Hi there! Regina rgbcn here! How are you doing? I have a new story for you! I hope you will enjoy it!

This story is set in old seasons, before Shamy lives together or even their Prom night. Boyfriend and girlfriend status, relationship agreement, monthly dating and all the usuals. Playing with them out of character because, why not? This is a just-for-fun story based on a nsfw comic I drew for my spicy club patrons some time ago. I posted some sketches on instagram too, so maybe it's a little familiar to you? Let's discover it. Hehehe.

Please remember this is an M-rated story (M+++++ according to my beta). As I said, this might be OOC, so have this in mind before you read it.

A HUGE thanks to Mike, my beta, for helping me with my grammar. English is not my native language!

Have fun with it! And please, leave a review if you enjoy it! I love to read your reviews SO much. It's a huge motivation to keep writing. Oh! And take a better look at the cover of this fic on my social networks, I'm going to post it now.

Ok, enough talking and more fanfiction, enjoy.

Chapter 1 - Let's play

Amy wasn't looking forward to a date night with her boyfriend. Weird though, as she always was looking forward to any date with Sheldon. But not tonight.

As she started to walk up the stairs to Sheldon and Leonard's apartment, she tried to recall how he insisted they spend their date night…playing video games.


Amy sighed.

It was his turn to choose an activity for date night, as they agreed at the last update of the relationship agreement. Amy had fought to have this update, and it hadn't been easy for him to agree. It all started after an argument about what kind of activity they would do for date night, Sheldon always trying to bend her to his will and Amy always seeing through his intentions. They finally agreed to alternate activities. They usually found interesting events, scientific talks, and other high-level cultural activities they both liked, but once in a while, Amy also wanted to just have some quality time with Sheldon as boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe doing nothing at all, just dinner. Maybe talking to him about her work for once, or maybe, talking about something more personal. She dreamed for a day where she would be able to just curl up in his arms and watch a movie (other than his goofy movies, which she didn't like) and maybe, in a romantic scene of the movie, she would feel his hand caress her shoulder… she would turn her head slightly to him, and… they would kiss.

Another sigh escaped her lips, feeling the warmth of a blush spread across her cheeks just thinking about kissing Sheldon. That was science fiction for her. For now. But she kept hoping maybe one day, something like that would happen.

But not tonight. Tonight was Game Night Date Night. GNDN as Sheldon established in his usual communications with her. Amy rolled her eyes remembering the texts he'd sent her.

Why did she agree to that, again? It wasn't the first time he wanted to play games on date night. She couldn't say no though. It was in the relationship agreement. "For the activity to be nullified and changed for another one, the boyfriend/girlfriend must state three valid arguments as to why the aforementioned activity isn't suitable to take place on the selected date night." Damn rules. Amy cursed. He would never accept "Video games are a boring, unexcited and unromantic activity for a date night" as an argument. So, video games it was.

In addition, Amy was looking forward to a fantastic workshop at the history museum next month, her turn to choose. And she already knew he wasn't going to be excited about it. His face spoke for him the day she had shown him the advertisement from the museum website. For a man who was good at hiding what he was thinking, so stoic and serious, he didn't have any problem making it clear when he disliked something. She couldn't really get anything from him on other occasions, like trying to learn how he felt about her. That was a challenge. But if Sheldon Cooper disliked something, he made sure you knew it.

Amy recalled his expression of disdain when she showed the advertisement to him.

"Seriously Amy? Do you want to do that boring workshop? You know there's plenty of other fantastic activities at the museum, right? Or we can go to the train museum or play video games!"

"I want to go to that workshop. They teach how to trim hats. I like it, Sheldon!" He huffed and puffed, and was about to complain about it. "And you can't say no." Amy quickly added. Actually, that was the only good thing about the new agreement.

"Mmh Fine!" Sheldon thought very hard for a way to get the activity turned down, but in the end, he reluctantly agreed.

So, since he'd agreed to her activity, she couldn't say no to his choice. Even though last time was sooooo boring. Amy knew how much he liked video games, but she wondered why he'd chosen to do something from his usual activities with the guys and not something special to do with her. He didn't even let her play at all! Last time, he did let her play at first, but Amy didn't understand the game they were playing. She was lost on how to control her virtual character with a gamepad. She felt clumsy. Her hands were precise while cutting a brain, but not exploring a forest and killing some weird enemies. And what was the name of the game? She didn't even remember it. She felt misplaced and she was out of the game in no time. While Sheldon was playing like a pro, she just pushed some buttons and sometimes even did nothing at all, and he didn't even notice. Or he just chose to ignore it.

