The affection of the hypnotic imp

Things were not entirely going according to plan.

It was supposed to be simple: she hypnotized that boy turned into a wolf, made him protect and obey her. He would go where she pointed at, do as she said and that would be the end of it. Once everything would be over, she'd free him, return as the rightful monarch of the Twilight Realm by beating, punishing and banishing Zant. Truly, it was to be simple as she needed to search for Fused Shadows in order to gain power and restore balance to her world, with the wolf acting as her agent. Of course there were dungeons, enigmas, obstacles, battles and such things to be considered, but there was one thing making a mess of everything, a truly bothersome little detail that she hadn't foreseen in the slightest.

Link was handsome beyond what words may properly convey.

Nothing could have prepared her for that as while in the World of Light she couldn't show herself. She was a being cast in the shadows, the darkness being her domain. In the Twilight Realm, or the areas infested by its influence, the one she now knew as Link was a wolf and she only knew him as such. However, in his original plane of existence he was a blonde-haired young man with firm shoulders, a pretty face, lips to die for, some good musculature and pointed ears. He wore a pretty silly outfit, with a green little hat that actually managed to be drowned out by his gorgeous appearance. She had thought that perhaps he was but a peasant or some simpleton, but it seemed like it was far from the case as Link was actually a bona fide hero. Gentle, heroic, brave, daring, dashing, truthfully it made a mess of her plan as seeing him in action was absolutely fascinating. She had tasked him on finding a shield and sword for her to wield at first, his hypnotic disposition making it so he obeyed without hesitation. They were too big for her to wield, but now it wasn't a problem as he knew how to handle such equipment and he looked majestic while doing so. To see Link slash and fight against Moblins, skeletons and other nasty creatures seemed like a choreography all on its own, one that Midna did not really got bored of watching.

She thought of ravishing him, of doubling-down on the hypnotic dance or even just to command him to be her little love slave, but then seeing him in action helping others, using his wits in dungeons, fighting and doing all these magnificent things made her wary of such an approach. What if she broke him? What if he lost some of his faculties and couldn't do his duty to her, his mistress? It was good enough, great actually, that he seemed to follow her suggestions and to do all this partly for her, albeit the more she listened and understood this world and his relation to others the more she came to understand that Link was genuinely a good person. The kind that helped others, that tried their best to be of assistance. And she had enslaved him. Parts of her knew this to be necessity, that it was really a choice made out of desperation on her part, that he was actually enjoying it. While all of this was true, it did not alleviate the slight guilt she felt. Yes, this World of Light wasn't her own and she had bigger things to worry about and take care of...But surely if that world could produce Link then it might be worth something, even just a little. She chastised herself for going soft, for being irrational, for going for a more emotional rather than reasonable approach. Link was her protector, her slave and her property and nothing more. He would be discarded afterward and that was it.

This was pure delusion coming from her and she knew it.

She couldn't manifest herself during the day. She knew this as the light would engulf and burn her down. Only when they were in the corrupted Twilight could she show herself as she rode him into battle, sitting on his back as they actually made for a deadly duo. The instincts of a born-warrior shaped like a wolf and the diminished, yet still capable power of a ruler of Twilight, working as one. She gave him directions and he obeyed with a little bark or a howl, as if to say "yes mistress". She pictured him saying that in his human form and she got slightly aroused internally, bothered by such thoughts and what kind of effect they were having on her. It was almost a blessing and a curse that she could only appear to him while he was a wolf, or else she didn't quite know how she'd act. When he was in his original, pretty-faced form, all she could do was talk to him and barely manifest herself through shadows. Even in the night, while darkness was everywhere, she could barely manifest as the moon reflected the light that hailed her so and, besides, she could not deny her servant his rest. It would not be proper considering how much he still had left to do. It was funny considering that, at the start, she did not give much thought about him, yet he was perhaps the second most important subject in her mind, just below getting vengeance on Zant and regaining her power and position.

The more they worked together, or at least she thought of him working under her, the better her disposition toward him evolved. Despite his hypnotized state-of-mind, which she wasn't quite certain was still up to snuff despite strengthening her suggestions through whispers and playful teasing, he was quite sharp. Whenever he got a new piece of equipment or tool like the gale boomerang or the hero's bow, he always found new ways to use them, to solve puzzles meant for people to stay away from those dangerous dungeons. She tried to keep her praise down to a minimum, but she felt that perhaps he might perform better if she did encourage him somehow.

"You're a very bright slave, aren't you?"

"Not so bad. Perhaps your mistress might reward you sooner than later."

