Just a small short story here. It's based on an alternative timeline just after the Graduation Trip in the K-On movie...

Meant to be a small read if you're busy. This is a small story in terms of chapter length. But each chapter adds to the one before it when it gets going... I hope you enjoy! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own K-ON, that's for the anime industry. I own my idea.

Story Title: A Simple Motion

Story summary: Through a series of events, Azusa and Yui were going to come closer than ever...

Chapter 1 - Emotions...

Yui had thought about it for awhile. But yet... It was so simple. Yet, so difficult.

She had just sung her heart out to Azusa Nakano with her bandmates; Tsumugi Kotobuki, Ritsu Tainaka and Mio Akiyama. Yet... It was the look in Azusa's eyes when she asked for an Encore...

She was so honest. So, hopeful. Yui could see it. Yet, she couldn't explain it. Nor, would she be able to say it in front of her friends...

At the moment anyway.

The rest of the day went by quickly. That was... Until, Azusa was standing at the entrance to the school. Refusing to move, apparently. Yui Hirasawa had a feeling she knew why... Yet it was spinning in her head... Over and over.

Azusa looked to Yui as Yui and her friends were going to leave the school to go to University and Yui... She almost froze in place.

That look in Azusa's eyes... It was-


Yui was smitten. Ui walked over to the group when Yui had Ritsu wave her hand in her face, only for Yui to not respond.

Azusa smiled. A simple motion.

Yui gulped and smiled back slowly. She looked away with a fiery blush as she then went into full throttle sprint away from the area.

Azusa, Ui and everyone were shocked. Ritsu looked between them all.

"Are you just gonna STAND there!? C'mon!" Ritsu gave chase, with Ui following and one by one everyone in Yui's class started to follow in an almost... follow the leader aspect that was similar to an army of Honey bees on the way back to their hive.

Yui raced as far and as fast as her legs would carry her. 'Azusa! Azusa! Azunyan! Azu... I wish I could kiss you- Wait... WHAT AM I THINKING!?' Yui shook her head time and time again. But the same things played in her head; the moments she hugged Azusa... The moments she fed her cake... Even to the point she was jumping in Heathrow, England with Azusa trying to keep her planted...

She had always been with her. Always and forever. Ever since they met...

"Please take care of me, Yui-Senpai"

Yui felt that phrase roll in her head, again and again.

Slowly and eventually, she started to slow down. Her heart was POUNDING.

Azusa's twin tailed look... Her long haired look... The time she had been "Self defenced" by Azusa because she thought she was going to kiss her... When Yui had meant to go for Guita... Her beloved guitar.

Yui could feel it roll around in her head as she made it to the steps of the train station. "Over and over..." She panted.


Yui froze in place. That was the words from the lips of the girl who had followed her almost on instinct.


"What. Are you doing? I only smiled at you..."

Yui looked out of the corner of her eye to spot Azusa looking directly at her. Within an arms length...

"I can't do this Azunyan. I can't."

Azusa blinked. "Eh?"

Yui gulped again, shaking. "My heart can't take it."

Azusa frowned slightly. She didn't get it. "What are you going on about now?"

Yui took in all her courage and turned to Azusa, looking straight into her eyes... Those garnet eyes that she got lost in...

She felt her courage fall apart quickly, so she said it quickly, and without thought to the consequences...

"...I love you."

Yui watched as Azusa blinked and stared. For what felt like hours, which in reality was minutes, Yui shook. She started to shake even more as Azusa tilted her head.

"...Okay, but..."

Yui waited on Azusa's words. Every. Single. Second. Mattered.


Yui couldn't explain that one. She just stared at Azusa. Azusa was curious as to why Yui loved her to pieces... But Yui thought it was obvious as to why. Why... Why couldn't Azusa understand her!?

Yui stepped backwards slowly. Unbeknownst to her... She was getting closer to the road behind her, next to the train station.

Azusa, being Azusa, widened her eyes upon realizing what was about to happen, "Yui-Senpai! LOOK OUT!"

Yui didn't have time to react.

No-one did.

A car horn sounded loudly as Yui screamed...

Azusa felt her whole world slow down.

The car that sounded... Had hit Yui.

And knocked her over.

Ritsu arrived within a few seconds later, taking out her cell phone. "I'll call the ambulance! Mio! Call the police!" Ritsu knew her place in this situation. "Azusa! Mugi! Get to Yui! NOW!"

Azusa was frozen in place. She had so many emotions running through her. Yui's hold being something she remembered in this moment. Her warm arms... Her smell... Everything that... Was taken away. Or, might not have been... In what had been... Moments.

Mugi got to Yui's side with Nodoka as Yui struggled to breath. Her right leg was twisted underneath the car's front offside wheel. The owner of said car was shocked and mortified. He had hit a school girl with a graduation flower...

Yui shook as she looked to Azusa. Chocolate coloured eyes searching the Garnet ones... For some kind of help, anything. Literally... Anything.

Azusa took in a uneasy breath and stepped one step closer. "Yui-Senpai..."

Yui felt her breathing become laboured as it was seen from Azusa's point of view that Yui's right leg was starting to bleed due to having the heavy car wheel crush it...

What would- What could they do now?

To Be Continued...