Lucy's pov:

Ever since I was a little girl, life seemed to be fair to me. It was normal, perfectly fine, I had many friends, though that was mainly because of how Natsu brought me into his friendship group. As I lay down on my bed, I look up at the ceiling and begin to wonder where everything had gone wrong. As my thoughts begin to wonder, I start to reminisce on my past and how I met everyone.

10 years ago:

I was eight years old, new to this town Magnolia. I hadn't gotten any friends yet, I was In the posh neighbourhood as my parents liked to live luxuriously, something I never really cared for as a child. I was walking down the road, about to go to the park when I pushed over by a much older child. He started laughing at me and called him mates over who also joined In at laughing at me. I was so embarrassed, I just wanted to go back home at that point. I hadn't even been there for a week and I was already someones rag doll. I tried to get back up but he pushed me again.

"Where do you think your going Princess?" The boy taunted.

I gritted my teeth and stared at him, "I was thinking about getting my Daddy on you, he wouldn't be afraid to push over a crappy person like you!"

"Why you little brat!" Just as he was about to punch me, someone caught It and pushed the other boy back. Must of been really hard because he fell on his ass. This made me smile and I looked up at my savoir. My savoir had pink hair which was absolutely messed up, he had sharp canines propped out of his mouth and had this toothy grin as he helped me up.

"Hey I'm Natsu, sorry about him, he's just nervous around girls. Doesn't know how to truly treat them" He stated.

"Thanks, I'm Lucy, maybe you should give him a lesson" I say, blushing furiously.

"The only thing he will ever listen to Is his stomach" He laughed out. This caused me to laugh out as well.

"Hey, you should come play with me and my friends, they will love you!" He said, pulling me along with him Into the park.

As I walk with Natsu I notice all of his friends seem to have really funny hair colours, I giggle at this.

"Hey guys! This is Lucy!" He bellows.

"Hi everyone" I shyly say and wave.

"Hi I'm Erza" The girl with red hair says.

"Hi I'm Gray" The boy with dark hair says.

"I'm Gajeel" A boy with long black hair says.

"I'm levy" A girl with blue hair says.

"We're Lissana, Mirajane and Elfman" A girl with long white hair says, they must be siblings.

"I'm Juvia" Another girl with blue hair pips in.

From that day forwards, I was friends with all of them, they were my bestest friends if anything. The ones I could entrust anything with. They loved me for me not for what I was going to become or what I wasn't.

5 years later:

I was 13 and my friendship with everyone deepened much more, we were inseparable. I started to grow a crush on Natsu around this age, or at least realise that I had one for him. I kept it secret from everyone though because I knew that Lissana had one for him. It wasn't really a good idea to keep it bottled up though because the thing is as everyone says, before you get a mate, your able to date as many boys as you like. That's just what I wanted to do but I couldn't dare take that potential away from Lissana and so I sat back and watched her with him, growing close. It ached in a way, my love being ripped away from me without actually being my love.

I ran up to Natsu and Lissana and offered them a smile before asking them, "Hey guys, what are you doing?" I couldn't help myself though.

"Nothing special that would interest you" Lissana says smiling at me.

That stung, I looked at Natsu as he just smiled at me as well.

"Ah well I was wondering if this weekend we could all go bowling or ice skating or something, the whole group I mean by that" I say.

"Lucy, me and Lissana actually planned on going somewhere together this weekend, I'm sorry. How about next weekend?" He offered instead.

"Yeah sure, let me know what you guys would like to do and I'll get my dad to come and drop us of there" I say smiling.

"Yeah that would be perfect Lucy" He says smiling.

"Anyway, I have to go, I'm sure my parents are finished cooking dinner now" I say, walking away, not even waiting for their response.

As soon as I got round the corner, I instantly let it all out. Tears flowed down my face as I realised that I would never get my chance because even if I stood back and let Lissana have her time with Natsu or if I didn't, she would always be one step ahead of me. It was absolutely agonizing. The thing was that he was too blind to even see that I was the one who had deeper feelings for him. It felt like fate with him, like we were meant to be together. I ran back home and ignored my parents calls for me as I ran upstairs and cried it all out in my bed. Later on that evening my mom came upstairs with some cookies and offered me a hug. I told her how I felt about Natsu and how he will never love me the way that he will love Lissana. All that she said back was that if me and Natsu were truly meant to be together forever then the moon goddess would grant us it and all I had to do was wait.

3 years later:

Today was the day of my sixteenth birthday. The day that I will get my wolf powers and from here on out I will be able to sense and find my mate. The day that I had waited years for. Natsu was already sixteen as was Lissana and they weren't mates yet they continued to date. I walked into the woods to transform. I wanted to do it alone because I never wanted people to see me when it happened. I knew it was painful and it was much easier with someone there to help you but I grew up with the dream of being independent. As I heard the first crack of my bones, I screamed out but bit my hand to snuffle it out. After an agonizing hour of transforming, I was finally a wolf. I ran as fast as I could to a lake and looked into the water, if was in my person form I would of gasped. My fur was a shining golden colour with slightly burnt gold paws. I had beautiful brown eyes. I got my mums wolf form for sure. They're rare and known as celestial forms. Mum told me it's because of how her pack would only go out in the moonlight and the light made them look holy. However as I stare at myself, with or without moonlight, I looked stunning. I was just about to and show everyone when I heard two people approaching. I focused my hearing on them and realised it was Natsu and Lissana.

