A/N- So I've decided to do a series of one shots based on my When in Washington series. Just more or less following the lives of Harm, Mac and Rosie.

Disclaimer - I don't own them, wish I did but I don't.

Rabb Apartment

North of Union Station

"Mama up.. up mama.."

Mac rolled onto her side and faced Rosie. "Sweetheart it's still way to early for mommy. Why don't you go watch TV in your room."

"No, you say we go get dada today?"

"I know that sweetheart, but dada isn't there now."


"Cause he's on his way still."


Mac rolled her eyes, clearly she wasn't going to win this word battle with her 3 year old. So she decided to just get up and make a very very strong Marine grade cup of coffee. Rosie followed her into the kitchen.


"Sweetheart give mama a minute." Rosie looked at mama with her big blue eyes. Which if Mac didn't know better. She'd swear belonged to her daddy. The only other person on earth that could charm her with his eyes. "Okay sweet girl, you want pancakes, so pancakes it is."

"You make pane?"


"Pane like dada make on dada and Rosie day."

Mac looked down at her baby girl. "You want airplane pancakes?"

"Ya,like dada make."

Okay so now Mac began to search the kitchen drawers for the airplane cookie cutter. After looking everywhere she came up empty handed. "Sweetheart mama can't find the airplane cookie cutter. How about hearts."

"NO NO NO. pane. I show you." Rosie went to the far side of the kitchen and pointed up to a cabinet. Mac followed her, opening up the door. That's when she saw Harm's secret stash of cookie cutters. Under her breath she cursed him. Taking out the airplane one she now started to make pancakes for Rosie and for herself.

"No mama.." Rosie said as she shook her finger at Mac

"I thought you wanted airplane pancakes?"

"Me and dada only. Not mama. Pane packes only for me and dada. Mama has to get Rosie pacakes." Rosie pointed back to the cabinet.

Mac signed and went back to the open cabinet looking to see what else her husband was hiding in there. She rummaged around till she found the cutter shaped like a rose. Now she fully understood. Harm has special cutters for both of them. Mac smiled. It was the little things like this that made her fall more in love with him everyday. Taking out the Rose shaped cutter. She went back over and made the pancakes for her self and Rosie. She poured Rosie a cup of orange juice. Rosie turned her nose up at it i and pushed it away.

"No mama, hot cocoa. Like dada makes."

"Okay sweetie." Mac said grumbling under her breath. That her and her husband where going to have a very long talk when he gets home. After making hot cocoa for Rosie she handed Rosie her pancakes. Rosie looked at them.

"No Rosie on top."


"No Rosie on top? I show you." Rosie went over to refrigerator. "Open"

Mac opened it up, and Rosie showed her the redi whip. "Rosie" Mac understood now. She pulled the can out and wrote Rosie on the pancakes. Secretly hoping that there was nothing else missing. Rosie looked at the pancakes. "No dada?"

Mac wrote "dada" on the other one. Rosie smiled and started to eat her pancakes. Mac let out a breath she'd been holding. Smiling as Rosie ate away happily. Once both of them where done with breakfast. Mac went about getting both of them dressed. She started with Rosie.

They went into her room , Rosie went over to her bed and sat down waiting on her mama. Mac looked threw her tiny closet and decided on a little navy blue sundress and she paired it with golden colored leggings and her little converse all stars. ( cause Rosie like to run ) And now for the challenging part getting her dressed. This was when Rosie would put up a fight with her mama. But today Mac was ready for her.

"Are you going to be a good girl today?"

"Yes, see dada.."

"So you're going to let mama dress you?"


"Okay!" Mac went about changing Rosie out of her P.J's and put her in her clothes. Once they were done. She went about fixing her brown bear in little pig tails. Now that was over and done. She went over and turned on Rosie's TV to Dora the Explorer. While she went and got herself ready.

"Sweetheart you stay here while mama gets dressed. Than we can go get dada"

"Yaya dada home..."

Mac rolled her eyes at her daughter, in the short time Harm had been back in their lives, he had managed to charm their baby girl just like he had done her so many years ago. Mac found her thinking back to the first time they met.


Mac stood beside the limo waiting on her CO, Admrial Chegwidden. She really had no idea what to expect meeting the JAG for the first time. She only knew him by reputation. And now she found herself standing in The White House Rose Garden. She made herself ready as she saw the 3 Naval Officers walking towards her. The older man she knew was her CO the younger of the three she wasn't so sure about. But the tall man with the ( as only a woman could put it Officer and a Gentleman good looks ) she found herself just stirring at.

The man was as handsome as they come. She found herself starting to breath harder as they walked up. Butterflies started turning in her stomach. God would she be able to speak to him? Oh god, the Admrial is talking now. She needed to pay attention and stop stirring at him.

That's when she heard and saw him stick his hand out and say "Harm"


She heard The Admiral ask if they knew each other. Harm had said "no, of course I don't know you major. I just had a moment of deja view."

To which she replied "Sounds like I've got a double out there."

That's when she saw the sadness in his eyes. "Not anymore." He said.

She felt the hairs her neck stand up. She could tell he was in love with this woman. But something must have happened to her make him this sad now. Maybe someday she would find out.

End Flashback

Mac had been so wrapped up in her memory's that without realizing it, she was now fully dressed and ready. Giving herself a quick once over. She smiled and went to retrieve her daughter. When she opened the door. Rosie was running around the room making "zoom sounds"

"Rosie are you ready to go get dada."

"Ya..." she jumped up and down.

"Let's go sweetheart." Mac reached her hand out and Rosie took it. Both headed to the front door, out and down to parking area . Mac got Rosie in her car seat, she hoped in the drivers seat and they headed off to Nofolk to get one Captain Harmon Rabb...

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Norfolk Va

Mac pulled the SUV in and parked in the visitor lot along with the other cars. She killed the motor,opened her door and got out, heading over to rear passenger door to help her daughter out. Rosie was wiggling in her car seat. "Out mama, out.."

"Sit still and I'll let you out."

"Dada come.. out mama.."

"I know that Rosie, but you've got to sit still first."


Once Mac got Rosie free, she lifted her out and sat her on the ground. She was about to hand her the sign they made. When Rosie took off running towards a tall man in Summer Whites with Gold Wings. She stoped when she saw him. The man picked her up walking back over to Mac.

"Ma'am does this young lady belong to you?"

"Why yes Captain she does. She's just very excited to see her dada today."

"And I'm sure that her dada is just as excited to see her."

Rosie cocked her head to the side. Looking at him. "Dada"

"She thinks I'm her dada."

"Well her dada is XO of the USS Allegiance."

"I see, does her dada like being XO?"

"Hard to say, he wanted to retire. But we talked him out of it. I know my husband to well. The Navy is in his blood."

"I see Ma'am, well maybe your husband is tired of the Navy and wants to be with his family.."

"You might have a point, but it still needs to be his decision."

The man walked over to Mac taking her in his arms. "I've made my decision, I'm retiring and going to be home with my wife and daughter."

Mac smiled. "Your wife and daughter love the sound of that."

Harm looked over at his baby girl in his arms. "Ready to go home Rosie?"

"Ya, dada. Mama make pane packes. Not like dada make."

"Really she did..." Harm looked over at his wife.

"Yes about this, we need to talk Harmon Rabb."

"Well sweetheart we've got the rest of our lives to talk. Let's just go home."

All three headed back to the SUV and home...