So I started watching Legacies (even though I told myself I'm too old and no longer a teenager and should move on cause I'm probably going to get my heartbroken in just like with the TVD and TO) But I got inspired to write another one-shot kind of based on the show but also Bamon based hope you guys like it.

Special shout-out to -Bellavida0213- for letting me know this didn't upload correctly the first time. Truly appreciate it!

"Damon, She. Will. Be. Fine." Bonnie stated sternly, glaring at him as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"But she's so little." He complained grabbing their daughter and scooping her up into his arms. It was her first day of school, at the Salvatore school and Damon was freaking out. He wasn't freaking out because she was going to a special school for the supernatural, but because she was growing up in front of his eyes and he wasn't ready for it.

"She's five." She groaned brushing their daughter's curls away from her face and kissing her. "Are you ready to go to school baby?"

She nodded eagerly kicking her legs, begging her dad to let her go. "Daddy I'm five now, I'm a big girl."

Damon just stared down at her heartbroken. "Lia girl, you might be growing up, but you'll always be my baby girl." He told her. He couldn't believe they're daughter was starting school already and in his old home. Once Bonnie became pregnant with Shelia, they decided to move out of Mystic Falls and move across the country. They wanted to live a regular life, and make sure their daughter was completely safe. But it wasn't until recently, that they discovered their daughter was truly was a Bennett witch. When they found her toys floating around their living room, they knew it wasn't a coincidence but it petrified Bonnie that her daughter discovered her powers so young and after talking with Damon they knew moving back to Mystic Falls was the best idea. Especially when they didn't know if or when her vampire side would also emerge. They knew forcing her to go to a regular school wouldn't help her in the future, they wanted to give her the best future they could. Especially since Shelia was their miracle baby from some supernatural loophole. Bonnie would like to think she was a gift from her Grams hence the name Shelia, which fit their daughter perfectly. She was strong willed, stubborn and loving just like her great grandmother. Bonnie never pictured herself as a mom, but she also never pictured herself ending up with Damon either that was the biggest loophole of all. But she wouldn't trade him for the world.

She scrunched up her face and shook her head. "I'm not a baby daddy." She yelled stomping her feet causing Bonnie to giggle.

"Shelia, daddy doesn't think you're a baby." She started kneeling down in front of her. "He just means he's going to love you forever." She explained.

"I love you too daddy." Shelia stated gazing up at him.

He bent down and kissed her forehead. "I love you." He whispered squeezing her tightly. "I can't believe it's your first day of kindergarten."

"Orientation." Caroline corrected. "Look how big my Shelia B is getting." Caroline announced embracing her goddaughter. "You're such a big girl now."

"See mommy and daddy, even aunty Caroline says I'm a big girl." Shelia told her parents crossing her arms against her chest.

Caroline giggled before whispering something in her goddaughter's ear and pointing her into the direction of her daughters. "Josie, Lizzie can you girls introduced Shelia to her other classmates?"

"Sure, thing mom." The twins stated in unison taking ahold of the little girl's hand and leading her inside.

"She's going to do great." She said leaning her head against his shoulder wiping the tears that

escaped her eyes.

"Bonnie Bennett." Caroline scoffed. "Do you not trust me with my Shelia B."

"Of course, I do." Bonnie told her. "She's just my little baby, I can't believe she's in

kindergarten already." She pouted taking comfort in Damon.

"I know, it feels like yesterday you told me you were pregnant." Caroline exclaimed.

"It's so crazy." She mumbled staring up a Damon.

"If someone told you ten years ago you and Damon were in a happy relationship and have a kid together, would you have believed them?" Caroline chuckled.

"God no." Bonnie exclaimed wide-eyed. "Not even in some parallel universe."

"Hey." Damon frowned offended. "Whatever happened to the whole if he picks on you, he actually likes you."

"It's dumb and outdated." Caroline huffed shoving Damon.

"Please me and witchy are soulmates." He fortified pulling her in front of him and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Right babe?" He asked kissing her cheek.

Bonnie rolled her eyes and leaned into his embrace. "Sure baby." She stated squeezing his face.

"I'm going to pretend my feelings weren't just hurt." He mumbled which earned him an apology and a kiss. "I'm going to let you two talk and excess the damage you and Alaric have done to my home."

"He's going to freak, isn't he?" Bonnie stated eyeing her best friend.

"Oh totally." Caroline chuckled as she walked towards the back terrace of the school. "Have you thought about my offer?" Caroline questioned in hopes she'd agree to taker her offer.

"I have." She hummed.


"I don't know." She shrugged. "I get to be with Shelia and that'd be a huge benefit but what if as she gets older, she despises having her parents around and wishes she can be like the other kids." She confessed biting her lip. "I don't want Damon and I to become those parents."

"I pretty sure Alaric and I drive the girls crazy, but we think they'll appreciate it one day." She giggled.

"Maybe." She sighed

Silence took over them for a couple of minutes the only sound coming from their shoes as they clicked against the pavement. "Bonnie you're a Bennett witch." She erupted. "You're practically a legend."

