Chapter 1: A Day to Remember (Him)

As little six-year-old Katsuki Bakugo looked down from the top of the hill at his little friend, he could clearly see him struggling to put one tiny foot in front of the other as he tried to make his way up to his ash blond friend.

"Come on Deku, or we're gonna miss it!" He had been planning this moment for quite some time now and Deku, as he so fondly called his best friend, wasn't going to mess it up just because he couldn't make it up in time.

Making one hell of an effort to follow the blond up the hill, five-year-old Izuku Midoriya tried catching his breath while yelling up towards his friend.

"Why did you have to pick the highest hill Kacchan!? You know I have short legs!" Despite all his struggling, Izuku trudged his way as quickly as his little feet could take him.

"Would you stop complaining and just hurry up, it's almost time." The anxious little blond couldn't have sounded anymore excited as he waited for the younger boy.

Finally reaching the top, Katsuki stretched out his hand for Izuku to take, and with a small tug, the younger green haired boy made it next to his friend.

A small breeze blowing from behind could be felt as both boys turned towards the setting sun, a few birds could be heard rustling in the trees not far from them as they huddled in groups with their offspring to sleep for the oncoming night.

A creamy orange color could be seen far away in the once clear blue sky as the sun began its descent, leaving a trail of purple and blue where little Izuku could distinguish a few distinct sparkles billions of miles away.

"Wow...this is...Kacchan, I've never seen anything so pretty!" said Izuku dropping his gaze towards Katsuki, eyes full of delight.

Said blond caught little Izuku's eyes and instantly felt a slight blush crawl its way onto his cheeks. "Dummy! That's cuz I've never brought you here before." He answered back, turning his face away trying to hide his face.

Mustering up a bit of courage, he faced the younger boy and sat on the once green grass, "Deku, sit so that we can watch the sunset together."

This spot held lots of importance for Bakugo, he would sneak his way up this hill at times when his mother would bring him to the park alone, thinking that it was a waste of time to enjoy the playground without his best friend.

He most definitely wasn't going to try and replace him with some of the annoying kids that littered the park with their presence. This place was sacred, it was only his and now it could be theirs.

As little Izuku took a seat next to the older boy, he could feel a bit of the exhaustion from his walk up the hill start to creep its way into his rather small body. Sighing, his little toosh on the grass, "Kacchan?"

"What Deku?" said Bakugo, placing both hands behind him to support his body, getting ready for the sunset.

"C-can I lay my head on your l-legs to watch the pretty sun go down?" Izuku shyly asked his best friend.

Not really understanding why his friend would be all shy about it and stutter, "Yeah, as long as you don't fall asleep Deku." said the blond a small smirk adorning his face. Hiding his smile, the green haired boy slowly made his way towards the blond and laid his head on his thighs.

Again, a small breeze could be felt rolling in from behind, lifting young Bakugo's shirt and chilling him from head to toe. As the blonde shivered, Izuku found no better remedy for this than to face his friend and wrap his arms around his waist, "Don't worry Kacchan, I'll keep you warm. Mommy always hugs me when I'm cold at home."

Taken aback by his friend's action, poor Katsuki, hiding a crimson blush, could only stare sideways ignoring his friend's warmth, "Stupid Deku! Who said I was cold? Turn around and watch the sunset already!"

Pouting, emerald green eyes decided on not angering Kacchan any longer and turned around, head still on his friends' legs, and faced the setting sun.

A combination of bold and brilliant colors could be admired as the sun dipped below the horizon; the fleeting colors of dusk began to fade away into the nothingness that is the dark purple night sky.

Little Izuku could only imagine the secrets held beyond the horizon, as his tiny eyes chased after the reminiscing bits of stray orange bands of light flew after the sun.

A twinkling light far away caught his attention, as he faced the now dark vast sky, he could make out more and more sparkling lights littering the space above. Dark hues of purple and blue could be made out decorating random parts of what his little mind could only process as the sky.

