ds: Thank you!

SargentEpsilon: I hope this chapter meets your expectations!

I don't own One Piece.

"So...that was eventful."

"Mm," Sanji agreed as he pulled their now much heavier cart. After Akainu died, many of the villagers cried with relief while just about all of them celebrated that the ex-Fleet Admiral was finally dead. They also started praising him and Sanji, calling them heroes and thanking them for helping defeat Akainu. Usually this would get Usopp all prideful and he would say akin to 'it was nothing' with a cocky smile.

However, while Usopp would be lying if he said that he didn't feel somewhat pleased at all the praise and compliments, he didn't feel so pleased that he got a big head because of it. All he could really think about was that there was still a chance that Luffy could lose his big brother.

At least they got a whole bunch of free fish among other things from the grateful villagers. Nami would be happy about that. Chopper would be happy too since once the villagers found out that their captain was sick, they also gave them a lot of different kinds of herbs and medicine.

Not that they were running low in that department but now they definitely won't be for a while.

"Have you called Robin-chan and Brook about what happened? Or Nami-san?" Sanji suddenly asked as they headed back to the Sunny.

"Oh shoot, I knew I forgot something," Usopp reacted as he slapped his forehead before he took out his baby Den Den Mushi. "Nami isn't gonna be happy that I didn't call her right away."

"No, but I'm sure she'll forgive you...eventually," Sanji commented. "She is a beautiful angel that chose to grace us with her presence after all."

Usopp just chose to ignore that as he called Nami.

"Usopp?" Nami's voice called out tentatively through the Den Den Mushi. "Oh it's about time! Brook and Robin just got back and while it is good to know that as long as we keep to ourselves we should be fine to stay here, they hadn't found out anything new about Sabo. But you have...right? That's why you guys are taking so long to come back right?!"

"No, we don't know anything more about Sabo," Usopp said regretfully as he felt something akin to a cold cherry pit drop in his stomach. "But...we do know something new about Akainu."

"What, really?! They found him?!" Nami cried. "Is he-hey!"

"Usopp! Sanji! It's me Franky!" boomed the unmistakenable voice of Franky through the Den Den Mushi. "Who found the bastard?! Where did the bastard turn up?! And more importantly, is he super dead?!"

"Please say that he's dead!" Usopp heard Brook's voice plead.

"Whatever the answer is, we have to keep it down," Robin suddenly chimed in. "I finally convinced Chopper to take a nap and I don't want us to disturb him for several hours unless it is an emergency, no matter how joyous or terrible the news might be."

"Oh, Robin-chan is so thoughtful!" Sanji exclaimed happily beside him.

"That's a relief about Chopper, I was getting worried about him," Jimbei commented next, his deep voice quiet as requested. "But what about Zoro? I don't think I've seen him outside all day."

"I'm here, Chopper wanted me to take at least a ten-minute break," Usopp heard Zoro call out. "What's going on?"

"Usopp says they have news about Akainu!" Franky exclaimed.

"It's about time," Zoro stated grimly.

"Is everyone ready to hear what we have to say now?" Usopp asked with a raised eyebrow. As soon as he said that, there was a loud bonk sound.

"Yes, Usopp, we're ready," Nami told him as Usopp heard Franky curse under his breath. Usopp glanced at Sanji and took a deep breath before letting it out.

"We found him, he's dead."

The baby Den Den Mushi was quiet for a long second.

Then it just about exploded with emotion.


"Franky, remember what I said about Chopper."

"Oh my gosh, he's actually dead, thank goodness! I am crying with joy, if I had tear ducts that is! Yo ho ho!"

"Suuuuper! I'm so happy!" cried Franky much quieter than before as the baby Den Den Mushi cried big, fat tears.

"Thank goodness...maybe this will make Luffy feel better," Nami added, sounding a bit teary herself.

"It's already making me feel better," Zoro stated matter-of-factly. "But I do have one question...what exactly do you mean by we?"

"So I'm not the only one who caught that," Jimbei said.

"What else do you think it means Marimo?!" Sanji exclaimed as he stopped walking just to yell into the baby Den Den Mushi. "It means, we found him you idiot! And he was alive at first too!"

"Who are you calling an...wait-"


"Guys, what's going on?" asked a new and very sleepy voice though the portable device.

"Oh Chopper, I'm so sorry that we woke you!" Robin cried, sounding very apologetic.

"Look guys, we're almost there, why don't we just hang up and we will tell you guys the whole story when we get there? You guys can update Chopper in the meantime," Usopp asked, not feeling patient enough to wait while the others tell Chopper the news. It might be easier to tell them everything in person anyway.

