Hello Everyone!

So, this is my first fanfic in awhile. I have been very busy but this quarantine has me stuck at home and so I have been able to work on writing again. Anyway, this is very different from my other fanfics and I hope you guys like it!

- Singed

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.


Lucy writes furiously. Her quill flies from one end of the parchment to the other. Stacked neatly on her desk were fifty high-quality blank parchment sheets. Next to them were fifty envelopes numbered 1 through 50 in the right hand corners and on the front of every one, was the name Natsu. Her apartment, usually so neat and organized, was a tad messy. Wedding gifts were scattered about and a large white dress bag was draped over a chair. Many of her belongs were missing and in the kitchen were half-packed boxes to be taken to Natsu's house when she went over there later. It would soon be her house too. Not just their house thought, it would be their home.

Happy would be moving out when she moved in. Both her and Natsu had tried to convince the little guy to stay, but he almost gagged when they offered and explained, "I don't want to be anywhere near you two when you go at it!" She had blushed furiously and Natsu had sent her a smirk and heated gaze. She'd hit him for good measure then, especially since this had all taken place in the guild hall. Now, however it brought a smile to her face, especially because she knew Happy was right. With Natsu's personality, he wouldn't care when or where he took his bride to be. This had been Lucy's main reason for requesting that they wait until after the wedding to "get it on." After all, the engagement and the wedding were only to be two months from each other, with all the planning and stress, they hardly had time.

Although, it was getting harder and harder to keep their hands to themselves. She felt a blush race up her neck and into her face as she thought about the kiss he'd given her last night. Like every other change happening, the kissing had started when he'd popped the question almost two months ago. If he could already kiss her like that ... shaking her head, she turned back to her letter and cleaner thoughts. She had to focus now. She was working on a project that was both therapy for her and a gift for Natsu, one that had to be finished in a week when she would walk down an aisle and say her vows.

Letter 1

Hi Natsu!

I know, I know. I've never written you a letter before. I mean it always seemed so pointless I see you every day. But I wanted to give you a gift. I know you don't like to read too much, but I can read these to you after we're married. Married! Uh, I still can't believe you asked me. I mean it did kind of come out of nowhere. We never even dated. But, thinking back on it, I never would have married anyone else. You are my best friend and I think I've been in love with you for years, I just never realized it. Well, that's not true, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, I'm writing these letters to tell you why I love you. I need to get this down on paper, so on the bad days I can read them and know that no matter how much I want to kill you at that moment, I do love you and why. I also want you to read the letters on similar days. I do love you Natsu, so much. But, it's been a long road to travel and so I think you deserve to know why I fell in love with you. I've come up with the 50 most important times in our lives together to write about. There are so many more, but I had to narrow it down.

So, here is my gift. Here are the 50 pieces of my heart that are owned by you.

Piece 1 - Taking the Loneliness

I guess I should start at the beginning. Yes, I know you already know the story of how we met, but I'll remind you of some details. One, I was under an illegal love charm that made girls fall all over that perverted jerk Bosca. Anyway, I was totally hooked, until you came barging in. I'd like to say it was love at first sight, but it wasn't. I just thought I'd gotten lucky with this clumsy guy falling at my feet, breaking the spell. So, I fed you and Happy as a thank you. Unfortunately, that incident made me realize that there is truth behind the warning of not feeding animals because they don't leave you alone afterwards! Sorry Natsu, low blow, but you do have to admit that sometimes you only came around looking for food.

Anyway, it was later that night that you and Happy changed my life forever. You saved me, but not just physically. Okay, I know, you've saved my butt over 100 times and it has forced me to come to the unfortunate conclusion that I'm a prickly damsel in distress. But, you need to understand something Natsu, I had been so alone in this world up until then. My father basically ignored me. He just threw money at me and figured I was fine. The servants loved me, but they couldn't really do anything about my situation, so I had to rescue myself. That was fine. I always wanted to be self-sufficient and for the most part, I was and am. But everyone needs someone, I just didn't realize that I needed rescuing right then and there.

