Hey there, y'all! So… *clears throat and awkwardly darts eyes around the room* I'll bet that after reading the summary, you're probably pretty uncomfortable knowing that this type of story is coming from me, lol. Well, you guys, this is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now, and I was actually never planning to write it… but y'know what? I've already traumatized people with the dirty jokes and cursing in some of my other stories, so I figured… why not make things worse with a sensual Spandy fic? Hahaha! (God help me, please). Now, as I stated in the summary, this is rather intense and deals with an intimate subject. DO NOT read this if you dislike that sort of thing. But there's a reason it's only rated T; it is not explicit or anything. You could barely even call it "smut." It just focuses on the romance and the mushy-mushy junk. So, if you're not shy toward that kind of material, then stick around. Okay, anyways, sorry for the long note! Let's dive in.

Disclaimer: I do not own SpongeBob SquarePants or any of its characters.

Unified Hearts

For so many years, things never seemed to change in Bikini Bottom.

Everything was the same; the same types of movies, the same boring and stinky fish food (with the mouthwatering exception of the Krabby Patty, of course. Not one soul in the whole ocean could ever lose interest in such a delectable lunch item).

Fishfolks busied themselves with the same everyday activities; Squidward would play his clarinet and create beautiful works of art that people would just make fun of because they were too blind to recognize true talent (this was the thought process that came from his own distorted, inflated ego, naturally). Mr. Krabs would count his money, Plankton would try to steal the formula and failed miserably every time, no matter how much effort he'd put in, and Pearl and her friends would talk about cute boys at school; though, it was a wonder why she was still even in school at all, seeing as how she had turned sixteen years old many years ago.

It was needless to say, however, that logic seldom applied to this cartoony underwater universe, so just about anything went.

Even relationships between people were the same. Squidward still couldn't stand SpongeBob and Patrick, nor could he tolerate their obnoxious antics. Krabs and Plankton rivaled against one another with hatred, while still having their moments of getting along on occasion (which came as a shock to most people, even after it had been happening throughout the years), and the men and women in town -married or dating- seemed to be going through the usual routines of cuddling on bench sidewalks and surprising each other with cliché gifts. Not that there was anything wrong with such activities; after all, it was only natural for two people who were in love to spend time with one another, even if that time was spent doing the same ol' same ol', which many men's wives complained about.

However, one event that had recently taken place at the Recreation Center not only changed the stale course of things, but it also sent a shockwave of surprise through every corner of the water, amusing some people with delight and disturbing others with the insane reality that…

SpongeBob SquarePants was now married. And not just to anyone, but to Sandy Cheeks (now legally Sandy SquarePants), whom he had previously been "going steady" with for around three-hundred and sixty-seven days; not that he had counted… on the calendar stuck to the wall in his living room… which he marked up every single day with a red marking pen, and also couldn't resist doodling little hearts on each square block underneath the written days of the week.

Nevertheless, no matter how strange the whole wedding seemed, all their closest friends had chosen to attend happily; Mr. Krabs, Plankton, Karen, Larry the Lobster, Gary, and even Squidward. And to make things more interesting, there was Patrick as the best man, Mrs. Puff as the pianist, and Pearl as the flower girl.

It was a lot like that play held about ten years or so before, except it was real this time, which some people still refused to believe.

The two love scallops hadn't participated in the exact lovey-dovey routine of the townsfolk – not even when they were just together as significant others. Sure, they engaged in things like having picnics in the warmth of Jellyfish Fields (when it was summertime), going to see romantic films together at the theater, which did include a newer Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy movie; Sandy didn't consider it to be all that romantic, but that small scene where a fish-lady tripped and fell into Barnacle Boys' arms just about stole SpongeBob's heart and made him say, "Aww!" loudly enough for everyone in the building to respond with, "Shh!"

Despite them putting in efforts to make their relationship more loving and somewhat intimate, their usual friendly teamwork of messing with science and playing karate was something that hadn't changed, and never would. They were tied together in the bonds of love now, and that only strengthened their friendship even more

But after spending over two weeks away camping in the kelp forest as their version of a honeymoon, there was a special, personal, tender truth that still had yet to be spoken between them, and the lack of communication was making their remaining friendship and overall relationship a bit… awkward.

