"Happy Birthday!"Was the second thing Elena woke up to in the five star hotel she and Katherine were staying in. The first thing she woke up to was the curtains being opened and sunlight hitting her right in the face."No, no, no. You are not sleeping the day away."Katherine exclaimed, yanking the covers, which Elena threw over her head, off."You, along with your Dull As Dishwater Doppelganger Sister, are, from what we know, the only Doppelgangers, Human or Immortal Witch slash Untriggered Werewolves, to ever reach the age of eighteen. We are celebrating."Katherine stated, putting her hands on her hips and glared at Elena.

"I hate my Birthday."Elena said dully, sitting up and glaring weakly at Katherine with her bed hair. She had managed to cut it but decided to make it shoulder length instead of neck length.

"Well, we don't have to go full hands on deck, celebrate it. We can just drink and smoke and..."Katherine trailed off as she suddenly saw a box lying at the end of Elena's bed and held it up."Oh, what's this? A Vaporesso VM Stick 18."Katherine said, faking a gasp."Didn't you say you wanted one?"She asked smirking as she pulled out the Vape Stick, a blue Vape Stick. Elena's favourite colour.

"Does the juice have nicotine in it?"

"Nope. I know how you feel about that even if it can't kill you."

"Give."Elena held out her hand for the vape.

"What do you say?"Katherine said as she backed up when Elena got out of bed, only to start brushing her hair.

"Please and thank you..."Elena trailed off, looking thoughtful."And get out the alcohol? The good stuff if you have it."Elena said and Katherine cheered.

"Oh, you know I have the good stuff, my sweet Zornitsa."Katherine said, handing over the vape to Elena."But we're not having too much alcohol at the moment. I want you sober so that we can model some clothes."

Throughout the entire day, Katherine had taken Elena shopping and let her do what she wanted for the day, and anything that was too over priced and the younger Doppelganger wanted it but wouldn't get it, Katherine would get it with compulsion, without Elena knowing.

As they passed a local gun shop, Katherine paused, looking thoughtful."Hey, why don't you go on ahead to the car. You can drive this time."Katherine said, throwing her keys at Elena, who caught them but gave Katherine a curious look."I have something to do."Katherine waved her off.

Shrugging, Elena headed to the car and put the bags, that she had, in the boot before getting in the driver's seat and turned on the car so that she could listen to the radio. Hearing her phone go off for the eighth time, Elena pulled it out of her bag and saw a few messages.

Two from Caroline, one from Damon, one from Emily, and four from, surprisingly, Jeremy. Each message had some form of happy birthday, along with; Come home, we miss you. Your siblings need you, or I need you.

"I am never getting drunk with you ever again."Elena said after she had finished vomiting in the bathroom, and Katherine just laughed from her spot at the table and held up a cup of water and tablet, which Elena took gratefully."Thanks."

"You said that to months ago, the day after your Birthday and yet here we are, again. Plus, your welcome."Katherine said in a chirpy voice.

"You know, lately, I feel as if you don't want to look for Elijah, and just wanna get me drunk."Elena accused her ancestor.

Katherine tried to look offended but failed."Can you blame me? I mean, Klaus is a Hybrid now, Zornitsa."Katherine reminded her."His bite, and any Werewolf he turns into a Hybrid, can kill me and who knows what he'd do to you."

"And his blood can cure you."Elena remained her."Plus, I'm an Immortal Witch. There's not really much that he can do."

"But he wouldn't want to cure me."Katherine retorted sharply and Elena glared."I wanna help you find Elijah, Elena, but there are a lot of risks, plus, you put yourself at risk, and we haven't heard anything in weeks from my informative."

"How am I putting myself at risk exactly?"Elena asked, eyes narrowed.

"By not thinking of arming yourself."Katherine exclaimed, as if it was obvious.

Elena scoffed."Why would I need to arm myself when I have Magic?"

"What if you run out Magic, you know Magical exhaustion?"Katherine asked questionably causing Elena to pause and think but her train of thoughts were cut off by Katherine's phone went off."We got a hit."Katherine said after looking at the message her informative had sent her.

"Where?"Elena said, straightening up.

"Tennessee. Smoky Mountains."Katherine said sourly.

"What's in the Smoky Mountains?"Elena asked, raising an eyebrow at Katherine.

"Werewolves."Katherine said, eyes wide with fake cheer.

"You're not going."

"Then neither are you."

"Katherine, you're a Vampire. I'm an Immortal Witch."

"An Immortal Witch who can still get hurt and bleed."Katherine retorted."So add bleeding wound plus newly turned Hybrid, equals you being drained of blood."

"Ok, fine you can come."Elena said in defeat.

"Oh no, it's the other way, around."Katherine said, shaking her head."You can come, if you take this with you."Katherine said, pulling out an item that she had kept inside one of draws of the kitchen. Elena's eyes widened in shock at seeing the item. It was a Gun. A Glock 19 Caliber: 9mm Capacity: 15+1 Gun.

"Holy shit. When did you buy that!?"Elena exclaimed as Katherine handed her the gun, which she hesitated in taking from her ancestor.

"When we went shopping on your Bday."Elena blinked, not recalling them ever going to a gun store as she eyed the gun in her hands."We passed the local Gun Shop on the way back to the car."

"If I'm gonna use this, I'll need practice."Elena mumbled, still eyeing the gun.

"And I will gladly teach you."Katherine answered."I know how to handle a gun."Katherine added when Elena rose an eyebrow at her."Plus, you get to pick which type of bullets you want."Katherine held out two packets."Metal or wooden. Either way, they'll be soaked in Vervain and Wolfsbane."

Elena snatched both of the packets with one hand."Let's go."

As they neared the Smoky Mountains, Katherine noticed a Shooting Range and pulled in to the packing lot. After parking, the two Doppelgangers got out. Elena looked like she didn't want to be here.

