AN: Sorry that this is so short :(

Chapter 4

Peter survived the weekend. Sunday went similarly to Saturday: breakfast with his parents, followed by homework and somehow meeting even more new people. Wanda Maximoff and Vision were apparently in a relationship, which prompted Peter ask-once he was out of earshot of the couple-"Isn't he... a robot?"

Tony laughed at that and gave Peter a mock stern look. "That's the love child of Helen Cho and me, show him some respect."

Needless to say, Peter's question had not been answered.

The teen officially decided he liked hanging out with the Avengers at about two PM on Sunday when he won the Mario Kart tournament and got the last packet of gummies. The team was welcoming toward him… and really bad at video games.

He discovered that Natasha was, in fact, Black Widow, which he probably should have known considering her entire file was on the internet.

After the Mario Kart tournament on Sunday, they played poker again, this time with Wanda and Vision; Peter lost again.

That night, though, he had an uncomfortable conversation.


The door to Peter's room was open, but his dad still knocked before entering. Peter was sitting on his couch texting the robotics group chat, or rather, watching everyone else text the chat.

"Hey kid, can I talk to you about something real quick?"


The man came over to the couch and sat on the end opposite Peter. "I was doing a little bit of snooping-definitely nothing illegal-and I saw you have asthma?"

Peter nodded slightly.

"Okay, do you have everything you need? Drugs and stuff?"

Peter thought of the two rescue inhalers he was supposed to have: one lost, the other almost empty. "Yeah."

"That's good. I'm adding you to our healthcare plan. When your next prescription's available, it will be delivered to the penthouse. If you need anything before that, you can talk to me or Pepper." Tony paused. "You can probably tell-it's not exactly hard to spot-but I have no idea what I'm doing. Of course, that's normal."

"You don't have to do anything. You don't have to worry about my asthma," Peter reassured.

"It's my job to worry about you."


Monday was not quite as nice as Sunday had been, though Mondays rarely are. Peter had to wake up extra early because the meeting with Principal Morita was before school started, so less students would be in the halls. The only reason he actually got out of bed that morning was the smell of waffles coming from the kitchen. Every morning so far, one of his parents cooked a lavish breakfast. Peter wasn't sure if they did that everyday or if this was a "we don't know how to take care of a teenager, but we know they like food" thing.

The Tower was situated considerably closer to his school than the apartment in Queens. Peter was happy that it wouldn't take almost an hour to get to school everyday.

The man Peter met on Friday, Happy, was driving, Pepper riding shotgun, and the other two in the back.

Peter was painfully aware of the black, nondescript van carrying the 'small' security team that would be parked in the lot behind the school while Peter was there. Because a van with tinted windows isn't going to look suspicious at all sitting in a school parking lot all day.

Happy dropped the family off at the front entrance and they made their way up the stairs. The security guard at the front desk buzzed them in. There were no metal detectors or mandatory bag searches, like in city public schools, but there was a good security team posted at the entrances with heavy foot traffic and to parol the halls periodically. Coincidentally, Ben was at the front desk that morning. He didn't say anything to the Starks, except instructing them to sign the visitor sheet and take a badge, but he gave Peter a raised eyebrow. As if to say, 'Are they replacing me and May?' Though the teen might have been reading too far into the look.


Principal Morita was a smart man. He watched the news and kept up with current events. So when one of his students-a student who had left a field trip to Stark Industries under suspicious circumstances-came into a meeting with Pepper and Tony Stark, he put two and two together. Morita shook Pepper's hand, who entered the office first. "Mrs. and Mr. Stark, James Morita. It's nice to meet you. Go ahead and take a seat."

The parents took the two outside seats, forcing Peter into the middle.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with us on such short notice, Mr. Morita. You've probably realized by now why we're here today." Pepper greeted.

"I've had some suspicions." Morita glanced at the teenager, who looked uncomfortable positioned between the two adults.

In a school with hundreds of students Morita couldn't know each student personally, but he always paid attention to those names that teachers brought up again and again as star students. Not even a full year in and Peter had already drawn his attention. He received a full scholarship for academic achievement. Peter was only a freshman, and already taking AP Calculus AB. His robotics team was the first from the school to ever qualify for Worlds.

Tony chuckled, "Yeah. He's our son." He clamped a hand on Peter's shoulder and the teen offered him a small smile. "We want to update documents and parent contact information."

"I can definitely do that for you."

"Great, let's get started."

Peter's emergency contact information was updated, and Tony and Pepper were added to the parent email list. They didn't want their contacts in the directory, and also refused the photo release form, not wanting Peter to end up being used as advertisement for the school. That still left a bunch of forms for the parents to sign. In return, Principal Morita signed a non-disclosure agreement.

The school day still hadn't started by the time the meeting ended, so they didn't encounter any students in the halls on the way back out. Some people came early to school, but those who did tended to avoid the main office area.

Tony stopped by the door and clutched his own wrist. "Bud, if you don't want to go back to school so soon, we would totally understand."

Peter, who had been feeling just the tiniest bit smothered by his parents all weekend, replied, "I'm okay. I don't want to miss anything."

"Right. Yes. Good grades and such. Well, if you need anything or want to come home early you can call us."

Peter nodded, "I will." He was still kind of stunned that he had Tony and Pepper Stark's private phone numbers in his contacts now.

Pepper smiled and put a comforting hand on the teens arm, "Have a good day at school."

"I will," he promised.

