It was late in the day at Clemens Point, Arthur Morgan watched the sun slowly make its way down as he stood on the dock. The sky had a pink and orange color combination to it, with a hint of blue still lingering from the day. The waters were calm and the wind was light enough to make Arthur Morgans hair lightly tickle his neck as it moved. They had been at this camp for about a week now, everyone was settled in and Arthur was wondering how long this would be their home before they had to move again.

His thoughts stopped when he heard footsteps nearby, Arthur turned his head to see Sadie Adler walking up to him. It was odd seeing her in pants like a man, but what was even more odd was that it suited her. Arthur knew that Mrs. Adler wasn't like the other ladies of the camp. Shoot, she wasn't even like any lady he has ever met before, if the term 'lady' can even be used on Sadie in the first place.

"Hey Arthur. Enjoying the view?" Sadie asked casually before she stopped a few feet behind Arthur.

A small smile spread on Arthurs face as he gave a single nod. "I am. You gonna enjoy it with me? Or do ya want me to leave so I'm not ruining the view for ya?" It was a bad habit to make fun of his looks, but it was a habit that he couldn't shake. The way Arthur saw it, it was better to make fun of himself than to think he was better than anyone. Vanity was a sin after all, or that's what the church goers often preach about.

Sadie scoffed at Arthur lightly. "You're not ruining nothin. I was just wondering if you would like to take a ride with me. I need a break from this camp but I feel like havin some company."

"You wanna go ridin at this hour?" There was surprise in Arthurs voice. It was getting late for a ride, the horses needed rest and he didn't think there'd be much to do. Unless Mrs. Adler had a way of getting them some money, he didn't see why she's want to go out at this hour.

Sadie shrugged as she put her hands on her hips. "It's not very far, but if you don't wanna join me, I'll go by myself anyways. I just thought you'd wanna join me is all." She looked at Arthur curiously for a moment before turning to leave the dock. Before her boots touched the sand of the shore, she heard an answer.

"I wasn't sayin 'No', I was just wonderin why you'd wanna ride so late." Arthur found himself walking after Sadie without even thinking about it. "I'll join you. With your luck, you might run into those Lemoyne Raiders again and cause trouble we don't need." Although he was genuinely worried that situation could happen, he was also teasing Sadie since that's what happened on their way back from Rhodes the other day. She handled herself well, but they really didn't need to keep drawing attention to themselves.

After their horses were tacked up, Sadie and Arthur left the camp. There seemed to be a specific place Mrs. Adler wanted to go to, so she led the way while Arthur followed, their horses only going at a trot. There was silence while they rode, it made Arthur more curious about what they were doing. A casual evening stroll wasn't something he normally did. When they got near Ringneck Creek, close to Eris Field, Sadie brought her horse to a stop. There was a pond that eventually opened up into the creek, it was barely big enough to be considered a pond. The sloping hills and the trees made this a perfect spot if one wanted privacy.

"Here we are." Sadie said as she got off her horse and tied the reins to a nearby tree.

Arthur followed Sadie's lead and got off his horse then tied him to a tree next to Sadie's horse. "It sure is a nice spot." He looked around the area to take in the scenery. The sky was getting darker, the pinkish-orange colors were barely visible between the trees as the darker blue hue slowly took over. "What did you plan on doin out here?" He looked at Sadie while he waited for an answer, he watched her as she went towards a large flat rock that jutted out from the ground and ran adjacent to the water. From standing in the water, the edge of the rock was only hip height

There was silence for a moment while Sadie stood looking at the pond. She didn't look at Arthur when she spoke. "Do you ever think of your future?"

That was something he would have expected Hosea to ask him. It threw him off when Mrs. Adler asked it. "Not really. After what happened in Black Water with the people we lost, I don't know if I have much of a future. With the way things are, I just wonder about having a 'tomorrow'." Arthur put his hands in his pant pockets as he looked at the water, barely able to make out the reflections from the trees nearby. It would be pitch black soon.

"I think about my future. I used to think about it with Jake. If we'd have kids, if we'd stay on the mountain or if we'd eventually move off it someday. I used to think about growing old and being a tough old lady, and a grandma that my grandkids would fear, yet love, at the same time." Sadie had her hat in her hands and looked down at the water as she spoke. She was silent for a moment before she took a deep breath. "Now, I have similar thoughts as you. I wonder if there will be a day to enjoy tomorrow. If I'll wake up in my tent, or if I'll wake up to a gun to my head. I wonder what kind of future I could have now, with this kind of life." This time, she turned to face Arthur. They stood about twenty feet from each other, he was on the dirt near the water while she stood slightly above him on the flat rock that jutted out of the ground. "I don't know what my future will hold, but I do know one thing. I don't want the O'Driscoll's to be the last thing I think about when I die. If I'm choking on my own blood, or swinging from a rope, I will be damned if my last thoughts and memories are about Jake being shot, or the O'Driscolls in my house."

