young man himself was happy to have Lucius start as a junior COO under him allowing both he and Martha to work with him.

During the almost 6 months she was recovering. Both men were instrumental in foiling no less than 5 plots to oust her as CEO and another company's hostile takeover bid.

In the Batcave Martha holding her son's hand. "Bruce you should head to bed."

"I can't yet mom, the kids are on their way back… and I, might need to go back up." Bruce looked down not wanting to reveal more.

Martha is smart enough to know what he's talking about; he got his brains from both parents equally.

While his compassion and caring were always Thomas's domain one of the many reasons, he was such a good doctor.

He inherited her cunning and attention to detail.

It works in business just as well as it does as the famed world's greatest detective.

So, she purposefully misunderstands, to make him tell her.

"I thought the meeting was over. Surely the poor woman has been allowed to get some sleep?"

"No, the meeting has been over for a while, and Shayera is with her, but… just in case." Bruce finishes softly.

He knows Diana will have nightmares, he's just not sure if Shayera will be enough to calm her down or if he will have to go back up.

Not that he doubts Shayera's abilities, but this Diana has been through enough, and he's still the best hope to calm her, so she can restful sleep. If he has to lose a night or two of sleep, it's a small price to pay.

Martha knowing this, is admitted torn, she understands Bruce's need to look out for a version of the love of his life. However, the selfish mother in her, hates to see the pain he's going through.

She is also conflicted, in hope that this other version will help her son's heart heal but worried about the woman's own damaged heart.

When Bruce had told her and the rest of the household about her situation, he didn't mention anything about her personal life, but Martha knows enough, she watched the interaction that her son and the new Diana had earlier, here in the cave.

She has… had feeling for her world's Bruce.

"Mom…" Bruce stated to say, as always, he can't hide anything from her.

"Come here baby." Martha said it's extremely rare of her to call him baby now a days.

Bruce scooted his chair closer and leaned his head on her shoulder, he's never been able to deny her.

She cards her fingers though his hair as she leans her head on his.

It takes her back to when he turned 9, his first birthday since the attack.

- (flashback) -

It was only a few months after.

It was a very somber event. Bruce refused to have a party.

Bruce had been seeing a counselor and the woman had told Martha that Bruce is becoming more withdrawn and will seek to spend more time with Martha.

That's in keeping with what she's been seeing. Bruce was never a social butterfly, but he had other kids he would play with. Except now he doesn't seek them out, he's either in her presence or studying.

That was the first sign of the change he made, the first sign of the bat she would later come to call it.

It took her far longer then she liked to admit, to see the changes he made to himself.

It was almost a year later when she found out that Bruce had convinced Alfred to start teaching him self-defense.

Before Martha and Thomas had been in agreement that he should learn to protect himself.

There had been at least one attempt to kidnap Bruce as a child. It was only due to Alfred's skills that foiled the plot.

What concerned her was the amount of time he spent learning several different forms of fighting. He had found another teacher and was sneaking off to go learn from him. As well as what Alfred was teaching him.

She moved through his room one day to see all the toys and other items that children would have gone, or at least stored away. She found books and little else.

She had been told of course by the counselor that he would do whatever he could to protect himself. However, it seems far more than just that.

Yet she couldn't confront him about it yet. She reasoned that like normal children he would grow out of it as time healed his wounds.

She spent as much time with him as she could, but the company was seen as weak with her being hurt and she spent too much time with her team fighting off hostile takeovers from both her board and other companies.

Like any other parent she found that it just seemed like she blinked twice, and her baby had grown from a somber quiet 9-year-old to a 14-year-old who had skipped grades to soon graduate early.

She realized he never grew out of that phase.

It wasn't until he came home hurt from training when he was sick. She sat at his bedside, cursing herself for missing so much when in a delirious state due to his fever and the medicine to heal him he let slip of the vow he made that night kneeling next to his parents' body that no one else would ever have to feel what he was feeling.

That lead to their biggest fight, she knows that you can't accomplish that goal, wanted him to give it up and put his energies into something productive. Bruce refusing, he had been working on his plan for 5 years and knew it would help the world or at least Gotham which had not gotten any better crime and corruption was still rampant as it ever was.

It led to almost a week of the silent treatment from Bruce that hurt her so much, she hadn't realized how much Bruce hovered wanting and needing to take care of his mother. He would attend all the galas and charity functions as her date.

He also used it to learn how to navigate those events. As a young child he had leeway to make mistakes.

It took a quiet conversation from Alfred, who had known and done the best he can to steer Bruce's training to more positive means.