The opportunity was there, but it was impossible to take it with all the other campers passing through, and the overwhelming fact that Sandy needed to keep her helmet on. Not to mention that SpongeBob was more tenderhearted than she was, and he needed to be approached with the "conversation" more gently than a lot of other men did.

The well-made tent hadn't been enough to conceal them; they needed to be somewhere that was private and safe, and the open forest that was loaded with wild sea creatures and noisy people trying to get bars on their shell-phones wasn't either of those things. Besides that, Sandy wasn't in the mood to fight off nosy fishfolks or sea bears while in the middle of dealing with what was supposed to be a very exclusive affair with her fragile husband.

All those years of being good buddies had built a sturdy bridge of understanding, trust, and unproblematic feelings for SpongeBob and Sandy to walk across and stand upon next to each other.

But now that things were different, the two were strolling aimlessly around that bridge instead of standing strongly together, without fear or hesitation.

It wasn't necessarily that they didn't have faith in one another; rather, it was merely that they had known each other for so long, and the thought of them becoming bound in such a new, deep way felt like peering down the edge of a high cliff and getting ready to jump into a freezing-cold river, without knowing how to swim; it would be a shocking and frightening experience, that was for certain in their minds, especially in SpongeBob's case.

The incredibly delicate and sacred matter of consummating a marriage was as touchy a subject for some people as it was for Squidward to explain why his head was so hairless.

Except, Squidward's baldness wasn't nearly as special as something that occurred between two people who loved each other dearly; not unless a woman cared so much about the shininess of his head and felt that it could potentially break their relationship. Plus, Squidward did give way too many barnacles about his appearance, so it truly was a sensitive issue for him.

Now one month into their marriage, SpongeBob and Sandy knew they needed to find a happy medium when it came to their living situations. Sandy wasn't about to move into the pineapple with him and Gary and just deal with whatever oxygen she had left inside her bubble helmet and suit, and SpongeBob would hate the idea of leaving his beloved home just to sleep, eat and breathe inside a bathtub in the Treedome for the rest of his life.

So, after a thoughtful conversation or two, Mr. and Mrs. SquarePants decided it was best to simply alternate between households. One evening, Sandy would load up her helmet and suit with as much precious air as possible and spend the night sleeping soundly next to SpongeBob in his rather cramped bed, which he would often tumble out of due to getting smacked by Sandy's tail in her sleep.

And on other nights, SpongeBob was supposed to lay down in a warm bathtub to keep his pores hydrated. And, not surprisingly, he had requested a rubber ducky to play with, to which Sandy responded to by giving him an old chew toy that used to belong to a pet dog of hers back home in Texas. Anything squishy and squeaky was good enough to keep him entertained, though, so he didn't mind.

This was going to be the first night for him to sleep in that hard tub. But, as life would have it, a surprising change of plans swooped in to give things an interesting little twist.

As the two entered the Treedome after their long, relaxing evening of dinner at "Fancy!" and taking a stroll at the local park, they sensed the atmosphere that was usually dry now felt as moist as a pair of lips smothered in ice cream.

Since it was winter, it was only a matter of time before the place would match the rest of the town and fill up with sparkling, white snowflakes that were quite bitter on the skin, but would provide enough moisture for a certain water breather to function.

It seemed that that time had now come; therefore, no "soaking in a warm bath" was needed.

Nor were any helmets needed.

"Bahaha! Did you see the look on that guy's face at the restaurant when the waiter told him that the desserts weren't complimentary? Oh! What a card he was. You know, what he did almost reminds me of someone I know…" SpongeBob babbled on as he stood in the darkness of Sandy's bedroom inside the treehouse, waiting to see as she took loud steps toward the acorn-shaped lamp that sat on the brown, wooden nightstand near the full-sized bed, located in the back of the room.

"Can you guess who it is?" he asked.