For a moment, Arthur saw tears forming in Sadie's eyes, he could see she was getting choked up. Just as quickly as he saw it though, it faded and Sadie quickly masked her pain before looking back at the water.

"Arthur. There are a few things in this life that bring us pleasure. That bring us joy and happiness. The O'Driscolls took a pleasure away from me when they…when they…." She took a deep breath before continuing. "When they held me down and took advantage of me. Those sick bastards are going to pay for what they did, but they will no longer have a hold on my mind. I will not allow them to be the last men who touched me. I refuse to be haunted by them any longer." Another deep breath came from Sadie before she continued, she turned her body towards Arthur and took a step closer to him. "I want to ask you something, and if you don't want to, I understand. You're the only man I would trust with this. I want to have good memories that I can hold on to. Having you and Dutch take me in was a start, and I am forever grateful for it."

Sadie took more steps towards Arthur until she was an inch from him. "Arthur Morgan. Would you help me by giving me some good memories? Memories that will stay with me and chase out the dark ones? I am not asking for this to be an ongoing thing, just for tonight." She looked up at him as she started untying her blue scarf. "If we don't have much of a future, then lets take advantage of the moment we're given. Tomorrow may not come, and I don't want to die feeling defiled by those men." After she dropped her scarf onto the ground, she put her hand in Arthurs, hoping he would pick up what she was meaning.

Arthur had been listening intently while she spoke, it broke his heart to hear her say out loud what the O'Driscolls did to her. There was a lot of speculation about it, but never any confirmation until now. It made his blood boil and his fists clench, but not for long. Sadie's request was a shock for him. He rose his eyebrows in surprise and was well aware of how close she was standing. Feeling her hand touch his was almost enough to make him blush. At first he didn't quite catch her meaning, but watching her remove her scarf, then feeling her hand go into his made it apparent.

"Sadie…I…I don't know if this is such a good idea." His voice was soft as he spoke. He has always admired Sadie since the day she came to camp, but he was a good enough man to not delve into any naughty thoughts. He knew Micah wasn't shy about talking out loud about the girls at camp, but Arthur was more reserved. Plus, Mary still had his heart.

"This is why I trust you. Under that rough outlaw exterior, there's a gentleman inside." A smile formed on Sadie's lips. "We don't need to make anything out of this. I don't expect you to marry me or for this to happen again. I just…I want to have this pleasure back. It was taken from me, and I won't allow it to be taken from me much longer. I was a married woman, if it's my virtue you're worried about, it has already been taken. If you'd rather pretend I was someone else, that can work too." She looked up at Arthur with pleading eyes. This wasn't like her at all, to be asking a man to lay with her, but she had been thinking about this for a while. She needed memories and moments to hang on to, in case she died tomorrow, she didn't want to die feeling defiled. She wanted to get her dignity back, and Arthur was the only man she trusted with her body right now.

Sadie put a hand on Arthur's chest as she looked up at him. "This isn't a trap, or a test, or anything like that." Her voice came out as a whisper. "Arthur….please."

This was such a weird situation to be in. Arthur would much rather be out shooting people than here right now. He knew the right thing to do would be to turn and head back to camp, but he could be a selfish man. Even if Mary still had a piece of his heart, he still had urges, and Sadie was a fine woman. His body wanted to do this, he could tell by the way he was breathing. It was slightly shallow as he looked down at Sadie, her hair in a braid and hanging over her left shoulder over her white blouse that was tucked into black jeans.

"I shouldn't." Arthur stated in a low rough voice that was almost a whisper. It sounded like he was fighting himself, his voice had an uncertainty to it. He noticed Sadie take a step back and before he knew what he was doing, he had his big hands on Sadies waist, pulled her closer to him before he brought his lips to hers. Arthur could feel his scruff brush against Sadies chin and cheeks, but she didn't seem to mind. She seemed willing to kiss him back with a hand on the side of his neck to hold them in place. Their lips moved against each other while they stood in the moonlight, It took all of Arthur's strength to pull his lips away, his chest heaving for air as he looked down at Mrs. Adler. A thought crossed his mind that he couldn't stop worrying about.