If we are doing a game night as a date night, it should be different. Amy thought. He would need to teach me the game, it's not that it's difficult, but I have never played those games before, I don't even know if I like it to play video games but...

I'll try for him.

Amy shook her head in disbelief. She tried hard for him, all the time. And for what? Sometimes she thought he chose those activities as a way for him to escape his duty as a boyfriend. And that infuriated her. She would have to think of a loophole in their relationship agreement to prevent him from choosing the same activity multiple times…but then she wouldn't be able to do the same as well. Damn. She knew how his agreements were done. He was too smart. The only loopholes in their agreements were the ones he could use.

So, Game Night Date Night it is… again.

Resigned, Amy finished climbing up the 3 flights of stairs. This time it felt longer, especially after standing all day in her laboratory classifying the data for her conclusions. Lately, she has been working a lot, as her study was coming up to the deadline to present the results. She felt tired. For a moment, as she stood in front of the 4A door, she debated if it would have been better for her to work that night, instead of coming to just play video games. She could have excused herself and told Sheldon she needed to work late on her conclusions, that wouldn't be a lie anyway, and avoid the game night. No! It was date night! And she wanted to have her time with her boyfriend, even if that meant 2 or 3 boring hours of her dying, losing or being beaten in a virtual world. At least she would be able to spend some alone time with him, and maybe have some pizza. She was starving.

Amy checked her watch. She waited 40 seconds. 57, 58, 59...Now.

"Knock, knock, knock." She knocked precisely at 6.30pm and waited outside the apartment's door. She heard steps coming.

"Amy." Sheldon opened the door, smiling at her. She assumed he was proud of her punctuality.

"Sheldon." She nodded to him, smiling timidly. His eyes on her always made her feel shy.

"Perfect timing, come in." He stepped aside and opened the door for her.

"Thanks." She stepped in. The apartment looked the same as always, except for a gamepad on the coffee table and some boxes with games and old consoles at the side of the TV table. "Is Leonard out with Penny?" She asked conversationally.

"I don't know." Sheldon said, already sitting in his spot and grabbing the gamepad. "And I don't care." She noticed he had a racing karts game already set up and paused halfway through a race. "I told him not to disturb us tonight, we have a great selection of games to play."

"Wonderful." Amy said, rolling her eyes. Of course, Sheldon didn't notice her lack of joy and sarcastic response.

"Excellent," Sheldon grinned, "grab a controller, I'm warming up for Mario Kart." He unpaused the game. "I'm about to set a new record." His jaw tightened in concentration and his fingers danced on the gamepad, fast and precise.

Amy stood in the middle of the room watching with incredulity how Sheldon was already ignoring her and focused on the game. THAT is a new record, she thought. Amy pursed her lips to avoid complaining. If she had to endure this night, she needed to calm herself and at least try to have fun. It was a date night and she was resolved to enjoy it.

Okay, let's do this. Amy looked around.

"Where's my controller?"

"It must be in the drawer." He pointed with his head to the drawer beside the TV.

Amy walked towards the TV, and opened the drawer. She quickly surveyed the contents. While doing so, she turned her head slightly to check on Sheldon. He was still focused on his race. She sighed. Why had she hoped she'd find him checking her out? Checking out her bottom to be exact. She was bent down suggestively in front of him. Better find the stupid controller and not dissapoint myself with more fantasies. What was she thinking?

"Mm…This one?" She showed him a white gamepad. Sheldon made a quick look at the item in her hands, not even pausing the game.

"No, that is a Wiimote," he said, "we are playing with the Nintendo Switch tonight."

"Oh, ok." Amy put the Wii remote back in the drawer and browsed a little more. There were two black ones that looked like Playstation controllers, she recognized them from the last time they had played. So those were not what she needed. There weren't any more controllers in there.

"Check for the joy-cons for the Switch, they are blue and red," she heard Sheldon say, with a hint of annoyance already in his voice. Probably because she was taking too long finding the gamepads.

"I can't find them," she turned to him. "There aren't any red or blue controllers in here."

"Impossible." Sheldon said while he put his controller down. He had just finished his race, so he stood up, furrowing his eyebrows and walked towards Amy. He bent down to look in the drawer.

