Disclaimer: The following work is primary inspired by Crit Fail's Legacy of Despair series. More specifically, the first entry. While this work largely has the same premise as that work, there will be some things that will distinguish it from the original (and even the reboot). While I like (their?) ideas, I have some issues with it. Mainly, there is a lack of distinction between chapters, making it difficult to know where one chapter ends and another begins. There is also some issues that reviewers found (trust me, I've read them), but lack of chapter distinctions is what makes it difficult to follow. I'm writing a version of that story that doesn't have some of the issues or flaws that the original version had (not the reboot, though some still found issues).

I'm splitting each chapter into three sections: Daily Life (Free-Time Events), Deadly Life (Investigations), and Trials (Guess what this is about). Also, between each chapter is an interlude. This is to make it easier for readers to follow the story, as there are distinct borders between each chapter.

One last thing: the depictions of these characters may differ from their canon depictions in some lay or another (such as usage of strong language).

With that out of the way, it's time to open the doors to a world of despair...

Ultimate Danganronpa X: The Great Gathering of Ultimate Students

Hope's Peak Academy…

For decades, this one school has made the world a better place than it could ever possibly imagine. Well, the alumni are. For decades, its students have leaded the world in several areas from social issues to environmental concerns, to economics and science. These students have used their talents to improve the world, fixing its issues while innovating on new ideas. It is said that anyone who manages to be a part of Hope's Peak will graduate into a successful life.

But getting into the academy is easier said than done. Unlike many other educational institutions, getting in doesn't require the student to take an entrance exam, at least for the Main Course students. There is a secondary branch that accepts those who do not have a talent, as long as they can pay the high fees and pass the infamously difficult entrance exam. In order for a student to be qualified in the Main Course is to have a talent, and be really good at it. Hope's Peak Academy only accepts those who are the best at what they do for their age. Instead of accepting applications, however, they use scouts to find those who excel at a skill. It doesn't matter where they come from or how rich they are or how screwed up of a life they have; as long they excel at one talent, they're eligible for the Main Course.

For the incoming students, getting invited into the Main Course is considered an amazing event to have happened. Their talents are being recognized by the very best educational institution in the world. To them, simply being accepted into Hope's Peak Academy was nothing more than a dream. They couldn't imagine themselves being among the talented. And so, these students began to make their way into Hope's Peak Academy, ready to begin their new life as a highly talented person.

However, something strange happened to these incoming students. As soon as they step foot into the campus, the world around them suddenly began spinning. The last thing these incoming students remembered is them blacking out. When they finally opened up their eyes, they find themselves in a strange new world.

They were expecting to be in Hope's Peak Academy. And they were. However, this isn't the Hope's Peak they were looking forward to…

Prologue: Welcome to the Ultimate Killing Game

Day 1 - 7:32 AM

First Floor, Main Course Building

Classroom 1-A

A teenage boy lifted his head off the wooden desk. He groans a little as he adjusts his eyes. His head must be throbbing.

"Huh?" the boy said as he scanned the room with his olive green eyes while he is brushing his light brown hair. It looks like he's in a classroom. It's not very surprising; the last thing he remembered was stepping foot onto Hope's Peak Academy. The bigger question is how did he get here? He certainly doesn't remember stepping foot in this particular classroom. He does know why he was here; his name was chosen via a lottery. His talent is the Ultimate Lucky Student, though that's not something that he's proud of.

Upon further inspection, this is not a normal classroom. The windows are all covered in iron plates, there's a security camera watching him, there's no teacher, and this classroom is barely filled with any students. "What's…going on here?" he asked.

"You're…Makoto Naegi, right?" a soft feminine voice asked.

"Ah!" Makoto yelped as he jolted backwards and landed his head against the floor.

The girl gasped as she saw Makoto hit the floor. That must've hurt. She leaned over him to check if he's okay.

Makoto opened his eyes to what he could only make out as a girl. The girl has long dark blue hair and is wearing a white sailor uniform with light blue collar and cuffs. A pink bow is seen tied to her neckline. As his vision began to clear up, he can make out a pair of ocean blue eyes staring right at him.

"Are you alright?" the girl asked in concern. "Sorry if I scared you. I woke up and found you sitting right in front of me."

Makoto's memories felt a bit blurry from the impact. "Who are you?" he asked, not recognizing the girl before him.

The girl offered her hand to Makoto. He extended his arm, layered with a black sleeve of a school uniform over a forest green sleeve of a hoodie, grabbing the hand. The girl helped to lift Makoto up. Together, they stared at each other's eyes.

"What, you don't remember me?" the girl asked. Makoto only let out a confused response. The girl then let off a cheerful smile. "Oh, don't fool yourself! I remember you! We went into the middle school!"

