Quick note before we start. As you know, I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters. I own my OC and any other OCs I may create in the future. This story is just from my wild thoughts. I fell in love with Hitoshi Shinso immediately and have been deaming of him ever since. I really love the artists who drew up the adult versions of him. The cover photo is one of those. I'm not sure who the artist is, but if you know them, or you are them, let me know. I can take the photo down if need be. This story is one of many that I have created about Shinso. Much like this one, they are works in progress. This is the first one that I have published. I am working to complete this, I have about 11,000 words so far, but I will make no promises. Fan fiction writers are not known for completing their work. I am open to ideas and feedback, so please let me know.

On a bright, clear afternoon at UA high school, Hitoshi Shinso, the new 1-A homeroom teacher, stared at a pile of papers. He sighed in frustration at the simple task, but continued to flip through the pages of student files. He pondered over the decision he had made to become a UA teacher this year. It was not a path he had ever thought he would take. However, his mentor, Shouta Aizawa, asked him to join the ranks and teach future generations. He had refused a couple times before, but he had a change of heart recently. Now that he was in his 30s, he thought it was not so bad of an idea. As he read over one student's file, he felt something press against his leg. He jumped back, pushing himself and the chair away from the desk. Looking down he saw a white, short haired cat. The cat meowed at Shinso and looked up at him with vivid blue eyes.

Shinso smiled and gently picked up the mysterious feline, "Well who are you? How did you get in here?" He asked in a sweet and tender voice.

The cat meowed again and nuzzled it's head under Shinso's chin. Shinso could not help but smile and snuggled with the delicate feline. However, there was work to be done and playing with a cat was not one of those tasks. With a reluctant sigh he placed the cat on the ground and scratched behind its ears. The adorable creature purred in content.

"Sorry cutie, but I have work to do. But you can hang out here if you like." Shinso said as he pulled his chair back up to the desk. He gazed back down at the cat and wondered out loud, "Are you Aizawa's cat?"

Pondering on whether or not it was Aizawa's, he figured it would be best to give it back, if it was. Perhaps Aizawa was looking for it. With that thought, he picked the feline back up and preceded to walk down to Aizawa's office. The cat happily nuzzled up in Shinso's strong arms. He could feel the consistent purring as he stroked the cat's soft fur. He stopped in front of Aizawa's office door and knocked a couple times.

A deep, tired voice replied, "Come in."

Shinso slid the door open, while balancing the cat in his arms. Aizawa looked up from his desk with tired, baggy eyes. He gave Shinso a puzzled look and asked, "What's with the cat?"

Shinso now shared the same puzzled look, "I thought it was yours. I figured you found another stray or something. It wandered into my office."

Aizawa stood up from his desk and walked over to them. He looked at the cat more closely and smiled, a faint chuckle slipping from his lips. "Uhh, Shinso. You might want put that cat down."

Confused by the request, Shinso asked, "Why?"

Aizawa backed away from Shinso and shrugged, "Because that's not exactly a normal cat."

Shinso was even more confused by his answer and was going to respond in question. However, the cat jumped from his arms and a plume of purple smoke bursted out in front of him. He coughed and waved his hands around to get rid of the strange smoke. With watery eyes, he looked through the haze to see a naked woman. He was unable to see any vital parts, due to the smoke and her long white hair, but he was positive that it was a woman. Who was in fact, naked. He stumbled back and landed in one of the chairs across from Aizawa's desk. The woman grabbed a blanket from a near by chair and wrapped herself up. Smiling mischievously at Shinso, she walked over to him. Even in a human form, her movements were graceful like a cat's. Leaning down she placed her index finger on Shinso's chin and closed his mouth.

"It's not polite to stare, ya know." She said with a soft chuckle as she trailed her finger up his cheek, "Although, you're really cute when you're flustered."

Shinso could feel his face was red, by how cold her fingers felt against his cheek. He wanted to say something, but he could not finds the words. He was not a talkative man, but he was well spoken. So why was this so hard? Her vivid, blue eyes were captivating and he found himself getting lost in them.

The woman's smile grew, revealing a set of small, but intimidating fangs, "Cat got your tongue?" She asked with a wink. She gave him no time to reply. Instead, she stood up straight, turned to face Aizawa and placed a hand on her hip. Her smile still large and bright, "Happy to see me?" She asked.

Aizawa gave her an all too familiar look of dread. He groaned and sat down in the chair behind his desk. He sighed and replied, "You're early, I wasn't excepting you until tomorrow."

