AN: Sorry this is late. AN at the end for the reason.

Last chapter of this batch. Hope you all enjoy it.

Also, I do not usually specify timelines, so I may start doing so. These all take place about 2-3 months after powers first appeared. Enough time for people to accept them as a reality and for things to start to normalize large scale. For now at least.



Oberyn stared at the helmet that he was about to put on. Unlike most helmets, this one was more rounded, and it also had a dark glass in the shape of the letter "T" for him to see through.

Underneath the helmet, was the rest of the armor he would have to wear in order to rejoin his family.

The armor was not of the traditional Westorosi design. Oberyn should know, seeing how he first got it in Essos years ago.

From what he had learned, it had been the traditional armor of some culture that lived for war, and eventually broke into different clans and scattered to the winds. He had joined one such group during his time as a Sellsword, and as thanks and appreciation to him, they gifted him this before he left. Although it was only a replica of their true armor. The real thing was made of some mysterious metal that as an outsider, he was never fully told about.

Regardless though, Oberyn had realized through trial and error- on plants, thankfully- that the armor before him was enough to shield those around him from his poisonous touch.

He had tried for weeks to touch something without killing it, but he failed every time. And in fact, they had learned that his very breath had a powerful but short lived poison in it as well. He was immune to it, but it made the helmet a necessity.

And if this proved to not work, he would have to go to Ghaston Grey for everyone's safety. Apparently, no one there had developed powers. Or rather as a Maester theorized, they had, but someone there had the ability to prevent others from using their powers, and like Oberyn, they were unable to turn it off.

On the bright side, his powers only worked on the living. Meaning he could eat meals or touch food without risking killing those around him. He had been able to send letters to the rest of his family until coming to this solution. With this armor, he would finally be able to see his family. Even Tyene, who had a similar power and was only a few rooms away. They had thought about putting them together, but there was a fear that while they were immune to their own poisons, they could be fatal to each other. As such, they were both close to each other, but too far for it to help.

With a sigh, Oberyn began putting the armor on. He wished Daemon was here to help, but the boy was back at Hellholt, grieving for Ellaria with the rest of House Uller.

Oberyn was not sure if Lord Uller would seek justice for her. He would never have harmed Ellaria, she was the closest thing to a wife he would ever have. She would have been his wife if Dorne's stance on Bastards was just a little more forgiving, even if they were already the best place for them.

After putting the rest of the armor on, Oberyn stared at the helmet one last time before placing it on his head. He then walked to the door, and for the first time since the day the powers emerged, he opened it.

He walked into the hallway, and approached the other closed door. Behind it, was Tyene. His daughter who shared the same curse as him.

He knocked on it.

"Just leave the food on the floor. I will get it once you leave." He heard her voice say. It carried a more resigned sadness than the last time they spoke. But so much has changed since then.

He knocked again.

"Tyene. I am coming in." He heard his own voice echo in the helmet.

He opened the door, and was greeted with the sight of his daughter.

Tyene had always taken more after her mother than Oberyn. It was not uncommon for visitors to mistake her for just a servant or a ward from a non-Dornish house. But she always carried herself with a sense of grace and pride that befitted one with Martell blood.

But now, she was a nervous wreck. The moment he opened the door, he saw a fear in her eyes even as she jumped back away from him. Her clothes appeared ragged in contrast to her usual formal appearance.

"Tyene. It is me." He said, hoping to calm her down.

"Father?" She said after a moment. "I thought the Maester said that we needed to stay separated? So we do not kill each other."

"We believe this armor should be enough. I am entirely covered in it. Nothing can touch my skin unless I take it off, so we should all be safe." He explained as he approached his daughter and held his arm out.

After a minute of examining it, Tyene touched the metal arm brace. After a few seconds, she rushed in and hugged her father.

It was the first human contact either had had since the powers emerged. The two of them embraced each other, and let the stress of their isolation melt away as they talked and cried.



Maester Luwin brought in another fifteen scrolls from the Ravenry. He placed them on Ned's desk before heading back to the Rookery to retrieve the ravens that came in the time it took to get to the Solar.

A total of sixty messages sat on Ned's desk. Most from his own bannermen, but a surprising number originating from the Riverlands, and even a handful from the Reach. All of these were asking about the same topic.

Sansa's betrothal.

After the powers came, Lords all over began ordering their bannerman to keep track of what powers they had, starting with their own families. Ned had explained his own children's powers, and once they learned of Sansa's, everyone wanted his eldest daughter to join their house.

Sansa's ability to increase plant growth and even move plants themselves was a very valuable ability when Winter came around. Many Keeps had glass gardens when they could afford such, and they were sometimes the deciding factor in how many of a lord's people survive to see spring. Maester Luwin had asked for her help in growing several medicinal plants, and was also trying to research just how strong her ability was. Sansa did complain about it taking her away from her sewing, but Ned explained to her just how valuable her power was.