Makoto looked back at his middle school years – those weren't the best years of his life – thinking about who the girl in front of him could be. Then it struck him. "Y-your Maizono, right?" he replied. "Sayaka Maizono, the Superstar of this Generation!"

"I knew you would remember me!" Sayaka cheerfully responded.

Makoto immediately blushed at the sight of Sayaka. "I'd…I'd never knew that being the Ultimate Lucky Student would come with being with the Ultimate Idol," he said. "Even back in middle school, you were a star! You have lots of people around you while I was standing by with barely anyone around me!" Makoto couldn't believe his luck. To have a superstar throw herself at me at first sight…this is too much, I don't deserve this, Makoto thought.

"Oh, don't out yourself down too much, Makoto," Sayaka assured. "You deserved this!"

"What?" Makoto blurted out. He was bewildered by how that happened. "I-I didn't say that one out loud, did I?"

"Nope, you were silent," Sayaka replied.

"Then how did that happened?" Makoto asked.

"I'm psychic," Sayaka bluntly replied.

Makoto was puzzled for a moment. "…What?" he blurted out.

Sayaka then let out a little giggle. "I'm just kidding," she said. "It's just my intuition!" She said that with a smile on her face.

Makoto was mesmerized by Sayaka. Her beauty and charm just seems to catch his attention. She's so beautiful, he thought. She's so perfect, it's almost like she is a doll…

"I'm not a doll, silly!" Sayaka responded. "I'm very much alive!"

"Again?" Makoto said. "Is it just me, or am I spewing out my thoughts out loud? Or did I mutter them and you managed to hear them?"

"Oh…" Sayaka said, slightly embarrassed by how she pulled off the same trick on the same person twice in a row. "Sorry, but…I just had a feeling that you would think that." Her face was blushing in embarrassment, or maybe she felt a strong bond forming between her and Makoto.

Makoto lifted himself to his feet, with Sayaka doing the same. "Alright, we've spent enough time on introductions," he said. "Now then, onto the bigger question: where are we?" The two of them looked around the classroom, searching for answers.

Sayaka noticed a piece of paper sitting on the front desk. "Oh, there's something over there," she pointed out.

Makoto walked up to the front desk and took a look at the piece of paper. It looked like a pamphlet. He picked it up and began reading it. The pamphlet looked like it was made by a child, with its crayon-like drawings and rough lines. The text is barely readable, with the words having no baseline. The pamphlet reads, "Meet us at the central courtyard by 8:00."

"I expect better from a government-funded educational institution," Makoto stated, "especially Hope's Peak Academy. What kind of school would hand out pamphlets that look like they were made by someone who is too young to even attend high school? Does this school even have professional designers?"

"Even if it doesn't look ascetically pleasing, we should follow it," Sayaka said. She looked at the clock. "It looks like we should be going soon. Whoever's in charge wouldn't like it if we're late."

"I find it weird that we're meeting up at the courtyard instead of the gym," Makoto stated. "I get that Hope's Peak is an unconventional school, but there has to be some standards that it follows, right?"

"I agree," Sayaka replied. "We must be quick; we don't want to be late." She and Makoto began making their way for the doors, but not before Sayaka makes on last request. "Oh, one last thing," she said. Sayaka then threw herself into Makoto's arms, hugging him in the process. After a few seconds, she and Makoto opened the doors and head outside.

Day 1 - 7:35 AM

Floor 1, Main Course Building

Classroom 1-B

"Hey, are you alright?" a soft, rather sickly voice said.

There was no response.

"Can you hear me?"

The eyelids twitched, but that's about it for now.

"Are you sure you're not dead?"

The eyes began opening wide to a whole new world. Hovering above is a boy with shoulder length white hair. He is wearing a green tattered coat over a white shirt with a design of two interlocking hooks.

"You seem pretty out of it," the boy said. "To be honest, I'm just as confused as you are. I bet that if we find more people, they'll probably be just as confused as us. Hey, are you even listening?"

The boy lying on the floor let off a groan of pain. He has dark brown hair and greenish-brown eyes. He is wearing a uniform with a tie around his neck. His head is throbbing with a headache and he is very confused.

"Here, let me help you up," the boy said as he reached his arm out.

The two boys stood as one of them struggled to stand upright. He was escorted to a chair to rest for a little bit while he gets his bearings straight. He looked around for a little bit. It seems that he's in a classroom of some sorts. Well, it should look like a normal classroom. There are iron plates covering the windows, making the lights the only light source available. There also appears to be a security camera in the classroom watching them, which is a bit concerning. What's going on here? Why is he here? What happened? So many questions, yet he is unable to answer them all.