"Keep this up and you'll please me quite a bit~"

All of this made it so that, if she looked hard enough she could perhaps see some faint spirals in his eyes, traces of her influence on Link's mind. It was both arousing but also somewhat troubling in that she was beginning to feel a touch addicted to this, to the thought of being his mistress. She kept thinking about him, which was very much normal given that he was the only person she could possibly interact with so far, but to her it felt as if she had become obsessed. Certainly she should focus on but one thing and it ought to be her revenge. And yet...

They were heading for the third and final Fused Shadow, the thing she needed to beat Zant and to make sure she'd return everyone back to their regular selves in the Twilight Realm. Link was setting up camp as the sun was setting down in the horizon. She could watch it from her own position, admire its beauty from afar as she never quite knew the things she had been missing from so long. In truth, the World of Light was pretty in many ways as the light of the sun was fading, making way for night. However, while she had theorized that she might possibly be able to manifest during the night, it wasn't entirely feasible as there weren't any shadows and Link was always too tired anyway. She was asking quite a lot of him, after all, and he did need to recuperate if he was to carry on her commands without too much problems. As she gazed upon him anew, she looked around at the campfire, at the fish that Link was grilling nearby and she could smell it, almost touch it...until she did and she realized now that she was actually manifested physically in the World of Light and there hadn't been any pain or hurt. Was it because of the settling sun, the absence of night and the growing disappearance of the sun that she was able to do so? She had heard it prior by eavesdropping, an easy feat when one hides in shadow, about a particular moment at the start of the day and during its end as well, when the sun rose or settled down whereas there was phenomenon of light with a peculiar name.


She thought it funny, reminding her of home, yet now she was made manifest. It was akin to a miracle, almost as if her silent prayers had been somehow answered. However, she was not one for gods and more for observation and her own power and will. Thus, this probably meant that she could have done this from the start, that she could actually have shown herself completely during those moments from the start. She could have, would have cursed herself for not even bothering to try, but now was not the time to go on and reprimand herself, but rather to enjoy the situation as Link was clueless to what was going on as she smirked. She was still wearing this belly dancer getup that Zant had crafted for her, with the firm intent of snuffing his life out while wearing this outfit made for his pleasure and her subjugation. However, it had also been instrumental in converting Link to her side and, frankly, it did look quite good on her. The teal puffy pants, the black panties grafted onto them, the teal top, the see-through facial veil...even without her true form she had ways to look magnificent and with a glance backward, sexy intents and glee on her side she looked at Link like a predator in front of her prey.

"Liiiiiiiink~" she said, extending his name and speaking with a tone full of mischief but also sensual promise as she floated toward his position. She grinned, approaching him while placing one hand on her hip, her hair extending as she was ready to strike at any moment. "Would you please look at your mistress while she is speaking to you?"

He turned and then he saw her, the look of stupefaction on his face more than worth it as Midna chuckled. His eyes were on her form, the surprise of her actual presence right now being perhaps more striking for him than it was for her. He stared at her, looked at her forms, curves and he was already somehow mesmerized, proving how much this dance still had quite an effect on his poor mind. Without saying one more word, her hair went on to extend itself, grabbing him by the legs and twisting around them, coiling him up to the waist as she immobilized his arms and hands to the side as well. He was now at her mercy, entirely powerless both in mind and body as she licked her lips and floated a little above him, looking down upon her protector and servant with a wicked glee in her uncovered eye.

"You have been a very good slave to me, haven't you?" she told him with praise in her voice, but also a tearing playfulness as she adored this sight. He did not exactly struggle as he looked at her, both eager and anxious about what was going on. She could tell that he did not know if she was serious or not, if he had done a good job or if there was something else going on. He was so willing to please and obey, after all, and she was certain that the thought of refusing her or to make a malcontent out of her would be out-of-the-question. As such, this had earned a little sweet moment just for him. "I did promise you that you would be rewarded if you went on to be good for me, didn't I? Well I think you've more than earned what is coming next~"

He hung upon her every words, but the moment the notion of reward was put into place was when there was not just a certain glimmer within his eyes that went on to appear, but the faintest of spirals. She smirked, chuckled softly and then she straddled his chest. Her legs were on the side as he was most assuredly taller and stronger physically when compared with her. She was small, yet the situation made these facts not matter in the slightest as she strengthened her grip on him with her beauty but also with her hair, a gentle squeeze reminding him and her that she was in charge, that she held all the power in this interaction. She then went on to move her arms upward and then placed them behind her head, just below her crown-like helmet. He was already ogling her, salivating, aroused beyond compare just by her near presence and she could tell...But this was very much the start of something that even she had been looking forward to for a good amount of time and now was the time for the both of them to indulge.

