A few hours had passed by, since they had said goodbye to Woody. The toys felt out of place, it would take a while to get used to the cowboy not being there. The RV drove on through the night, and eventually most of the toys went to sleep. Except one. The new sheriff couldn't get to sleep, even if she tried. She climbed up to the window and watched the world pass by, occasionally looking down to inspect her new badge. Did she deserve it? Was she ready? Thousands of questions ran through the cowgirl's head, but she tried to silence them with the fact that Woody had given her the badge. Woody trusted her to be the new leader. Surely, she could do this? She sighed, her gaze drifting back to the window again.

Jessie wasn't the only one without sleep.

Buzz had just finished his nightly check and was about to get some rest, but as he sat down he noticed that Jessie was nowhere to be seen. Curious, he looked around to see the cowgirl sat by the window, looking out into the world. He went over to her perch and climbed up. "You ok?" He asked, worried eyes searching her face. "Hmm" Jessie replied, her eyes fixed on the scenery. She broke out of her staring fit to inspect her badge yet again, twiddling it around nervously. Buzz noticed these movements. "It suits you," he said, hoping to cheer her up. Her eyes met his, a sad look on her face. "You really think so?" She questioned.

"Why wouldn't I? It looks great on you."

Jessie sighed, glancing down at the golden star. "It's not just how it looks, it's the responsibility that comes with it. I'm not quite sure if I can handle it," she said.

"Why would you think that?" Buzz asked.

"Look at me. Would you choose me to lead? I'm anxious, I can be an absolute mess, I make mistakes all the time. Surely they would prefer the strong, intelligent space ranger to the cowgirl who worries about everything?"

Buzz was shocked. He couldn't see why Jessie doubted herself, if only she could see herself the way Buzz saw her. "But Jessie, Woody chose you. And he's not the only one who thinks you would be a great leader. You give us hope and inspire us when all is wrong, your determined spirit keeps us all from going under. We need you Jessie," Buzz took her hand, shifting her attention from her badge. "...I need you."

Jessie looked up from her badge, a softened look on her face. She managed to dredge up a smile, which Buzz happily returned. "I know this whole leadership thing is... stressful, to say the least, but I know you'll get the hang of it. And if you feel overwhelmed, I'm always here for you. No matter what," Buzz explained, taking Jessie's hand.

"Thank you, Buzz," Jessie smiled, touched at how sweet the space ranger was. How lucky she was to have him.

Becoming a leader would be stressful, and hard to get used to. But with good friends by her side who could help, Jessie felt a newfound courage. She could do this. Woody would be proud.

I hope you all liked this! This is my first writing on here so I'm new to all of this :)