"What if you get pregnant?" His voice was husky and came at a whisper, his big hands still holding Sadie's waist as he waited for her answer.

"Then we'll deal with it if we come to that." Sadie didn't want to worry about it, she just wanted to be in the moment and enjoy it for once. She didn't want this to go too fast, so she took a step back and undid her braid.

Arthur shook off his worry and knelt down in front of Sadie and reached for her left foot. "Give me your foot." His breathing was more shallow now than it had been before as he grabbed Sadie's foot and gently tilted her boot so it could come off her foot. He felt Sadie put a hand on his shoulder for balance, then he grabbed her other foot to take that boot off as well. When he stood up he brought his hands through Sadie's hair to shake it loose to get rid of the waves from her braid. He felt Sadie's fingers work on the buttons of his shirt, undoing each one while Arthur did the same to her blouse until they hung loose and open. Both shirts fell to the ground before Arthur reached behind Sadie to start undoing her corset but found she wasn't wearing one. In the dark it was hard to notice, but she was bare chested right now just like Arthur was.

"I don't wear those anymore." Sadie rasped, she could tell what he had been feeling for and saw the look of surprise on his face. A small laugh escaped her lips, she knew it was uncommon for women to not wear a corset, but she wouldn't let anyone tell her what she can or cannot wear.

As much as he wanted to stand there and admire a topless Sadie, Arthur had other things on his mind. He picked up Sadie, holding her thighs so she was straddling him while he walked into the water. It wasn't that deep, barely high enough to go to his knees as he walked over to the rock Sadie had been on earlier. It was the perfect height to sit Sadie down on it while he stood between her legs, his lips finding hers. While they kissed, he worked his hands on undoing her pants, tugging at them with one hand while lifting her ass with the other, eventually getting them off of her while his lips moved to her neck. The bulge in his pants was enough to drive him wild, it had been a long time since he has been this turned on.

Again, he picked Sadie up and walked through the water to the edge of the pond then laid her down gently on dry dirt while his lips found hers again. He could feel Sadie tugging at his pants as she undid them then slid them down his hips and over his ass. Arthur did the rest and pushed them off along with his boots before getting ontop of Sadie. His bare chest was above hers, his weight was propped on his elbows so he didn't squish her while he kissed her. With his right hand, he felt in between Sadie's legs to feel how ready she was. A groan escaped his throat when he felt how wet and hot she was, he broke the kiss for a moment to look Sadie in the eye, silently making sure it was okay to keep going. When she gave him a smile and a nod, he positioned his hips and grabbed his own cock before slowly sliding into her.

Arthur wanted to fuck her hard, it has been so long since he's been with a woman this way that his body craved it badly. He knew better though. Sadie wanted this to be a happy, pleasurable moment, so going hard and fast would be the opposite of that. He knew going slow and gentle at first would be better, at least until they both get more consumed by the

A soft groan escaped Arthur the same time a soft moan escaped Sadie as Arthur Morgan started to move his body. He moved his hips back and forth slowly, his body hovering over hers as he gave her what she wanted. He could feel how wet his cock was while inside her, she felt so good that he didn't want to stop. In and out, back and forth, his hard cock felt how warm and wet she was. It also helped that she was fairly tight, hugging his shaft perfectly while it went in and out, going deeper with each gentle thrust. Arthur started off going slow, but as the pleasure increased it was hard to keep the slow pace. He found himself breathing heavy, panting and groaning in the night while Sadie moaned and panted to match him.

Without knowing what he was doing, he found himself rolling over to his back, pulling Sadie with him so she sat on him. He had slipped out of her in the motion but it wasn't for long, Sadie's hand helped guide him back in before she started rocking her hips on him. Arthur held her hips and helped move her body back and forth a handful of times before he sat up. His hands held Sadies ass cheeks now while his lips kissed her neck, he could feel Sadie breathing and moaning against his neck, near his ear, it was such a turn on. It didn't take long for Arthur to feel his lap getting soaked, if he thought he had been horny a moment ago, it intensified now while he assisted in moving Sadie's hips back and forth, his lap and his balls getting more wet with each movement.