"So, how are you feeling?" the white-haired boy asked. "Are you calmed down?"

"My head still hurts…"

"I understand your confusion," the white-haired boy responded. "When I woke up, I found myself in a very strange place like you are right now."

"…Who are you…?"

"Oh, my apologies," the white-haired boy said. "Now that you've mentioned it, why don't we start with introductions?" He then offered his hand. "I'm Nagito Komaeda. Nice to meet you. Oh, and since we're in Hope's Peak, I might as well tell you about my talent, so you'll know why I was chosen." He then sighed. "To be honest, even if I tell you, you're going to be disappointed."

"Disappointed? Why?"

Nagito gave a heavy sigh as he told his reason. "My talent…is luck. Just…luck. I know how much of a joke it sounds, but really, it's not. I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. My name was selected from a country wide lottery. Every year, an ordinary student is selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Lucky Student. It's not exactly a talent that anyone should be proud of, but if it comes with hanging out with the world's best students, I'm in. Say, who are you and how did you get into Hope's Peak?"

The boy tried as hard as he can to remember his name and why he's in Hope's Peak Academy. Try as he might, the only thing that formed in his head was his own name. "I'm…Hajime…Hajime Hinata," he said. "I…don't remember my talent…at all. I…don't know if I had a talent in the first place…"

"You don't know your talent?" Nagito asked.

"I feel so confused about this," Hajime admitted. "I'm having trouble remembering my talent."

Nagito began inspecting Hajime closely, wondering who he is. "Ah well, it probably doesn't matter for now," he said. "I'm sure you'll get your memories back and why you came to Hope's Peak Academy sometime in the future. So there's no need to worry. Anyway, what should we do?"

Hajime and Nagito began looking around the classroom, wondering about their current situation. The security camera created a oppressive atmosphere, and the iron plates over the windows made it looked like they were trapped in here. At the front desk, there is a pamphlet.

"Hey…what's that?" Hajime asked, pointing to the pamphlet.

Nagito walked over to the pamphlet and picked it up. It looked like it was made by a child. When it opened it, the words, "Meet us at the courtyard by 8:00" was written on it.

"…How disappointing…" Nagito commented. "We were invited here to Hope's Peak Academy, the most prestigious school in the world, and we're greeted with this? Come on, the iron plates and the security camera made this school look bad enough. Having an official paper be made this poorly is just…ugh." He then crumpled the paper up and tossed it in the nearest waste bin. Afterwards, he looked at the clock and read the time. "…Looks like we should be going."

"Huh?" Hajime said. "What are you saying?"

"Don't you get it?" Nagito asked as he turned around towards Hajime. "Read the clock. We're almost late. I'd bet that if whoever discovers that we weren't here by the expected time, we could get in big trouble. Come on. We should get going." He then placed his hand on the door and opened it up to a whole new world.

Day 1 - 7:34 AM

Floor 1, Main Course Building

Classroom 1-C

A girl woke up to complete darkness. There was no light around her. There was nothing but the sound of her breathing. There was just…nothing. She wasn't sure of who she is or how she got here, but she's pretty sure that she blacked out before. Question is, what is even going on around here? The only way to find out is to open the door in front of her and step out, no matter how risky it seemed.

Stumbling out of the locker was a girl with ash-blonde hair and light purple eyes. She is wearing a pink vest over her off-white shirt. Her skirt is patterned in musical notes, and her hair-clips are shaped like musical notes.

The girl tripped as soon as she stepped out of the locker, unable to anticipate the sudden drop. She landed on her chest, which felt quite painful given that her bust is huge.

"Ow…" the girl groaned as she lifted herself back on her feet. She made sure the check her surroundings. Her feelings of confusion were only made even worse. "…Is this a classroom?" she asked. "What…what am I doing in here?" As she continued to look around, things felt even stranger. There are iron plates covering on side of the wall, as well as a security camera inspecting this room. "This is…there's no way that this is a real classroom. Am I…am I in a dream? No…this can't be it…is this a nightmare?"

Confusion consumed the girl as she continued to look around. She had convinced herself that she is asleep, and so pinched herself in an attempt to wake herself up. Unfortunately for her, it would seem like this is reality.

"Ow…that didn't help," she groaned. "Okay, calm down. Hang on for a second. Now, where am I? What am I doing here? How did I get here? What was I doing sleeping in that…locker—?"

Suddenly, another locker, the one right next to the one the girl stumbled out, began shaking. This freaked the girl out.

"Um, hello?" a seemingly effeminate voice said. "Is there anyone out there? Get me out of this place!"