She strolled over to his desk and sat on the edge. The blanket that was wrapped around her, slipped off her leg, revealing it in its entirety. Leaning over to him slightly she frowned, "So you aren't happy to see me?" She asked in a hurt tone, that clearly sounded fake.

He rubbed his temples and glared at her, "Get off my desk, Mikamura." He retorted callously.

She rolled her eyes, removed herself from his desk and sat in the chair next to Shinso. Who was still in a slight state of shock. However, his shock was slowly transforming into disdain as he continued to watch her. He wondered how she could act in such a manner. He thought on how disrespectful she was. She glanced over at Shinso and gave him another wink before she adverted her attention back to Aizawa. Who was shuffling some papers around on his desk.

"Well since you're here, I might as well introduce you both properly." Aizawa said as he lazily pointed at Shinso, "Rin, this is Hitoshi Shinso, the 1-A homeroom teacher. Shinso, this is Rin Mikamura, she will be the 1-B homeroom teacher."

Shinso ripped his gaze away from Rin to give Aizawa a look of pure disbelief. Crinkling his nose as if he had just smelled something foul. Shinso could not process the words that Aizawa spoke. This disrespectful woman was the new 1-B homeroom teacher?

Shinso shook his head, "Wait. What? She is the new homeroom teacher?" Shinso asked as he curled his lips in disgust, "I thought you said the new homeroom teacher was a well respected pro hero. I thought that meant someone with manners…" He said as glanced over at the woman, "…and dignity."

Rin returned the look and scoffed, "I AM a pro hero, thank you very much." She said with her head held high, "I may not be well known, but it's only because my quirk is used for more covert operations. That the public isn't exactly privy to." She crossed her legs and said, "Anyway, you're one to talk, I don't think I've ever heard of you either. Are you another washed up hero who couldn't cut it in the real world? Is that why you decided to teach?" Her words dripped with malice.

They both glared at each other for a few seconds, before Aizawa spoke up. "Enough! This is not becoming of either of you." Aizawa barked, "Now, I choose Mikamura as the 1-B homeroom teacher, because she is an exceptional pro hero. She is highly skilled at covert operations and is an excellent fighter. Her experience is exactly what the future generations need."

Rin smiled and stuck her tongue out at Shinso, who rolled his eyes at her childish behavior. Aizawa continued, "And Mikamura, you know Shinso is also a highly skilled professional. He can dissolve any situation without having to lift a finger, but he could easily take out 100 men if he had to. Don't under estimate him."

Shinso let a small smile escape his lips as he watched Rin pout. Rin glared at Shinso once more before turning her attention back to Aizawa, "Ok. If you can stand behind him, Aizawa, then I guess he isn't a complete waste of space." Rin said as she crossed her arms. Shinso glared at her, but said nothing.

With an exhausted sigh, Aizawa spoke up once more, "Alright, well our staff meeting isn't until tomorrow morning. It's at 9am, in conference room A." He looked sharply at Rin, "So don't be late."

Rin chuckled, "And give Shitso here a reason to gripe. No way."

Shinso glared at Rin and said, "It's Shinso."

"I've heard it both ways." Rin said with a smirk and a side glance.

Shinso bursted from his seat and Rin followed suit. The two shared a look so full of intense hatred that Aizawa could cut through it with a knife. Shinso towered over Rin, but this did not sway her determination and hatred. She stood firm and clinched her fist, ready to take him on.

Aizawa stood up from his seat and shouted, "Enough!"

They both turned their gazes towards Aizawa, who was now fuming with rage over their bickering. The two adults turned away from each other and crossed their arms in unison.

Aizawa continued, "Now, I expect the two of you to act like mature adults when on this campus." He said sharply, "You are teachers. You and your actions represent this school. Do not make me regret my decisions to hire you both. Do I make myself clear?"

Rin pouted, but replied in agreement, "Yes sir."

Shinso was also unhappy with it, but agreed nonetheless, "Yes sir."

Aizawa sat back down and shooed them away, "Now get out. I have work to do." He paused and looked at Rin once more, "And Mikamura…you can uhh…keep the blanket."

Rin smiled and winked at Aizawa, "Oh thanks! I'll be sure to think of you every time I use it."

Aizawa's eyes turn red with anger, "Get out." He said shrewdly

Rin and Shinso both rushed out of Aizawa's office and into the hall. Rin closed the door behind her, and glanced over at Shinso, before heading down the corridor. Shinso watched her walk away and felt grateful to see her leave.