Forty years. 40 nasty, long years.

40 years since that "War" happened, 40 years since Schrödinger's blood runs almost freely through his body, even though Schrödinger's blood mixed with all his souls, he found a way to cancel its effect, even though technically he is one more in his repertoire of souls, he cannot use any of his skills unless he releases level 0 and leaves him alone inside, meanwhile, he would only use his skills in extreme cases.

He has been wandering around the world for 40 years, with no purpose or goal to follow, he is simply condemned to live for eternity

Years ago he found out that his mistress, his beloved mistress Integra Hellsing passed away, thus putting an end to the precious Hellsing Organization, closing its doors forever. When the organization was closed, Seras Victoria disappeared from the map and until now I haven't been able to find a trace of her, she could be anywhere, America, Asia, some hidden people in Europe, the possibilities were endless, wherever they were, I hoped they would not be so deluded to let themselves go, even though the vampire plague of 40 years ago is over, it does not mean you have to lower your guard, worse things can be out there.

Right now he was slowly heading for Japan, the place where he had felt the most paranormal signature in the last 40 years, he had heard there was a strange faction of fox men or something like that, maybe he could pay them a nice visit...

One of the things he hated about traveling was carrying his coffin with him wherever he went, a mere habit, stealing boats and turning them into wandering ships was already a normal thing for him, unlicensed fishing boats that no one would notice his absence.

Midnight and at last a sign of life on the horizon, his destiny was near, the paranormal signature that was in this place was something he had never felt, I could assure you that the whole island was full of this activity, it would definitely be fun.

When he reached the beach, which more than a beach were medium high cliffs, would not be a problem to pass, then passing the annoying cliffs he found a forest, a very beautiful one, the moonlight passing between the leaves of the trees gave it a charming touch.

After wandering through the forest without finding any signs of life, he decided to stop and lie down on a rock and reflect on all that he had lived through, from the moment he became a vampire to his fights with Alexander Anderson and the traitor Walter, he never knew how he died, but he hoped that he had died in the worst possible way.

He closed his eyes slowly and after many years he slept, slept like a child until dawn.


-Alucard? -Are you awake? A childish voice resonates in your head.

-I don't know what the reason is, but it seems I can manifest myself in your dreams. Isn't that great? -The voice echoed like a cliff.

-Could you shut up? It is enough that you are forty years inside of me that you are now manifesting yourself in my dreams," Alucard said with clear annoyance.

-Wow! You finally answered, "How is my favorite vampire? It's your first party in years, isn't it?" said Schrödinger with false joy.

Alucard didn't answer and simply raised one of his guns and shot Schrödinger's head.

-Idiot." Alucard spat with courage.

-I love you too," shouted Schrödinger somewhere in his mind.


He opened his eyes and looked around, he felt a strange aura around him, it was as if he were inside a force field, leaving that aside, a familiar smell came to his nostrils, the smell of death, it was then that his curiosity to investigate where this field came from now was high, whatever was doing that already had a certain death.

Walking slowly he felt that the signature of the field was getting stronger, plus further ahead he felt two strange presences, closer and closer to those men, he decided to hide in the shadows of a tree and observe the situation in which they were, apparently, a young man of approximately 16-17 years being pierced by a strange luminous spear coming from a strange middle-aged man with a pale gray raincoat, black hat and strange bird's wings.

A smile was drawn on his face, and before the man created a second luminous spear, he pointed his gun and pulled the trigger several times.

The stranger in question fell to the ground, bullet holes all over his chest, almost on his deathbed, Alucard slowly stepped out of the shadows and walked slowly towards him, the boy who witnessed it all was too scared, thinking that he would be the next to die.

Going back to that guy, he was begging for mercy from that mysterious man who almost ended his life.

What caught Alucard's attention were those feathered wings, he had heard of the fallen angels and angels in the Bible, and though his intuition was right, they may simply be some poorly made copy of it.

-Well, you have 30 seconds to explain who you are," Alucard respected without any emotion in his voice.

-What are you talking about? I don't have to explain myself to you, you filthy human!

A laughter echoed throughout the place, intimidating those present and newcomers...

-That was a good joke, calling me Human, but you didn't answer my question," he pointed his gun to his head, "What the hell are you?

The guy, almost scared shitless, tried to give a concrete answer without showing any signs of intimidation.

-My name is Dohnaseek, proud member of Grigori and faction of fallen angels," he said with false courage, for deep down he was dying of fear.

-I see... Fallen angels, and I suppose there are angels and demons too, aren't there?" said Alucard without taking the barrel of his gun away.

Dohnaseek nodded his head, hoping that with that naked information he would let it go.

Slowly Alucard walked away from the fallen man and looked at the place where the boy was supposed to be, seeing that he had disappeared.

He walked to the small pool of blood that the boy had left and took some with his tongue, after this he started to walk to a specific place

-If you really want to live, get out, you're in time before I change my mind," said Alucard without looking at Dohnaseek.

He made a magic circle and disappeared before anything else happened.

"Angels, demons, and fox men, I think coming to this place will be more fun than it seems.

(Go Alucard-kun, this place will be very interesting, but it would be more interesting if you let me out)

"This is a joke, right? How the hell do you find a way to annoy me?"

(Oh Alucard-kun, don't you remember that I can be everywhere and yet nowhere? That applies to your mental planes as well.

"Anyway, the day you find a way out of me I swear I'll cry"

(I look forward to seeing that... Alucard-kun)


I come with a new story, I hope you like it and leave your favorite, I wanted to experiment with an anime not so used and neglect, in subsequent chapters will explain in detail the power of the characters used, do not worry, this story will have a different setting to others, but before you know what I mean. And without more to say, I hope you enjoy the story:D