"Hm, now let me think…" Sandy said, reaching underneath the lampshade and pulling the chain, which resulted in the room becoming dimly lit with an orangey-yellow glow. "Is it Mr. Krabs?"

SpongeBob's eyes shined brightly with astonishment. "Oh, yes! How did you guess that so quickly?"

"Ha, ha!" she chuckled, kicking off her black, flat shoes and pushing them underneath the rocking chair with her foot. "I don't know, maybe it's 'cause that's somethin' that Mr. Krabs does every time he takes Powder Puff out to 'Fancy!', which ain't surprisin', considerin' his stinginess."

"Hey," SpongeBob sternly stated with a teasing hint in his tone, crossing his arms over his chest. "Mr. Krabs may be stingy, but I'll have you know that he is still excellent at providing me with a paycheck."

"He seems to be 'excellent' at deductin' from that paycheck, too."

SpongeBob gasped, opening his eyes and uncrossing his arms, getting drenched in the playful and smug smile she was pouring over him. "And just how did you find that out, missy?"

Sandy's smile only grew bigger at her little husband pretending to be offended. She pinched her fingers around the strings of the bow that was holding her fuzzy, dark purple cardigan closed, pulling it and allowing it to come undone. "I didn't find out nothin', mister. Everyone in town already knows."

"Aw, barnacles! You're right." He snapped his fingers and adjusted the collar on his jet-black dress shirt that blended seamlessly with his long pants. "Maybe this is a sign that he should stop bragging about how much he cares about money to everyone, huh?"

"Yeah…" Sandy reluctantly agreed, pulling the long sleeves of the cardigan off her arms, revealing the top portion of the light purple off-the-shoulder dress that adorned her, ending just below the knees. "Or maybe it's a sign he should stop carin' about it so much, period."

"You're right about that too, Sandy! After all, there are lots of other things in life that are worth caring about."

"Exactly! Like makin' sure your house stays neat and dust-free."

"Ooh! O-or making a person's day by saying 'hello' to them on the sidewalk…"

"Yeah, that's a good one," she nodded, standing up from the bed after removing the scratchy stockings that had been stretched over her legs all night. "And not to mention bein' kind to just about everyone you meet."

"Ooh, yeah! I love doing that."

"Or, takin' a walk and gettin' some good, fresh air!"

"Or, in Mr. Krabs' case, fresh water!"

"Uh-huh! And also, workin' hard…"

"Taking care of yourself…"


"Oh, yeah! But let's not forget…"

"The most important thing of all…"

Sandy raised her finger and opened her mouth wider, sucking in a breath to end the game of "meaningful sentences" with a phrase that was realistic, heartfelt and—

"Being with the ones we love!"

Normally, Sandy would've been irritated to have someone finish a speech for her, especially when it was about something that held so much meaning.

But how could that happen this time after he had declared it so passionately, raised his arms like he was a cheering fan at a concert, and was showing that brilliant smile that was warmer than a blazing fire on a cold winter's night, like tonight?

To reach further into her heart and pull out even more of her usually well-hidden sensitive side, it was the same set of words that she had thought to use herself.

For him to be thinking the very same thing that she was – which was unusual when one considered their differences in intelligence and thought patterns– was uplifting to know and, quite honestly, very touching to her.

His genuine, charismatic attitude was something that warmed her on the inside regularly, but the way he looked at her right now with those soothing blue eyes was starting to make her feel like a chocolate chip melting inside of a cookie that was being baked to perfection in the oven.

"I mean, when you think about it, being around those we love with every inch of our hearts and spending as much precious time with them as possible really is the most important thing out of everything in life! There's nothing in the world that's quite like it," he stated with glee, turning away from her to walk towards the window, pulling up the green shade to reveal the light snowfall inside the dome, and the iridescent moon floating in the sky outside. "What do you think, Sandy? Don't you agree?"

"I sure do, SpongeBob…" she folded her arms over her chest as slowly as the gates in her mind opened up. "I was actually thinkin' the same thing."

"Oh, you were? That's great! Then we're on the same page, haha." He turned back towards her, flashing that same heartwarming smile. "Since we're talking about this, I might as well tell ya: I love spending time with you, Sandy, and I love you this much!"