The girl began shaking. She has no idea of who that person is, but it looked like they are stuck. Shaking with fear, the girl reached out and opened the locker door. As soon as she did, a boy came out. Not what she was expecting with a feminine sounding voice. It looked like he is wearing a hat. As he lifted head up, he saw the girl who opened the door for him.

"Ahh!" the boy screamed.

"How rude!" the girl shouted. "I rescued you, and this is how you treat me?"

"Ah…sorry," the boy apologized as he pulled his hat down to cover his eyes. "I just…thought that there was a monster outside."

"You're treating me like a monster?" the girl questioned. "You…are so weird…"

From the looks of it, that boy could pass for a girl. Beneath his gray eyes are eyelashes that look like fake. He kind of resembles another detective…

"Okay, let's calm down and pull ourselves together, okay?" the girl said. "We'll start with introductions and then try to figure out where we are."

"Uh…" the boy opened his mouth to speak.

"Let's start with myself," the girl said. "My name is Kaede Akamatsu. I believe my talent is…Pianist? Yeah, Pianist."

The boy began thinking for a second. "So…this is Hope's Peak Academy, right?" he asked. "They scout out the country in search of students with Ultimate Talents."

Kaede began nodding. "Oh, you must also have a talent since you're here as well," she said. "Tell me, what is your talent? Oh, but first, I want to know your name."

The boy hesitated for a moment, as if trying to collect his thoughts. He then spoke an answer. Well, an incomplete one. "My name is…Shuichi Saihara," he said. "I…"

"Huh?" Kaede grunted. "What's you talent? Tell me, why did you come to Hope's Peak?"

Shuichi tried to remember what is talent is, but is unable to come up with an answer. "I…don't remember my talent."

"You don't remember your talent?" Kaede gasped.

"I don't know…" Shuichi said. "My mind is…blank."

Kaede scoffed; disappointed to hear that her new friend doesn't remember why he's in Hope's Peak Academy in the first place. "Well, this is unfortunate," she remarked. "I was wondering how you got to the most prestigious academy in the world." She then looked towards the front desk and spotted a pamphlet. "What's this doing here?" Curious, she walked over to it and picked it up. Shuichi walked over to get a better look.

The pamphlet looked like it was made by a child, what with all the crayons and pencil marks. Opening the pamphlet revealed the following message. "Meet us at the courtyard by 8:00 AM."

"That's…unprofessional," Kaede remarked.

"How is this possible?" Shuichi asked. "Hope's Peak Academy was supposed to be a government funded school for the talented. They should have plenty of funds. I don't understand why they would create something as cheap as this. Are they running low on funds? They must've spent all of their money on those iron plates and enhanced security systems."

Kaede pulled the pamphlet away from her gaze. "I don't understand why a school would need iron plates covering the windows," she said. "And I don't understand why a school would need this level of security." She then looked at the clock and read the time. That's when she freaked out. "Oh crap!"

"What?" Shuichi asked. "What is it?"

"We're almost late!" Kaede realized. "Quickly! We must get to the meeting place immediately!" She grabbed Shuichi by the arm and pulled him along.

"W-wait a minute!" Shuichi protested.

Kaede opened the door of the classroom and headed out, only to collide with someone just standing outside the door.


Kaede wasn't sure who she collided with. The only thing she could hear is a scream.


Day 1 - 7:42

Floor 1, Main Course Building


"Are you alright, Kaede?" Shuichi asked.

Kaede opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry from the impact. What a regrettable action. Maybe if she haven't rushed and checked outside, this could've been avoided. Well, that's her mistake. As her vision clears, she saw…four additional people in the hallway. "Huh?" she said. "Who are these people?"

"We're students of Hope's Peak Academy," Nagito explained. "Just like you. Or at least, I'm betting on that. We are in Hope's Peak Academy, supposedly."

At the opposite wall, Sayaka is seen calming Makoto down. It looks like he's sweating a little. Sayaka then stared at Kaede. "You should be more careful," she advised. "You could've hurt Makoto."

"Uh…" Kaede opened her mouth.

"Uh, Kaede?" Shuichi whispered. "I don't think we introduced ourselves to these people."

"Oh, that's our mistake," Nagito said. "We were so caught up on the moment that we've forgotten about introductions. Sorry about that. Anyways, why don't we introduce ourselves so that we can better understand each other?"

The six students introduced themselves to each other as well as any other information in the limited time frame. As the students shared information about each other, they began to notice curtain aspects of each other.

"So, you two went into the same middle school, correct?" Shuichi asked, referring to Makoto and Sayaka. "An idol and some person I don't know…are you two…dating?"

Sayaka reacted at the idea of dating. "What? Are you implying that Makoto is my boyfriend?" she questioned. "Don't you know? As an idol, I am not allowed to form romantic relationships! If I did, my career will be ruined!"