He knew that Bruce wouldn't stop, he is too stubborn like his parents. His intent was to guide him in a more positive route knowing that what he intended could easily lead to a very dark place.

Martha took what Alfred told her to heart and 6 days after he stopped speaking to her, she asked him to talk to her, to help her to understand.

Bruce missing his mother terribly went against his plan and sat down to talk to her.

After an hour of hearing him talk, she realized just how much Bruce had not moved on from the events of that night.

It made her look back at her own life and realize she hadn't either.

She made the decision that she and Bruce would get away. So, the summer between his sophomore and junior year they went to Europe and Alfred showed them his home.

It was a wonderful time. Bruce seem to come out of his shell, and it was like before. He was happy and smiling joking around.

All the while they traveled to different countries and learned about the different cultures.

It was also an eye-opening event for her regarding her son's plan. Everyday, without fail he would spend several hours exercising and meditating and whenever they traveled his head was stuck in a book. Learning about so many different subjects.

She recalled the passion he showed when he asked her if they could visit Japan. She had seen several books about samurai and different martial arts as well as detective skills.

So, the next summer they went to Japan and parts of China. Bruce having been planning the trip over the school year had it all mapped out. He would spend time talking to different instructors and learning the ways of Bushido as well as Ninjutsu.

However much to her relieve he spend just as much time with her, taking her to places that they would both enjoy.

It was during those times when he was simply her son, she would see him the most like he was.

It was also there that he first brought up his plan after graduating high school at 16, he could have graduated even earlier but she didn't want him to grow up to fast so they compromised, and he would graduate at 16.

She didn't know that Bruce realized that if he graduated to early, he would be stuck going to college and not traveling the world like he planned.

As he started his senior year, he didn't have any real friends, a few people that he could count on to keep him real.

One such friend was Dinah Lance Jr., two years younger, but her mother a former superhero name Black Canary had retired from the JSA wanting to start a family with her husband, and the Wayne's had helped get them on their feet in Gotham.

Young Dinah was someone who understood Bruce better than most.

She had trained with him when she was old enough and they both spent time at the gym of Ted Grant AKA Wildcat. He took them both under his wing to train in as many different forms of fighting he knew.

Finally, after he graduated, Bruce spent the summer finalizing his plan, he knew his mother would never let him just go alone and he refused to take Alfred leaving his mother alone.

So, he would spend a semester at college then the rest of the year he traveled. He would go back for the fall semester and then travel.

It would take longer then he planned then if he just left, but he couldn't run away.

It was only due to the increased time she spent at the office and the fact that he would call her at seemingly random times and write letters that she didn't look to close.

It worked the first two years then she realized what Bruce had been doing. She ordered him to return home.

They had another huge fight. This time Bruce seriously considered just running away.

It was once again a quiet word from both Alfred and Dinah Lance Sr. to both Bruce and Martha that they came to a compromise.

Dinah the elder had seen the same look in her daughter's eye and decided that it would be better to try and point her and him in a more positive direction instead of having either of them run away and not have their guidance.

Bruce would finish his first degree then he could travel, he would take someone with him. He relented to taking Alfred when Dinah Sr. had agreed to stay with Martha. Dinah had grown to deeply respect the other woman and was happy to help.

Bruce and Alfred traveled back to Japan and Bruce finally started to learn the skills that would later save his life and the lives of others countless times.

For a year he studied the ways of Bushido as well as Ninjutsu. Picking up different detective skills along the way.

The next year he spent 6 months traveling with Zatara learning all the non-magic tricks for escape and misdirection.

His daughter, Zatanna developed a crush on him even though she was several years younger.

Bruce developed his second close friendship with a female outside of Dinah Jr. with the young woman and did his best not to lead her on.

He loved her but only as a friend or big brother.

The other 6 months he traveled around to other masters learning the other skills he knew he would need to become what he is destined to be.

He graduated summa cum laude with a business degree to please his mother. He took classes in psychology and criminology. As well as a several classes such as chemistry and biology and several classes in medicine.

He had no plan to become a doctor, much to his mother's disappointment, she would like him to take over for her in the family business but if not, that then at least follow in his father's footsteps by becoming a doctor.

He came home for good after his degree and several years traveling not only learning but cultivating connections with others like him that would service him and them well over the years.

At the age of 21 when he is old enough to become an officer of the company, he started his plan. By day he would work his way through the company. He started low, wanting to know the company that his family built.

He worked in the mail room for as long as he could, it lasted about a week before his secret was revealed. He moved on to other areas.