The initial sparkle that caught his attention could be seen surrounded by more than just blues and purples, paying close enough attention, Izuku was able to distinguish an intense dark shade of red, more like ruby, which could only bring his five year old brain to think about one thing, on person actually, "Kacchan..." whispered little Izuku, digging his stubby little fingers into the grass.

What was meant as a whisper and nothing more, reached the ears of said blond, "Huh?"

Processing the fact that he had randomly called out to his best friend, he decided to ask something that had been bugging him all day at the park, "You'll never leave me, right? We'll be best friends always?"

"What are you getting at Deku? Of course, we'll be best friend forever, I'm not leaving you, not today, not tomorrow, not ever." Little Katsuki couldn't have been more wrong as he answered the small bundle of joy laying on his legs. "When we get our quirks, we'll be even better friends! We can become heroes together and fight criminals together."

An image of the number one hero sprung into the green haired boys head, to which he quickly faced the blond, "Like All Might?" he asked, a sparkle in his eyes.

"No stupid Deku! Not like All Might." replied the blonde, a hint of determination grazing his ruby red eyes, "He works alone, you and I will be heroes together! We'll be the greatest heroes there have ever been, even greater than All Might!"

Sitting up, Izuku faced his friend and hugged him as he spoke, " Thanks Kacchan! I promise I will be there with you forever and I will help you and we will be the bestest heroes ever!"

"Damn right we will be, just wait 'till we get out quirks." Bakugo replied eagerly, "Mines gonna be better, obviously stupid Deku." Smirked the blond an air of superiority filling his lungs.

"Boys! Time to head home, it's getting late!" Yelled an older version of Katsuki from the bottom of the hill, popping their little bubble and bringing them back into reality.

Startled and slightly angry at his mom for ruining the perfect moment, "But mom, can we stay just a little while longer!?" begged the blond, a scowl plastered on his face.

Annoyed at the blond, Mitsuki Bakugo yelled back, "No brat! Get down here now, the both of you! You have school tomorrow and we still have to drop Izuku off!"

Still angry at his mom for ruining the perfect afternoon with Deku, he got up nonetheless giving Deku his hand as the smaller boy also began to stand. "Let's go Deku or she's gonna have a fit."

Finally on his feet, both kids slowly but surely made their way down the hill. "Thanks for bringing me to your secret spot Kacchan, I loved it with all my heart. I won't tell anyone about it." promised the younger of the two.

"You better not stupid Deku or I'll kill you!" said the blonde stretching out his hand, "Now give me your hand or you might fall and I don't want to be picking up Deku guts at the bottom of the hill."

Grabbing onto the blond's hand, "Thanks Kacchan." replied Izuku.

Gazing at the boys, Mitsuki couldn't help but smile and think 'cute' as they made their way down the hill. A comment from her son brought her back to reality, "I hate damn school, I don't wanna go!"

"Well wake the hell up brat, or you're going to be late!" Mitsuki shook him angry at her son for not waking up on time for school.

"Damn old hag waking me up!" screamed Katsuki at his mom whilst he opened his eyes and glared daggers at his alarm clock which read: 07:45am.

Forcing himself up and out of bed, he made quick work of his morning routine and stuffed his face with the breakfast the old hag had left on the downstairs kitchen counter for him.

Having one last look around the living room checking for any forgotten item, his gaze fell upon the clock hanging on the wall: 08:10am.

"Fuck!" cursed the blonde as he dashed out of the decent sized home.

'First that dumbass shit of a nerd shows up in my dreams and now I'm fucking late for school', he thought as he hurried to catch the bus, 'Today's gonna fucking suck, I can feel it.'

Getting some spare change to pay for the bus, Katsuki made his way towards the back and caught his breath as he took a seat. Holding on to his backpack, the blond couldn't stop thinking about the dream he had.

It'd been a while since he had one about the shitty nerd, especially one so vividly, he could almost feel as if he had been transported into that moment and forced to relive it.

