Okay, I am really sorry this is so late, I became lazy and my little sis took the laptop to play barbie games and then this thing got deleted then it got deleted again and it was my own fault because I forgot to save it and yeah. But anyways, the last chapter's here now and you can go ahead and read it! I am seriously sorry.

Chapter 11

Percy P.O.V

She was back. My Annabeth was back. She remembered me. She remembered me.

I'll admit it, I was scared that I had lost her. After all, I refused to even see her. It just hurt too much. And then I saw her with Mark, and all my lingering hopes were washed away.

But then, at the park, she kissed me. I was so confused. First she followed me. Then she kissed me. I was over the moon, I thought she actually remembered me. Turned out, she did. I thought the fountain would explode with the amount of happiness flowing out me.

Even Mike's scolding of 'sneaking out! Do you have any idea what could have happened? You should have at least told me! You aren't indestructible, you know, 'was not enough to put a damper on my mood. Nothing was.

As well as that, Mark's expression was worth thousands. ''Annabeth, why in Tartarus are you with Percy ?!''

Annabeth coolly replied, ''Percy is my boyfriend. Get that into your head, '' she said a word I don't really want to repeat. Mark was astonished (Annabeth would be so proud right now. I used such a big word.) ''You- you- you got your memories back? That's… great!'' he stammered out. It was obvious that he did not think it was great.

Me and Annabeth went in to get ready, A.K.A dress in dirty hand- me- downs, mess up our hair, scrub dirt on our face, etc.

We, me, Annabeth and Mark started walking to the alleyway Maysilee lived in after strict instructions from Mike: be slightly hostile. Ask about her life. Try not to get into fights. Stick together. If a monster comes, don't panic. And convince her to come to camp. And on and on and on.

When we were finally on our way, Mark kept shooting me sour looks over his shoulder. He obviously did not like the fact that my hand was around Annabeth and her cheek was on my shoulder. I resisted the urge to send him a smirk. When we got there, Mark said something about feeling like a fish out of water, probably trying to impress Annabeth with his use of smiles or whatever, which Annabeth ignored.

The next few days were great. Even looking like a runaway, Annabeth looked more pretty than Aphrodite. Maysilee seemed like a child of Ares, which meant she got into a fight with Mark on the very first day. He got pummeled, which was no surprise. I didn't hesitate to laugh. His glare was about as scary as a puppy.

After a whole week of convincing and a battle with two hellhounds, Maysilee finally was convinced she was different. That was way harder than I thought, and I was relieved to be back at camp.

-line break that wants to APOLLOgize-

Chiron greeted us with a worried look on his face.

''Good, you are back… in one piece,'' he said.

''Nice to know you have such faith in us,'' I grumbled.

''How could anything have happened to us? I was there!'' Mark bragged. I snorted. He did absolutely nothing in anything.

Chiron ignored him and turned to Annabeth. ''Annabeth…?''

Annabeth smiled and said, ''My memories are back.''

Chiron's face immediately relaxed. ''Good! I see that this quest was a success!''

''Yeah, it was,''

''I have decided that you can go back to school from next week. However, not in the same school. You, Annabeth and Mark will continue going to Dustwood High. Jason, Piper and Leo will be going to Redfish High School,'' Chiron said.

''Okay, I can't wait!'' Annabeth replied excitedly. I laughed at her reaction. ''What? School is fun! And we are going to learn about the ancient Greek lifestyle, and I want to see how mortals interpret it!'' she said defensively.

''Yeah, it'll be fun," I said, poking her cheek.

''Stop! Let's just enjoy our weekend at camp, okay? then when we'll get back to school, study.''

I pouted, but it had no effect on her.

''Can you guys stop and go to the dining pavilion already?'' Mark asked suddenly, annoyed.

Annabeth's expression grew hard and she nodded. I smirked at him.

Everything was going great.

Done! This story is over :(

Okay, so I might write a sequel, I don't know, MAYBE. I really hoped you liked it, sorry that the ending is abrupt, but… yeah.


KittenLuv: Glad you think so! As I just said, I will maybe start something else. And what can I say except you're welcome! (Moana, anyone?)

MrunuL16.03: thanks, I just did!

Guest: I am not even close to being the best writer, but thanks anyway!

Guest: that was literally my reaction when I wrote that part, ha!

CrimsonSayian12-thanks, and I know, but I have a sort of permanent writer's block, so it ends here.

HoO Storys: hahaha, I know right! His reaction I would have paid to see, lol.

ItsOnly Pubg: I know, but it honestly broke my heart to see Percabeth like this, so I ended it quick. Sowwy :(

JoeBob: thank you! nice to know that you got my reasons, and thank you again!

Anonymous: its okay, no offence taken. I had gotten some of my ideas from other stories for inspiration, so that's why it seemed like I was copying someone. And thank you! again, no offence taken.

Mrdemigod: thank you!

always crazy,