"Oh, but you could be dating in secret," Kaede said, teasing her schoolmates. "That's what people do when they're told not to do something that they really want."

"It's not like that!" Makoto insisted. "We've only just started a relationship! There's no way it could grow to that level so quickly!"

"Hey, stop settling on irrelevant topics!" Hajime shouted. "We've already wasted enough time on other things. Look at the clock! We're almost late!"

The students read the clock on the wall and saw that they have only 5 minutes remaining.

"Oh dear, we've been talking to each other for that long?" Makoto asked. "I swear I've lost track of time…"

"How about we head to the courtyard right now?" Nagito suggested.

"But how?" Kaede asked. "We don't know our way around this building!"

Shuichi looked at the map of the building and collected directions on how to get out. "Everyone, I have an idea about how we can get to the courtyard," he said, grabbing everyone's attention. "We simply go this way until we entered this large room in the middle, then head towards the large door facing west."

Everyone studied the map to make sure they know where they are going.

"Okay, I understand," Kaede said. "Everyone, let's get going!"

Everyone made their way towards the courtyard, the designated meeting place.

Day 1 - 7:57

Courtyard, Central Area

Fountain Area

The campus of Hope's Peak Academy composed of four buildings, each of them positioned in the cardinal directions. To the east is the Main Course Building. It contains several classrooms and facilities for talent development. To the north is the Old Building, built during a time before the Reserve Course was introduced. Once the new Main Course Building finished construction, many areas of the Old Building were closed off, with plans of demolition in the works. Most of the Old Building remained intact, though many rooms are empty with much of the furniture and equipment transferred over to the new building. The only places that are still operational in the Old Building are the Dining Hall and the Dormitory.

The south building is the Main Course Dormitory, built at the same time as the new Main Course Building. It is a self-contained facility for high-end living. The ground floor has a Dining Room, a Kitchen, a Spa, a Hot Spring, a Game Room, Laundry, and various other rooms. The upper 4 floors are the living quarters. Each floor has 16 rooms, each for a single student to live in. Each floor also has a common room where students living in a floor can hang around in. To the west is the largest building, the Reserve Course building. It is structured like a normal high school, as that was the intent of the Reserve Course.

At the center is the main Courtyard. A park filled with paths, trees, and benches, this is the common area for all the students of Hope's Peak Academy. At the very center of the Courtyard is a large fountain.

The six students approached a circle in the Courtyard, south of the large fountain, where it appears that a gathering has taken place. The circle in front of the courtyard is divided into three sections. Above each section is a flag with a number on it. One reads "77", the second reads "78", and the third reads, "79". There's a student in the center who is busy recording the names of everyone present. He is wearing a white uniform with an armband tied to his arm. His red eyes read the list very carefully.

"Hey, I was wondering," Makoto said as he approached the boy. "Is this the gathering place? It sure looks like it."

"Why, yes of course!" the boy answered. "You're exactly in the right p-" He stopped himself as soon as he saw the group of six students. "Aw, not again! Now I have to add your names to this list. Oh, when is this going to end?"

After the six gave their name, the boy wrote down those names into the list. "Thank you," he said. "Now, we have forty-four students here."

"Uh, excuse me?" Shuichi pointed out. "You didn't give us your name."

The boy gasped at his mistake. "Oh. how rude of me to not introduce myself!" he said. "My apologizes. I shall repay you with an introduction of myself. I am Kiyotaka Ishimaru! Let us proceed on this educational crusade! Now, head to your respective classes."

The six students headed off towards where their classmates are. According to Kiyotaka, Makoto and Sayaka are in Class 78, Hajime (supposedly) and Nagito are in Class 77, and Shuichi and Kaede are in Class 79.

"Alright! We're all gathered into our assigned classes," Kiyotaka announced. "Now, let's wait for the opening ceremony to begin...whenever that is."

"Hey!" a red headed girl shouted. "This is blatantly unfair! You're telling me that the other classes have fifteen students in them, yet we only have fourteen students in our class?"

"That's nonsense, Mahiru!" Kiyotaka shouted. "I checked my list! We should have-"

A sudden crash caught everyone's attention. Turning towards the source of the sound, they were met with a horrifying sight.

A girl in a nurse uniform is seen on the ground. Her legs and arms are all tied up in bandages. Her legs are facing the group, meaning that everyone is peeking up her skirt.

"I-I'm sorry!" the girl apologized. "I-I just tripped!"

"...What kind of trip is that?" Makoto asked.

"That's the strangest way I've ever seen someone trip," Sayaka remarked. "How does anyone trip over like that?"

"Ooh!" a punk girl giggled. "That's a nice up-skirt shot! Oh, Mahiru! Time to take some shots!

