Why the fuck did this happen. How did this happen? Why was Brick sitting on the couch with his partner, watching a god damn horror movie? The one thing he can't stand watching, and he can't even scream. He can't react, he can't let her know that as tough as he is on the outside, he's just a big chicken when it comes to horror. How the fuck was she okay with watching this? Usually Brick chose the movies they watch, purely to avoid situations like this, but this time he lost the battle of picking. If only she wasn't so damn cute when she pouted at him. Dating her has seriously made him weak to her charms. He glances over to Blossom, who's leaning forward towards the television.

Brick quickly grabs her shoulder, making her jolt in her seat, "B-Brick don't just grab me when we're watching a horror movie! I almost jumped off the seat you jerk!"

He couldn't help but smile ever so slightly at her reaction to him grabbing her as he pulled her back, wrapping his arm around her. "I'm sorry, Bloss, I just wanted you close."

Blossom blushes and wiggles in her spot to get comfy after being repositioned to be super close to Brick. She wasn't used to being this close to him, it was very rare that he would ever want her to be in his personal space like this, and those rare moments were usually when he did something wrong. "Brick…what did you do this time?"

"What? Nothing. I'm just sitting here"

"mmm..." Blossom stares up at him in complete disbelief, "You must've done something, and you might as well tell me right now while you can before I just find out anyway, you know I will."

Brick grunts and shakes his head, "I'm being so fucking honest with you right now, babe. I just wanted to keep you close."

"Okay okay, no need to cuss at me, grumpy" Blossom then leans back into his chest, curling her arms around his stomach. She could hear his heart beating rapidly, but she doesn't think he was lying. Why is it beating this fast? He can't be nervous around me, right? Am I too close? Before the heroine could pull herself away, Brick tightened his grip, erasing any kind of space that was between them. Blossom decides to just brush off any uncertainties she's having and focus back on the movie. She relaxes in her boyfriend's arms and continues to watch the movie.

As the movie reaches its climax of jump scares, the pink puff's attention is drawn back to her boyfriend that she can feel shaking underneath her. The shaky ruff coughs to try and supress his shaking, "Sorry." he apologises as he kisses the top of her head, in hopes to not worry her or let her find out how scared he is.

If it ever got out that he couldn't sit through a horror movie, he would never be able to show his face around his brothers ever again. What kind of leader would he be if they found out horror movies make him shake more than a nervous chihuahua? Keeping Blossom close was helping, however. Her warmth, and soft caresses on his chest eased his shaking, "C-Can you keep doing that?" he shyly muttered, hoping that if she did it enough, he wouldn't be scared of the movie.

Confused at the request, Blossom didn't answer immediately. She stares up at the red ruff who's looking away from the sheer embarrassment of the out of character request. After the brief pause, she continues to gently caress his chest, without giving him any verbal response. The couple continue to watch the remainder of the movie like this, Brick being completely void of any jitters, even if the movie was still scaring the shit out of him.

Once the movie was over, Brick held Blossom's hand to the bedroom and left the light on in the hallway. At this point, Blossom refuse to ignore her boyfriend's strange behaviour. Once they were in bed, she stared at him, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Brick." she says, breaking the silence.

"Mm?", he turns to her, opening one eye, "What I do?"

"You've been acting strange all night. What's on your mind? Did I do something?"

Brick shot up from the bed and near shouted her in face "Fuck no! You didn't do shit. Nothing's wrong. I'm fine. You're fine. I haven't been acting strange, now can we please just sleep?"

Blossom frowned at his defence, knowing something was clearly up, she didn't need to be a genius with superpowers to figure that out. He was hiding something from her, and she was going to get to the bottom of it, but for now she decides to rest. Better sleuth tomorrow in the morning full of energy.

A few hours pass and she's abruptly woken up by the restless ruff laying next to her, tossing, turning and visibly sweating. Like any concerned girlfriend would do, Blossom gently shakes Brick to wake him, "Brick? Brick…Brick!"

Brick's eyes flash open as he reflexively grabs and squeezes her wrist hard. His stare is full of anger from being forcefully woken up, until he realises it was Blossom. He immediately let go of his grip on her wrist, which she holds with her own hands, rubbing it gently to ease the redness on how tightly he was holding her. "I'm so sorry, babe. I didn't mean to do that"

He tries to hug her, but Blossom refuses and inches back from him as far as she can without falling off the bed. She stares him down, looking him right in the eyes and demands, "You need to tell me what wrong. Right. Now. You've been acting weird all damn night, but now this? You're rolling in your sleep and you hurt my wrist!"

Feeling like he's completely fucked up, Brick looks down at his hands in front of him, and sighs before turning to Blossom. "I…I hate…horror. I can't sit through horror movies at all, that's why I've been acting weird all night. Having you close to me was the only thing keeping my ass on that fucking couch through the whole thing. I'm sorry I hurt you babe. I just didn't want to tell you. I'm a rowdy ruff, I can't be tough if people know I can't handle anything horror. I can't sleep because I keep thinking of that stupid fucking grudge bitch trying to nab my fucking toes."

Blossom was shocked. Gobsmacked. At a complete loss for words. The angriest, most aggressive, and arguably the toughest boy she had ever met, cowers at horror. The heroine tried to stifle a laugh but couldn't contain it, she burst into a laughing fit, only to of course, seriously piss off her easily pissed off boyfriend.

"I knew you'd laugh at me if I told you! God, I'm being so fucking serious and you're just taking it as a joke!" he yelled, folding his arms.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry I'm sorry! I swear I'm taking you seriously…it's just…so cute."

"Cute? What the fuck about that is fucking cute? Did you hit your head?"

"No! I think it's cute that someone like you, as tough as you are on the exterior, are actually just a big…baby." she laughed, reaching out to her grumpy, pouty man.

"Oh, don't hug me now! I don't want your freaking cooties after this."

"Are you serious? How old are you? You have all my cooties anyway" blossom cooed, pecking Brick lightly on the lips. "I won't tell anyone what happened tonight, okay? It'll be our little secret…and my secret weapon on you for when I'm mad at you.", Blossom added smugly.

"…Fuck." Brick sighed in defeat, flopping back down onto the bed. She's never going to let this go now. Blossom lays her head down on his chest, as he wraps his arms around her. At least he can rest easy tonight.