"Left speechless, aren't you? I cannot blame you~" Midna said, her often-silent companion never one to overshare words or to vocalize too much anyway. He was a man of action and this called for some of her own as she then took a deep breath, then began to suck in her stomach. Her smaller abdomen, her curvaceous and sexy midriff still went on to catch his gaze, this simple motion effectively being the start of something much better as she then pushed out her stomach, providing for a slightly bloated little bump before she sucked it in again. She did this slowly and softly at first, a little stretch before the real thing as it was easy to see that Link was already tantalized by this, yet she knew she could do much better than that. She then upped the pace and went for for belly rolls, the same motion going on yet with more efficiency and a little addition of her chest being implemented through the waves on her flesh as well. "You don't need to speak or do anything. This dance is a reward for your obedience, my sweet little slave~"

He certainly did not need to say any word as his eyes, his focus told her everything she needed to know. His gaze was entirely focused and his own neck, his head, was bobbing as if it was floating atop the sea of her delicate and luscious abdomen. Which each roll came in a little motion down and up, subtle but perceptible as she did it rapidly and then slowly afterward, having heated up her body and prepared her muscles long enough to essentially do this almost effortlessly now. She hadn't practiced all that much after escaping from Zant's hold and there hadn't been any opportunity to really dance, nor any reason to prior to wishing to give Link a reward. However, he ate it up as his own eyes began to spiral up, the purple and yellow spinning indicators giving way to what she knew would happen: another trance. However, this one was different for her as this was just as satisfying for entirely different reasons. The first time she was getting a protector, a slave and a way to actually progress in her path toward revenge. Now, she was actually pleasing someone whom she felt was very deserving of it. Her own confusion and denial of her feelings and her true motivation were delegated to the side for now, the heat of the moment more than enough to take care of it.

"Oh yes, you love it, don't you?" she said with a smirk beneath her veil, her own enthusiasm rising as to see the hint of a smile on these beautiful features, the start of arousal in the air and the spirals in those eyes made it so it was a genuine experience for the both of them. Her rolls kept on going until she turned them into umis, going for hip circles without using her legs, instead focusing on her waist, lower back and lower abdomen to make spinning motions. This stretched out her stomach to taut proportions, giving way for effort that she'd have never ever thought to do for anyone, yet for Link she didn't even think about it; she just acted. She moved her arms to her hips now, framing them in order to tantalize him even further, her eyes ablaze with a certain passion which was very hard to not feel in her dance as well. "This is a reward for pleasing me, for obeying like a good boy...Enjoy it, feast your eyes on it...It pleases me that you adore it and you want to please me very, very much don't you? Then go ahead and stare, admire, worship with your own eyes~"

All she could do was observe him carefully, closely as he was limp, weak, powerless, the very contrast of what he usually was on the field, in dungeons. Out there, he was brave, strong, dependable, downright heroic, worthy of legend...but under her he was weak, vulnerable and helpless...and she knew for a fact that they both loved it. His smile, his heat rejoined hers as truly this was as good for him as it was for her, albeit she did not quite understand why. To see him enchanted, subjugated and charmed was a boon to her heart as he had defeated huge monsters, terrible beasts and horrible minions and opponents for her and for his world. He deserved it and she wanted this and there wasn't more to it than that.

"I want you to remember the first time I danced before your eyes, how I claimed you as my pet and slave and how happy this made you...Remember~" she said, arching her back slightly as she placed her hands on his belly, on his abs for support. He was stiff, quite tense and yet she knew why as she could feel the hunger in his eyes, the trance deepening, getting stronger as she went for flutters. Quick sucking and pushing out of her belly, very fast and overwhelming as those were akin to bumps on her midriff, as if pushing her navel forward constantly in tiny waves. She looked down and she had a grin on her face, feeling him tense up and not because of her weight, as she knew quite well that he could lift far heavier than her with ease. "Oh yes, let all those thoughts invade you, claim you just like I did before. Feel them as if they were vivid, living them at the same time as you're living this. Be happily hypnotized, Link~"

She herself could remember this as faint nostalgia made her think of it in better terms. His wolfish eyes, glued to her form as she had swayed, bumped, did some figure-eights, mayas and some great shimmies to go with her rolls and flutters. It had been quite a choreography, the kind to save her life and enact a change in paradigm...and it did succeed, though the latter had in unexpected ways. One of her hand went on to caress her belly, using one of her finger to play with her belly button, putting out a special emphasis on it as she felt her breath get hot while her body grew warmer, the strain getting to her as her stamina was nowhere near what it could be in this smaller body and in the World of Light...Yet still she went on with this, if only to indulge some more.

