"-And I think that adjourns today's League meeting..."

"Tuesday." Diana pointed out. Clark went wide eyed, digging through his disorganized meeting notes. Usually Batman did this, but the dark knight of Gotham was busy and therefore absent. Clark was great at bulletins... most of the time. Today was not one of those times however. He had pulled an overnighter at the office for his boss, and then Lois needed saving from the mighty grip of peril... again.

"Oh, right... Tuesday... Tuesday. Here it is!" Clark pulled a paper from the stack and covered his mouth to clear his throat. "Right. Tuesday is a cleaning day here at the Hall. All members are expected to be there. It's also bring your kid to work to day."

"Why do we even have a bring your kid to work day?" Hal huffed, leaning forward and throwing his arms out. "Like any of us were unfortunate enough to have offspring... or-" He shot Cyborg a glance. "-even could."

"Low blow, man." Cyborg grumbled, folding his arms and averting his gaze. Diana clenched her jaw.

"It was supposed to be a joke, Hal. I mean, yeah... it's official, but I put it in place in case we expand our membership to those who do have kids." Superman pointed out to appease the situation.

"I'll inform Batman. He'll be sure to get a laugh out of it."

Hal snorted. "Guy never laughs..."

Superman sighed. Hal was an asset, but being his friend was something only Barry found easy to manage. The man of Steel shot the speedster an appreciative look. "Thanks, Flash. Meeting adjourned."

"Are you insane?"

"You called me all the way from Bludhaven to ask me to attend... a.. a bring your kid to work day?!"

"Jason, Dick... it actually might be kinda fun." Tim pointed out hesitantly.

"I must agree with Grayson and Todd. This is a terrible idea."

Batman regarded his four sons thoughtfully. One was for it and three against. He wasn't entirely surprised at Damian and Todd, but Nightwing should have jumped at a chance to meet the league. Then it dawned at him; there was a cleaning day attached to it.

"Perhaps I may influence your decision." Alfred, as astute as ever, remarked from his position perched in the doorway. "You can attend the event with Master Bruce, or you can help me clean the manor instead."

The four shared a look. Clean with a speedster or the wickedly precise butler? They winced, and their voices mingled into one- "We're in."

"Thanks, Clark. This was a nice idea." Five members of the justice league sat lounging at a booth in a quaint little diner two blocks from the Hall of Justice. It had been Clark's idea to have breakfast Tuesday morning. They'd met in their civvies, much to Hal's ire. Of course the bat had already figured his identity out, but the consensual sharing of their identities had come not long after. It still felt strange to do it, but Batman had already blown the lid on most of their identities at the first team up.

"Thanks, Diana." Clark grinned, wiping his mouth down with a napkin. "It's just a shame that Bruce couldn't join us."

"Probably too unsophisticated for him." Hal snidely declared, burping into his fist and letting out a content sigh. Barry inched away from him, tacking an eye roll on the end. He didn't know what Hal's problem with Batman was, but he just wished his lantern friend would throw it away and embrace the fact that Batman was actually cool. Yeah, when pigs flew.

"Well, we'd better get going." Victor declared, tugging his dark hoodie down a little farther, as if it obscured the glowing red eye in his skull. "We'll be late as it is."

No one could disagree with that.

The team were in their civvies when the arrived, meaning no one was entirely keen about walking right in the front door. Thankfully, Bruce was a stickler for privacy. Thankfully Bruce had built a top secret back entrance.

"Should we change into our super-suits?"

"I don't think so, Barry. No one's supposed to be-"

"Don't make me stab you, Drake!"

"You can try, half pint!"

The justice league stopped dead in their tracks. Two kids were on the floor in a wrestling match. One was clearly a teenager, the second no older than eleven. Despite one being younger, it seemed he was actually doing just as well. Fists were flying. A teen, older than either one on the floor, with a red helmet, stood watching with his arms crossed while a fourth in black and blue spandex was trying to talk them down.

"Robin, Red, stop!"

He stooped down, making the fatal mistake of trying to manually break it up. A small fist grabbed the spandex right under his chin, yanking him down into the fight.

"Woohoo! Damian, Pummel Wing!" The red masked kid called out, clearly enjoying the vicious bird fight unfolding on the floor.

"Ow!" the oldest shouted as a green clad fist slammed into his jaw. "Hood, stop fueling it!"

Fueling it? Fine, I'll join it!" He jumped into the ball of moving limbs, laughing manically.

Barry was the first to come back to his senses. "Uh... Supes, who are these people?"