"Natsu, we're going to be back in time for Lucys party. Don't worry" She said, her voice low.

"Yeah but it's her birthday, I want to be there for when she transforms" He says, his voice in a hushed whisper.

"Don't worry, you will see her transform now come here and make up for the lost time of this week" She says.

"Okay babe, but I'll be making this quick" He huskily says back.

I look in their direction and my eyes widen, tears forcing their way out of my eyes. There they were making out literally not even that far away from me. I instantly turn around and run back, making sure my feet were light on the ground so I wouldn't make noise of my escape. As soon as I got back to the area that I transformed, I went back into my human form, this part was just as equally painful but it was nothing compared to the pain in my chest. I grabbed the clothes I laid out and put them on. I ran home and cried, from this moment on I decided to never reveal my wolf form and instead pretend that I wasn't granted one and as to musk up my scent of myself so I wouldn't be able to find my mate, I would cover myself in perfume. I'll put up a mask and many walls. I didn't even care if there was a mates bond with Natsu or not, I wasn't even going try anymore. I carried myself to the party later and informed everyone that I couldn't transform into a wolf. Everyone seemed to be devastated from this but I didn't care anymore.

2 years later, to the present day:

This morning I was hoping things would be different. I noticed that my friends had been treating me differently, they'd been like this at my sixteenth birthday party. As much as it hurt to be treated differently from them, I was relieved in a way. I got dressed and as soon as I walked into college Natsu and Lissana were besides my locker talking to the whole group. I walked up to my locker and said hey to everyone as I opened it up and took out the books that I needed for the day.

"Hey Princess, found your wolf yet?" Lissana asks me, a smile on her lips.

"Hey basic bitch, found your dignity yet?" I spit back at this I got a look from Natsu.

"Lucy that wasn't cool, apologise" He says.

"What if I say no? You going to beat me up Dragneel?" I challenge.

"No I'll just pretend that you don't exist until you do" He says nonchalantly.

I scoffed and apologised to Lissana who smirked at me. I was about to walk away when Gray pipes in.

"So human, what's it like to not find your one true love? I've always wondered" He laughs at me.

"Gray, that wasn't nice, she might find him one day" Juvia defends me.

"Thanks Juvia but it's okay, I just guess that cockiness doesn't fall far from the tree. Isn't that what got your farther killed Gray?" I spit towards him.

"That's it Heartfilia, your gonna get it!" He yells at me, just as he was about to lunge at me, the bell went of to notify us we had a few minutes until lessons started.

"Goodbye Fullbuster" I yawn.

I walk to lesson, tears threating the spill. Not today. They weren't always this confident about speaking to me this way. After about a year after my sixteenth, that was when she made small remarks but now it's just full on. The only people who actually defend me are Juvia, Levy and Gajeel.

The day progressed by worse, since I bit back at him and Lissana, I was being pranked, first it was sticking something on my chair before I sat down and so I ruined my skirt and then more stupid pranks. By the end of the day I had enough, I exited the last lesson and a bucket of water falls on me. At the end of the hallway, they were all stood there laughing. A few of them looked guilty at it. I instantly marched over to them, pissed of.

"That's it. You want to fight me then fucking do it already. Beat me up if that will satisfy you! I have really had it and I'm done with all of your crap!" I scream at them. For a second I thought I saw guilt flash on Grays and Natsus faces.

"Fine Heartfilia" Gray says.

With that, a punch comes flying to my face, colliding hard making me fall to the floor.

"Gray no!" Juvia screams at him.

People try to pull him of but as far as we're both aware, he's only seeing red. It's kind of funny, I asked him to but I didn't realise it would hurt this much. By the time they are able to pull him of off me I'm covered in blood. My arm feels broken and I stare up at him as he pants catching his breath. It takes him a few moments before it settles on him what he's done. I watch as he opens his mouth to apologise but I beat him to it.

"Forget it" I mumble as I stand up. I stumble as I start to walk to the front of the college.

Levy tries to put herself under me and pull me towards the infirmary but I just shrug her of me and continue walking away. She tries again which causes me to swivel round to her.

"Can you please just leave me alone Levy? I want to be alone, that's all I've ever wanted" I choke out, I refuse to let these people watch me cry.

"C'mon Shrimp, she will be okay" Gajeel says as he pulls her away.

My walk home was quite and solemn. It hurt to even think about how Natsu just stood there and watched me be hurt. I shouldn't like him anymore. It's wrong to, he's happy with Lissana. I choke out a sob as I try to hold it in. As I got home, I ran a shower and began to wash up and made sure my wounds weren't too bad. After washing up I walked into my room and locked it. My parents were out working so I was alone, something I was actually grateful for today. I dropped my towel and stared at my reflection. A few bruises on my face, a cut on my cheekbone, a busted lip and a broken arm. It wasn't as bad as I thought thankfully. I fall back onto my bed and stare up to the ceiling which brings me here to this current moment. Maybe it was my fault this is all happening. Maybe if I never hid my identity of actually having a wolf and masking my scent. Maybe if I never spoke back to everyone when they was harsh. A sigh escapes my mouth as I think. It is my fault isn't it?