Whoever Sansa's husband was, he would be able to grow crops even in the coldest of winters. That would make them one of the most influential families in the North.

Sansa was already the most sought after maiden in the North, just by having the name Stark. But Arya was always a close second for the same reason, even if those who grew up in Winterfell did not view her as such. But with these powers, the gap between their prospects grew, even if Arya's value did not fall.

The Greatjon offered his son Smalljon and quite a hefty sum of money, in addition to scores of livestock that Ned could handpick.

Roose wrote of his son's valor and courage, as well as mentioning how the Whitehills said the next harvest of Ironwood may be one of the best of the last century.

The Riverlords who made offers mainly offered gold in exchange, while the Reachlords did similar.

Ned pushed himself back into his chair. This was overwhelming. He had known that he would one day have to arrange marriages for his children, but he had planned to think it all through and do it slowly. But these requests, in this volume, were forcing the issue for Sansa.

Regardless, he had a duty to respond to each offer, even if it was just to say that he was going to wait and consider their offer. Once the shock of Sansa's power died down, Ned would see who was still interested, and have Sansa join in the discussion of her future from there.

He would not make the same mistakes as his father. A promise repeated itself in his mind. As clear as it had been all those years ago. Clearer than any other memory from that Tower.

He picked up one at random from the pile, which was apparently Lord Randyll Tarly of Horn Hill. Curiously, Ned noted that it was an offer of betrothal to his second son Dickon, instead of his heir, Samwell.

'Perhaps his firstborn is already engaged?' Ned mused as he began thinking of how to respond. He was admittedly less knowledgeable about non-northern houses and their relations.

Before he could even ink the quill, a loud thud was heard from out in the hall. Followed by an exasperated yell from Jon.

Ned sighed. Jon must have drawn the short stick.

Ned walked out of the solar, and there sure enough, was Rickon, with Jon underneath him.

By all accounts, Jon would never actually lose to Rickon, were it not for the fact that he was avoiding trying to hurt his youngest brother. But as he held back, Rickon had an advantage no one else would.

Staying on all fours, Rickon jumped off of Jon, and charged at Ned like a wild animal. His fanged teeth and claw like nails out for all to see.

Prepared for this, Ned felt his body begin to change, as he prepared to catch Rickon out of the air.

When Rickon landed on him, Ned was covered in fur beneath his clothes, and Ned ripped him out of the air as though it was nothing, careful to keep his claws away from actually piercing Rickon's skin, even as the youngest Stark's own nails remained as sharpened claws.

This was one of the more strange abilities of those in Winterfell. Maester Luwin said the best description was that he gained attributes of the Direwolf, while maintaining the main advantages of a human, mainly needing only two legs and being intelligent.

Rickon's own abilities were thought to be a weakened version of it, as he also attained claws and fangs, but did not grow additional fur over his body.

"That's enough for now Rickon." Ned said as he reverted back to his normal appearance. The one main issue he had with his Wolf self was the inability to speak.

"Sorry Father. He wanted to play around, and I thought I could handle him, but he has a knack for striking at unexpected moments." Jon tried to explain.

Ned smiled at his own memories of looking after Lyanna and Benjen when they were Rickon's age. "No worries. The wolf blood is stronger in him than any of us. Next time, I would recommend having Robb or Theon aid you. He can't get past two of you."

After that brief moment of levity, Ned returned to his solar, and was immediately met with Maester Luwin bringing another ten Raven scrolls.

If, in the afterlife, Ned ever met the Maester who first trained Ravens to carry messages, Ned was going to stuff all of these scrolls down the man's throat.

But for now, he had to read them.



Jaime watched as Prince Tommen raced around the hall on his hands and feet.

The Prince was sliding all over without changing how he was positioned. Simply by having both feet and hands all on the same surface, he could slide across it as Jaime remembered seeing some boys do at a lake near The Rock that had frozen in Winter.

Now that Jaime had better control over his speed, he often found himself assigned to Tommen simply because he was capable of keeping up with the second prince. Cersei was worried that him being around Tommen so much would draw attention to them, but Jaime refusing was not an option that could be explained away.

The only time he was not really with Tommen was when he was sparring with Robert, who had figured out how best to use his ability to turn back into his fat self in order to throw off his opponents. He would let them get close in hand to hand, then instantly regain the weight to keep them from moving him, only to revert back to his muscular past self when he wanted to move them.

Jaime's speed meant that he could avoid Robert easily, but the King was skilled enough when he transformed that he could focus it all in one strike to take Jaime out.