The girl, Mahiru Koizumi, refused to comply. "Hey, I'm not willing to do that!" she insisted. She hid the camera on her beneath her arms.

"Perverts!" a girl with a pinwheel bow accused the boys. "You're all perverts! Stop looking at that poor girl or I'll punch you!"

"We're all perverts!" Mahiru shouted back. "Now stop discriminating against the boys or else!"

Too late. The girl attacked Kiyotaka as he approached the poor girl.

"Ugh..." Mahiru groaned. "Guess I have to do this." She walked up to the girl and asked if she can help her up. "Hey, can I help you? What's your name?"

The girl shivered and squealed in a high-pitched voice, but eventually she says her name. "M-M-Mikan...T-Tsumigi..."

"Thank you for that," Mahiru said. "Hey, we now have forty-five students here! That means each class has fifteen students each!"

"45 students?" a fat student responded. "I know that's a lot of students, but aren't we short a few students?"

"I don't know how many students are in this campus," Kiyotaka said, "but it looks like everyone is here as expected."

"So, wait a second," Makoto said. "This is Hope's Peak Academy, and we're all students of it? With a name like that, I expect something that's at least inspiring. This...doesn't look even remotely assuring."

"Yeah, we're all students here," a short, seemingly androgynous girl said. "Today's supposed to be our first day of class."

"I'm not sure how we got here though..." a short red haired girl wearing a wizard's hat said. "It must be magic!"

"Really? Of all things, you think it's magic?" a buxom girl questioned, pointing her thumb down in disapproval. "We've already told you! Magic doesn't exist you-"

"Everyone, calm down!" Mahiru shouted. "We shouldn't argue, not of our first day!"

"Hey, who are these students?" a boy in a yellow jumpsuit asked. "I know one of them is an idol and another as a musician, but who are they?"

"Oh, right," Kiyotaka said. "We've haven't gotten around to introduce ourselves to the students that just got here. Uh, I would tell you everyone's name, but I think it'll be more fun if we interacted with each other. Everyone else has already done it, so why don't you do it to?"

"By the way, I'm Mahiru Koizumi," Mahiru introduced herself. She has short red hair and olive green eyes. She is wearing a olive green jumper over her uniform shirt. Tied to her neck is an plaid orange tie. "I'm Taka's assistant. Who's Taka? It's short for Kiyotaka. Managing forty-four other students on your own is a pretty monumental task, so it wouldn't hurt to spread the load across two people. Anyway, go make some friends and get to know your classmates!"

Pretty soon, the six friends made three groups to go around and meet their classmates. They separate from each other and go around the general area where all the students are gathered.

9/45 Students Known

Day 1 - 8:20

Courtyard, Central Area

Fountain Area

Makoto and Sayaka went around to meet their new classmates. It didn't take long before they've met someone. Well...it's more like somebody approached them. The boy who came over has spiked red-orange hair and light blue eyes. He is wearing a white jacket over a white shirt with a skull design on it and jeans. He has the appearance of a punk given his piercings, studded belt, and a padlock necklace.

"Yo! Name's Leon Kuwata!" the boy greeted. "I'm the Ultimate...Baseball...Star...ugh."

"Huh? You're the Ultimate Baseball Star?" Makoto asked. "Why don't look like you're a baseball player? I expect you to have your head shaved."

"What, you mean like in those photos of me?" Leon asked. "Hell. No. Those are super embarrassing! My teammates tried to convince me that my hair has to be within tournament regulations, but this is just totally getting in the way of my style!"

"So, you've turned yourself into a punk, right?" Sayaka asked. She then leaned over and whispered to Makoto. "I never figure I would be saying that."

"Yes, I turned towards the punk style!" Leon said. "It totally suits me more than shaving my hair and being stuck in a baseball uniform. My dream is to change my talent into the Ultimate Musician!" His gaze turned towards Sayaka. "You know Sayaka, when I've heard that you were going to be in Hope's Peak like I am, I thought I had the perfect opportunity to let someone else coach me as I changed my talent. Well...let's just say I've got a even better opportunity and...well..."

Makoto and Sayaka tried to figure out who Leon is referring to. As they try to figure out who's who, they heard a voice behind them.

"Give me an 'I'! Give me a 'Bi'! Give me a 'Ki'! Give me a 'Mio'! Give me a 'Da'!" a girl shouted. Makoto and Sayaka turned around and saw the girl spewing it out. Like Leon, she looked like a punk, what with her dyed hair, piecing, asymmetric clothing, and mismatched socks. She has black hair with pink and blue streaks and pink eyes. While her uniform looks pretty normal, the rest of her isn't. She has horns on top of her head, an arm warmer on her left arm, and torn socks.

