In terms of being served dinner, Chi Chi vaguely remembered servant serving her large amounts of food; from turkey to chicken, potatoes, and greens. Her father had a big appetite, almost as big as Goku's, so it made sense that he would always have a large meal prepared; though she herself usually never ate much.

Here, she was sat at a small table with Goku and Bulma and placed in front of them was an equally small amount of food consisting of bread, some vegetables; including leaks and broccoli; and coffee for them to drink.

Both Chi Chi and Goku weren't too impressed with what they saw on the table, but decided to eat it anyway, so as not to be rude.

Goku bit into his bread and was not too fond of the taste. "Eww! This bread has no flavor!" Goku said.

"Yeah! Where's the butter?!" Chi Chi said.

"Hold on, I'll get it," Bulma sighed before heading over to the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, the two kids took a sip of their coffee.

"This soup is bitter too, Chi Chi," Goku said.

"It's called coffee, but you're right. How did my dad ever like this stuff?!" said Chi Chi.

Returning with the butter, Bulma spread some on Chi Chi and Goku's bread. "Hey, listen you two, how can you expect to become big and strong if you don't eat right?" she said.

"You know, you're right. Thanks for the advice, Bulma," said Goku before he got out of his chair, much to Bulma and Chi Chi's confusion.

"Goku, where are you going?" asked Chi Chi.

At the door, Goku put on his shoes and took his power pull. "I'm going to get some food that'll make me big and strong. I'll bring some back!" he said.

"You might end up being food yourself if you're not careful out there. I wouldn't do it," Bulma advised.

With Goku already out the door, Chi Chi hoped out of her chair. "I'd better follow him to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Knowing him, that's more than likely," she said before leaving.

"Kids today are so reckless," Bulma sighed.

Given what Goku and Chi Chi were capable of, she figured they could take care of themselves, though she couldn't help but be a little worried. Hopefully, they would make it back in one peace.

The sound of howling wolfs echoed through the leafs and branches of the dark forest, only partially lit by the light of the moon in the night sky where a small plane flew overhead.

The plane was piloted my Mai, accompanied by Pilaf and Shu. With a stoic calmness, she observed the surrounding area from the plane windows.

Looking out as well, Pilaf and Shu quivered with fear, worried about what they could possibly encounter. None of them had ever been to Skull Valley and for all they knew, anyone or anything could've been waiting for them, something ready to kill them.

"Skull Valley, dead ahead," Mai said calmly.

"'Dead' is what I'm afraid of," Shu responded.

Pilaf straightened his frightened expression and slapped Shu across the head. "Zip it, Shu! Don't be a chicken! We're here to get a dragon ball! he shouted, fighting off the nervousness in his voice.

"I'm not a chicken, I'm a dog!" Shu retorted.

"More like a Weiner dog!" Pilaf said back.

The two continued arguing with Pilaf pulling on Shu's mouth while Shu stuck both his fingers in Pilaf's nose.

Mai quickly turned her head and glared at the two, causing them to stop immediately. "Enough! Both of you!" she snapped, before regaining her composure. "Let's just focus on finding that dragon ball. If it's even here."

In the forest, Goku and Chi Chi were searching for food. Goku hopped across the branches, searching, while Chi Chi looked on the ground. In his efforts, Goku had managed to capture a centipede while Chi Chi was still looking. He jumped off the branch and landed near Chi Chi with the centipede in his hand.

"This is good enough for an appetizer, but hardly a meal," Goku said to Chi Chi.

"Maybe we should head, back Goku. We've barely found anything and besides, I don't think Bulma's as keen on bugs as you or me," said Chi Chi.

Just then, the two heard a distant sound coming from up in the sky. They looked up as the sound grew closer and saw the silhouette of Mai's plane fly past them.

Goku was a gasped at how big the 'bird' was "Wow! A bird!" he exclaimed, wide eyed.

Chi Chi on the other hand was not too sure as to whether or not the thing flying in the sky was actually a bird or not. Regardless, it didn't hurt to at least go and find out. If it was in fact a bird, from the size of it, it would be more than enough for her, Goku and Bulma.