Tommen turned to the side and laughed as he kept moving around the hall. After spending a few hours in lessons with several Maesters all trying to fill in for Pycelle, Jaime would not deny the boy this chance for freedom.

Tommen's ability was to glide against anything that he had at least three points of contact with. He currently was using both his feet and his left hand. All were roughly an inch above the floor as he moved around, while his right arm had small pieces of lightning surrounding it. Not enough to seriously harm anyone, but enough to wake someone up.

Wherever Tommen moved, Jaime was already there. It was honestly good training for using his speed in short bursts.

Jaime had never really thought about the royal children as his children. He had attended their births more to ease Cersei's pain than as a way of celebrating the new lives being born. Ironically, that could be considered his kindest act towards his children. For recognising them as such would undoubtedly lead to their deaths.

But now, as Jaime watched the young boy that reminded him of when Cersei would wear his clothes as a child- and thus what Jaime imagined he looked like at that age- he found the hints of a smile growing on his face.

However, luck did not remain on the Young Prince's side. In his excitement over playing with his powers, a book was knocked over the desk. Tommen went over it again, only for it to knock his left foot out of place, undoing his requirements for gliding.

But it did not slow Tommen down as he was thrown forward.

Jaime instantly ran in front of Tommen and awaited the Prince to reach his arms and safety.

But the prince did not go into Jaime's arms. At least, not right away.

Jaime stared at his young son as he hung, suspended in the air.

Sighing, Jaime checked outside the window. Sure enough, a bird mid flight was also frozen.

This happened sometimes to Jaime, no matter how well he could control his powers.

Occasionally, he would be doing something, only for everything else to stop moving. Upon closer inspection the first time this happened, he realized that they WERE moving, just very slowly. Jaime could count to a hundred before anyone else moved more than half an inch.

Unable to stop it on his own, Jaime had no choice but to wait for it to end. He knew from experience that it could end at any instant, so he could not leave this spot without risking Tommen continuing to fly towards the wall head first.

After what seemed to Jaime like half a minute, Tommen appeared to speed up from Jaime's point of view, and was caught in his arms.



As he signed another order, Tywin briefly thought over all the changes that had occurred in mere months.

Without even leaving the Westerlands, lords were taking actions that would be seen as idiotic by their past selves.

Feastfires had seen an attempted uprising against Lord Garrison Prester. Though it was apparently instigated by a trader who was traveling when the powers appeared. He gained little support, but what support he did have was enough to force open the Keep's doors. But Crossbows and numbers ensured that that was as far as the treason went. As a reward for doing their duty, Garrison had all the men's family's exempted from his taxes for two moons. An otherwise notorious penny pincher, Lord Prester had enough money saved in his vaults to cover the hit, and he had sent a raven explaining this to Tywin, so he would allow it. Now the Smallfolk there were even more loyal, though he may not be likely to give such a reward should it happen again.

Towards the east, at the Golden Tooth, House Lefford sent an envoy to the Rock, with detailed notes on the powers of every individual who swore fealty to them. With the rider able to move himself and his horse forward a quarter of a mile every few breaths, the man made it to Casterly Rock with only three breaks for himself and his horse. Tywin thanked the messenger, and seeing that he needed more time to rest, else he would end up collapsing on the road, offered him a guest room and told him he could stay for a few days.

Crakehall had also experienced a great change. Tywin was still unsure of what exactly was going on, but if the rumors making it to his ears were anything to go by, then they were going to need a lot of help with rebuilding the Sept. Luckily, they now had a lot of goat meat to help alleviate the cost of paying it off.

Kevan was away, dealing with Faircastle and the mystery of why so many of them had similar abilities. Ranging from barely visible to a full transformation, many had developed animal based traits, such as fangs, claws, or in some cases scales. Some of the Smallfolk declared it to be a curse against them for how a previous Lord Farman had treated Princess Rhaena during her time there. Some Maesters actually thought that the large amount of time Dreamfyre had spent on the isle may in fact have had something to do with it. Others thought it was just a coincidence. It was a relatively common ability, just more noticeable due to the island's small population being concentrated in a handful of villages. Tywin doubted the truth would ever be known, given how long the time stretched between the two events.

As for Casterly Rock as a whole, it was still standing, and it would stand greater than ever if Tywin had anything to say about it. Which brought him back to the letter that he had just finished. The one that would be attached to a Raven and sent to Tyrion, who should be at Deep Den by now.

After the shock of seeing a regular sized son, Tywin had learned more of his youngest's ability. In contrast to Tyrion, there was a door that had fallen off its hinges when it became too small for any man except Tyrion to use as a door.

Tyrion could essentially steal the size of an object, but he was unable to affect his own proportions. He still was twisted, and the size difference only brought more attention to it.