"I... I recognize Nightwing from the hero files. He's a vigilante in Bludhaven. And I think that's the Red hood, an outlaw in Gotham."

"A criminal? Here? Is he nuts?"

"I'm not sure, Hal."


Everyone, justice league included, jumped a mile at the stern commanding voice of the one and only, Batman. The man emerged from the chair at the computer station, walking straight over to the tangle of limbs on the floor.

At his command, the fight instantly evaporated, and the four bruised kids stood up to dust themselves off.

"Sorry." Nightwing and Red robin apologized. Hood muttered a slight apology, and Damien tsked.

Nightwing dusted an invisible spec off his shirt. "I tried-"

"Save it." Batman nodded towards the league.

"Oh... shoot." Hood dragged a hand down the smooth plate of his helmet, eyes wide behind the mask. "Uh..."

"Batman, what are these... these kids doing here?" Hal demanded, striding right up to the dark night and pointing a finger at the three teens and one kid standing almost at attention.

"So this is the motormouth." Hal shot Red hood a startled look. Hood's stance screamed mockery, and his voice carried the sarcasm to match.


"I'm gonna have to echo Lantern's sentiments." Clark declared, gliding over. "Nightwing I can understand-"

"Thankyou. See, Bruce?"

"-but." Clark continued. "Red Hood's an-"

"Outlaw." Jason finished for him. "Literally. My team is called the outlaws."

"There's a warrant for your arrest."

"There was. I was temporarily out of my mind after being resurrected. That was several years ago."


"I think the biggest question-" Barry finally ventured. "-is why you all are here."

Batman crossed his arms, looked the speedster dead in the eyes, and smirked. "You did say it was bring your kid to work to day."

Nightwing used the Camera in his mask to snap a picture of the jaw dropped expressions on the mighty Justice League's faces.

Diana was the first to recover. "You mean they're your-"


"I thought you worked alone in Gotham!" Barry pointed out... He was ignored however.

Dick sighed, realizing that introductions were probably going to fall to him. "I'm Nightwing, Batman's first ward and sidekick. I used to go by Robin until I retired the mantel and struck out on my own. This is RedHood, the second Robin and subsequently, Bruce's second Ward; that's Red Robin. He's still-"

"Batman's sidekick." Tim supplied, crossing his arm. "But when half pint came on the scene demanding the Robin title, I switched suits and called myself Red Robin."

"And that's Robin, Bruce's blood soon." Nightwing finished. All eyes settled on Damian at this point, Clark working his jaw to try and find words. Hal beat him to it.

"Who'd have kids with that guy?" The lantern muttered, leaning close to a now mortified Barry Allen.

Bruce leveled the lantern with a batglare and Red Hood burst into laughter. "I think I'm gonna like this lantern guy." He declared.

Superman was just blinking. Of course! How could he be so stupid? He'd gotten so used to Batman, that he'd forgotten that the Bat was really a playboy who had indeed taken multiple wards under his wings... No pun intended. Diana was as much in shock as he was, but Flash had shaken the surprise off and Cyborg was grinning.

"I thought today was a work day." Batman snapped. "We should stop standing around and get to it."

Superman had been tasked with cleaning the ceiling. It was an easy enough job, and while the flash zig zagged bellow with a broom, he took his time. He heard a grunt and a scuffle, another rag joining his on the rough gritty roof. He glanced over to see Nightwing sitting on the chandelier.

"You sure that's gonna hold?" Superman asked curiously, a little worried for the young man.

"If it doesn't, I'll jump and use the curtains to slow my fall."

"That's very acrobatic." Superman remarked, turning back to his work.

"Well I've been an acrobat since I could walk." Came the honest reply. They worked in silence, Clark mulling that over for a bit."You know-" Wing said after a moment. "Bruce talks highly of you... well as highly as speaks of anyone I s'pose."

"Really?" Now that surprised Clark. "Cause he never mentions you."

"Not surprised." Dick replied nonchalantly. It clearly didn't bother him that Bruce had kept it from the league. "He's all business in the suit, and you guys never see him out of it... not like we do."


"I know he seems stuck up..." There was a pause. "Okay, he is stuck up... But he does have a heart underneath that Kevlar... Somewhere."

"I never doubted."

"So does Bats ever mention me?"

Red hood stopped spraying the glass window and set the glass cleaner aside to wipe the panes down. He was a little shocked that Lantern was asking. He must have known his relationship with the bat was a bit less than cordial.