"Did you just call me old?" She joked.

"Come on." She groaned. "Professor Bonnie Bennett, the witches would learn so much from you."

"Would they?" She sighed. "Do you remember how much shit I got myself into? I don't want to teach them that."

"Yesss." She sang recalling all the near deaths and deaths Bonnie has been through. "But that's because you were saving all our asses." Caroline defended. "But Mystic Falls has been pretty quiet for the last couple years."

"I just want to talk to Damon about it one more time." Bonnie told her.

"Mommy. Mommy." Shelia came running full speed with Damon in hand. "They're going to show us our rooms." She gasped excitedly catching her breath.

"You guys have ruined my beautiful home." Damon complained glaring at Caroline. "There's a pool full of gross teenagers in my yard."

"Mommy lets go." Shelia hankered tugging at Bonnie's arm.

"Okay." She grinned letting her daughter lead the way.

"This is the way to my old room." Damon observed as they went up the stairs. "It's probably destroyed." He muttered when they finally reached the door to his room.

"Wow." Shelia buzzed staring at her beautifully furnished room. "Thank you, aunty Caroline." She chanted rushing towards her bed.

"You're welcome girly." She stated happily.

"You put a wall in the middle of my room." He criticized gawking at his old room slightly disappointed. The room that was created for his daughter was picturesque, but he couldn't deny he wished his room would be something that was untouched.

"Oh, relax old man." Caroline lead them to a door the separated the once very large room. "Everything is still here, it's just a bit smaller." She explained showing Damon his old room.

"You know you're not so bad vampire barbie." He threw himself on the bed and sighed. "I really missed this bed."

"Some things never change." Caroline stated rolling her eyes.

Bonnie giggled as she watched her boyfriend roll around his bed like an excited puppy. "Thank you Care."

"You're welcome." She winked. "I'm going to drop off Shelia in orientation, then head to the office to finish up some paperwork." She informed them heading out the room in hopes she's done her part to convince them to stay.

Bonnie took her place next to him and gave him a small smile. "I missed this room." She told him cuddling in close to him.

He knew Bonnie had something on her mind she had it written all over her face. He caressed her cheek before placing a soft kiss on her lips. "You're thinking about taking the position here aren't you?"

She nodded. "Caroline and Alaric offered us both a position." She told him. "What do you think?"

"Professor Salvatore." He breathed resting his hands behind his head. "I mean who wouldn't want me as their hot vampire professor?" He teased.

"Shut up." She laughed.

"We get to be with Shelia, I'm back home in my old room we'll all be together." He persuaded closing the gap between them. "As much as I trust Caroline with our kid, I can't imagine only seeing her on weekends."

"I know, she's our baby." She said intertwining her fingers in his. "I hope she's doesn't hate having us here when she gets older."

"She will do great." Damon fortified kissing Bonnie's temple. "But if she hates us, we can make another one and hope for the best." He joked. "Do you think we can make another one, or was this just a one-time magical loophole?" He wondered hopeful.

"You want to have another baby?" She questioned surprised.

"I mean if we could why not?"

"I don't know D." She sighed. I don't want to get our hopes up and then nothing happens."

"So, you've been thinking about it too."

"Of course, I have you two are the best things that ever happened to me." She told him.

"Ditto." He smirked. "I never thought I'd want to become a dad but the second you told me pregnant it was like it was everything I ever wanted."

"I love you." She hummed.

"I love you back." He stated kissing her forehead.

"Let's do it." She beamed pulling him in for a hug.

"Right now, Bon-Bon is being naughty." He celebrated pulling her under him. "I mean we did make Shelia here maybe this bed is our good luck charm."

"No stupid." She laughed pushing him off of her. "We should go tell Caroline we're taking the jobs." She stated reaching her hand out for him.

He took her hand and pulled her against his body wrapping his arms around her waist. "I can't wait to make another baby with you."

She giggled pulling his arms tighter around her waist. "Me either." They made their way through the halls they're bodies still tangled up in each other. "You know we're supposed to lead my example we can't walk around the halls like this."

"Says who." Damon complained tightening his grip around her. "There aren't any kids in the halls anyway, they're all in orientation."

"I think we're here." She told him knocking on the office door finding Alaric and Caroline filing away some paperwork.

"So?" Caroline wondered excitedly.

"We'll take it" "We're having a baby." Bonnie and Damon said in unison.

"What?" Alaric asked him mouth hanging open.

"Omg Bon." Caroline squealed excitedly.

"I'm not pregnant." She told them.

"Not yet." Damon added.

"Ignore him." She huffed. "We'd love to take the jobs."

"Yay." Caroline applauded jumping up and down.

"I'm so happy to have you guys back home." Alaric told them.

"We're happy to be home." Bonnie declared pulling them into a group hug.

Thanks for reading! Thanks for all the reviews from the last one-shot it really keeps me inspired especially during this crazy time. Hope you guys are staying safe and healthy!