Cornel Casey was sitting at her desk, reading her latest report from Scott about International Rescue saving a family that was trapped after an earthquake. She frowned when she read a report about the hood, a few months ago, the Tracy boys along with brains went into deep space to find their father. The hood had managed to sneak aboard intending to leave them behind but he got caught, only to escape once he got back to earth.

She began to open a link to Tracy island, wondering if they could lend Kayo for a few days, but before she could, there was suddenly a huge flash and a sound of rumbling before darkness.

*Tracy island*

"w-with these new u-upgrades, h-hopefully we'll be a-able to detect the h-hoods technology," Brains said as he watched MAX install upgrades into thunderbird 1.

"I hope so brains, he was really close to shooting me out of the sky," Scott said and rubbed his arm that was in a sling.

suddenly the global emergency alarm went off and Scott ran up the hanger stairs to the lounge followed by Bains.

"what's going on John?" Scott asked while Alan, Gordon, Virgil, and Kayo gathered around.

"A GDF facility has been attacked, many officers are wounded, they are asking for assistance for looking for survivours" John explained. Scott paled, who would be brave enough to attack a GDF base?

"Alan, you take Thunderbird 1, Virgil, Gordon, and Kayo will follow you in thunderbird 2. Thunderbirds are go!" Scott commanded and each of them went to their respected lifts and soon were off.

When the boys and Kayo arrived at the GDF base, there were flames everywhere. All around the GDF officers were helping the injured into planes to be taken to hospital. Suddenly they all saw a person on a stretcher that caught their breath.

"Cornel Casey," Virgil said and ran over to the women lying on a stretcher with his brothers close behind him. She was unconscious with blood dripping from her head.

"will she be ok?" Virgil asked the officer that was pushing her

"she'll be fine, she didn't sustain too many injuries," he said and pushed her into the awaiting plane

"who would do such a thing?" Alan wondered

"the answer is right behind you" a voice from behind them called out and all three brothers along with Kayo and the remaining GDF officers turned and saw eight figures standing in a line, their arms crossed and their capes blowing in the wind. Each of them wore different colors; red, blue, green, yellow, indigo, white, black and gold. they couldn't make out anything else as they were wearing masks. The remaining GDF officers trained their weapons on them, but they didn't avert their attention from the Tracy's

"you did this," Kayo said with venom

"yes, and you must be International rescue, we've heard a lot about you from the hood," the red one said in a bored voice

"why would you do this" Gordon yelled at them, they gave no response

"Enough! Surrender now and the GDF will go easy on you!" captain Rigby demanded. The blue one gave a small chuckle.

"Now why would we do that? The game's just begun" he said in an amused voice and with that, they disappeared.

ok, so I know this chapter is short, but the other chapters will be longer