"Shitty nerd, showing up everywhere." he mumbled to himself, scowling at the fact that he had been dreaming about him. He gripped onto his backpack even harder as he remembered the day that started it all:

A few days after their afternoon at the park together, Katsuki had presented his quirk during class at school. He had never been more excited as he felt tiny sparks and explosions going off in the palm of his hands and the tips of his fingers.

Six-year-old Bakugo instantly became the most popular kid amongst the class and auto proclaimed himself the leader of his small group of friends.

"Wow Kacchan! You're so amazing! I knew you'd have an amazing quirk!" Squealed young little Izuku at the sight of explosions going off in his best friend's hands, "I can't wait to get my quirk!"

"Damn right I'm amazing stupid Deku!" smirked the boy, "Now hurry up and get a quirk so we can kick some villain butt!"

As the days turned into weeks, young Izuku had yet to present his quirk, something which Katsuki began to dislike.

Not one to be left out, "Stupid Deku! You're becoming useless, you can't even get a quirk!", spat little Katsuki as he shoved the green haired boy to the ground, mimicking the rest of the group as they insulted Izuku.

Hands slightly bleeding having been scraped due to the impact of the fall, little Izuku looked into his best friends eyes, searching for some sign indicating that the blond was joking, indicating that he was just messing around, hoping that at any moment he would start laughing and help him up.

"K-Kacchan...?" spoke the small boy on the verge of tears, slightly scared.

"K-Kacchan" mimicked Katsuki, making fun of the boy, "Can't even speak right without stuttering, useless Deku." With a swipe of his leg, the boy kicked young Izuku.

Tears flowing freely down his face, squeezing his side as the kick impacted, Izuku caught his breath and whispered so only Katsuki could make out what he said.

"What happened to being together always? Being heroes together..."

"Tch! Useless and quirkless, you'd only hold me back!" spat Bakugo, "If I want to become the number one hero, better than All Might, I don't need trash holding me back. Get out of my sight shitty Deku!" with that, the blond put his hand in front of the small boy and made an explosion, sending little Izuku flying a few feet back towards a tree.

Upon impact, Katsuki could see the tears flowing down the kids face, the hurt from the betrayal painted on his face as little Izuku took in what his 'best friend' was doing to him, what his 'best friend' was doing to them. From that day on, life changed for the both of them.

As they got older, Bakugo only became stronger personally and harsher towards the rest, especially Izuku. There wasn't a day in which he didn't bully him, in which he didn't keep destroying the once beautiful bond they had shared as children. Each day that passed, the bullying only got worse, it started taking its toll on young Izuku.

Middle school was the last time they had spoken, was the last time they interacted before high school. Still quirkless, young Izuku hadn't given up on becoming a hero and entering his dream high school.

"Fucking nerd! You're never getting into U.A., only I can get into it. How can a quirkless shit even become a hero? Tch, don't make me laugh!" shouted Bakugo at the green haired boy.

"Quirkless and still useless!" spat one of Bakugo's groupies. "Why did you ever acquaint yourself with this piece of trash?"

"Stop wasting your time and our air you shit, how about you just jump out the window!" spat the blond, venom in every word.

Bakugo broke out of his memories as the bus came to a harsh stop, "U.A. High! Final stop!" yelled the bus driver.

'Finally!' thought the blond looking at this phone checking the time: 08:35am, 'and with ten minutes to spare.' Getting off the bus, a little dazed due to the strange memory he had on his way there, he made his way slowly to class.

Upon his entry into the building, Bakugo couldn't quite grasp why he had even begun to remember such things, he had certainly made sure to keep them buried deep in his mind.

Why were they tormenting him now? Making his way through the hallway, he reached his classroom, two minutes to spare, taking a step into the room, he made his way to his seat staring angrily at the boy that sat behind him from day one.

"G-good morning K-Kacchan!" said teen greeted the angry blond.

"Tch! Fuck off stupid Deku!" glared the blond taking his seat facing the chalkboard.

'Like I said...everywhere!' Bakugo thought before his homeroom teacher made his way into the room.