I originally wrote this on Wattpad, but I'll update both at the same time.

(Y/N) - your name

(L/N) last name

I'll add more for the other chapters

And I'm also making it so you have medium purple hair with the 2008 side fringe. It just goes with the story better, sorry...

You were the youngest at Belle Reve. The others were 20-30 (you guessed), while you were only 15. But there was a reason you were in there. You had crazy powers, and they thought you were crazy as well. Who are they, your parents.

They had kicked you out of the house when you were 9 after sort of setting fire to your sister's room then freezing it. After that you lived on the street and mad a name for yourself. You were known as Princess Madness, because of your tendency to go little crazy on people.

When you were 14 you had finally been caught by the Flash while stealing from a store, even though that's not even a very criminal act, also you had to get food somewhere.

You had been at Belle Reve for around 11 months now. You were in a cement cell, with no windows and no darkness at all. Every single square centimeter had to be lit up, no shadows at all. You wore the usual orange overalls and a shock collar on your neck. You also had medium purple hair with sort of a fringe in front.

(Your POV)

I was sitting so innocently in my cell when I heard footsteps coming down the hall. Griggs had been here already for breakfast, and it hadn't been that long so it couldn't be for food, so who was it?

When they go to the door, I saw an African American woman, and a man wearing some sort of uniform, and judging by the posture, grip on the gun and the comfortability with the woman, he had to be of some high rank.

"My name is Amanda Waller, I've come to see what you can do", the lady explained, "What will you need?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm here to evaluate your skill set to see if you will be useful on my task force."

"But why though?"

"Because I believe someone like you will be a great asset to the team."

"How do you know if I'll be a good asset if you don't know what I can do, are you guessing?"


"But why now though, why not 3 weeks ago or next month, why now?"

"Because it hadn't been approved until recently"


"Kid cut the crap, stop asking questions and do as your told", the other man said authoritatively," She wants to know what you can do so show her."

"Fine but I'll need a large room with several targets and miscellaneous objects"

If I get enough comments, I post another part. This is my first reader insert so please if you find anything that I should fix, like grammatical errors, movie inaccuracies, please tell me so I can fix it, and then hopefully not do that in the future.