Sandy wasn't usually a very fragile or affectionate person; it was true that there were things that did bring sentiments of tenderness out in her, such as her memories and love for Texas, or even her good ol' oak tree that helped to provide oxygen for her.

But putting those aside, there wasn't any other thing in the entire blue sea or even dry land that managed to break down her staunch walls and leave her with nothing but her raw emotions like this creature did.

Standing on the other side of the room, stretching out his arms big and wide like a child with an overactive imagination, looking not just at her eyes, but through them, and letting the words escape him as freely as a gust of wind blowing across an open field sent her heart into a tailspin, and released the biggest swarm of butterflies that she had ever felt into her stomach.

"Hm…" she giggled lightly, shifting her weight on her feet. She knew he didn't need to tell her how he felt; she already knew it. After all, they were married, had a wonderful friendship, and he told her that he loved her every day, several times a day. Not just verbally, but with his actions and his personality. It was in his nature to be loving. That was just who he was, and she was grateful beyond words to have him.

"Why, thanks, SpongeBob," she spoke quietly, her stare lingering. "I love ya, too."

"But how much…?" he teased, leaning forward and biting his lip like the good-natured brat that he was.

"Ha, ha," she laughed at his adorableness, her shoulders bouncing. She imitated the grand gesture he had made with his arms and hands before. "More than a whole tractor full of nothin' but sweet pecan pies!"

"Wow!" he exclaimed, jumping a bit. "You really must love me a lot to make me compete with one of your favorite desserts! Bahaha! Ahh," he exhaled heavily, turning to the window once more and gazing out.

I do, SpongeBob… I really do. she thought, unable to stop her mind from speeding towards the destination of her rising passions. I love ya more than you could ever know, and after everything you've done over the years to show me how much you love me, I reckon it's about time I do the same for you in a way that… oh, tarnation! What is this critter doin' to me?

She almost lost the power over the salty droplets that threatened to spill from her tear ducts.

This ain't no time to be cryin'! If I let myself get all out of control emotionally like this, it'll only make things harder for us to…

Her thoughts skidding to a stop, Sandy wiped her eyes with her thumb, sniffling quietly to not alert the sponge about her soft feelings coming to the surface.

"Ooh! Come look at the pretty snow, Sandy! It's so sparkly and fluffy!" SpongeBob beamed.

"Alright, I'ma comin'."

Her now-bare feet carried her to the other side of the room to stand behind him, watching as he stretched his little hands out the window to catch the gifts of nature; each one floating down into his palms and melting into ice-cold water.

"Hehe, that kinda tickles, bahaha!" he giggled.

"Looks like it's gotten a little heavier since we came in," she said.

"Yup, it sure has. Just look at that beautiful, white blanket down there!" he stood on his tiptoes, pointing a finger to direct her attention to the thick sheet that was lit by the moonlight above.

"Yessir, that's why I am ever-grateful to live in this place. It's like my own private wonderland this time of year," she said with enthusiasm.

SpongeBob sighed happily, resting his cheeks on his palms for a few moments while propping up his elbows upon the windowsill. "And just think; tonight, it's our wonderland."

The warmth in Sandy's chest and stomach rose, rolling her insides into one big, fuzzy ball of affection for this little man, who wasn't doing anything but being himself.

Yeah… our wonderland. She smiled sweetly to herself, happy to share such a peaceful evening with him, and him alone.

The longer they stood there, the stronger the desire grew for her to hold him in a tight embrace until neither of them could breathe.

Was she, without a doubt, ready to practically pull her heart out from her chest and give it to him? And, just as importantly, was he ready to do the same for her?

The moist weather conditions in the dome, them being the only two for miles around, tucked away in the privacy of the cozy treehouse, with the combination of the lamp and Moon lighting up the room in such a way that only further inspired the open-hearted fondness she felt for him – if this wasn't the perfect time for two people to share every ounce of true, meaningful love, then Sandy had no idea when that time was.