Mai landed the plane in a clearing in the valley and stepped outside with Shu behind.

However, Pilaf quickly stopped him. "Hey! You don't get to go first! I do!" he said, shoving Shu to the side. But as Pilaf got out, he tripped and fell on his head.

Shu chuckled before getting out himself. "Geronimo!" he cried.

"Hey! Will you two be quiet?!" Mai whispered sharply.

"Sorry," Pilaf and Shu said meekly.

The bones of consumed animals littered the ground. Some hung from the branches of the scattered dead trees. Mai didn't have to be a genius to see that this obviously wasn't a friendly place. Though slightly nervous, she maintained her composure. If there was in fact a dragon ball somewhere in the valley, she only needed to find it and leave.

"Come on," Mai ordered.

The three jumped down from where Mai had landed the plane. As Shu and Pilaf landed, they both inadvertently stepped on one of the skulls, stopping both of them in their tracks. The two frightened henchmen held onto each other, shivering in fear.

"I'd try to chew on one of these bones, but I'm too afraid to," said Shu.

"I'm more worried about my own bones," said Pilaf.

"You should be, cause I'll break them if you don't keep quiet," said Mai.

Suffice to say, Mai was not in the mood to deal with Shu and Pilaf's antics, given the environment they were in. She scouted around the area for any possible signs of anything hinting at a dragon ball when she, along with Pilaf and Shu, saw a red glowing light in the distance.

"What was that?" Pilaf asked nervously.

"Could it be a dragon ball?" Shu wondered.

Truthfully, it was hard to tell exactly what the light was from the shadows. It could've been a dragon ball, but Mai needed to find out.

She quickly pulled her gun, before turning to Pilaf and Shu. "Cover me and don't make a sound," she said firmly as she cocked her gun.

The three slowly tiptoed towards the glowing light. Mai held her gun close to her, ready just in case of any trouble while Pilaf and Shu held tightly onto her coat. Mai was an arm's length away from the light and reached out with her right hand. But as she did, the light suddenly moved towards her and her agents. The three quickly backed up as the light inched closer to them. They soon discovered that the light was in fact not a dragon ball, but the glowing red eyes of a wolf.

"Something tells me those lights weren't dragon balls," Shu said.

"Ya think?!" Pilaf shouted at Shu.

"Shut up and stay close!" ordered Mai.

Suddenly, more wolves emerged from the shadows, eyes glowing, teeth snarling, surrounding the three with hungry intentions.

Filled with crippling fear at the thought of being the wolves next meal, Pilaf fainted.

Mai sighed in annoyance. Just like before, it didn't take her long to realize why she hadn't heard from her contact. Now she had to make sure she didn't end up the same as her and keeping Pilaf and Shu alive wasn't helping matters.

The wolves closed in on the three. Pilaf was still unconscious and Shu held on tightly to Mai who held out her gun and fired a few shots, sending the wolves back a few steps. She waved her gun around at wolves, warning them to keep back. One thing was for sure, she was not gonna go down without a fight.

Suddenly, another sound was heard, but this sound was different. It wasn't the sound of hungry wolves, it sounded more like someone shouting and not just one, but it sounded like there was two of them.

"Now what?!" Shu asked in frustration.

Two silhouettes fell from the night sky, landing next to the three. It was Goku and Chi Chi. Enthusiastic smiles came upon their faces as they eyed the wolves.

"What are you kids doing here?!" Mai asked. "Get out of here! It's too dangerous!"

"Not for us," Chi Chi said confidently.

"Yum!" Goku exclaimed.

Mai backed up further as the wolves drew closer. Keeping Shu and Pilaf alive was tough enough, she did not need to be worried with two kids as well. "This isn't a game, runts! Now beat it!" she commanded.

But no sooner after she finished her sentence did the wolves begin to pounce.

Shu, dragging Pilaf by a leg, immediately ran screaming towards the plane. Meanwhile, Pilaf's head continuously hit tiny boulders along the way.

