Chapter 1: Your Ruined Everything

It was a beautiful spring day as Sylvie pulled up in front of Julie and Scott's new house in bucktown. It was a nice craftsman and Matt was meeting her there to do an estimate on turning the attic into a master and nursery. She walked up to the front door and turned the key that Julie had given her. Scott was standing there with a gun pointed at Julie. "You ruined it all." he said "What's going on?" Sylvie asked "Your so called mother ruined our lives, she had to meet you and she had to get herself pregnant. We were happy with our lives." Sylvie didn't know how to react. She started to cry. "I'm done with you Julie." Scott shot Julie and she fell on the floor. Matt walked in just as the gun had gone off. "What is going on?" Scott pointed the gun at Sylvie and Matt " Give me your keys" Matt handed him his keys. "She ruined everything." Scott ran out the front door and sped off in Matt's truck. Matt dialed 911 and then called Jay Halstead. He steadied Sylvie and got her to sit on the couch she was hyperventilating at this point. Matt tried to sooth her till help arrived as well as assisted Julie until help arrived.

Halstead arrived soon after the uniforms and parmedics "So what happened?" Jay asked as he took out a notebook. " Scott shot Julie." Sylvie whispered as the paramedics were lifting Julie up. She was breathing but she had went into labor and was unconscious.

"He said she had ruined everything." Sylvie was in shock and just felt like she had been punched in the stomach. Matt held her hand " He shot Julie and then the pointed the gun at me and asked for my keys, he stole my truck. " Halstead spoke into the walkie talkie. " All units be on the lookout for late model silver single cab Chevrolet Silverado Illinois plates with M. Casey Construction on the side driven by white male mid forties armed" Matt nodded at Halstead

"Lets get to the hospital " Matt took Sylvie's hand. "Where are your keys?" She motioned towards her coat pocket but couldn't get the motions to get them out of pocket. Matt went and picked them out of her pocket. He helped her to the passenger side of her car and helped her get belted in. He got in on the driver's side and drove them to Chicago Med.

Sylvie was quiet the whole way. When they arrived to the hospital the ambo had already got Julie there and she was in emergency surgery. Matt held Sylvie's hand the whole time. She seemed to not want to let go.

Sylvie had fallen asleep on Matt's shoulder. They had been waiting for hours She smelled good. It made Matt happy to be there for her. He was day dreaming about telling her how he felt. It was crazy but seeing her with a gun pointed at her had made him so scared to lose her. When this was all over he was going to tell her.

Dr Halstead came out to the lobby where Matt and Sylvie were waiting. "Sylvie wake up." Sylvie moaned and opened her eyes. " Matt?" "Will has some news on Julie". Matt said to her.

Sylvie looked up at will. "Julie sustained lots of Blood loss. She is stable and we were able to save the baby she is being checked over right now. " Sylvie let go of the breath she was holding " you can see them both in a little while, but I want you to be aware Julie may not wake up." " Thank you will." Matt said as he turned to Sylvie.

"Who's going to raise Olivia?" Sylvie asked. "Scott's going to jail for a long time and Julie." She started to cry. "Sylvie it's all going to be okay." He put his hand on in hers'.

A few hours later Will brought Olivia out to meet her big sister and Matt.

"Sylvie, I have someone I'd like you to meet." He put baby Olivia in her arms. "Oh my Gosh she is so beautiful. " Sylvie cooed. Matt got out his phone and took a photo of Sylvie holding her baby sister for the first time.

Sylvie was beautiful holding her and he could imagine her holding their kids. Now wasn't the time.

Just then there was noise from behind will. "Code Blue. She's crashing." Will ran back to ER floor.

Sylvie saw them run to Julies rooms.

She stood their holding her baby sister and had no idea but her world was about to change.