a/n- so here is the second chapter, I still don't know how long this story would stretch as I'm feeling for the first time that the stories I so love and enjoy aren't easy to write. well, I tried my best, sort of and please forgive my mistakes, English is not my first language, while I have learned it for many many years I haven't grasped it fully in writing.


It was as if coming down from the high for Christian and rose

"Yes Taylor" Christian asked stoically, completely changing into someone else, someone rose has seen before.

At that moment she knew that Christian was not happy fully, she vowed to herself to make him truly happy and free. She knew events of past still hung over them in the form of dark cloud but they would overcome them. After all, she was free to be with him now.

"Sir, your parents have contacted me twice and they seem, umm they really want to talk to you"

It was as if Christian once again realized today was his birthday and his family wanted to celebrate with him.

Rose took this opportunity to understand him better, she wanted to understand grown-up Christian grey, she knew the world was not all roses and unicorns, she didn't know the current dynamics of Christian's family but she just wanted to make him happy

"Do you want to celebrate with them Christian? You could have fun with them, you don't need to spend the day with me."

Rose said giving Christian the opportunity to get out of her forced promise, she wanted the world for him, she still remembered him at his lowest.

Christian led her and Taylor to his office, finally giving them some privacy and relief from eyes outside, he was still coming down from the high of seeing her after so many years. His rose was back in his life and this time he would do everything in his power to make her happy.

"I'll contact them, Taylor, meanwhile this is Anastasia Rose Lambert Steele, my old friend and only investor of GEH. Please arrange a full access security pass for her"

As he told Taylor, he made plans for his parents and her to meet in his mind, he could already imagine her hesitation in his mind. Taylor just nodded and said "I'll get it done sir" and left them alone.

As if he had come out of a haze and they stared at each other, finally noticing her appearance.

Christian said "Woah you're a grown-up now Rosie" as he noticed rose's height, body, and outfit.

She was no longer a 5-foot 3-inch girl he remembered, she had grown up good 3 inches and had developed the body of women. She had curves in all the right places, he had never felt unholy thoughts for her before but as soon as his mind noticed her curves in the blue sundress she was wearing it was as if a switch was flipped over.

"Well you're all man now boo, I don't see that tall, shy, lanky and awkward 20-year-old boy anywhere, and call me Ana please, I haven't been called rose in 5 years," Ana said sadly as being called rose woke painful memories in her and this was a happy day, a reunion of her first and Christian.

"Okay, Ana" Christian said testing the word ana on this tongue. It suited her, she was still his Rose and he can cherish her being a Rose in different ways than calling her that.

"Well I go by Anastasia Rose Steele only now and people who know me calls me Ana, I dropped Lambert as it became too painful at one point", she said explaining herself to Christian. Her emotions were running wild, the last few days had taken a toll on her but she didn't want to open can of worms today of all days.

"It's okay Ana, we would get there, you have no need to explain right now, we would do that later, okay?" Christian said reassuring Ana, he was dying to know everything but it could wait, he can see the pain on Ana's young innocent face and never wanted to make her feel sad.

"So, you're coming to dinner tonight with me at parents, right?" He threw his question in the form of demand at her, braving himself.

"Umm, maybe we should talk first Christian, I'm not really equipped to make a formal dinner right now" Ana was now thinking how to get out of it without hurting Christian, his parents knew her but when Christian and ana themselves haven't talked how she would be able to act in front of his parents or god knows people there.

"Okay, layout arguments. I'll solve them like old times" Christian sighed. She hasn't changed much, while that thought made him happy, it also bought nostalgia for him.

"Okay here we go, first a girl's biggest problem, I don't have the wardrobe for tonight, I don't know who is going to be there, how would we explain me here after so long, I don't know how they would treat me and I might fall asleep during dinner as I took a red-eye to come here yesterday" Ana laid her insecurities in front of him. She prayed he just don't here feel humiliated, she still didn't know the extent of his grown-up nature.

They settled on couch and Christian called for refreshments, it would soon be lunchtime and he wanted to have lunch with her so he buzzed his trusty assistant

"Andrea, can you come in"

Ever efficient Andrea came holding a notepad and pencil.

"I want you to arrange a meeting with Caroline Acton at Neiman Marcus at 4, a private lunch for 2 at mile high at 1, and my R8 at GEH at 6, adjust and shift all today's meetings and I'm not be disturbed unless it's incredibly important or can't be postponed. Also, This is Miss Anastasia Steele, she would have an all-access pass by today's end and she has access to me all the time, no matter what I'm doing. Even if I'm in the middle of a billion-dollar deal and she calls to say just hi, I want her called immediately transferred to me."

Andrea looked neutrally and just said

"All right sir, everything would be done."

As she left, Christian looked at gaping Ana with a megawatt smile.

"Well I solved a girl's most important problem, her wardrobe, we have an appointment with my personal at 4, we can sort your outfit and for the rest of your insecurities my sweet girl, the only family would be there, my parents, mia and Elliot, I just hope Elliot won't being another fling home today but knowing Elliot, lord knows how his mind works, everyone would be delighted to see you again, you not only helped me all those years ago, you helped my whole family, mia would treat you like her new best friend, Elliot would flirt with you, my parents would be thankful that you came and I'd get you, your favorite coffee before going there so you won't fall asleep, you can sleep as much as you want after dinner. "

Ana just looked awed at Christian's monologue. He looked so happy, so animated as if no time has passed between them.

"Okay, today would go your way since it's your birthday but I'm stealing your weekend for real celebration as today is already booked for us. And I can find something in stuff I bought with me Christian, no need to spend unnecessary money on me. " Ana was swinging her hands in her lap, she felt incredibly nervous by the thought of meeting Carrick and grace again.

Christian just beamed, "knowing Andrea an appointment is already set, don't worry Ana we're billionaires, a few hundred dollars won't set us back."

"if you say so Christian, I'm still not comfortable with wealth and the responsibilities it comes with that" ana was still skeptical but she would give Christian a benefit of doubt today, he just looked so damn happy.

"don't worry sweet girl, everything would be alright, and about wealth, it is ours but it's there and you could either ignore it or use it for good, it is still going to be there. I have poured my sweat and blood for everything there is today and I want you to enjoy life for once, knowing you, you wouldn't have taken a break in the last 5 years"

"Back at you grey, you wouldn't have taken a break in the last 5 years as well. we are going on a vacation soon Chris." ana said happily, Christian was still hers if he didn't have any lady in his life now. she could already feel disappointment and heartbreak coming her way if he had a significant other in his life.

"Alright Ana, you and me and sandy beaches or rocky mountains or anything you want, after we brace my family tonight. I promise" Christian was giddy at the thought of spending time with ana, he didn't know about her life right now, but he vowed to know all about her. he already knew why he couldn't find her as she was living as Anastasia rose steel and he was looking for a rose lambert. he knew they would clear everything soon but he didn't want to spoil their reunion so soon.

As they casually settled with tea and coffee and some delicious scones on the couch talking about GEH, Christian talked about how GEH completed its 5-year plan in just 1 and a half years and how it grew beyond their imagination. Ana was really proud of him, he had turned a million into billions and he obviously loved working hard on his pride. She knew everything to knew about GEH which was public information but still listening from Christian's mouth was another thing. she marveled while talked about significant deals, sleepless nights while he worked in the office, his team of people working here, how every staff member was highly vetted and hand-picked from the best and how he said that now she was here, GEH was complete. He left the last thing hanging between them as he said that in question form.

It was as if the ball was in Ana's court to start talking about what she did in the last 5 years after leaving Boston and if she was staying.