"Play nice with the other kids," Tony added very helpfully. Then the couple were gone out of the side door and Peter was left in the hallway.

The teen made his way back up to the main doors.

"Morning, squirt!"

"Hey, Ben."

"Was that who I thought it was?"


"Is that why you couldn't come over on Saturday?"


"Is this an upgrade?"

The teen paused for a second. "Yeah."

"Well then, I'm happy for you."


"Back to the tower, Boss?"

Tony looked over at his wife sitting next to him in the back of the car. "Do you have any meetings this morning, Pep?"

She shook her head.

"Can we wait here a little while," the dad told Happy, "I just- if anything happens-"

Pepper put an arm on her husband's arm. "I'm good with that honey." When Tony didn't respond, she tried to reassure him, "He's gonna be okay."

"Yeah. I just-"

"I know." She leaned her head onto Tony's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Peter studied in the library until Ned arrived.

"Dude, did you hear about the Starks?" Ned asked instead of a greeting.

"I did."

"It's crazy that the same thing happened to you bro! You're basically Peter Stark."

Peter had to keep from laughing. "Crazy."


The rest of the day went by refreshingly normal. Flash glared at him when he answered a question in Physics, Michelle sat at the end of Ned and his table at lunch, and English was terrible as usual.

He had Robotics Lab after school. His team's robot, Teddy, won states, but there were still improvements to be made. Worlds was in two months, which, as the robotics coach reminded them every practice, was approaching quickly. There were four people, including Peter, on his team. The school had three teams, but only Peter's had qualified for Worlds. The members of the other two teams were still a part of Robotics Lab, if they wanted to be, getting to improve their robots and mess around. Unfortunately for Peter, Flash was on one of those teams. Not only did they share a remarkably similar schedule, but they were in Robotics Lab together, and Academic Decathlon.

Flash was vocally upset about the injustice that his team faced at the tournament. Clearly his team was better than Parker's. Flash's team was just had bad alliances and faced really good opponents. It wasn't fair. And he liked to make his thoughts very clear to everyone.

Finally the hour and a half of listening to Flash complain was over and the teens were released from the school building. Peter followed the text on his phone telling him where his ride was parked. For some reason Tony thought it was a good idea to park in the same corner of the parking lot as Flash's chauffeur.

"What are you doing over here Penis? Did you finally scrounge up the money for a car? Did you have to sell your textbooks?" Flash asked in mock concern.

The Parkers did have a car, but Peter didn't correct the bully. He sighed. "Don't worry about it Flash."

The bully scoffed and threw him a disgruntled look, "Why would I worry about you Penis?" With that he strutted off to the slick black car waiting for him.

Peter shuffled over to the ostentatious orange car Tony drove that day and hopped in the front seat.

"Was that one of your friends, kid?"

The teen made a noncommittal sound.

Not wanting to push his son too much, Tony changed the subject. "Did you have a good day at school?" The man started the car.

"Uh, It was pretty good."

"Yeah? No one Iron Man should deal with?"

That made Peter smile. "Not yet, but I appreciate the offer."

"Anytime, kid. Do you want to get an after school snack?"

"Oh- are you sure?"

"Yup. Anywhere you want, your choice."


Tony pulled out on the road and glanced briefly at his son. "I mean I'm not going to buy you beer, but yeah, anywhere."


And that's how a billionaire and his son ended up in a tiny sandwich shop in Queens.

"Hey Mr. Parker, what can I get for you today?"

"Hi Mr. Delmar!" Tony followed Peter in the door. "Number five with pickles, and can you, um, smoosh it down real flat? Thanks."

"And for you, sir." Delmar addressed Tony, who put a hand on his son's shoulder. Tony looked up at the menu board above the counter, giving Delmar the opportunity to give Peter a pointed look. The teen gave an almost imperceptible shrug in response.

"I'll take a number three?"

"That'll be seven forty."

Tony handed over a twenty. "Keep the change."

"Thank you so much, sir!"

Peter led the way to the little tables at the back of the shop, petting Murph on the way.

"Do you go here often, kid?"

"Yeah, 'best sandwiches in Queens.'"

"I saw; I have high expectations."

Peter laughed nervously. The billionaire might have different standards for sandwiches. What if he didn't like Delmar's? This thought was chased from his mind when Delamr called that their order was up. "I got it," Peter said and walked up to the counter.

"So does this mean you're Mr. Stark now?" Delmar asked in a low enough voice so Tony couldn't hear.

Peter smiled mischievously, "Please, Mr. Stark is my father."

"Well, you're really moving up in the world. Just don't forget about us little guys in Queens."



AN: Hey everyone! A few people have been asking about if Peter has his powers yet in this fic, so let me get everyone up to speed on the time line that I'm planning. According to my math and what makes sense for the events of Spider-Man Homecoming, I'm pretty sure he was in 10th grade, in this fic he's at the end of 9th grade (freshman year), he doesn't have his powers yet, but will get them before the summer starts.

I don't really have plans for VEX Worlds in this story, originally I was planning that he wouldn't go (for reasons:) ), but if you guys would like a chapter about that I can do that. VOTE: YES in the comments if you would like a chapter about VEX Worlds, and NO if you don't want me to fangirl over robotics for a chapter. I'm cool with either option.

Lastly, I don't think I will be able to update next month. For the next four weeks I'm taking a pre-calc and calc 1 course simultaneously, and won't have time for anything but math all day. I'm sorry! After that I will come back and write another chapter:)

Thanks for everyone who followed