He worked with scientist both learning how they worked and what they need to do their job.

He even disguised himself to work as a janitor to get a feel for that job. Also knowing that the janitor is often overlooked, and he might need to learn to do it to blend in.

At night he went out and using all the skills he learned he started to pick apart the organized crime as well as stopping common street crimes.

He studied both Alfred's old notes about the police force and his own research into who he could trust and who to avoid.

The same detective Gordon whose career had stalled out at detective due to his refusing to be anything less then an honest cop.

Until several high-level police officials whose evidence of crimes were anonymously given to federal officers were arrested.

With more honest police officers around Gordon started to move up the ranks. It helped that he had an anonymously benefactor who would help him with his cases.

Martha still not happy with the plan, what mother could be happy about their child running around on rooftops fighting crime.

She had given enough first responder benefits to know just how dangerous the job is. And her son does it mostly alone.

She didn't think he would ever settle down. She had watched his 'playboy' personality develop and watched as he would act every bit the spoiled rotten, take-what-he-wants, man-child, dating and dumping women to hide his true identity.

For years she's not sure which mask she hated more, the cold emotionless batman or the dim-witted foppish playboy. Both were as far from her baby as can be.

She had chastised him several times to act like her son, not either of the personas he developed, around her.

It took a few years for a routine to develop for the family. Martha avoided everything Batman related as much as possible. She avoided going down to his cave going as far as avoiding the library the main secret entrance is in.

It was 2 years later when young Dick Grayson entered their lives.

She had convinced Bruce to go with her to the circus so they could relax.

That lead to the boy becoming Bruce's ward and less then a year later Batman had Robin.

Once again, she and Bruce argued with each other, she didn't want to see her grandson to end up like Bruce had.

She watched Bruce mentally shutdown after she said that, in anger and felt guilty, she still sometimes blames herself for letting him become like this.

Bruce did the smart thing and walked away.

He went to her a few days later and calmly explained to her that he took Dick under his wing so he wouldn't become like him.

He then begged his mother to come down to the cave. She relented and was awed at all the technology she saw. He told showed her everything. Most of the equipment was designed to keep both he and Robin safe.

After that things got better, she didn't become a batman fan overnight, but she did let herself pay more attention to the impact he has on the community.

She was also happy at the impact that Dick had on Bruce, he was more open and friendly even more then he was around her and Alfred.

It was a few years later that she learned Commissioner Gordon's daughter Barbara had started running around in a flimsy costume and called herself Batgirl.

She and Bruce talked long and hard about what to do. She could see the same determination in the young woman's eyes that she'd seen in Bruce's and Dick's eyes.

By this point she had realized the positive impact her son's alter ego had had on the city.

Bruce took the girl under his wing and started to train and equip her.

Martha saw it long before any of the men in the house did the budding relationship between Barbara and Dick.

She had all but given up hope that Bruce might settle down one day and have a family the traditional way. So, she did what she could to push both Barbara and Dick to act on their feelings despite being still young.

One year later Diana, Princess of Themyscira AKA Wonder woman and Clark Kent AKA Superman came into their lives.

It was an alien invasion that brought a group of remarkable people together.

Martha still smiles at seeing her son fighting his growing attraction to the beautiful woman.

She helped things along by offering to have Diana shadow her to learn how man's world works. That kept her and Bruce around each other a lot.

Not only when Diana was her 'intern' and unofficial bodyguard but when they would have to work together as Batman and Wonder woman.

It still amuses Martha that because Bruce is so often called the prince of Gotham, she is considered an unofficial Queen of Gotham, especially by Diana's mother Queen Hippolyta.

It helped to smooth things over with the other Queen when Bruce stopped fighting his feeling for Diana and gave in.

- (end flashback) -

It is about that time, that the communication system beeped.

Bruce who still had his head on his mother's shoulder, knowing why he's needed opened the channel. Shayera's quiet voice could be heard. "Bruce I'm sorry to ask this but…"

Bruce let her off the hook. "I know, can you go to the wall that is shared by my room and unlock the door." When he and Diana got together, before it was commonly known since his room is right next to hers, he put a door in so they could see each other without having to step out of the rooms.

He also has a small transport pad setup in his room, as an emergency exit.

He had planned to remove the door if the room was ever given to someone else. Something he didn't think would happen for a long time.

Shayera told him she would before closing the channel.

Martha hearing every word just told him. "Go, Alfred and I well stay here until the kids get back."

She watched Bruce walk up to the transport pad and punch his code in then disappear.

