Okay, just a few notes.

1) This is another toshinori/fem ichigo story. (sorry) not sorry.

2)Toshinori is in his early thirties. And was injured, however he had organ transplant surgeries. So he's still in pretty good health.

3) Ichigo is eighteen.

4) I'm not sure if the others will show up in this fic. I'm toying with the idea of it just being Ichigo, Rukia, Yoruichi and Kisuke.

The story starts around the time of the Winter War/USJ incident.

She didn't know what happened.

One moment she was in the Soul Society fighting against the rogue Quincy and the next...there was a massive surge of power and she was falling. Her mind blanked, she heard the vague voices of her friends and comrades calling out to her- their hands attempting to reach out and grab her...

And the next she was weightless, the wind was rushing past her, and she couldn't see anything but vague blurry colors and shapes from things that were far, far away.

She lost the ability to speak. To scream. She couldn't even breathe.

She was in agony before. But now- now she was just numb and cold and...dear god was she dying? I mean, she had been pretty injured before the- whatever- it was had happened.

A broken collarbone, leg and wrist. A deep slash wound, and several equally deep cuts that nearly reached bone. There was blood from her head being slammed against a rock repeatedly, pouring down her face. Either a possibly punctured lung, or a really, really badly broken rib or two.

She had been coughing up blood for several minutes before the fall. The severe bruising to her chest, abdomen, hands, and face... The list could have gone on and on if she had been more aware of the internal bleeding and such.

But for the moment she had much greater concerns.

Like if a person fell at terminal velocity from several thousand feet above the ground; would they make a splatting sound once they finally hit the dirt?

She blacked out after several moments of falling. She wasn't exactly sure if it was from her lungs being air starved or if it was from her injuries. She supposed that it didn't matter one way or another.

So she would finally and mercifully be unconscious when she hit the ground...

Righteous fury burned within him.

It wasn't something that he felt often, not even in his profession.

But the overwhelmingly suffocating rage that pulsed through him now in regards to the attack on his co-workers and the innocent children that he'd sworn to help and protect with his very life- was nearly choking him. He couldn't breathe without his throat and lungs feeling as if they were burning from it.

It was like a living entity, it was so strong that all he had had to do once he finally reached the training area was glare menacingly at some of them and they had scurried away.

Likely to attempt to hide themselves from his wrath.

It wouldn't work any, he had a photographic memory and already knew each their faces. From this day forward, no amount of hiding they did would save them from him. He would be hunting them down once he finished things up here anyways.

And unlike those 'brave' few that remained, the others wouldn't be leaving his presence next time without first being placed inside of a body bag.

In bloody little pieces.

Nothing sent a message to someone like having the bloody little pieces of another person's body sent to them. It might be a tad bit old school, yakuza-ish. But he didn't really care at the moment.

He was pissed. Justifiably so.

So what the fuck did he care if the darkest part of his heart and mind both reared their ugly heads?

The large bird-esque creature that the villain's leader had sicced on him a short time ago was preparing to throw another punch and he reared back his own fist- to try and knock the damned thing out when all of a sudden there was a deafening crack heard from overhead. From the ceiling?

Both he and the Nomu took their eyes off of each other to see what the hell was going on just in time to see a dispersal of lightening and something else- some form of energy? The next thing he knew, there was a shock wave that sent everyone, himself included flying.

The only thing that kept him from winding up on his ass was the fact that there were large, thick trunked trees behind him. Though he hit them hard enough to knock the breath from him for a moment. And all too soon, the shock wave lessened, allowing him to try again to see what had just happened.

It was probably a good thing that he tried to look again otherwise he would have missed the body that was falling at alarming speed towards the ground.

With the Nomu and the other villain's a good distance away, he had time to make a split second decision to catch- whoever- the person was before they fell to their death. After all, what if said person was one of the kids? He couldn't let them just die, now could he?

Whoever's parents would be beyond pissed at him if he did. Not to mention what his boss would do to him.

Jumping up, he deftly caught the small body and nearly growled aloud in anger as he carefully cradled the small, and undeniably feminine, body close to his chest.

The poor thing, he thought as he looked down at her. A sudden sliver of sympathy slithering through his mind as he took in her features. The girl was undoubtedly a child though she was on the cusps of womanhood. Her long blue-black hair hair was a tangled, and matted mass around her heart shaped face. And despite the of dark angry bruises and blood covering her, he could easily make out her delicate features.

Jesus Christ, there was so much blood covering her that it was a wonder that she was still even alive. Honestly she looked as if she'd been through the wringer and then some.

Just what the hell had she been doing? Taking on an army of villains by herself? He wondered as he landed deftly on the balls of his feet right as he heard the girl making a gurgling sound. And quickly and gently set her on the ground at his feet, on her side.

Wincing a little bit in sympathy when blood oozed out of her mouth. After all, if anyone knew how unpleasant it was to choke on blood- it was him.

Once he was sure that she wouldn't choke on anymore blood, he stood back up to his full height and looked around.

The villains were finally getting back on their feet again. Some more of them were also retreating. He bared his teeth at them in a silent snarl as he watched them disappear through the dark warps created by one of their friends before scanning what was left of them.

There were three- well two- if one wanted to be technical about things, left.

The Nomu was dead. Or at least it looked like it was dead to him. Part of it looked as if it had been torn asunder and fried. And after the way that the two of them had previously been exchanging blows, it didn't look like it was going to be getting up again. At least not anytime soon.

Which left the warp guy and the creepy guy with the hands all over him. Warp guy said something to the other one, sounding slightly nervous.

And hands guy- he looked as if he were having some sort of nervous breakdown of some kind.

"It's over. You should leave while you can." He said warningly. Hand guy screamed in anger and begun throwing a tantrum like a toddler before he was unceremoniously yanked into one of the warps made by warp guy and disappeared. Their retreat left him feeling both satisfied at a job well done and not.

No matter. He still had to get Aizawa, Thirteen, and the girl lying at his feet- plus the injured students some medical care. Once that was done...he'd hunt those lousy rat bastards down and deal with them.