"Yeah, you might want to do that," Nami agreed with a sigh. "See you guys later."

"See you soon Nami-san!" Sanji cried with hearts in his eyes as the baby Den Den Mushi clicked and closed its eyes. Usopp sighed as he looked up ahead. The surroundings were familiar enough that if he remembered correctly, they should be arriving at the Sunny in a few minutes.

Then his nakama will bombard him and Sanji with more questions. He should appreciate these few, quiet minutes while he still could.

"Was one of the reasons why you ended the call because you needed a few more embellishments in your story?" Sanji suddenly asked with a side-glance at Usopp.

Or not.

"Em-Embellishments?! Why my dear Sanji!" exclaimed Usopp in a mock-offended manner. "I have you know that my stories are all true and this will certainly be no different!"

"Good," Sanji said as he started walking again. "Because that was amazing and shouldn't be embellished at all."

Usopp's eyes widened as his heart warmed a little bit.

"R-Really? You really think so?" Usopp asked as he rushed to catch up with Sanji.

"Of course I do," Sanji said with a scoff, like he was kind of offended that Usopp would think otherwise. "And normally I would be pissed that you just wasted a whole fresh egg like that but considering that you shot it straight into that bastard's mouth and he died choking on it...definitely not a waste."

"Yeah, I admit, I wasn't thinking when I took the egg, I just acted," Usopp said a bit sheepishly. "I was just so pissed."

"I figured," Sanji stated with a nod. "Cause usually you would be the last person to jump on a tough and scary enemy like that."

"Oh my gosh...you're right," Usopp realized with a gasp. "I could have died...but I didn't! I attacked him and I survived without getting a scratch! And you were cool too, kicking his arms away like that and rallying everyone else to help!"

"Yeah," Sanji agreed with a proud grin. "Man, Luffy is going to love this story so much that I bet he is gonna ask you to tell it to him for several nights in a row!"

Usopp suddenly stopped in his tracks, his brown eyes suddenly very interested on the ground below him.

"Usopp?" Usopp heard Sanji call out. Usopp looked up and saw that his nakama had stopped and was now facing him with a concerned look on his face. The sniper gulped.

"Do you really think he is going to love it that much?" Usopp asked, his hands trembling as he looked down on them. "I mean...sure, it's a great tale and all but..."

Usopp then looked up and immediately noticed how blurry his vision was.

"His brother is still dying Sanji. And...I don't think hearing how Akainu died is going to change how he feels about that."

Sanji didn't say anything as Usopp wiped at his eyes with the heel of his hand, wishing desperately that they would get news that Sabo was going to survive soon. Because Usopp definitely would not mind telling his nakama the tale of how he defeated the ex-Fleet Admiral without getting a scratch. But telling Luffy that Sabo had died?

No. He was not brave enough for that, and he never will be.

"No, I guess not," Sanji admitted softly with a solemn expression. Then, to Usopp's surprise, that expression lightened. "But I bet he will at least be glad that the guy that killed Ace is dead. And I also bet that he will at least appreciate that we defeated him for his sake. That we didn't let the guy who hurt his brothers get away with it."

"And if Sabo...does end up dying," Sanji continued as he set the cart down and walked towards Usopp. "Then maybe, he will at least be thankful that we survived to come back to him. That we didn't leave him alone."

Usopp looked at the hopeful expression on Sanji's face as he pondered over his nakama's words.

"Now come on, we can't keep Nami-san and Robin-chan waiting," Sanji said as he walked back towards his cart before suddenly stopping. "Oh, and it's your turn to pull the cart."

"What?" Usopp gawked as he quickly caught up with Sanji. "But I thought-"

A glare from the blond man made Usopp swallowed the rest of his sentence.

"Okay fine," Usopp huffed as he grabbed the cart's handlebars and started to pull. The rest of the journey passed by in silence and somehow, before he knew it, they had arrived at the Thousand Sunny.

"There you guys are!" Nami exclaimed as she leaned over the railing. "What took you guys so long?!"

"I sorry Nami-san! I guess we were further away than we thought!" Sanji explained as he raced forward and took a giant leap onto the ship, despite the open plank just a few feet away. Usopp didn't comment on that, neither did he roll his eyes.

He was just glad that Sanji didn't tell his dear Nami the real reason why they took so long.

"Whatever, just explain what you meant when you said that you guys found Akainu alive at first!" Brook exclaimed as Usopp walked up the plank.

"Yeah, because he is, I mean, he was a devil fruit user!" Chopper cried. "There was no way he could have survived three days adrift out at sea, especially after Garp beat him up!"