"Recall how you liked me, tasted me as per my order. Your obedience was well-rewarded, wasn't it? Your cooperation had been appreciated and gave way to thrills unknown until then, didn't it?" Midna said, teasing the poor pent-up Link as she could feel his legs and hands twitches, his neck risen up in order to get a better view as she now did some bumps before turning them into shimmies, going for the kill with a very sexy and overpowering move. Her hips were ablaze, sweat tracing down her belly as she actually enjoyed this effort, especially given the results it gave her. "Well let it be known that I'm a kind, caring and loving mistress. I'll free your hands soon and then you'll be able to caress me, to touch and lick me just like you did...But this time I won't instruct you where...Just as long as it's somewhere you really want to and that you'll think you've earned~"

It was not something she had planned to do, but to feel those strong hands on her, his touch and his aching lust for her be made manifest was something she was actually looking forward to as she then went on to loosen up her hair to illustrate her point. She gave him a glance and adjusted her stance, continuing her shimmies as she bent forward to let him see her body in all its reduced glory. If she had been in her normal form...he'd have melted on the spot a long time ago, yet for him to succumb to this one was truly an ego-boost of a massive quality nevertheless. She teased him a bit, rolling her belly very close to his face before she then went on to loosen up her hair again and then she reduced its size and length, effectively freeing him. She prepared herself for an assault, for something almost savage and merciless, yet instead...he was gentle.

It was as if he didn't want to break her, careful with his motions as his hands went on to place themselves on her hips, making those shimmies cease as she was too astounded by this approach. He was hesitant, soft and he got slightly up, trying not to rough her up as he brought his lips to her belly and kissed it once, then twice. Pecks at first, then it wont on to become low strokes of his tongue, licks that were decidedly done in-control as opposed to a more beastly worship like back when he was a wolf. It was both a genuine, pleasant surprise but also a disappointment as she expected something a little rougher and out-of-control. There was plenty of affection, plenty of love and lust there but also respect and consideration. A hero both in action and conduct, it seemed, as Midna sighed and instead basked in this little worship as she did tell him that he could act like he would instead of how she dictated. It seemed like Link was a more sensual being after all, which was actually fine as it was actually a soothing and warming experience. His lips and tongue went for her midriff, for her hips and for her navel, darting it with softness and pleasant sensations. It was still squishy, yet magnificent as he then held her rear and went on to massage it, which caused Midna to moan as she hadn't been ready for him to go for a more pervasive, albeit immensely successful approach.

"Oh my, such a gentle being you are. You do indeed care very much for your mistress, don't you? Not just her pleasure, but her well-being as well?" Midna said, actually encouraging him as she did nothing to oppose his motions, squirming her butt into his hands as she leaned toward him, offering her tantalizing navel for his mouth as if to suggest she did like it when he went for that specific part. "Well know that your mistress do love to reward you for being a good boy...And if you do there will be plenty more opportunities for that in the future~"

She did not know how long time passed and this was her very first attempt at manifesting herself without being hurt or half a phantom, yet Midna could feel her presence being pulled back to the shadows now. She was somehow ethereal, about to be ejected as she whined internally. She wanted more out of this, out of him and to indulge some more. It had been such a long time since she had enjoyed something not born out of the need to rule, out of revenge or hard work but simply pleasure and...perhaps love? She did not know about the last one, but frankly she felt robbed out of an opportunity.

"Stop. Your reward will soon cease, but I have one more surprise for you in store...Now look at me in the eye, if you please," Midna commanded as she moved her arms to his cheeks, looking in that superb face filled with spirals and ecstasy and then went for a deep kiss, her lips meeting his. It was brief, the connection severed as she was delegated to his shadow once more, yet his taste was still faintly on her lips as she felt content, floating away both figuratively and literally, feeling weightless for a few moments. "Now rest, eat up, recuperate and tomorrow we'll continue with this quest of mine...Continue like this and I'll be more than happy to reward you...In fact, I very much want to reward you and I know you want to be recompensed for your actions...So let's keep this up shall we, Link?"

Both were aware and unaware of it all at once, yet their dynamic had changed just about now. It was bizarre, neither could say much about it, yet there was something going on that neither Link nor Midna could truly put into words. There was a little more than just hypnosis at work here, though it still did play an important part. Both did like the other's company and their assigned role, yet now there was something more, an exchange of feelings, of lust and of desires which was actually built up by different factors, the dance being solely one of them. With Twilight being effectively her domain even in this world, now Midna could actually be present for short instances in the World of Light. Her actions were limited, she still couldn't go very far away from Link, yet where he was was indeed where she wanted to be anyway when the opportunity arose. She could not really bring herself to say it, to face this, but something bloomed between those two and the rewards were but one facet of this...

One that both wanted to explore as often as possible for the moment.