John used to love school. Spending all his days studying. Hiding in the library during lunch with a book, especially after Gordon was old enough to join him, as his brother wouldn't have been caught dead in the library so he can escape from his younger brothers "sense of humour".

Then Virgil graduated and went to middle school and his protector left him open to a whole new world. One John does not like. Now he dreads Monday mornings.

He can't deny being incredibly jealous of Gordon, his brother is everything John wishes he was. He's clever, but not nerdy, funny, popular and the schools star athlete. Their lives have revolved around the small skinny blonde since the day he was born.

And John hates him.

He is the reason why he really hides. It isn't Michael Taylor, the asshole who should be in the grade above him, but was held back, who forces him to do his homework every night, threatening him into submission.

Most weekends he is forced to travel for miles for Gordon's latest swim meet. The kids room is covered with certificates and he even has a trophy cabinet. At age 8.

Johns life is so unfair. He lost his mother three years ago, and not one of his brothers has a single thing in common with him. He has no one to talk to at home. Choosing instead to spend his evenings in his room on his own studying. Doing other people's homework, hiding from his brothers.

Because if he ever had to face them properly they would know.

He has never been very good at hiding how he feels and distancing himself away from them keeps them safe.

He can't stop the Monday's coming though. The shrill sound of his alarm clock drags him from a deep sleep, reaching out he hits the snooze button and tries to go back to sleep.

The noise from his brothers as they get up prevents that from being a possibility.

Groaning John drags himself out of bed, and heads down for breakfast without bothering to get dressed. Since their mom died they eat breakfast as a family before their dad has to leave for work, before they get ready for school. It's an unspoken family rule.

Today they're being extra noisy. It is the morning of his schools fundraiser swimming gala which Gordon has signed up for every race, and his sponsor sheet was filled in less than 2 hours. And the second, and the third. John knows he has put a lot of effort into his fundraising, canvassing the neighbourhood for weeks on end, and this is his big day.

John didn't bother, figuring that Gordon would raise enough money for both of them, but finding out his dad is taking the day off work to watch leave a sour and bitter taste in his mouth. His dad didn't bother doing this for him when he entered the middle school science fair competing against kids up to three years older than him. He even won third place, sure they had a cake to celebrate, but it was clearly an afterthought.

Usually they get the bus to school, but seeing as their dad is coming in he gives them a lift in, Gordon getting the privilege of the front seat while he is squashed into the middle row between Scott and Alan's car seat while Virgil is in the boot.

The second his dad pulls into their parking lot John scarpers, desperate to get away from the happy excited chatter from the blonde in the front seat.


"Yo! Dork face?"

John groans. He would recognise that voice anywhere. But he tries to carry on walking, and just ignore it.

"I'm speaking to you loser, get back here. I want that English report you were supposed to write for me last night. It's due in this morning. And this time don't make me look good. That last one was too well spelt and my teacher got suspicious!" Michael tells him.

John makes the mistake of stopping and finds himself slammed up against the wall.

Michael curls his fingers around Johns throat and starts to squeeze his windpipe

His heart pounds when he realises his entire gang is out here.

"O-o-okay" He stammers. "Let m-me Get it o-o-out"

Michael releases him, and pushes him onto the floor.

"Okay but make it quick. I have to go and rob some first graders of their lunch money before class starts"

He keeps his foot on Johns hand pinning him to the ground while he roots around in his bag for the essay.

Handing him the folder with the essay, they finally let him get up.

"Nice one dork face, but remember anything higher than a C grade and I will carry out my threat this time. And that little brother of yours dies!" Michael reminds him.

He gives him one last punch in the stomach before walking away, leaving John visibly shaken.

He stays hidden in the far corner of the playground wiping away the tears with his sleeve. Heading inside when the bell rings and slipping into his seat.

His phone buzzes with a message, opening it up its Gordon sending a selfie through on the family group chat. He's already in the changing room a towel draped across his bare shoulders, and he's wearing a pair of bright yellow swimming trunks the same shade as his hair. The photo is captioned "let's do this thing!"

He doesn't really hate Gordon, he's doing all of this to protect him, as that bastard would carry out the threat if he didn't. This way if he doesn't get too close to him and if he messes up and Michael does hurt him, well he doesn't want to think about it.

"John Tracy?" His teacher calls out.

John jumps in his seat.

"Yessir?" He replies breathlessly.