Amy closed her eyes when she noticed his smell. Why did he smell so good? That mix of talcum powder and some kind of softener was kind of intoxicating.

"I put them in there after the last time we played..." Sheldon straightened up, leaving the sentence unfinished. "Oh, dear Lord!" He didn't sound happy. To Amy's surprise, Sheldon started searching all his game boxes, one by one. "Koothrappali will hear from me." He was muttering to himself while pulling things out of the boxes.

"What happened?" She asked with curiosity. "What did Rajesh do?"

Sheldon had passed in front of her, to search in the desk drawers. "Those two idiots will pay for this!"

"Two idiots?" Amy's eyebrows went up. What was he talking about? "Sheldon, what are you doing?"

"Oh, the chaos!" Sheldon was now searching in the closet behind the couch, with Amy following him around.

"Sheldon!" Amy made him stop and turn to her. "Care to explain it to me?"

"He told me they would bring them back on time!" Sheldon simply said.

"Who said that? Rajesh?"

"Koothrappali." Sheldon passed by Amy's side and fell down in his spot, clearly angry.

"He took my joy-cons to play at Wolowitz's." He crossed his arms, pouting. "I was very clear they should return them in time for tonight. He will have a strike. Howard too." Sheldon was now typing furiously on his phone. Probably to Rajesh. His phone buzzed a couple of times, with Sheldon becoming angrier with each message he received. Sheldon shoved his mobile into his pocket infuriated, while Amy rounded the couch and sat at his side.

"So, we don't have controllers?"

"Apparently, we don't." Sheldon's mood had changed completely. His plans to play as he wanted ruined because of his friends.

Perfect. Now she'd have to deal with an upset Sheldon on their date night… Thank you, Rajesh.

"Okay, so…" Amy tried to think fast. "Maybe we can do another thing then?" She asked, smiling cheerfully. Maybe he would agree on changing their activity to... "Watch a movie?" Maybe that cuddling session she dreamed of was a little more possible tonight.

"No, I have a schedule of games planned." Sheldon replied, frowning. Amy's hopeful smile fell down her lips. "We will try to make it with one."

"With one? One what?"

"I have the pro controller." Sheldon sat forward and grabbed the gamepad from the coffee table and shook it in front of Amy's eyes. "I was already playing Mario Kart on the Switch before you came."

"And how do we do that?" Amy asked confused. "The two of us are still playing, right?" She started to imagine Sheldon would like to play by himself with her watching all the time. Not her ideal date night plan.

"We take turns." Sheldon said, determined. "I'll start."

"Okay." Amy said, resigned. She would try to make the best of it. Maybe she should try and enjoy playing the game, even if she would be really bad at it.

Sheldon started playing a new race. Amy was determined to learn from him so she wouldn't be a failure on her turn. But his movements were too fast. He really was a pro. She marveled at how his fingers went back and forth pushing buttons and how they swung quickly between them. It was almost hypnotic. What he could do with his fingers…oh my! Don't go there now!

He finished quickly, in 1st place, and then passed the gamepad to Amy. "Your turn."

Amy blinked and grabbed the gamepad. It still had the warmth from his hands. Suddenly Amy felt nervous. This time Sheldon would be watching her play. She felt his eyes fixed on her, expectantly. She almost jumped when he warned her.

"Don't forget to accelerate before the counter goes down."

Accelerate? Yes, Amy was feeling her heart rate accelerating. He was saying something more to her, but she was starting to get too nervous to listen. He was instructing her about some of the controls. Something about the A Button? What was he talking about? His words didn't process in her mind. The race was about to start, all the karts were aligned at the start. Come on, you can do it. Just like driving! It can't be that hard. He doesn't drive and he wins all the time!

"The gas, Amy! Now!"

Amy hesitated. Which one was the gas button? She had never learned to play before and she couldn't focus on his instructions. She started pushing several buttons at the same time.

The counter went down, the green light was on…and Amy's character kart got stalled and behind all the other competitors.

"Amy!" Sheldon sounded alarmed. "The A button! Press it." He started moving his hands frantically, trying to make Amy follow his instructions.

Amy was getting anxious. The A button. She looked with wide eyes at the gamepad trying to locate the correct button. It was harder than it seemed, all the buttons looked the same to her.