This matter was not only as intimate as it could get between two lifelong lovers, but it was also as beautiful and extraordinary as life itself. Goodness, without it, more lives wouldn't be able to be created, in the first place (in the natural realm of things, and without the aid of science, of course). But it wasn't to be taken lightly or for granted, like so many people often did; it was something that was meant to be cherished and treasured always, and the thought of getting to experience it with SpongeBob made it more special than she could fathom, even with her mind being as sharp as it was.

Sandy's 'lids fell halfway over her brown eyes as she carefully leaned forward to look into his, without causing him to flinch. The way they glistened so vividly as they fixed themselves on the large, glowing planet was bringing her to the edge of her decision.

She loved him with all her Texas-tough heart, and she wanted nothing more than to drown him in that love, completely giving all of herself to him and uniting them as one.

What Neptune hath joined together, let no fish-man put asunder.

"Sandy, look!" SpongeBob exclaimed, now pointing a finger upwards and busting her out of her thoughts.

The two followed the bright ball of light with their eyes as it zoomed down through the sky.

"Oh!" he hopped up and down, excitedly. "Did you see that, Sandy? It was a shooting star!"

"Uh-huh, I surely did! Boy, this certainly puts me in a mood."

For once, she wasn't referring to a mood that had to do with her usual science experiments and/or astronomy.

"Do you know what I just did?"

"Ya made a wish?"

"Oh— yes! Gosh, Sandy, it's like you're reading my mind tonight! Like you're some… psychic wizard or something cool like that!" he glanced at her with that look of awestruck innocence.

With everything they had seemingly been agreeing on lately, it was as though she almost did have the supernatural ability to read his mind, and vice versa. But there was still a portion of his thoughts that she was unable to access as of this moment; she wasn't sure if those thoughts were even in his head at all right now, but a growing part of her was hoping that they were and that he was in a good enough state emotionally to handle them.

"Well, now that'd be somethin', wouldn't it? It'd shock the world of science, that's for dang sure," she chuckled. "What'd ya wish for, SpongeBob?"

Her eyes then fell to her hand that rested on the windowsill, taking in how cold yet comforted it felt after he had placed his hand over it.

Their gold-colored wedding bands that fit comfortably around their ring fingers twinkled like his eyes always did, and the way which their hands meshed together so perfectly, one on top of the other, was a sight that made her feel closer to him than ever.

"T-that we'll always be together, no matter what happens," he shuddered slightly as the chill from the mild wind blew against him.

Those racing thoughts of hers had now reached their destination as soon as he looked up at her with that sugary sweet smile that should've given her cavities in all her teeth.

As he looked back at the Moon and the stars that surrounded it, his hand left hers and wrapped itself around his arm, along with the one he called "Righty" around the other arm, in an attempt to take the bitterness out of his body.

Who was she not to share the generous, blanket-like skin protection of her fur and keep him warm?

"That's a mighty nice wish, SpongeBob, but ya don't gotta worry about it comin' true in the future."

The sudden softness in her tone blew through his earholes like a pleasant yet strangely haunting melody, and the feeling of her hands around his shoulders and her pressing herself against his back pulled down his smile as if his lips were attached to a string.

"R-really? Why's that, Sandy?"

His throat seemed to have taken on a mind of its own, sucking in a sharp but silent breath as something balmy touched the side of his head, sending a rush of blood to his cheeks.

Was that… a pair of lips?

Whatever those pillow-like things were, they lingered on his skin for a good three or four seconds before leaving it with a 'smack' sound.

"Because it was already true, and always will be true. I ain't never leavin' your side; you can be sure of that."

Between the heat of her breath in his ear, and the light whirring of the wind swirling in his direction, SpongeBob couldn't decide if he was now cold or warm.

He was leaning more towards the latter with the fact that she was standing so close and allowing him to feel the toasty temperature of her body, but even if the window were shut, he had a feeling he might still be freezing with her now squishing her cheek against the area she had so tenderly kissed, and having her breathe in synchrony with him.

That harmony of their breathing was broken when his pulse reached a faster speed than the shooting star he had wished upon.