"Yup." Hood replied dryly. "Usually calls you lantern in that snide way that means you're one of the few people that can get under his skin. Which, coming from one of the only other good guys that can get under his skin, is quite the accomplishment"

Lantern chuckled dryly at that, scrubbing his window in furious circular motions with the cloth clenched in his fist.

"Well at least I know, I'm appreciated." The sarcasm dripping from Lantern's tone was painfully tangible. "I mean... Something tells me couldn't give a crap about anyone other than himself."

Hood shrugged. "He wouldn't waste his time with someone he didn't appreciate in some way or another. I mean, look at me. Trust me. Batman's grouchy and irritating... But he cares... He cares more than any of us might ever know. I'd be the only person who could really talk... I hurt him pretty bad, a long time ago. Tried to kill him actually. But we worked out our differences and I'm... I think I'm a part of the family again."

Lantern took a moment to mull that over, filing it away for later. He also didn't have any reply to what the red masked teen had said. After a long stretch of silence, Hal shot Jason a sideways look. " You seem like the kind of guy who appreciates any juicy Bat stories?"

He would later swear he could hear the malicious grin in Red hood's voice. "Oh, you have no idea... But I'll only tell you under one condition..."

"Name it."

"So what's it like being Batman's kid?"

Tim paused. He and Cyborg were running diagnostic checks and cleaning the computers. "Well not easy." He admitted. "I am... was the third Robin. They were massive shoes to fill. First Nightwing, and then Hood... Hood actually died as Robin. So it made things worse. But I guess it's alright. I mean, Bruce isn't a father in the typical sense. Actually, Bruce isn't my father as much as Batman is.'

Cyborg winced at that. It couldn't be easy. If what he saw of Batman was any indication, then being the ward of the bat was like being in military school.

"Not quite." Tim shrugged. Oops. Had Victor said that aloud? "He's a lot more friendly around us... Especially out of the suit... But who am I kidding? We're not a conventional family... Never will be. I think they'd call us dysfunctional actually... the kind of family who occasionally tries to kill each other." He rubbed a bruise on his cheek, likely earned from the earlier tussle.

"Well if you ever want someone normal to hang with-"

"Oh I know exactly who I plan on calling."

"Oops! Get that over there!"

At the ten year old's request, the Flash adjusted his position and ran down another hall. Damien was in his arms, working the broom. It was hardly conventional... Or practical, but Barry was having a blast.

"Ready, kid?"

"TT. Of course!"

He watched Damien toss the broom aside and pull a duster jammed into his utility belt by the handle. Barry ran towards the dining room table, dropping and sliding on his back as the kid dusted the underside in speed force time.

He stopped sliding, Normal speed reasserting dominance. He was back out from under the table, feet hitting the wall on the other side of the room to stop them. Batman was looming over and staring down at him, eyebrow quirked.

"Are you done lighting my son's hair on fire?"

Damien and Barry both went wide eyed as the kid slapped the flame out. Barry set the kid off of his chest and stood up sheepishly. "I'm sor-"

Batman lifted a hand quietly, a small smirk on his face. He ruffled his son's ebony hair before walking over to see what Tim was up to.

"So that just happened." Barry muttered."Did he just... Smile?"

A broom hit his chest. "Let's finish our work."

"And that's the last of it." Superman declared, checking off his clipboard and tossing the pen aside.

"Oh good! My feet hurt." Barry grinned.

"Where's Hal and Hood?"

"Behold! I am Vengeance!" Batman's eyes widened behind the cowl as Hal jumped into the room, dramatically waving his arms like he wore an invisible cape.


"I am the night!"

"Hal... what are you doing?" Clark demanded, eyebrow raised, missing the momentary flash of horror on Batman's face.

"What does it sound like?" Hal demanded. "I'm quoting Spooky."

"I never said that." Batman replied defensively, crossing his arms.

"That blush says otherwise." Red hood snickered, falling into place beside his former mentor.

"Hey, Bats." Hal grinned. "Is it true you actually faceplanted into a bill board when you first started learning to use the grappling hook?"

Batman put a hand on his head as Nightwing and Tim snickered. The rest of the League looked seconds away from dying of shock and laughter, only adding to the embarrassment. "Hood." Bruce growled under his breath. "This is the last time I bring you to one of these things."

"Music to my ears, Bruce... Music to my ears."

Alrighty. So this is far from my best work of fiction, but I'm happy with it. Also, it's part two of my Bat-brothers Forever series; so I gotta post it. I hope you all enjoyed one of my less serious stories! Feedback is always appreciated, and thanks to everyone who read! Until next time (part three)- Bloodraven