"Oh! That one!" Amy found the A button and started the gas. But her kart crashed on a nearby curve and got stuck. Amy was unable to make it turn. She was trying to move the kart by twisting her arms, as if it was the wheel of a real kart.

"Amy, not like that!" Sheldon started to shout exasperated. "Use the control pad!" At this point, Sheldon was trying to grab the gamepad from Amy's hands, but she was moving it side to side.

"MOVE!" She shouted at the TV, like this would affect the kart.

Sheldon finally grabbed the gamepad from her hands, pushed the right controllers and made the kart move again on track, he passed it to Amy. "Go now." He said frowning. Amy felt like she was being scolded like a little girl.

"Thanks," she muttered and tried to start again. But seconds later, at the next turn, Amy's kart crashed again. She snorted irritated. "It's so difficult!"

Sheldon sighed. He took the gamepad from her hands again and got the kart on the race again. "See? You have to push this button first, and then…. Like this, see?" Amy looked at his hands moving and then to the TV, trying to catch his instructions. He passed her the gamepad again, his eyebrows up watching her, as if to say, do you understand now?

Amy took the gamepad frustrated. She hated that feeling. The feeling of failure, of not understanding something, and even more so in front of Sheldon. She was smart! She could do this, it was a kid's game! She dissected tumors at her job, so she could ride a virtual kart. She focused again on the TV, her fingers on the buttons Sheldon indicated a moment ago. Last place, it seemed impossible to catch up with the other cars, but she would try. She made some turns, trying to do it slowly this time. It was getting a little better, at least she was on track. This one though, divided in two.

"Left or right?" She asked nervously.

"Go right!" She followed what he said.

Suddenly, all the screen was black. "What's this?! I can't see anything?" Amy almost dropped the gamepad.

"Squid Ink. Keep going!"

"What? Why?" Amy couldn't be more confused. "Ahhhh!"


A turtle shell smashed her kart. Amy was getting infuriated. She didn't understand why all those things were happening. And on top of that, Sheldon was getting on her nerves instructing her on each movement. She was lost with the buttons.

"Press ZR!" He said, moving his hands.

"What's ZR?"

"The one behind, right here." He put his hand over hers and made her press the button pressing her finger below his.

Ah. Amy's mind went blank at the feeling of his hand on hers. So warm. It was gone before she could register the feeling. And gone too was the controller. He had taken it from her.

"See?" Sheldon was playing and talking. "If you press it, you make the kart drift." He seemed determined to teach her to play, but he sounded more annoyed than anything else.

They were passing the controller back and forth during her turn. As soon as Amy was stuck, he took the gamepad from her, fixed it, then passed it back to her. She finished. Obviously, she was in last place.

"You need to learn the controls better, Amy."

"Sorry." She said, averting her eyes. Scolded again. Was this really a date night? Or was she back at her mother's home?

"My turn." He sounded disappointed. Clearly, he wasn't having the best time either.

During his race, Amy was quiet and silently watched him. She was still thinking about the feeling of his hand over hers. If they usually had more contact, she wouldn't be feeling like this, craving he would do that again. Maybe she should fail again on purpose?

His turn finished quickly. 1st place again. Amy marveled how he swiftly averted a lot of the obstacles and the other competitors' attacks. So, the TV filled with ink was an attack from another kart? Now she understood the game a little more.

"Your turn," he said, passing the gamepad to her. "Did you pay attention to how I did it?"

Uh? Was he really expecting her to be paying attention to the controls while he played? She was looking at the TV, not at how he did it. "I…guess so?"

"Amy, you need to pay more attention. We are trying to win a game here."

"I don't know how to play this Sheldon, I'm trying!"

"Maybe you should try harder then."

What the…? Amy's jaw opened but she didn't know how to respond.

"Here." Sheldon handed the gamepad to Amy.

Amy was speechless. She didn't have to go through this! Sheldon was being especially taxing tonight.

"Maybe I should go." Amy refused to take the gamepad and was about to stand up. She avoided his gaze as she had the urge to cry. Sometimes she asked herself if Sheldon was even trying to enjoy the time with her.

His hand grabbed her arm before she could stand. Amy looked at it surprised. She felt his warmth even with her cardigan on. She blinked and looked at him.

He didn't say anything at first. His eyes pierced into hers.

"Let me teach you how to play," he said with a calm voice. "Let's try again."

