This man was insufferable. Really, truly insufferable. But Danny knew better than to argue. He dropped his keys into Steve's waiting palm and huffed as he slid into the passenger seat of his car, hoping Steve would get the hint.

Ignoring him, Steve hooked his arm around Danny's seat and backed out of the parking spot. As they neared the exit of the lot, he pumped the brakes abruptly, and inertia tugged on Danny's spine.

"Take it easy, will you? I only get a discount from my insurance if I drive safely."

"Relax, Danno," Steve drawled, flashing Danny a charming smile. Danny's heart thumped against his sternum. "I'm a very good driver."

Danny pulled himself together, a new and quickly forming habit. "No, you are not. You're an aggressive driver, you never observe the speed limit, and you stop too hard."

"Yeah, yeah," Steve mumbled as he made his turn. Danny was almost absolutely sure that his partner wasn't listening. He gave up and watched the scenery slide past his window. To his credit, Steve stopped more gently at the next red light, but he still drove eight above the limit.

Another of Steve's unsafe driving habits was his tendency to have only one hand on the wheel, Danny observed, beginning a mental list. His left hand was often perched next to the window, entirely unoccupied. In fact, Steve was altogether too relaxed given that he was operating a three-thousand-pound machine that had the ability to flatten people. His posture was soft and loose, like he'd be as malleable as clay under the right person's fingertips. His right leg shifted lazily between pedals. Even through the thick cloth of Steve's cargos, Danny could see the muscles in his thigh flexing.

Suddenly, Danny's mouth felt as dry as this hellish island, and he gulped nervously. Heat flared in his cheeks, prompting him to hurriedly roll down the window.

"You hot, Danny?" Steve asked, clearly puzzled.

It took all of Danny's willpower to withhold his groan.

"I can turn the A/C on," Steve continued, deftly adjusting the dial.

You idiot, Danny thought, still trying to will away his blush.

Unfortunately for Danny, the air-conditioning couldn't solve his problem.