Takes place during the " Official Huntsmen" Montage in V7


Everyone was calmly eating dinner in the atlas academy cafeteria

Jaune: And then, she gave me another casserole!

Weiss: Is that why we've been eating this for the past 3 days? *pokes food*

Jaune: Hey! I can't finish it all on my own! I'm not Nora!

Nora: Hey! I only finish all the pancakes Ren makes!

Ruby: And his cookies too...

Oscar: Let's face it Nora, you finish everything Ren makes.

Nora: Well its not my fault he's such and amazing cook!

Ren starts blushing

Nora: Wouldn't you guys finish all of the food your parents made?!

Yang: Well yeah! Dad makes a mean bowl of Ramen.

Ruby: And great cookies.

Blake: My mom always cools Salmon in the most delicious way possible.

Jaune: My sisters make a great spinach dip that is-to-die-for!

Weiss: My parents never cooked. However, my cake butler made the greatest coffee cake imaginable

Nora: How about you Oscar?! What did your parents make for you growing up as a kid?!

Oscar looked down sadly at his food as he put down his utensils.

Oscar: I never knew my parents..

Nora: Oh...

Oscar: They died shortly after I was born. My aunt took my in after that. She does make a good pumpkin pie though.

Oscar continued to look down sadly.

Oscar: This conversation has me

wondering. If my parents were still alive, what would they have cooked for me that I would of loved...

Nora: So what you're saying is, you're technically an orphan?

Ruby: Nora!

Oscar: *chuckles slightly* I guess figuratively, yes. Im an orphan.

Nora: Well not anymore! *jumps on table*

Oscar: W-what do you mean?

Nora: Oscar Pine! Me and Ren are adopting you!

Oscar felt as though his eyeballs were about to fall out of his head.

Oscar: Y-you're what!?

Nora: *grabs Ren* We're your mom and dad now! What do you say Ren?

Ren simply shrugged his shoulders

Ren: Okay.

Nora: It's almost official! Oscar what do you say?!

Oscar nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

Oscar: Um. I-

Weiss: Now hold on Nora, you can't just adopt Oscar. You're still only 18. You and Ren aren't fit to be parents yet.

Nora then got on all fours and put her face extremely close to Weiss's face.

Nora: OHHH! So what you're saying is me and Ren wouldn't be good parents huh?!

Weiss: No of course not! All i'm saying is you two are yet to fit the requirements to being a parent. Besides, he's already 14 turning 15 soon, doesn't seem appropriate.

Nora: Now you listen here! Just because you lived in a fancy mansion all your life and are more civilized doesn't make you a great parent.

Weiss put her hand to her chest in a manner showing that she was just offended

Weiss: Pardon me! I would be a wonderful mother! I would show Oscar the world and have him travel with the best teachers so he can learn in the most effective way possible!

Nora: What about a dad?! You don't have that!

Weiss: Well my husband would be someone I am yet to meet. But I would ask Jaune to help me parent Oscar.

Jaune: Me?!

Weiss: Well yes. You are my only male friend who I still maintain constant contact with. I would want Oscar to develop life long bonds. Not develop attachment issues.

Jaune: Wow Weiss. I would be honored to adopt Oscar with you *smiles*

Oscar: Guy's wai-

Yang: Now hold on a second guys! Why do you need a husband to properly raiss a child?

Weiss: I never said that.

Yang: Yeah well, I bet me and, I don't know! B-Blake

Blake blushing heavily: Me! And you! Raise Oscar!!? Ha-Haha *nervously rubs arms while ears perk up*

Yang: Y-yeah! Lets say HYPOTHETICALLY, me and Blake started dating AND HYPOTHETICALLY I proposed! AND HYPOTHETICALLY she said yes! AND HYPOTHETICALLY we plan a bug wedding and select out dresses, AND HYPOTHETICALLY we got married on the beach. AND HYPOTHETICALLY we moved to the country side. AND HYPOTHETICALLY she was pregnant. AND-

Jaune: Wait how would Blake get pregnant-


Jaune: Okay... *sits back down*

Yang: AND HYPOTHETICALLY! We raised Oscar togther! We could totally do it!

Both Blake and Yang were blushing messes.

Nora: Ha! Even if you do come out the closet, me and Ren would be the best parents!

Weiss: In your dreams. Me and Jaune would be the most stable parents.

Yang: But me and Blake would be the coolest!

Ren: I'd give him the best nourishment

Jaune: I'd teach him sports!

Oscar: Didn't you once say touch down when you got the ball in the basketball hoo-

Blake: Well I'd teach him the importance of literature!

Weiss: You're filfth doesn't count Blake!

Blake hissed at Weiss as the 3 fake couples began to fight.

Oscar then moved over to Ruby.

Oscar: Should I... stop them.

Ruby: While it is funny, we are getting a lot of stares...

Oscar: Noted *stands up* Everyone please stope!

Everyone stopped to look at Oscar.

Oscar: I said that about my parents because... I wished I could have met them. Unfortunately I didn't get that opportunity. But, I had my aunt. She was more than just my mothers sister. She was my mother and father. I had a parent, so you don't need to feel responsible for me. Besides, when the battle of Salem is over, you guys can concieve or adopt your own children however you like.

Everyone looked down shamefully.

Ren: Wow Oscar, we're sorry. We just assumed you wanted parents because we want to be parents.

Blake: We shouldn't have made such brash assumptions.

Oscar: No really. It's okay. Besides, the care and effort you guys were willing to put into me, just shows you guys will all be great parents one day.

Everyone: Awwwww *smiles*

Oscar: *yawns* Anyways. I think I'm gonna head back to my room. Have a Goodnight everyone!

Oscar then got up and left.
























Ruby: Why didn't any of you tried adopting me?