"We're a day ahead of Klaus and Stefan, Elena, this gives us enough time to train you on how to use a gun."Katherine stated, grabbing her Immortal Descendant by the arm and practically dragged her inside and Compelled the man at the counter before they went to the Shooting Range.

The next day, the duo was heading up to the Mountains on foot, but were taking a route that would keep them out of Klaus' Werewolves senses and away from Ripper Stefan.

"It's a Full Moon, the perfect time for Klaus to create his Hybrids."Elena mumbled under her breath, only to freeze when she heard a scream."That sounds familiar."She stated, looking at Katherine, who looked back at her. Walking towards where the river was, the duo saw Emily and Damon arguing in the water."You thinking what I'm thinking?"Elena asked as they looked at each other.

"Yep."Katherine said, smirking at Elena."But first, make us invisible."Elena nodded and quickly muttered the Spell under her breath.

They then followed Damon, Emily, and Alaric at a safe distance, after Emily and Damon got out of the water. As they followed the trio, they noticed that the sun had started to set and Elena looked at Katherine worriedly. She didn't want Katherine to be here when the Moon reaches it's Apex.

"We got about a mile left."Alaric said to Damon and Emily.

"The sun's about to set."Damon stated as if it was obvious.

"I can see that, Damon."Emily retorted, annoyed.

"I'm just saying."Damon said.

"The Moon doesn't reach its Apex for a while."Emily reminded him."We have time."She added before they all came to a stop when they heard a branch snap and a man with bloody eyes came to a stop in front of them.

"What the hell...?"Katherine trailed off questionably as Elena raised an eyebrow at the state the man was in.

"Stay where you are."Alaric said in warning voice.

The man sniffed before his eyes zoned in on Damon."Vampire."The man spat before he rushed at Damon and the two started fighting.

When the man managed to push Damon against a tree and tried to bite him, Alaric shot an arrow in the man's lower back. Seeing as he was still trying to bite Damon and ignoring the wound, Elena and Katherine had to give him points for that.

Both Elena and Katherine flinched as a grande, which Emily threw to Damon, went off in the man's face. Both grimaced as the man winced in pain as his face was burned and he fell to the floor before Damon kicked him in the stomach, knocking him unconscious.

"Let me guess. Hybrid."Alaric said sarcastically.

While the Hybrid was unconscious, Alaric and Damon started tying him up with everything they had that could be used to on a Werewolf."These ropes aren't gonna hold him much longer."Damon stated."What else do we have?"Damon questioned Alaric and Emily.

Emily was covering the remaining rope in liquefied Vervain."Ric, here. Take these."Emily said to Alaric but Damon grabbed it before Alaric could, burning his palm in the process.

"Aah! Ow!"Damon exclaimed as he turned fully to Emily while Katherine and Elena covered each others mouths to stop Damon from hearing their laughter.

"I said Ric."Emily defended herself as Alaric took the rope.

"All right, that's the last of the Vervain."He said as he tied it around the man."We don't have enough stuff to hold him."He turned back to Damon and Emily once he was done."I don't think we're gonna make that ridge before the Full Moon."

"If we can get him to talk, we don't have to."Emily said seriously as she walked over to the man and reached out to touch his face but gasped when the man woke up with a hoarse groan.

Everyone nearly jumped out of their skins when they heard the man's bones start to break, causing the man to scream in agony."Is he turning?"Damon asked in confusion as Elena and Katherine shared a look.

"It's impossible. It's still daylight."Emily said in denial while Elena pulled out her gun and aimed through the bushes, ready to kill the man if she had to.

"Tell him that."Alaric said, eyes narrowed as Damon got closer, grabbing the man by the shoulders.

"There aren't supposed t be werewolves out here until the Moon is Full."Emily exclaimed.

"Ya think?"Elena muttered sarcastically under her breath.

"You know, those ropes aren't gonna hold the Wolf."Alaric spoke up over the man's screams and snarls of pain.

"Damon, we've got to get out of here."Emily said after a minute of thinking, only to come up with nothing."We gotta get out of these mountains now!"Elena shoved slightly at Damon's sides to get his attention."Damon, now!"With that said, the trio took off running.

"They could have put him out of his misery."Elena muttered and Katherine raised an eyebrow at her."Look at him, Kat. He's not actually gonna survive this. I can tell."

Katherine looked at the man and had to agree. Something was wrong with him. Including the fact that he shouldn't be transforming this early. Hybrid or not. Looking back at Elena, she nodded her agreement. Aiming her gun towards his heart, Elena shot at the man twice just to be sure.

"We should go. We don't know if more rabid Hybrids will come down the Mountain, and there's a chance that Klaus, Stefan, or even Damon could've heard the shot."Katherine stated and Elena nodded in agreement.

"So Klaus is making Hybrids, but he's failing."Elena said as she paced around the living room of the motel they were in."The question is why?"

"Should it matter? I mean, if he can't make Hybrids, then the other Supernatural Species are safe."Katherine stated.

"True, but this is Klaus. We both know, well I know from what you've told me, he has quite the temper."Elena said as she stopped pacing and crossed her arms, giving Katherine a pointed look.

"Meaning that after he's pitched a fit, he'll go looking for some answers afterwards."Katherine said in realisation."And the only answers he'd be able to get, would be from a Witch. So we find out where he's going next, we find the Witch."

"And we also find Elijah."Elena said brightly."While they're with a Witch, that means they have to let their guard down, they'd leave Klaus' and Elijah's Siblings without any protection, right?"

"Well, any form of Supernatural Protection."Katherine corrected her.

"So Compelled Humans are protecting Elijah and their Siblings."Elena stated and Katherine nodded.

"Most likely."Katherine agreed.