"...Her name's Ibuki Mioda," Leon bluntly told.

"Hey!" Ibuki shouted. "I was talking to them!"

"...Yeah," Leon replied. "You know, I was really betting on Sayaka to coach me. But then Ibuki latched onto me and then it looks like Sayaka is already taken. So...yeah."

"It's not like you've had a choice," Sayaka said. "I woke up and the first person I saw was Makoto. I recognized him and we've became friends. I saw him before some time ago, and that's why I recognized him."

"Wait, so are you implying that you're dating him?" Ibuki asked. "That's preposterous! You're putting your career on thin ice if you do that!"

"No! It's not like that!" Sayaka insisted.

"Let's not dwell on that for too long," Makoto said. "Sayaka and I have other students to meet. How about we take a walk and meet our classmates?"

"I already did that," Leon said. "So...have fun with meeting our classmates."

"We'll see you soon!" Sayaka said.

Makoto and Sayaka continued to walk around the courtyard looking for students to meet. The next student they've met was a seemingly androgynous girl. She has short, light brown hair and brown eyes with a yellow tint. She is short, even shorter than Makoto. She is wearing a green jacket, a thigh-length skirt, and socks that reach just below the knee. She doesn't look like she wants to speak.

"Hey, who are you?" Makoto asked. "You look scared, right? I understand how you are feeling. We are stuck in here with no idea of how we got here. What's your name and your talent?"

The girl looked nervous at first. She spoke quietly, so much so that it's barely audible. "I'm...Chihiro Fujisaki," the girl spoke. "I'm...the Ultimate Programmer..." She doesn't look like she wants to continue.

"I don't think she wants to talk," Makoto said.

"That's okay," Sayaka assured. "There is still more students to talk two." Her interest in caught by two bickering students. "Huh, it looks like those two are having an argument. Why don't we check it out?"

Moving closer, it became evident what these two people are having an argument about. The two having an argument are a boy and a girl. The boy has pink hair and pink eyes. He is wearing a yellow jumpsuit and a beanie. On his feet are a pair of industrial boots, perfect for softening impacts. The girl has blonde hair and icy blue eyes. She seems to be wearing a pink sailor school uniform...that seemed a bit too small. She is showing a bit of cleavage, lacking the cover on her chest.

"Listen, you greasy monkey," the girl said. "I don't care how much you ogle at the princess, I am clearly the superior choice" She began grabbing her own breasts. "Just stare at me. Stuff your own drooling face into my chest. And make me a baby! With our talents, we'll create the greatest child the world has ever seen!"

"Hell. NO!" the boy shouted. "There is no way I'm rubbing my body all over yours! You...you are dirty! Sonia is a divine girl, and chest size isn't everything!"

"Hey, there's no way you'll pass over a juicy body like mine!" the girl said. "Just look at your dick; there's the proof." She seems to be drooling...a lot.

"SHUT UP!" the boy shouted back.

Makoto and Sayaka have nothing but weird imagery in their heads. Sayaka is covering her mouth and Makoto is putting his hood over his head.

"That's my classmate, Kazuichi Souda," a girl with pink hair and pink eyes explained. "He's the one in the yellow jumpsuit. That girl is Miu Iruma. She claims that she is a genius, but I think she's also...yeah."

Makoto and Sayaka turn their attention to the girl who spoke. In addition to her pink features, she is wearing a teal hooded cardigan that she keeps open. Below her cardigan is a buttoned shirt and a beige skirt. Like Makoto, she also is covering her head with a hood.

"Who are you?" Makoto asked. "You seem to have the same fashion sense as me."

The girl giggled. "It's almost like we're siblings, or something," the girl said. "I'm Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer."

"Chiaki..." Makoto repeated. "That sounds quite similar to Chihiro, doesn't it? Are you two..."

"Siblings, or something?" Sayaka finished. Makoto stared at Sayaka, feeling a little irritated that he didn't get to finish his sentence.

"Oh, you mean that programmer, right?" Chiaki asked. "I don't believe...she and I are siblings. By the way, I was expecting Makoto to finish his sentence. How are you doing that?"

"Oh, me?" Sayaka asked. "I'm psychic!"

Chiaki stared at Sayaka with a confused look on her face. Makoto refused to comment. He'd already heard that joke twice before.

Sayaka smiled and giggled. "I'm just kidding!" she said. "I just knew what he was going to say."

Chiaki remained silent for a moment before speaking again. "Well, joke or not, at least you get to know my name. I wish you gook luck in getting to know our classmates."