"You have to remember Chopper, that this is the same person who not only survived getting beat up by Whitebeard, but also fought Kuzan for ten straight days not long after that and won," Jimbei pointed out as Usopp walked onto the deck. "If any devil fruit user can survive being adrift at sea for three days, it's him."

"Maybe so, but there's no way he could have put up a fight!" Franky exclaimed. "He just had to be barely alive! Right guys?"

Usopp took a moment to gather his thoughts. However, before he could even open his mouth to answer, he heard a door open.

Which was weird because everyone was on deck. Well, everyone except for-

"Guys?" Usopp looked up ahead and to his great concern and worry, saw Luffy in the doorway, leaning against the door as he panted heavily. "What's going on? What's happened?"

"Luffy!" Everyone cried as they all raced towards him. Zoro, of course, reached him first and already had their captain leaning on him instead by the time Usopp and the others reached them.

"What are you doing?! You're really sick, you know you need to stay in bed!" Nami admonished him, though she sounded more distressed than angry.

"I know but...no one was there when I woke up...I got scared," Luffy admitted softly with eyes glazed over with fever, his voice sounding so...so tender that it nearly broke Usopp's heart.

"Oh Luffy!" Chopper whined as guilty tears filled his dark eyes. "I'm so sorry! I wanted Zoro to get some fresh air and I then I left because everyone was being loud and I was too curious. I'm so sorry!"

"It's...it's okay Chopper," Luffy forgave him, sounding both tired yet truly honest as he patted the top of the little deer's helmet. "But...why was everyone being so loud? Did one of you guys get hurt? Or...is S-Sabo..."

An expression of both intense fear and dread then overtook Luffy's face, making Usopp's heart hurt and his throat clog up despite the fact that Sabo was still alive as far as they knew.

"We don't know anything new about his condition Captain," Zoro said so calmly and softly that Usopp actually felt jealous.

How could he say that without any hesitation?! How could he be so calm while saying that?! Sure, he was just stating that they don't have any new information on Sabo's health but...but still...

"But Usopp and Sanji have some news," Zoro continued as he gave a look at them. Luffy then turned his gaze on them, and despite the fact that his eyes had a feverish tint to them, Usopp could clearly read the expectancy in them.

Usopp took in a deep breath before letting it out.

Here goes.

"Akainu's dead Luffy," Usopp informed him softly as he moved so that he was right in front of Luffy. Luffy's eyes immediately widened.

"R-Really?" he asked with an emotion that Usopp honestly could not read.

"Yeah," Usopp confirmed with a nod. "But...that's not all there is to it."

Usopp then told him and the rest of their nakama everything. How he went ahead to the docks while Sanji stayed behind at the egg stall, how he found Akainu alive surrounded by a bunch of angry civilians, and how he got so pissed that he straight up attacked him and watched as he choked to death.

"So Akainu, the fearless Fleet Admiral who managed to survive Whitebeard's ferocious attacks, ended up being killed by an egg," Robin commented with a wide smile after Usopp had finished his tale. "I bet that was a huge blow to his pride."

"Oh definitely!" Brook agreed. "In fact, I bet he is rolling around in despair and self-depreciation in the deepest parts of Hell right now! Yo ho ho ho!"

"Now I'm wondering how outraged and shocked Akainu was when he found out that he got sent to Hell," Nami wondered out loud.

"Well, considering that Akainu still thought he was righteous right up until the end, I can imagine that his rage went through the roof," Sanji said with a chuckle as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"I would love to have a picture of that," Jimbei admitted.

"Me too," Franky agreed with a firm nod.

"Usopp, Sanji...you two aren't hurt at all right?" Luffy asked, his first words ever since Usopp began telling his story.

"We're okay Captain," Sanji assured him with a warm smile. "We didn't even get a bruise."

"That's...That's good," Luffy said as the corner of his lips turned up into a weak, but very relieved smile.

Then he turned to Usopp.

"You...that was really cool of you Usopp," Luffy complimented as his eyelids began to flutter to a close. "Really cool...and brave."

Usopp couldn't help but to widen his eyes and gasp slightly at that last part.


"Thank you..." And with that, Luffy closed his eyes and leaned his head against Zoro's chest. Within seconds, he was fast asleep.

"I'm actually surprised that he managed to stay up so long," Nami said as Zoro placed his free arm under Luffy's knees and gently picked him up.

"Zoro wait, let me see him," Chopper requested as he scooted forward while taking out a thermometer from his pocket. As Zoro obliged by bending down so Chopper could take Luffy's temperature, Usopp took a deep dive into his own personal thoughts.