Arthur felt hands on his chest before he felt himself moving backwards, his back landing on the soft cool dirt while Sadie leaned over him with her weight slightly on him. She was grinding her body against his on her own now, she was getting a little aggressive as she did. The palms of her hands were against Arthur's chest, pressing down on his ribs slightly as her movements got more powerful. Her breasts bounced with her body, moving with the momentum just above Arthur's face. This time he took a hand and grasped one of them, fondling it and squeezing it before lifting his head slightly to gently suck on one of her nipples. He held the breast with one hand to keep it in place while his tongue circled around it, his teeth very lightly pressed against her nipple. Not enough to hurt her, but enough to put some pressure on it. A grin formed on his lips when he heard Sadie gasp and moan in the same breath, then he let go of her breast and placed his head back against the dirt. Arthur put his hands back to her hips and helped move her body, grinding her pelvis against his a little harder and faster. He was getting close to his orgasm, it was his goal to get Sadie to hers as well.

He flipped them once more, putting Sadie on her back while he sat on his knees this time, holding her hips. He was thrusting into her a bit hard and fast now, the sound of his thighs slapping against hers filled the air around them. Judging by the sound of her moans, she didn't seem to mind the new pace and aggression.

"Come…on…cum for me…" Arthur rasped, wanting Sadie to get her orgasm too. Not a lot of men even knew a woman could orgasm, not enough had the patients to see it happen. They just hit it and quit it, leaving the girl wet and unsatisfied. Arthur was different and knew that women could orgasm, he thought it was a huge turn on and an accomplishment when he can satisfy a woman properly.

Sadie was panting and moaning pretty hard, hearing Arthur ask her to cum for him made her climax hard. She felt her hands grip the dirt as it came, her body squeezing around Arthur and his cock, jerking and spasming with her orgasm. At the same time, Arthur felt his cock twitch and pulse with his orgasm, each jolt releasing inside of her. Arthur's thrusts slowed while they both finished their climax, he held their hips together until they were done, when their bodies started to relax.

Heavy pants came from both Arthur and Sadie, their hearts racing as the lust died down. Slowly, Arthur pulled out of Sadie, his cock going limp already before he moved to lay beside her. He propped himself on his left arm, with his chest against Sadie's right side while he looked down at her, their breathing still heavy. "How was that?"

Sadie looked up at Arthur and laughed softly at his question. "You did far more than I asked for." A smile formed on her lips as she looked at him. She put a hand on the side of his neck. "Thank you. I…I know this was very silly of me to ask of you. I just don't want to keep being haunted by the last experience I had." That was the main reason she wanted this. Yes, it was also to have a fond memory to think on later, but it was also to chase out the dark memory.

Arthur grabbed Sadies hand and played with her fingers while he looked down at her. "I understand." He took a deep breath then cleared his throat. "I just hope this doesn't make me a bad man." He knew if this was a test, by Sadie or by God, if there was one, he knew he failed it.

Sadie shook her head at him. "No. I asked for it, and if this makes us bad, then I guess we can rot in hell together." Her gaze looked to the moon that was now visible among the stars. "Just don't go thinking I'm this kind of woman. This is a one time deal, and if you say a word to the other guys, I will personally castrate you, Arthur Morgan." Her eyes moved to his with all seriousness written on her face.

A chuckle came from Arthur. "I don't doubt that for a second. Now, we should probably get back to camp, before anyone comes looking for us and finds us like this." Without another word, Arthur sat up then stood up, felt around for his clothes before dressing.

Sadie didn't waste time doing the same, dressing and putting her hair back in her usual braid before they both untied their horses and mounted up. "Do ya think we should ride into camp separately so no one thinks anything of this?" There was a bit of worry in Sadie's voice. As much as she wanted to have this happen, she didn't want everyone at the camp getting suspicious. The other men might think Sadie was 'easy' and might try to do things to her. That thought alone gave Sadie the shivers, thinking about Micha, Bill, and maybe even Dutch trying to make a pass at her. She's seen how they've looked at the other girls like Tilly, Karen and Mary-Beth.

A soft "hmmm" sound came from Arthur's throat at Sadie's question. "That might be wise. Though, I'm sure everyone is asleep by now, or too drunk to care. Besides, they can think what they want, but they won't know the truth." He sat in his saddle as he glanced at Sadie's silhouette in the dark. "But, it's up to you. If it would put you more at ease, we can go into camp separately."

There was a brief moment of silence as Sadie thought about it, the stars twinkled up above while the crickets and frogs sang their evening songs. The air was cool, but not nearly as cold as it was up in Colter. A nice summers evening under the moonlit sky. "Ah, hell. I'm sure they saw us leave together. Coming in together would cause less suspicion than coming back separately." Without another word, she urged her horse into a walk, the sound of Arthurs horse beside her as they rode to camp together.