Hey! Another of Annabel's chapters. Just edited a bit. Hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 2

The dim light strenghtening against the wall woke Annabeth up. She stired and realised that she was on Percy's chest, his heartbeat echoing in her ear, one of his arm around her and the other tucked under her neck.

She propped herself on her elbow, wondering how she'd ended up in Percy's bed wearing nothing-

The memories crashed back in her head. Oh God. She sat bolt upright. What had they done ? She buried her face in her hands.

After what felt like hours -but were probably minutes- she gently got out of the bed, careful not to wake Percy up. She gazed at his sleeping face. He looked like an angel, his features innocent and gentle, his dark hair falling on his forehead. Annabeth pushed the hair away and sighted.

She spent the next five minutes fishing out for her clothes, and found her panties underneath the pillows, she was so glad no one was there to see her blush from the memories of the night. She left the flat, walking on cat's feet, trying to put as much distance between her and Percy as possible.

. . .

Annabeth took the longest possible way to come back to her own flat. She needed time to think without her stepbrothers or her parents, asking her questions she didn't want to answer. She decided that she would forget anything she and Percy had done last night, he probably regretted it. Her chest hurt at that thought. For Percy's own good -and her own- she would not speak to him again. When she got home, she realised she had six texts from Percy :

Hey Annabeth, r u all right ?

i need to speak to u, could we talk tomorrow at school ?

I dont regret anything, but maybe we shouldnt have done that

I'm sorry

Annabeth r u here ?

Text me when your home

She had been right he regretted it even of he didn't want to admit it. She felt tears roll down her cheeks as she deleted his messages one by one. Then she blocked his number. For his own good, she thought.

. . .

It was nearly 10 am and she was standing in front of her front door. She took a deep breath and wiped her cheeks. She entered the flat and pulled the door closed behind her, just as her dad- who had been in the kitchen- went to stand by her in two quick strides.

'' Where have you been all night ?'' her dad looked furious, his eyes blazing.

'' I was at Rachel's,'' Annabeth lied. She never liked lying but she couldn't really tell her father the truth could she ? ''She texted me because she thought her cat got lost and we spend the whole evening searching for Buttercup.''

Her father put his hands on his hips.

''That does not explain why I never knew you were gonna sleep there. Am I not the parent anymore ? Do you now decide what you're gonna do without asking for permission ? Is that how it is gonna be ?'' His nostrils flared.

''No,no ! I'm really sorry dad. I wanted to text you but I forgot to charge my phone up last morning so it was dead by the time I wanted to tell you.''

''Couldn't you have borowed Rachel's phone ?''

''I-I didn't think of that.'' Annabel hugged her dad. ''I'm so sorry, dad. I never thought that you would worry, I just had the best time with Rachel, that's it. I hope you'll forgive me.''

Annabeth felt her dad soften and he patted her hair.

''Okay, I forgive you. I was just worried that you got attacked by monsters again,'' he cleared his throat. ''Now go to your room ! Shoo !''

Annabeth smiled as she turned to her bedroom. It vanished, thought, when she stumbled on a picture of her and Percy. She bit her lip and put the photo in a box where it would never be distracting her again. From now on, she would forget Percy as if he'd never exist at all.

. . .

Piper noticed that Annabeth had avoided Percy for the whole week. She wondered what had happened between the two of them. As the day went by, she realised Annabeth took all the possible ways that would keep her from bumping into Percy. Thinking about the tired face of Annabeth, matching Percy's, Piper decided she would confront Annabeth into telling her the truth.

. . .

Chemistry class was so boring Annabeth nearly fell asleep. It was a Monday afternoon, right before lunch time, everyone was tired and Mr. Vancouver's voice filled the class, like a monologue. Several other students had already fallen asleep, their head in their arms. Annabeth's eyelids had just began to drop when her phone buzzed. She took it discretly from her pocket, trying not to be seen. She had a text from Piper :

Got to talk to u. Rly important.

Annabeth sighted. How many times had she told Piper that texting was basically inviting monsters in a 20 kilometers diameter ? She quickly typed in an answer, rubbing her forehead – the beginnig of a headache. She send in the message :

Ok. Fine. See u lunch time.

Just as she was about to slip the phone back in her pocket, she heard a deep voice behind her.

''Using your phone in class, miss Chase ? Detention.''

Mr. Vancouver. Oh no, Annabeth thought.

''Please, I can explain-''

''No. Detention with me, tonight. And if you keep on arguing, detention for the whole week, am I clear ?''

He reached to take her phone, locking it in his drawer. Annabeth couldn't believe this was happening. She'd never had detention before. The whole class was snickering and Annabeth clenched her fists, holding back her tears. Why her ?

. . .

Annabeth waited in the line to get her food at the counter. She was scanning through the canteen, looking for Piper. When her turn came, she grabbed a cesar salad and a water bottle and was paying the woman when someone jumped on her back.

Annabeth fell backwards, pulling Piper with her. The money spilled from her hands and onto the floor.

''Thanks, Pipes !'' she said with as much sarcasm as she could manage as she got up.

''Here you go,'' Piper replied holding the money in one hand and the food in the other. ''How was Chem ?''

''Boring,'' Annabeth responded, as settled down on an empty table. ''What did you want to talk to me about ?''

Piper fidgeted with her fork which only made Annabeth more suspicious.

''All right,'' Piper sighted. ''I know it's maybe not my business but it's about you and...Percy''

Annabeth dropped her fork, her mouth hanging slightly open. Did Piper know ? And if yes, how ?

''What do you mean ?'' she asked blushing a bit.

Piper leaned forward. ''I know something happened between the two of you. Something that makes you wanna hide from him.''

''I can't tell you,'' Annabeth whispered.

''It's okay, you dont have to tell me. But you should really talk with Percy about it.''

Annabeth stayed silent for a few minutes making Piper think she was moving to something else.

''I slept with Percy,'' Annabeth blurted out.

Piper choked on her vegetarian spaguetti. ''What ?!''

''I slept with Percy,'' Annabeth repeated, her face red.

''Don't you ever dare drop something like that again. At least not when I'm unprepared to hear it. When was it ?''

Annabethh explained to Piper the whole story.

''How was it ? Is he big ?'' Piper wanted to know.

''Piper !'' Annabeth glanced around, mortified. ''Never ask that again ! It's private.''

Piper laughed, clearly not embarassed.'' But I really think you should talk with Percy about it,'' she said recovering her serious.

'' That's the thing, I think he regrets it. I think he'd rather f-forget it,'' Annabeth whispered close to tears.

Piper hugged her dear friend closely. ''How do you know when you didn't talk about it with him ?''

The bell rang and everyone went back to their next class. Annabeth meditated on Piper's words. How did she know if she didn't really hear him say so ? Maybe she was wrong. Hope flickered in her. Maybe they would get back together, just like before.