What's up everybody Assassin Naruto here... I have not written a far too long because of my work. But now we have quarantine in my work, so I have a plenty energy to write. Before I resume my work on "Reading Prince of Olympus" I want to write a new story about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I liked the part about being average Jedi, not some kind of super powered Jedi Master.

What I want to write is actually… A watching (reading) story about Cal Kestis and his journey in a game and the viewers will be a Jedi High Council with few more persons like Captain Rex, Saw Gerrera and Ventress, when she joined with her people. What about the members of the Rebel Alliance it is your choice. Have a spoiler ;).


"Come take a look at this." said Prauf who smiled at what he found "It's a Jedi fighter. What a score! It's a real scrapper's payday."

"Impossible!? What happened to us? To Jedi Order?" Anakin said shocked at what he saw.

Cal looked at the fighter with an empty look, as if he was not standing next to his friend, but somewhere else.

"I mean this heap's been here, what, four years?"

"Five." Cal said in a whisper.

"The war is over, and who the winner is, we do know…" With regret, pronounced Grand Master Yoda "The Sith Lord destroyed our Order. But I see that the boy is one of the surviving Jedi. Let's hope there are more survivors."

"Why did you decide Master Yoda that this boy is one of us?" Ahsoka could not understand.

"Over time, we will learn the truth." Yoda answered to her.

It seems that the end of the war was 5 years ago of its time.

"Whoever flew this went down in blaze of glory" Prauf stated while approaching a fighter. "Those Jedi… a real tragedy. I've always said they couldn't all be traitors"

"Yeah, maybe." Cal went to the wing of the fighter and wiped a layer of dust from the sign of the order.


"It's seems a Star Destroyer "Venator", isn't it?" asked Plo Koon.

Cal approached the door and held out his hand cautiously and after having the courage used Force to open. When the door opened a figure was approaching him, a person that haunted him in his nightmares. Cal fell on back and began to crawl away from him before he was lifted into the air by him.

"And this by the way is not master Jaro Tapal?" asked Shaak Ti with concern.

"We thought about giving him an apprentice. But now he is not ready." Mace answered her.

"Apprentice… Mark well and listen:" the figure growled at him.

"Master!?" Cal asked numb with horror.

"It seems he was still a Padawan when that happened." stated with suspicious Mace.

"Trust only in the Force." figure said to him before letting him go.


"A holocron. It stores information but only accessible to Jedi" Cere explained to Greez barely keeping her excitement "Hang on. I think I have one around here."

When Cal and Greez approached to her, she handed him the holocron.

"Use the Force" with that said Cere walked away from him and sat on a chair.

"Why didn't she open it?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Feel I, shame and blame from her. Broke the connection with the Force, she did. Know why I don't." sadly said Yoda.

Concentrating on the holocron, Cal barely opened it with the Force. The holocron rose to reveal the image of the Jedi Master. It was the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen…" before he said anything Cal deactivated a holocron with a sorrow on his face.

"What does this mean Obi Wan?" asked, angry at the message, Mace Windu.

"One of the survivors is he, sent the news to all the Jedi survivors through the Jedi archives he did." Yoda reassured him.


Hope you will like it.

May the Force be with you.