I thought by running away that I had already been rescued. But no, I needed to be rescued from my loneliness and brought into a family. I just never would have guessed that by saving me from a charm spell, and then a creep, and then an army, you were actually saving me from my lonely prison. You gave me family Natsu and you became my friend, which was more than anyone else had ever done for me and you didn't even know me yet.

In retrospect, if I had been given time to think, I probably would have figured this out almost immediately after being taken from Hargeon. But you had revealed yourself to be the Salamander of Fairy Tail. I was too shocked, then star struck and then too elated when you invited me to join, even if you did technically kidnap me. No, this realization of what you actually did for me that night came much later. I needed time to think, which you never get in Fairy Tail, but more importantly we needed to become friends first. Though, that started happening much sooner than I would have imagined. But I'll get to that in letter 2.




Natsu smiled like a little kid as he raced into his house with five lacrimas. Happy, who could never keep a secret, had told Natsu about Lucy's project. Natsu had been elated with the idea of giving each other gifts on their wedding day. It was already going to be the best day of his life, why not make it even better? Then it dawned on him, it wouldn't be fair if he got a gift and she didn't. So, having very little time, he figured he borrow her idea and just go with it. It honestly sounded way to sappy to be him, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that she'd never see it coming, and those kinds of gifts always make the best ones. However, writing letters was not his style and if he were going to bother with actually telling Lucy how much she meant to him instead of just showing her, then he was going to do it his way. That was when he'd raced out of the house to go buy recording lacrimas. The guy had no idea how many he'd need, so he gave Natsu a deal on five and told him that if he didn't need them all then he could return them.

He threw four of them onto his hammock, which was soon to be replaced by Lucy's bed, and placed the other on the table. Now, he just needed to get it going and he could talk way. Happy flew in behind him and started putting things in his bag. He wasn't going to stick around during the mushy stuff. Natsu turned the lacrima around in his hand a moment, trying to remember what the guy had said about turning it on. Oh yeah, something about tapping it. But was it once? No twice, or was it three times? Deciding that it was better to go in the middle, he tapped in twice. It turned on, but something was wrong. He couldn't see himself, but unbeknownst to him, it was still recording. It was just recording his voice.

"Happy is this thing on?" Happy flew over to the table and looked down.

"How should I know? Did you tap it?"


"Then yeah, it should be."

"It's not doing anything!"

"Don't yell at me! This is your stupid project! Didn't you read the directions?"

"You know I don't read directions. I leave that to Lucy."

"And she is still marrying you?"

"Shut up man! She enjoys it! Besides, I can light fires and am strong enough to destroy things. Who wouldn't want to marry me?"

"Wow, every woman's dream."

"What was that?"


Natsu, distracted by Happy, accidentally taped it again and a picture appears of Natsu and Happy in real time. "Oh, wait I think I've got it! Yeah, I can see me now."

Happy sees that some of the bar that shows how much space is still on it is filled in and frowns. "The lacrima says that it has already recorded something."

"Like what?"

"Not sure, just get started. You have a lot to record. I'm going to meet up with Carla and Patherlily."

"Okay, yeah, bye." He watches Happy leave before facing the lacrima again. He smiles and waves to it. "Hi-yah Luce. Uh, you have no idea that I'm doing this because Happy can't keep a secret. Only, I don't write and so I figured I could record myself." Suddenly, he has no idea what to say, so he decides to go about this like everything else in his life. Full steam ahead with no plan whatsoever.

"Married," he begins to rant. The interesting thing though was that now that he got started, he started saying things that he wasn't even aware he'd ever thought. "I still can't believe it. In a good way! Of course, I mean I asked and you said yes, so of course I want to marry you. I just never thought that this would actually happen to me. Everyone always told me I was the dense, impulsive, and slightly brain damaged one of the group. Honestly, I really didn't feel like I was worth much until I met you. Does that surprise you?" He stopped, suddenly shocked. "Well it surprises me! I have so much confidence. I can't believe that I have self-esteem issues." He stopped and thought some more, then continued. "But I mean yeah, I'm confident in what I'm good at and I always throw myself into my jobs, because I'm good at it. I just never thought I was worth being someone's forever. But then you … huh."