Brave...Luffy called him brave. And...he's right. He just attacked Akainu without any hesitation whatsoever. Of course, this hadn't been the first time Usopp had attacked an enemy without freaking out but this...this was Akainu. Sure, the ex-Fleet Admiral had been exhausted and Garp had already injured him seriously but still. He fought him and not only survived, but won.

It made Usopp wonder if this...now made him a brave warrior of the sea, if his dream had finally been fulfilled. He had been too worried about Sabo to truly realize it before but now...

"His fever is down!" Chopper suddenly exclaimed with a relieved and happy voice. "By two whole points!"

"What, seriously?!" Usopp cried as hope fluttered to life in his chest.

"So his fever finally broke?" Sanji asked, hope evident in his tone.

"And our captain is on the mend?" Jimbei added.

"I...I believe so," Chopper confirmed, sounding like he was on the verge of happy tears.

"Suuper!" Franky exclaimed as he brought his metal arms together with a loud clang.

"Oh thank goodness," Robin said as a relieved smile adorned her beautiful face. "I didn't like seeing him so sick."

"Tell me about it," Nami supported with a shake of her head and a smile. "It was just too unnatural."

"As unnatural as me Nami?" Brook joked with a tip of his hat.

"Hmm...perhaps even more so," Nami admitted. As Brook accepted that answer good-naturally while others laughed, Usopp looked at his captain, who was currently sleeping with a smile on his face.

It was weak and small, but it was definitely real.

Sanji was right too, Luffy did appreciate the story about how they defeated Akainu once and for all. He was even better than he was before.

He was going to be alright.

Of course, Usopp was still scared that Sabo was going to die, that he and the rest of his nakama were going to have to tell Luffy the horrible news. But Luffy now knew that the man responsible for it was already dead. Hopefully, he would get some peace from that.

At the very least, he and the others will be there for him.

It was this fact, as well as the realization that he might be a brave warrior now, that made Usopp feel...ready for whatever was to come. If they do get news that Sabo had died, then Usopp will not shy from telling it.

After all, if Usopp was brave enough to face down someone like Akainu, then he was also brave enough to tell his nakama the truth.


Usopp took a big breath of the fresh, early morning air as he walked out onto the deck while he stretched out his arms. It had been two days since Akainu's death and Luffy was steadily getting better, much to everyone's relief. Chopper still wanted him to take it easy of course but Usopp had a feeling that it wouldn't be long now before Luffy was back to his reckless, energetic self.

Well...mostly back to his normal self. They still had no news about Sabo's condition and though he tried to hide it, Luffy was obviously still anxious about his only older brother. Usopp sighed as he closed his eyes.

Maybe...maybe today they would finally get some news.


"Ah!" Usopp cried in alarm as he jumped out of his skin and turned around in the direction of the noise. To his surprise, a news coo was perched on the railing. The news coo looked at Usopp for a moment before taking a newspaper from the bag that was slung across its shoulder.

"Oh my gosh," Usopp said breathlessly as his alarm got replaced with a strange mixture of hope, relief, apprehension, and anxiety. "You...uh...hang on."

Usopp quickly got some coins out of his pocket and put the change into the little bag around the bird's neck. The news coo nodded in thanks as he opened his beak. As soon as Usopp grabbed the paper, the bird let out another squawk before he took off to deliver another paper.

The sniper watched the bird go for a second before he let out a shaky breath.

"Remember Usopp, if the worst should happen, you have resolved to tell Luffy the whole truth and nothing but the truth," Usopp spoke softly to himself. "You can do it. You're a brave warrior of the sea now, or at the least you're almost there. You can do it."

And with that, Usopp finally looked at the paper.

Within seconds, he had burst into tears.

It took him longer than he would like to admit to compose himself, but as soon as he had his tears under control, Usopp hurried to the doctor's office. Before he knew it, he had opened the door to Chopper's office to reveal Luffy sitting up in bed, awake and looking up at Usopp with wide and hopeful eyes.

"Luffy...he woke up! Sabo is gonna be okay!"

Usopp was unbelievably happy that he didn't get his dream at the expense of Sabo's life.

And ta da, that's a wrap! As a fun little note, I was originally going to have Garp be the one dying (as well as have him kick Akainu's butt), but then I realized it would be worse/more dramatic if Luffy was close to losing his other brother to the marine too.

This chapter was a bit hard for me to write for some reason but in the end, I'm decently happy with how it turned out. But what do you all think? Please leave your thoughts, whatever they might be, in a review on your way out.

Have a great day or night!