The two were out of the way so Mai didn't have to worry about them, but there was still the matter of the other two kids.

Mai killed a few wolves with her gun, knocked out one with a kick and another with a punch, then turned to Goku and Chi Chi. She was stupefied to see the two kids fighting off the wolves without fear.

One wolf tried to pounce on her, but she got him with a gunshot to the face.

Goku stomped on one wolf's face and kicked another in the face. Chi Chi knocked one out with a spin kick, a second one with an uppercut and grabbed a third one by the tail and gave it a seismic toss.

As the fight went on, Mai was astonished at Goku and Chi Chi's fighting prowess.

Eventually, the three took out all of the wolves.

Mai then turned to the two kids with an impressed look on her face. "Not bad for a couple of kids," she said.

"Thanks! You were pretty good too!" said Goku before introducing himself and Chi Chi.

Mai reciprocated the introduction.

"So were you hunting out here too?" Chi Chi asked curiously as Goku gathered up the wolf carcasses.

"Not exactly. I was looking for something, but it doesn't appear to be here," Mai said, looking around the valley.

"Something what?" Chi Chi asked.

Mai paused for a second , then turned her back to Chi Chi. "It's classified," she said bluntly.

Chi Chi raised a suspicious eyebrow.

Wanting to change the subject, Mai quickly turned back to Goku and Chi Chi "Where did you two learn to fight like that?" she asked.

"My father trained me," Chi Chi answered, though still suspicious.

Goku joined in the conversation, dragging four wolf carcasses. "And my grandpa Gohan trained me," Goku said.

"Speaking of fathers and grandpas, shouldn't you both be with your parents?" Mai asked curiously.

"My grandpa died a long time ago," Goku answered solemnly.

"So did my dad," said Chi Chi, equally as solemn.

A look of shock came upon Mai's face followed by empathy as she walked towards the two kids and bent down on one knee. "I'm sorry," she said sincerely. "I lost someone close to me too."

"You did?" asked Goku.

Back on both feet, Mai turned away from the two kids and walked towards her plane. "Yeah," she said quietly.

"Sorry. Hey! You can keep the bird if you want!" Goku shouted, pointing at Mai's plane.

"That's not a bird, doofus! It's a plane," Chi Chi said, elbowing Goku in the arm.

A slight smile came on Mai's face as she entered her plane where the still unconscious Pilaf and Shu were waiting.

Chi Chi grabbed two wolf carcasses of her own and she and Goku watched as the plane hovered into the air and flew away. Admittedly, she was still quite curious as to what Mai was doing in Skull Valley to begin with. Was she after the dragon balls as well, she thought to herself. Honestly, she wasn't sure, but she decided not to think much of it as it was late and like Goku, she was quite hungry and she knew Goku couldn't wait to eat his fill.

And so, the two kids carried their meals headed back to Bulma at the house.

Bulma was finishing up her supper when she heard a knocking at the door.

"Hey, Bulma! It's us!" Goku called out from the door.

"We're back!" Chi Chi announced."

Bulma got up from the table and walked towards the door. "Well I'll be. They both made it," she said, surprised.

At the door, she opened up to see Goku and Chi Chi who presented her with the wolf carcasses as well as the centipede. Seeing the dead wolf bodies, she screamed in terror and slammed the door shut, much to Goku's confusion, though not Chi Chi's.

"I told you!" she said, knocking Goku on the head.

Mai made some distance between herself and Skull Valley as Shu was working to wake up Pilaf.

"So, Mai, who were those two kids?" Shu asked, turning to Mai.

"Just some kids out past their bedtime," Mai said casually.

"WOLVES!" Pilaf shouted, suddenly regaining consciousness.

This made Shu jump out of his seat while Mai was only mildly surprised and just sighed in annoyance.

Though it seemed that Mai's attempts to claim a dragon ball were for naught, she wasn't discouraged. She could only keep searching and if it took the rest of her life, that's exactly what she would do. And with agents like Pilaf and Shu, it was more than likely.