Amy's eyes questioned him, seeking a reason why she had to stay. Was he really enjoying being with her or not? Was this really worth it? His face was serious. As always, his expression was inscrutable, but there was something in his eyes that looked sincere. And the pressure of his hand on her arm felt like he wasn't really leaving her any option. Was this his way of saying, 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, please stay.' ?

The music of the game filled the room, while they just looked at each other. He released his grip when he felt Amy relaxing and shifting below his hand. Maybe he was afraid he'd crossed a line grabbing her like this. The amount of contact between them already exceeded their normal interactions.

Amy nodded slightly and turned to him on her seat to accept the gamepad.

"Okay". She agreed. The place where his hand had been a moment ago felt cold. It tingled strangely. An uncomfortable silence remained between them. Amy was studying the gamepad again, but not really looking at it. Sheldon rubbed his hands, and cleared his throat.

"Let's start with the basics."

And with that he listed all the controls again, button by button explaining how the game worked. Amy tried to listen, and to understand which button was which. But she had trouble focusing on that. She was still thinking about the feeling of his hand on her arm, on her hand before that. Why did such a small gesture affect her so much? His warmth on the gamepad was already gone, but Amy craved feeling it again.

"Is that all clear?"

Uh? She missed his instructions again. What was she thinking? Oh yes, she was distracted by his warmth. What should I say?

"Yes." She said unconvincingly.

She felt his gaze on her, she didn't dare to look at him. His gaze was making her more nervous. She would probably fail again. Why didn't she just go when she could?

"Go on." He waved his hand to the TV.

Amy sighed, and pressed the start button. Waiting for the race to start, she tried to recall any of his instructions. It was all a blur. Why did she even care about a video game? She didn't like these games, she was just doing it for him.

The race started, Amy's kart got stalled again, she tried to fix it. She started the gas and her kart went off the track. Sheldon remained strangely silent while Amy kept trying and failing.

"Ah. No…" Amy muted while moving the gamepad side to side. "No! No!"

Sheldon's hands curled into fists, Amy's peripheral vision could catch some movement at her side. But she didn't register what happened next.

"That's enough." He suddenly said, sounding upset. "Come here."

Amy almost dropped the gamepad as she felt Sheldon's hands grabbing her hips, making her slightly stand up. Sheldon's hands were strongly gripping her and moved her body to her left side, closer to him.


He made her sit down. In his spot. With him. His legs were open side to side to make room for her in the middle. Her back to his chest. Not touching at all, but dangerously close.


"Let me guide you." His face was serious, he was frowning, but his cheeks had a slightly crimson tone. "You are doing it wrong, Amy."

His hands left her hips. Amy felt his corporeal warmth enveloping her as his arms encircled her. She held her breath as he put his hands over hers on the gamepad and pressed his fingers and thumbs on top of hers, guiding her into the game movements. The appropriate distance he was probably trying to maintain, was gone. And gone was any thought in Amy's mind too. What is happening? She watched with her numb mind how he played the game using her hands, his fingers quickly dancing over hers.

"When you are near the curve, you need to drift. Like this," he muted near her ear. "Can you feel it?" This last part sounded like a whisper. She shivered as his warm breath reached her ear and cheek.

She slightly turned to him, astonished, trying to spy on him, on his expression. His face was focused on the game and on controlling the kart using her hands. Did he notice what he was doing to her? Amy tried to control her body's response to his closeness. This was the closest he had been to her in all the time she'd known him. She suppressed a 'hooo' that was about to escape from her lips and blinked, still not believing their position and closeness.

He kept explaining his actions to her, like nothing special was happening. His warm breath covering her ear and neck, making her shiver. His hands, so warm above hers. Guiding her into the game. Amy wasn't paying attention to that anymore.

It was so…erotic. In some way. Was he aware of it? Amy sure was. Very aware. How could he not know she wasn't paying any attention to his explanations? Instead, she was looking at his mouth. It was hypnotic, his lips moving, explaining to her step by step how to play. But what he said was lost on Amy. Words didn't make sense anymore to her.

She blinked. There was an invisible force calling her. She couldn't stop it, or think about her actions before it occurred. She turned a little more, moved closer to him, and closed the gap between them.

She kissed him.

To be continued...

I hope you are enjoying the starting point! Is this familiar? Any guesses of what happens next?

Let me know in the reviews!

Hope everyone is doing fine with this global lockdown against the Covid-19. Please stay safe and stay home. Take care and wash your hands!