This silly short story is divided into three parts which are all uploaded. English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any error you may find. I hope you guys enjoy it!

"Hey Rukia, have you seen my-"

Taken by surprise, the shinigami jolted and almost dropped the treasured item. However, she quickly got her act together when she recognized the red-haired human's voice and shot him a dirty look.

"Idiot," she frowned, ashamed to be caught red-handed, "Stop sneaking on me like that!"

"...cap?," Ichigo finally managed to complete his sentence.

His precious head-piece was in the left hand of the brunette who, with the other one, was frantically waving a strange accessory that seemed to be made of wood. Ichigo blinked, as if to make sure that the scene was real. Rukia took a deep breath and began counting from three to one... And turned to Ichigo, annoyed.

"Stop staring at me like that!"

The substitute shinigami's hazel eyes went from the woodwind instrument to the brunette - and back to his hat. He took a deep breath and began his questioning:

"What is that thing? What are you doing? Why am I the only one who thinks it's weird? And more importantly, why are you using MY cap?!"

Rukia didn't answer back, but her cheeks went bright brink.


Wait, what?

Ichigo suddenly panicked.

What kind of reaction was that? Rukia Kuchiki, like any self-respecting Kuchiki, never blushed. She could sometimes feel embarrassed - yeah, but the last time it had happened, she had promptly beaten him up. And then...- what the?

Were those fucking stars in her eyes?!

"Please, don't tell me it has something to do with Byakuya," he sighed, knowing too well where it was going.

"Nii-sama?," Rukia seemed surprised by the remark, any star definitely deserting her amethyst pupils. She shook her head and continued. "Well, yesterday in your moving picture box...-"

"You mean television, hey!" Ichigo immediately regretted he had cut her off - she kicked him in the ribs.

"So as I was saying, I saw an incredible man in there. He used these two things, did that," she mimicked the gesture, "and then, he pulled a rabbit out of his hat!"

Ichigo remained silent for a few moments.

What could he have said to her?

Nodding his head mechanically, the redhead thought that her naivety almost made her look cute. And if he were to forget the fact that she had just broken his rib, she was even adorable.

"That makes sense for the cap, I guess you couldn't find anything else. Explain the rest now."

"Well, I talked to Urahara about it he gave me a discount on that magic wand after a lot of bargaining!", she then continued with a proud smile, "Given Nii-sama's rank, he even agreed to give me for free a spell."

The century-old girl was beaming, all happy and innocent. Ichigo felt bad for her: that damn merchant was a scam. He could see from where he was standing that that so-called magic wand was just a simple piece of wood, - it seemed surprisingly similar to those he found in his High School Park.

"I love magic too, lemme see what you're doing Rukia."

Ichigo managed to stifle a smile with great difficulty: even though he kind of felt bad for her, he wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world.

Rukia closed her eyes and concentrated.

The suspense was at its peak.

"Pirika Pirilala!¹"

What the...

"Popolina Peperuto!"

There was no way - no. Even Urahara wouldn't have dare to do that.

Besides, she wasn't that freaking gullible.


Or was she?

Ichigo finally gave in and burst out laughing. It wasn't necessarily directed at her, but seeing her do something so ridiculous with such seriousness - it was truly too good.

The shinigami felt her cheeks burning.

For some unknown reason, she had failed.

And that red-haired peasant was openly mocking her.

"Stop laughing at me, you miserable fool!" Rukia shouted, her face reddened as she drew out her sword.

Ichigo instantly obeyed.

"Calm down, Rukia! It's nothing serious but you have to admit that you were...-"

"It's your fault, silly!," she cut him off, pointing her index finger at his chest.


He was dumbfounded. Why the hell was she bringing him into this mess?

"You're giving off bad vibes, idiot! You're scaring away all my rabbits!"

The substitute shinigami frowned. He tightened his fists, refraining himself from kicking her out of his room. A thud reconnected him to reality - Rukia, now in shinigami outfit, had opened the window.

"I'm going back to SoulSociety, at least there the air is pure!"

Leaving him no time to reply, the young woman disappeared into the night.

¹ yes, the spell is taken from Magical Doremi ahah!