"Oh so you are in this class! Put your phone away before I confiscate it! And get your head out of orbit and back on this planet or its detention" he snaps at him.

"Sorry sir" John replies. Not bothering to defend himself.

"Right as I was saying, now I have everyone's attention. Those of you not competing in the gala this morning will be permitted to either go and support your fellow students or you may go to the library to study. John, I'm assuming you want to go and support your brother?"

"No" John replies sullenly.

"Oh? Why not?" His teacher replies raising an eyebrow.

"I have some work I need to catch up on and this is the perfect opportunity to do so, and besides Gordon gets enough attention he doesn't need me" John tells him.

His teacher opens his mouth to argue some more but is stopped from doing so by the bell ringing. John quickly grabs his bag and is out of the room before anything more can be said.

He is one of the few students in the library. As almost everyone is outside. Settling down on one of the big comfortable bean bag chairs in the corner he cracks open a book and gets him self lost in a world of dragons and knights and a damsel in distress, forgetting all about the outside world for a few hours. For now this is all he needs.

Much to his disappointment Gordon brings home three new trophies, and an award for the most money raised.

Jeff celebrates his sons success with a barbecue, choosing to enjoy the last remnants of summer before winter truly kicks in and it will be too cold.

"Hey Johnny! Come and join us" Gordon shouts over to him.

His four brothers are sat together at the table in the yard laughing at a joke Gordon has just told.

"No thanks. I'm okay over here" He replies turning the page in the book he is reading.

"But Johnny!" Gordon whines, getting up and walking over to him. A ketchup bottle hidden behind his back.

Gordon squirts it all over the back of Johns head.

"YOU IDIOT!" John screams at him, realising he has got it on the book, he grabs the big hardback book and smashes it over Gordon's head.

Dazed and confused Gordon falls to the floor, unable to defend himself from what happens next.


He jumps on the terrified blonde and pulls his fist back, about to let go when he finds him self being dragged away and back on to his feet by his father.

Virgil races over to Gordon who is crying and pulls him towards him for a cuddle, glaring up at John. Unable to work out where this is coming from.

John is dragged unceremoniously into the house and up to his room by his father.

"You can just sit here until you are ready to apologise." He tells him before slamming the door shut.

John can't believe the unjustness off it all, he has sacrificed everything to keep Gordon safe, and he doesn't even care. Well two can play at that game, he thinks, from now on Michael can have him!

He can see them down in the yard from his bedroom window. All surrounding around Gordon, like he is the victim in all of this.

Furious he turns away, sitting down at his desk, he pulls up a blank document on his computer and starts to type up Michaels next assignment, his own homework can wait, this is more important.


It is Gordon who sneaks into his room after everyone else is asleep. Gordon who has spent many weekends confined to his room as punishment for pulling pranks.

"John? Are you okay?" He asks, tentatively.

"Get out of my room Gordon!" John replies rolling his eyes.

"No. Not until you tell me what you meant. Who's going to kill me?" He asks. His eyes wide.

"Me if you don't get out of here!" John tells him sarcastically.

"John. Please tell me what's wrong. You have been really mean to me recently. What have I done?" Gordon begs him.

"Leave it." John insists.

"No. I'm going to stand here all night if I have too. Just tell me and I will go away!" Gordon tries.

Rolling over to face him, John switches the lamp on.

"Have you been crying Johnny?" Gordon asks concerned.

"Look this really is none of your business". John tells him.

"It is if someone is going to kill me!" Gordon replies.

"No one is going to kill you. I promise. I didn't mean what I said earlier. Now go back to bed." John says to him.

"No. I want answers" Gordon tells him stubbornly.

"Okay fine. If it gets you out of here. There is a guy at school, big, ugly and stupid. He is threatening to hurt You unless I do his homework" John finally gives in.

Gordon is horrified.

"How long has this been going on?" He asks.

"Months. I'm sorry Gordo, I just thought that if I could get you to hate me then I wouldn't feel so bad if anything happened to you."

"You know that's bullshit logic Johnny! And how do you know they would hurt me?"

John says nothing, he just lifts his shirt up. His torso is covered in bruises, some fresh, some faded all painful.

Gordon's lip trembles as he struggles to process everything. Words mean absolutely nothing to him right now as he climbs into the bed with John, and much to his elder brothers surprise he finds himself enjoying a cuddle from the tiny blonde.

That is how they're found by their dad the following morning.