- (several minutes earlier) -

Shayera sat at Diana's bedside almost asleep. When she first heard then saw the woman muttering and moving erratically, she could see the beginnings of a bad nightmare.

She took the woman's hand and brushed her hair off her face talking softly to her.

All the things she's seen done by others.

She's never been the comforting type.

She after several minutes reluctantly opened a channel to Bruce; she had been hoping to avoid this. Bruce is her friend and the pain he tries to hide is easily visible to everyone that knows him.

After speaking to him, she unlocks the door and waits.

It doesn't take long before she hears a hum in the room next door and the door softly opens. Bruce, looking the same, steps in. He nods to Shayera then turns to see Diana still in the throes of a nightmare.

As he starts to head towards her, Shayera grabs his arm and softly asks. "Do you want me to go?"

Shaking his head, he says, "No, I'm just going to try and calm her down without waking her up, then you can take over."

Bruce walks over to the side of the bed, gently sitting on the edge. He takes her hand and brushing her hair back he softly whispers to her that he's there and despite her earlier request he calls her princess and even though she's still mostly asleep she pulls him down to be in her arms.

Bruce doesn't fight it and holds her close for a few minutes knowing that this is the best way for her to calm down. He continues to whisper what she needs to hear. Until she relaxes and her arms let go.

Bruce fights the urge to take her back into his arms and hold her close, as he gently moves away.

He moves stiffly not letting his emotions out until he's alone. He nods to Shayera once more as he heads back to his old room and closes the door.

Shayera feels tears well up at the scene she just witnessed as she faintly heard the hum again.

She goes back to the chair and feeling like Diana should be good for the rest of the night. Gets as comfortable as she can to get some sleep herself.

Martha and Alfred sat in relative quiet save for the sounds the colony of bats on the ceiling outside of the netting that protects the main part of the cave. As well as the hum of the supercomputer in standby mode.

She spots the items Bruce had set on the table from Diana's room, and asked Alfred to get the familiar looking picture frame.

She looked down and with a sad smile brushed her fingers on the picture reminiscing of much happier times.

They all looked so happy.

Suddenly a drop of water fell on the glass and she realized she had been crying.

Alfred silently handed her a handkerchief not saying a word, but when she looked up, she saw his eyes looked a suspiciously bright like there was a tear or two welling up in his eyes.

Not long after they both heard the familiar roar of the Batmobile and the Batpod.

The urban tank rolled to a stop and powered down as the motorcycle rode over to its spot and shut down.

A young woman flew in behind and then floated over to the platform that Martha and Alfred were on. She wore a modified Batgirl suit. The symbol a mix of both Batman and Wonder woman. Donna Troy took off the domino mask which is different than the others.

Dick Grayson AKA Nightwing currently wearing a modified version of the bat suit and Barbara Gordon AKA Batgirl and Oracle both exited the Batmobile. While Timothy Drake AKA Red Robin walked down the ramp from the Batpod to meet them.

Alfred and Martha looked over the four young costumed heroes looking for any signs of injuries.

"any one hurt?" Martha said, she still sometimes doesn't like that her family has gotten so involved with fighting crime.

Dick smiled the most used to the scrutiny from them both. "No grandma we're fine. It was a very quiet night."

"thank goodness." Martha said quietly.

"I suggest you all go change and I'll prepare some food for you all while you write your reports." Alfred suggested knowing that is what Bruce would do.

"Thanks Alfred I'm starving." "You got it." Both Tim and Donna said as they headed towards the respected changing rooms.

After women started using the cave Bruce added a second shower and changing area for women.

Not only does Barbara and Donna use it nearly every day, but Dinah and Diana have used it quite often. Karen has even used it a time or two if she needed to change while in the area.

It's easier to change and clean up down there then track whatever dirt and mud or whatever else through the house to one of the guest room bathrooms.

All four were heading towards their respective locker rooms when Bruce teleported back from the tower.

Donna followed closely by Tim diverted towards Bruce. She had not seen the woman that looked like her sister. She was upstairs, they had talked about it and agreed she would stay back at first in case her world's Donna was different or there was none.

Tim worried about his girlfriend and the woman who is a version of the woman he still considers his mom.

"How is she?" Donna asked not wanting to wait anymore.

"All things considered she's fine. I just had to go help her calm down from a nightmare. I don't know about her version of you yet. I left a letter explaining some of the things here, including you she will see it in the morning."

"What's she like?" Tim asked.