Perhaps with training, that flaw could be undone. If not, it was as it was.

A knock to the door of the Solar grabbed Tywin's attention away from his own thoughts.

"Enter." He said simply as he briefly skimmed the next parchment on his desk before looking up and seeing his sister Genna.

"Brother, is there any reason you have for why Emmon is going to Banefort in Lannister colors?" The De Facto Lady of Casterly Rock asked.

"He is going there, because the Ironborn may be foolish enough to see these powers as a way of reclaiming their 'Old Ways'. By reinforcing our coastal areas nearest the Iron Islands, we either discourage them, or atleast have enough warning if they do go through with it." Tywin explained, already predicting where the conversation would be heading next.

"Yes, but why him? There is an infinite number of people in the Westerlands who could do a better job than Emmon. An IRONBORN would be more competent at warning us of Ironborn raiders." Genna pointed out. The way she spoke of her husband as if he were a stranger was completely normal to all those at the Rock, or even just those that had met Emmon.

"Perhaps. It is more just a statement. For all his issues, Balon has managed to keep the Ironborn united, and he knows he would lose that unity if Eddard Stark took his last son's head. So there was no need to send someone who has actual use to do so." Tywin said.

Genna simply shrugged. Tywin knew there was no love lost between them, so it was more a question of the strange nature than one of worry for her husband's life.

"I see what you are saying. Very well then, if you would excuse me, I suppose I shall see how the chefs are handling the kitchens." She said quickly before leaving.

Tywin returned to his work, picking up the next letter. It was from one of his spies in King's Landing. Since Pycelle's death, said to be possibly self-inflicted, due to no one knowing what Pycelle's powers were, this spy was his highest ranked in the Capital.

He read the contents. There was little that was out of the ordinary. Some backroom deals he had overheard from the Small Council's servants, Renly being an idiot like he was before the powers came into existence, and other matters Tywin figured it was better to know than not.

He got to the last part of the letter and his gaze focused on the sentences. It spoke of Prince Joffrey and the Hound being seen in FLEA BOTTOM of all places. What reason could Joffrey possibly have for going there?

Tywin burnt the letter to a crisp. Even he had to admire the irony of his hands being capable of producing flames. No doubt Aerys would see it as another slight against the Targeryeans.

He briefly wondered about what abilities the remaining Targeryean children would possibly have. The Beggar King. That was the title given to Viserys. But with these new powers, perhaps it would be too dangerous to let the two of them continue being living symbols of what happens when you cross the Lannisters. They could serve the same purpose as dead symbols. If they possessed abilities great enough to sway the tide of battle, then Sellswords with delusions of nobility may rethink their chances of restoring the dragons to power.

Tywin knew the two of them were in the Free Cities, likely Pentos or Norvos, he could not quite recall. Perhaps they had managed to be granted sanctuary in Volantis? He would have to see what Varys had to say about the subject the next time he was in the Capital.

Until then, it was back to these letters.

AN: And there we end off for now. Next up is The Game Gets Chaotic!. But first, I will be taking a one week break to focus on writing it and hopefully not being late like I was on this one.

New Powers and story progression:

Oberyn: No new abilities revealed here in person, but if I have a chance to make a Mandolorian reference, I will take it.

Ned: Ned and Rickon's abilities are explained. Ned can Turn into a Werewolf like figure. This is a rank of B+, as it grants him equivalent rank Endurance, Stamina, and Strength, so it is three powers in one. Rickon has a weaker version of it, only a C/C+. Think Kiba from Naruto.

We also see Sansa has become an important figure in preparing for Winter.

Jaime: Tommen's ability is Slide and Glide, the ability of the protagonist of MHA Vigilantes. He can slide on any surface as long as he has three points of contact. We also see Jaime's speed from his perspective. More on that at a later date. No real plot points besides that and him spending time with Tommen.

Finally, we have Tywin. He is mostly exposition on the Westerlands, and explains Tyrion's ability well.

One of Tywin's own abilities is revealed: Pyrokinesis rank C+. He can hurl small Fireballs (about the size of a Baseball) or burn what he holds, but the fire must originate in his hands and using it too much can drain his stamina.

In other news, My sister has recently started Avatar for the first time, and has been questioning me of the background info and fan theories. This has caused ATLA and LOK to be on my mind a lot, so I was toying with the idea of adding another story to the list of future ones. My biggest problem was thinking how to incorporate it into Planetos, but I came up with a good justification. After that, to quote a popular Screen Rant series, the rest was super easy, barely an inconvenience. I have a good part of the backstory down on it. Check my profile for description.

Until next time, I hope you all stay safe.

Jaehaerys. Joestar