Despite his apology, and Gordon's protests on his behalf John gets grounded for a week, Jeff doesn't accept any excuse for violence.

Gordon walks him to class in the morning, thinking that Michaels gang will leave him alone if he is with him, and he is right. Promising to meet him for lunch Gordon goes to his own registration, mumbling an apology to his teacher for being late.

"That's the second time this week Gordon, you know what that means?" He asks him.

"It's Tuesday?" Gordon shrugs sliding into seat.

"Detention!" He replies. "No morning break and drop the attitude or it's one way first class trip to the principals office!"

"Ooo first class!" Gordon laughs.

"One more word Gordon!" He threatens.

"Frogs" Gordon replies.

"OUT!" He replies filling out the referral slip. Gordon takes the slip to the principal, and manages to talk his way into lunch time detention too!


Virgil and Scott are surprised to find Gordon has called an emergency meeting after school which they hold in Johns room, as he isn't allowed to leave it unless he's at school or the house catches fire.

Setting Alan up in the corner with cartoons they turn to John and Gordon who are sat side by side on the bed.

"Okay you two, what is this about? Why do I get the feeling we are about to find out why you tried to concuss Gordo yesterday?" Scott asks.

And their surprise turns to shock and then to anger as Gordon and John fill them in on what's been happening.

Scott is absolutely furious. Scott doesn't like bullies. Bullies are nothing but cowards.

"But what can we do about it?" John asks. "Gordon can't be with me every minute. He got detention during break and lunch, remind him to give the slip to dad to sign!"

Scott buries his head in his hands.

"Not again Gordon!"

"Not sorry Scott" He replies.

"I know you aren't! Just wait until dads through with you!" Scott tells him, they both know it's an empty threat, his dad just laughs off Gordon getting into trouble.

"What are we going to do?" John interrupts to prevent any further arguments.

"Bull frogs!" Gordon tells them.

"Huh? Scott replies. Gordon's mind has always been a mystery to him.

"We put frogs in his locker, he opens the door they all leap out, he freaks out slips on the banana peel, strategically placed in the corridor and crashes into the door and the big bucket of macaroni cheese falls on his head!" Gordon tells him.

"No! And how do you come up with this stuff?!" Scott asks horrified.

"I saw it on tv. I was going to do it to John next week!" He replies.

"Thanks Gordon!" John replies whacking him with a pillow.

"We need to talk to dad" Virgil advises them. "This is something he needs to know. He can help".

"No that would just make everything worse" John insists. "No adults, we can sort this out ourselves"

"Okay, just don't let Gordon do it!" Virgil tells him.

"I'm going to start dinner, Gordon get your homework done, John don't leave your room, Alan come downstairs and watch that in the living room, Virgil come and peel the potatoes!" Scott orders them.

"I don't have any homework Scotty" Gordon tells him.

"How?! You always have homework?" Scott replies. He's not falling for this. Again!

"I didn't go any classes after registration" Gordon replies with a smirk. "No classes no homework"

Scott gives up.

"Fine, then get downstairs and you can keep an eye on Alan while Virgil and I sort dinner out".

Gordon skips out the room, and gets settled on the sofa with the tv remote.


Jeff takes Johns dinner up to him on a tray.

"Good room service dad!" He tells him appreciatively.

"Yeah well. Don't get used to it! It's only a week, and on Saturday you are being released for chore day!"

"But I'm grounded I'm supposed to stay in my room, you can't let me out when it suits you!" He tries.

"Nice try, now eat your dinner!" Jeff tells him laughing.


"OI DORK FACE! I have a new assignment for you".

John rolls his eyes. With his brothers support he is no longer afraid of Michael or his gang.

"2000 word book report on "The Red Pony" I have never heard of it. And I want it by tomorrow. Got it?"

"Sure" John replies. "I have the same report due, and we have been reading the book in class"

"Good get on with it". He replies walking away.

"Aye aye captain" John mumbles under his breath.


"I got another assignment today Gords" he tells him on the way home. The bus is crowded and noisy, and no one questions why the two brothers are suddenly sitting together, despite them spending all year ignoring each other.

"What now?" Gordon asks.

"Book report" John replies.

"Want me to write it for you?" Gordon asks.

"Have you even read The Red Pony"

"No" Gordon shrugs "leave it with me! PLEASE" he begs.

"Okay fine, don't do anything evil" John implores him.

"Evil is my middle name!" Gordon tells him with a grin.


The rest of the week passes painfully slowly for John and he is regretting not proof reading the essay Gordon wrote before handing it over.

