Quick Disclaimer: This one-shot is based off of an event that happens in Chapter 11 of "The White Mage." I do not own "The White Mage" or have any association with the Author(s). This is an alteration of the events in that story. Spoilers Ahead.

For those wondering, this is what I believe would have happened if Callum completely lost it at Amer for telling Sol Regem about the things that lead to all of Katolis being burned to the ground.

Callum and Rayla were greeted by a furious roar when they arrived at the top of the spire. "Out of my sight, Amer, before I have your head!"

The aforementioned elf ran from the cavern and stopped short of bumping into them. The female skywing elf appeared beside them alerted by the roar. Queen Zubeia was awake, and angry by the look in her eyes as she appeared in the entrance of the spire.

"What's happening?" Callum asked.

"Tell them Amer." The dragoness growled, her voice dangerously low. "Tell them exactly what you did."

Amer had lost his cocky and regal bearing and now cowered like...well, a coward before them. Amer had done nothing to put himself in the good graces of either Callum or Rayla, so they had no reason to be sympathetic to him. He stammered.

"I went to Sol Regem and told him about you and your aunt, and also of the dark mages and Aaravos." He stuttered. Callum's fists clenched and were now shaking in rage. He started pure rage and agony into Amer's eyes. He said to Amer, in a voice of deadly quiet. "You...did...what?" Amer, now scared for his life, stammered even more. "I-I told Sol R-Regem ab-out you and your aun-" "YOU DID WHAT!?" Callum was shouting in rage now.

Amer gulped, sending a quick and silent prayer to the sun that his soul be spared. "I-I didn't m-mean for it to go this far I swear I-" he was cut off again as Callum attacked him. Faster than anyone in the room could register Callum drew the rune for lighting in the air. "FULMINIS!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. A lightning bolt, powered by his own immense primal magic and rage shot through the air, striking Amer and sending him flying.

Rayla looked horrified, the others in the room had no idea what to make of this situation. "Callum no!" She called after him but it was no use. Callum drew another tune. "Celeritas Incremento!" He became as fast as the wind and ran at Amer, sliding to a stop in front of him. Callum drew the rune for fulminis, but he only broke through the rune in the air with his hand.

He didn't say fulminis to fully cast the spell, no, his hand was engulfed in lightning. "YOU WENT TO SOL REGEM!" He punched Amer in the jaw with his fist, still encased in lightning. It was beginning to hurt but he didn't care, it just fueled his rage more. "YOU KNEW WHAT HE WOULD DO! THOUSANDS ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF, YOU!" Amer tried to defend himself to no avail. "I-I swear I had no ide-" "SHUT UP!"

Rayla stood there stunned as Callum unleashed himself on Amer. She should step in, stop this before he crosses a line he can't come back from, she tells herself. But she doesn't move, I'm scared, she realizes. Never before has she ever felt scared or afraid or threatened by Callum. Her boyfriend, her love, the person who literally jumped off of the Storm Spire to save her without a second thought, and she was afraid of him.

Callum grabbed Amer's collar and hit him in the stomach. "YOU DESTROYED BY BROTHERS KINGDOM!" Punch. "MY HOME!" Punch. "FOR WHAT!?" Crack. He must've broken one, or more of Amer's ribs with that last one. But he was too enraged to care. Tears coming down from eyes, still burning with unrelenting rage.

"YOUR OWN!" Crack. "SELFISH!" Crack. "PETTY!" Crack. "DESIRES!" Crack. He felt Amer's nose break, it felt good. But the lightning in his hand was starting to hurt, a lot. He pressed his hand to Amer's side, letting the lightning flow through him for a second, relishing slightly in the scream of pain. "CALLUM STOP!" He heard Rayla's cry, her voice broke but it barely registered with him. Amer whispered something but Callum didn't want to hear it.

"GO TO HELL!" He shouted, using his lightning powered fist to toss Amer across the room. "Fulminis!" He managed to choke out, as tears fully hit him now. A bolt of lightning, not really as powerful as the first one sailed across the room, hitting Amer and knocking him out. "Take him out of my sight, before I throw him off the top of the Spire myself." He said to no one in particular.

Queen Zubeia, the skywing elf, and Rayla looked at him. Queen Zubeia with utter shock, the skywing and Rayla with both shock and terror. Queen Zubeia broke the silence, addressing the skywing elf she said. "Take him to Queen Janai, he is hers to do with as she sees fit, though I believe punishment has been given tenfold." The skywing nodded hurrying over to Amer and taking him away.

Rayla couldn't move. Her entire world just got turned upside down. Callum, sweet, sweet Callum. She had no idea that he could be such a monster. She shook those though from her head. Callum was not a monster, he was loving and king and he was hers. Right?

"C-Callum?" She asked cautiously. "A-are ya' okay?" She winced as he fell to his knees looking slowly over to her, his face wet with tears. "He-he killed them. He killed them all, and-and I…" His voice trailed off. Rayla walked slowly over to him. "Are ya' okay now? I'm not gonna get lightning punched if I'm over there with ya'?"

Callum just returned his gaze to the floor. Queen Zubeia spoke from behind them. "Callum, I understand why you did that, I felt the same way when I learned my Avizandum was taken from me." Queen Zubeia angled to head to look at him head on. "But you must learn to control that rage, you could have hurt someone you cared about, along with yourself."

Callum nodded slowly. "I know, I just… I just couldn't do nothing." Rayla put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. It's okay." Callum braced his hand on the floor to stand up and shouted in pain. "Callum!" Rayla cried out. Callum grabbed his hand. Looking down, he noticed it was charred with light in streaks across it.

Rayla gasped. "Callum, your hand!" The adrenaline had begun to wear off, his hand was now radiating pure pain. Callum groaned, the lightning punch was an idea he had been toying with for a while now, but if it hurt this bad he wouldn't make the mistake of using it for this long again.

"If I didn't see Katolis myself I would yell at ya' for being this stupid." Rayla helped him to his feet. "Come on, we're going to tha' infirmary to get that looked at."