"She's so much like our Diana… it's hard, but she doesn't know us. So, give her time and space." Bruce asked, he was one of the ones that took their Diana's death hard. "You two go get cleaned up and I want full reports, then rest. I have a feeling the next few days will be hard for us all."

"I heard from my mother; she's coming." Donna said

"I know." Bruce said

"How?" Donna asked surprised

"I knew she would be coming when I contacted her earlier today to let her know what has happened. Though given what I heard from this Diana I almost wish I hadn't, yet." Bruce said, thinking about to how this Diana had left things with her own people.

"What… why?" Donna asked even more confused

Bruce sighed; he didn't want to explain the situation without this Diana to defend herself if need be. "She's a little upset with her own people right now. I don't want to say more yet."

Tim and Donna realizing that's all Bruce is going to say on the matter head to get cleaned up and changed.

Bruce turns to head back to the computer.

He pulls up the program he has monitoring the city as well as the watchtower's systems, and so far, all is showing green.

"Did you take care of it?" Martha asked finally.

"Yes, she had a bad nightmare and I was able to calm her down without waking her up. Shayera is still with her."

"If you'll pardon me, I'm going to go make up a snack for our hungry heroes." Alfred said with a slight bow. As he heads back upstairs.

Martha watches her son. He's been able to put some of his pain away, lock it up so he can do the job.

Dick and Barbara both come out about the same time, both in civilian clothes. They each go sit at one of the terminals near the computer to write up the evening's events.

Martha not above using all of her means at her disposal to get her son to do what she thinks he needs to do. Turns to him and asks him, "Please take me upstairs, Bruce."

She knows he'd rather hide down here in his domain, but he needs to come up and get some sleep.

Knowing he can't say no to her, he nods and starts to push her wheelchair towards the elevator.

She calls out over her shoulder to the rest of the people in the room. "I expect all four of you to be upstairs in a timely manner to eat before everyone gets some sleep."

Dick, with a smile calls out, "yes, ma'am I'll make sure." He sneaks a glance over at his girlfriend who is writing her own report, but he can see the small smile on her face as well.

He loves his grandmother. There is no question of who the queen of the house is. Even Diana deferred to her in such matters.

Martha took Bruce's hand as the elevator slowly made it's way up to the house proper.

"It'll be okay baby." She said softly. Knowing he's unlikely to believe it, but still trusting his mother.

Bruce smiles down at her, thinking exactly what she's thinking.

He is pragmatic enough to know that she can't make that happen, but still has faith in his mother to let a small part of himself believe it.

They exit to the kitchen seeing Alfred making food enough to feed several people.

"Mom would you like me to take you upstairs to go to bed?" Bruce asked.

"Not yet, I'll be okay, besides I'm a bit peckish myself I might have a bite as well." Martha said, she's a little tired, but not enough to need to go to bed.

A short time later dick and Barbara joined them. Not too much longer after that Tim and Donna joined them. They spent about 45 minutes snacking and talking generally unwinding after the events of the day.

The next day is Friday but it's summer so no school. However, Bruce has to work. They agree that Tim and Donna will help Alfred and the staff get the manor ready for the Queen's visit on Saturday.

Dick and Tim have already planned to patrol Friday night, but Barbara is going to be in the clocktower as Oracle keeping an eye on a birds of prey mission for Dinah and her group.

Due to the Bruce and Dinah's long history and how they worked so well together growing up, Bruce trusts her to handle her team.

They each usually do their own thing but is always ready to assist if need be.

Donna is on standby to help out or get well rested for her mother's visit, plus she will be meeting a version of her sister.

Soon Barbara and Dick head out back to their apartment. And then Tim and Donna are sent to their rooms. Alfred heads to his biding everyone a good night.

Bruce takes his mother up to her room and helps her get into the bed. She makes him sit for a few minutes holding his hand to provide some comfort to her hurting son. Then she sends him to bed.

Bruce himself heads to bed and uses the mediation tricks hoping to minimize any nightmares. After a few more tears fall since he's finally alone, he falls into slumber hoping that the nightmares will leave him alone tonight.

He's almost successful.

Only waking up twice biting his tongue to keep from screaming out.

His sleep wasn't very restful, and he will be feeling it the rest of the next day. During his meetings with Lucius.

Author's Notes:

Douglas Fredericks is actually the character that John Nolan played in the Nolan movies.

He is the board member that goes with Fox and "Miranda' in the third movie.

I wanted to use the name of someone familiar and he fit perfectly.

Next chapter... guess who's coming to dinner and 'my what big surprises you have'