Usually he relishes being able to stay in his room alone, but now he has no choice he would rather be anywhere else!

Saturday morning dawns and John is dragged out of bed a lot earlier than he would have liked for his punishment chores. They all meet in the kitchen for their assignments. Even Alan.

"Clean all three bathrooms?!" John reads his assigned task in horror. "Seriously?! You're making me clean toilets?! I didn't even hit him that hard!" He protests.

"Yes I am serious John and if you complain you'll get the same next weekend too! It does not matter how hard you hit him, you still hit him and you are going to accept the consequences."

"Fine, I will clean the bathrooms for you" John grumbles.

"Enjoy boys. I'm taking Gordon swimming he has a big meeting next Sunday and needs the practise." Jeff replies.


"Wish I was talented enough at just one thing to get out of this every other week!" John groans, as soon as his dads car has left the driveway.

"Come on, we will take a bathroom each they'll be gone all day!" Scott tells him generously.

Working together everything is done so much faster, until Alan, desperate to help floods Jeffs en-suite.

"Oh crap!" Scott says as he sees the devastation. "What happened in here Allie?"

"I was twying to help so I put the Wubbish in the toilet then flushed it away." Alan replies. "Most of it is gone. But the water wouldn't stop. Is daddy going to be mad with me?"

"Nah he's going to be mad with John! This was Johns job!" Scott tells him picking him up. He realises Alan is soaking wet.

"Come on let's get you out of these wet clothes and then I will get this mess cleaned up. If we can sort it before daddy gets home he doesn't have to know!" Scott tells him, carrying him out of the room.

Scott changes Alan into some clean clothes, making a mental note to bring this story up at his high school graduation party before putting his favourite movie on the tv in the living room to keep him quiet while he cleans up his mess.

Jeff and Gordon arrive back home in the afternoon with pizza for everyone.

"It's freezing out there" Gordon moans, collapsing on the sofa. He hates cold weather "it looks like it might snow already and it's not even October." He carries on complaining.

"GAWDEE" Alan shouts jumping up from the floor and pouncing on his brother. "I flooded the baffwoom. Sgotty said we can't tell daddy"

Gordon is impressed, maybe he underestimated his little brother!


"Gordon. This essay? Is Turner going to kill me?" John asks on Monday morning.

"Yeah. He's not going to be happy!" Gordon tells him grinning.

John suddenly regrets agreeing to this plan.

"Don't worry if this works he will never bother you again, and if it doesn't. Well 10 is a good age and it's been nice knowing you!" Gordon tells him as they walk into the school together.

"Remember it was your life he was threatening not mine! John reminds him

"Just wish I could be there when he gets the paper back!" Gordon tells him. "Try and record it for me!"

"Mmm" John replies, making sure he doesn't make any promises.

English class is the last class of the day and the time drags so badly each minute feels like 5, and John suddenly knows what it feels like to be Gordon. Cooped up inside being forced to learn when he wants to burst out of the classroom and run far far away.

Finally it is time. He is forced to sit through 35 minutes of English class learning about conjugating verbs before the essays are handed out. John doesn't even smile at the "A" that is on the top of his paper. His eyes are firmly fixed on the board in front of him.

"Well class, over all the standard of the essays this month was surprisingly good. There was one in particular that really stood out. It was clever, well written and I'm now going to ask the writer to read it out loud to the class.

There is an excited buzz whizzing around the classroom, this has never happened before. They're all wandering who's essay was so good it has their teacher, usually so sour and bitter this excited.

"Michael Turner, please read your essay to the class".

John knows this can not be good.

"Stand up Mr Turner, there is no need to be shy."

Smirking Michael stands up. And opens the essay He Hasn't even casted a brief glance over, clears his throat and starts to read.

"As a teenaged girl going through puberty and having recently got my first period, Are you there god, it's me Margaret really spoke to me."

Michael stops reading, mortified at the laughter. Even John is hysterical. Mentally reminding himself to thank Gordon when they're home.

"TRACY! YOU FUCKING WANKER!" Michael screams at him in anger, leaping over his desk to grab at John.


"Really?!" The teacher interrupts.

"Oh fuck!" He replies. Knowing he is caught.

"Principals office. Now."


Michael Turner is expelled and John Tracy gets a reputation for blowing open bullying rings which carries him through middle school and high school, and no one is stupid enough to bully him ever again!

As for Gordon, he lets John take the credit for this one. He gets enough of his own!

Their father did not approve of their method but he is proud of his boys for working together, and he finds out about the bathroom at Alan's high school graduation just like Scott planned!