Makoto and Sayaka moved on to the next student, who is a very short boy. He's even shorter than Chihiro. He's wearing a black hat with two crossing tennis rackets, a leather jacket, and a striped jumpsuit. There also seems to be a stick in his mouth. He has his eyes away from both Makoto and Sayaka. When asked about his name, he only gave a simple response.

"The man known as Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Player, no longer exists," he said in a surprisingly deep voice. "I'm nothing more than his empty shell..."

That's all he is willing to give out, no matter how much Makoto asks. Sayaka suggested that they move on to another person, so they did.

The next student(s) they encountered is a group of seemingly athletic students. There are five of them. One is a brown-skinned girl in a tank top, a track suit jacket, and shorts. She looked busty. The second is a large girl with long, white hair and a muscular appearance. She is staring at the fight in front of her, shaking her head in great disapproval. The third is a slightly shorter girl with a simple white shirt and a short red skirt. She is having a fight with a tall, muscular man wearing a tracksuit and a chain around his neck. The fifth is a man with long, unkempt hair who is wearing no shoes. There is a bug cage that's strapped to him.

Makoto froze as he saw the fight. He thought about running away, but his legs felt frozen. He can also feel Sayaka as he grabbed onto his arm, clutching it tightly.

"Uh, I think it was a mistake to come over here," Sayaka said. "I think we should go."

Makoto is sweating intensely. "This is not something I want to see on the first day."

The girl in the tank top turned around and her attention was immediately grabbed by Makoto. She walked up to him with shining eyes, eager to meet him.

"Hey there!" the girl greeted. "You must be the Ultimate Lucky Student, correct?"

"Uh..." Makoto opened his mouth.

The girl gasped again when she saw Sayaka. "Oh, and of course, he has the national superstar right next to him. Figures," she said.

"Um..." Sayaka grunted.

Makoto forgets about the fight going on in the background. "So...what is your name?" he asked.

"Oh, how rude of me!" the girl said. "I've forgotten how to introduce myself! I'm Aoi Asahina! My friends just call me Hina, so call me that if you like!" She then introduced the rest of the people in the background. "That one over there is Sakura Ogami, those two fighting are Akane Owari and Nekomaru Nidai, and-" She then noticed that someone else had come up to Makoto and Sayaka. "Oh, looks like someone wants to talk to you. I'll leave it to him."

The large boy with unkempt hair tried to think about what to say. "Um, Gonta would like to make introduction," he said. "Oh! Gonta know! Gonta's name is Gonta Gokuhara!"

"Gonta is the Ultimate Entomologist," Hina explained. "You can tell because of the bug cage he carries around." She then noticed that neither Makoto nor Sayaka know what an Entomologist even is. "What? You don't know what an Entomologist is? They're people that study insects, that's basically it!"

"Gonta want to become gentleman!" Gonta said. "You look like gentleman, with lady by your side." This made Makoto and Sayaka laugh a little. Gonta then took a closer look at Makoto, noticing how short he is. "Hmm...little tree is short. Needs to grow tall." He then looked at Sayaka for a moment and, after remembering both of their family names, came up with an idea. "Oh, Gonta know! Gonta plant little tree into garden!"

This made it awkward for everyone, even for those not involved in the conversation.

"Huh? What did you say?" Nekomaru asked, stopping his fight with Akane.

"What kind of...I can't comprehend this..." Akane nearly threw up.

"Gonta!" Hina scolded. "That's not a gentlemanly thing to say! Look at these two! What have you've done to them?"

"Sorry!" Gonta apoligized. "Gonta thought it was great idea."

Hina just shook her head in disapproval. "You said that you were going to be a gentleman," she said. "You only proved how far you are from that goal..."

After meeting several people, Makoto and Sayaka were feeling a little tired from all the introductions, especially after that joke on them. They figured that it's time for them to take a break. They've met enough people for now.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the area, their new friends are busy meeting new people.

21/45 Students Known

From the Author

Surprised to see me again? Of course you are. It's been a while since I've written anything new. We've all got to take breaks from time to time when we're working on things, though if there is no deadline the hiatus can take a long time. Sorry for the long wait. I have a nasty tendency to never finish my personal projects.

So, the inspiration for this story comes from Crit Fail and the Legacy of Despair series, which has a similar concept. Combine three games worth of characters and put them into a single killing game and see what happens. The entry that started it all is a good story, but it's hard to follow. There are arcs, but it isn't made clear which chapters the arcs fall into. Also, I can't see why Monokuma's dialogue has to be in bold and empathized. It's distracting! (I might have to write a Monokuma Theater segment based on that.)

Okay, so you get the drill. I got inspired to make my own work based on another, put my own ideas into it, and boom! Here it is! Though, this took me a lot of planning to do. This isn't some thing that I've made up last week. I'm not making up the story as it comes along unlike some of my own works (mostly).