He'd been sitting on the edge of his chair, but now he flung himself back and crossed his arms, annoyed. This was so much harder than he thought. He never spoke his feelings, he just showed them. Still, Lucy chose him and she deserved to know how he felt. So, he spoke as well as he could and decided to start from the beginning.

"I'm no good at this, but I promised I'd try and tell you. I'm more of a doer, but sometimes you just have to say it. So, Lucy what follows is my fifty pieces. I think there are probably a lot more, but yeah know, we're getting married in a week." He grew quite for a moment, suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation. He was marrying Lucy, so even though he suddenly wanted to quit and buy her a necklace or something, he pressed on. "Luce, you deserve … everything and if hearing me say it brings a smile then it was all worth it."

Piece 1 - Saying Thank You

"A lot of people think that I was attracted to you from the beginning. Those people don't know me very well. For starters, I barely noticed you. I was too preoccupied with the idiot standing before me who claimed to be the salamander from Fairy Tail. I didn't know about the Fairy Tail part until later. And yeah, I should have realized that from the beginning because I was the wizard with the nickname salamander. I just hadn't realized that it was exclusive. I also hadn't realized that it would be just as idiotic for Igneel to show up in a human city when he hadn't been seen in years."

"So no, I wasn't attracted to you from my very first look. I wasn't even really attracted to you for a while, actually. Is that being too honest? I think I'm about to get a Lucy kick." He actually winces, but continues. "Anyway, everyone would probably think this weird and yeah, now, years later that seems weird to me too. I think you're beautiful, but dragon slayers are stubborn and I'm the biggest bonehead of them all. Also, my instincts had yet to rear their head. I understood that you were pretty, but it wasn't your looks that first made me want to know you better. It was the fact that you bothered to thank me."

"See, everyone notices how pretty you are right away. It actually bothers me a lot that so many men will just stop and stare. You don't notice, but man it gets me so fired up." Smoke actually started to rise from the chair where he was sitting and one hand erupted into flame, but he quickly calmed and continued. "Anyway, what I noticed was that you, who were obviously pretty smart, if a bit chatty, was willing to thank and repay me. I was the guy that no one, not even my friends bothered to thank. Happy hardly ever did it. The only friend who'd ever really thanked me before you made it a trend was Lisanna. So maybe you reminded me of Lisanna at first, but it was such a brief reminder that it died during the thank you meal. Hahah, you just talked on and on and on. Honestly, it was almost enough for me to not be grateful for your thankfulness. Almost."

"Then, when I realized that it was Fairy Tail that you were going on and on about, I had to give you some respect. I'll never knock anyone who has good taste. I also realized by the end that you were pretty lonely. I'm still not sure how I knew. It could have been something in your eyes or maybe the lack of anyone else's scent mixed with yours, but you were lonely. I knew what that was like." He got quiet again and sighed. Where was all this coming from? If this was what thinking was like, he wasn't really sure he liked it.

"So yeah, I stayed in the town a little longer because I did not want to ride the train again that day. That was when I heard that this Bora guy was supposedly from Fairy Tail. Well, you know I had to check that out by crashing his fancy boat party. That was when I saw you again and I could tell that you were happy to see me, which was a first. Not many people outside the guild are ever happy to see me a second time. Then I forgot all about you when that loser Pora decided to use my title and my guild to kidnap girls. I was too sick to register much on the boat, except for you. Which was weird, even for me, because I barely knew you. I just made sure that Happy took you away so that I could fight Sora and his gang of thugs."

"I wasn't really expecting you to help, so when you did, I was impressed. Then when I had to run from the army after defeating everyone and burning half the harbor, I just couldn't leave you behind. So, I smiled and invited you to my guild." He sighed at the memory and smirked. "Igneel always said that I was too friendly, but I just couldn't leave you. For the first time since Lisanna died I had someone who saw enough value in me to thank me and for the first time since Igneel disappeared, I felt like I was something other than a destructive mistake."

"Anyway, that's my first piece. So, I guess that it's kind of a big deal because if you hadn't been so nice, if you hadn't been someone who made me feel appreciated, I never would have asked you to be my partner on that Everpoo job. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm also pretty hungry. I've got to eat some snacks before I keel over. I'll record again soon."

"Bye Luce!"