A/N: What? A multi-chapter HTTYD fanfiction by httydfangirl123?

Yeah, and it only took me almost a year and a half to get to this point! XD

Jokes aside, though, I've missed this fandom. Yes, I wrote some Doctor Who fanfics during my year-long break but this is my home fandom so it really isn't a surprise for me that I came back. Did you miss me? Wait, don't answer that! ;P And thank you to Nishnibbles, Massive HTTYD Fan, RainDragon28 and Romantica 123 for being lovely PM-pals over the past year :)

Anyway, story details: 8 chapters, 22k words coming your way, rated T for the fair bit of violence throughout. This story is set just after Gold Rush, but in the slight AU where the Riders have managed to get the Dragon Eye back shortly after stealing the gold. Don't ask, just read ;) Enjoy!

This Time for Sure

Chapter 1: Enough

They had had enough. No, correction: enough had long come and gone. Enough was over a week ago when Hiccup was taken in the first place. Back when the Hunters weren't forcing their every move. Back when Viggo didn't have two Dragon Riders in his clutch. Back when they were celebrating finally getting the Dragon Eye and Berk's gold back after months of watching Viggo exploit dragons. But now, the situation was getting out of hand. Really out of hand.

It hadn't been too long ago since Hiccup had been captured during their flight to Berk for a short break. They had decided to stay on the Isle since then, so that rescue attempts could be executed with maximum backup. But the rescue attempt almost ended up getting them all killed, and they hadn't even found where Hiccup was being kept, let alone been able to see or rescue him. Viggo had been very careful in eliminating all loopholes in his plan. Too careful.

Astrid remembered when the first demand came, only two days after the initial capture. They had been awoken by the sound of the horn, a message to the village that they had visitors. Or in this case, unwanted guests. The Hunter armada had come and docked in their port and there was nothing they could do about it. After all, Viggo had their heir. Stoick would never even consider turning them away when his son's life was at risk. And neither would the people of Berk. But that didn't mean they had to respect the captors. Every Berkian wore a hard, cold glare and the dragons growled as the Grimborn brothers walked smugly down the gangway. Viggo wore his usual smirk, hands held proudly behind his back, followed by his older brother, whose mouth curved upwards into an ugly smile that told Astrid that he was up to no good. Although that much was already clear.

Viggo and Stoick seemed to communicate without words, the Chief's facial expression asking what they all wanted to know: what did he want? So, without even opening his mouth, he gestured to Ryker, who whistled for two Hunters. Astrid probably should've expected Hiccup to make an appearance. Because, well, why else would they have captured him and then showed up at their home? And yet the sight of him still shocked her, eliciting a gasp from her lips. Not that he was in particularly bad condition or anything - though she would have much preferred that there wasn't a brilliant blue bruise on his cheekbone, indicating where one of those monsters had punched him. But she hated the sight of his freedom being snatched away from him. And the sight of the Grimborns anywhere near him. The guards dragged him out from below deck, their iron grip on his arms causing his struggles to be in vain.

"Hiccup!" Stoick shouted.

"I'm okay, Dad," Hiccup replied, relenting his efforts for a moment to make eye contact with his father.

"What do you want, Viggo? What are you doing with my son?" Viggo's gaze turned to Stoick, a sickly sweet smile on his face.

"I have a proposal for you, Stoick,"

"Let me guess, a trade for Hiccup's freedom?"

"Ah, well… not quite." Viggo chuckled. Astrid could hear Snotlout muttering curses behind her, and the twins were surprisingly silent, while Fishlegs whimpered quietly. "I would propose that we kill your heir…" Gasps rippled through the crowd of Berkians. "…unless, I get what I want."

"Don't give him the Dragon Eye, dad, it's not worth it!" Hiccup shouted, trying to pry his arms free from the guards.

"Ah, yes, the Dragon Eye. Quite right, dear Hiccup. Your son is quite the intelligent boy, Stoick, I must give you that. Wouldn't want to throw that away." Astrid's eyes widened. He couldn't be serious. They had only just managed to get it back, along with Berk's gold. And now their victory would be cut short! Stoick held Viggo's glare, taking an aggressive step towards the Hunter chief.

"And if we give you the Dragon Eye, will you let my son go?" Viggo raised an eyebrow at the Berkian's demand.

"Your heir's freedom is not part of the deal,"

"WHAT?!" Astrid exclaimed, unable to contain her disbelief. This guy thought he could just demand ransom, and then not give Hiccup back?! That wasn't fair! Then they could just come back for more ransoms, and Hiccup would never be safe!

"You mean to demand ransom from us, but REFUSE TO HAND HICCUP BACK?!" Stoick shouted, voicing her thoughts exactly. Astrid never thought she could hate Viggo's smirk as much as she did at that moment.

"It sounds much harsher when you put it that way, but that is what I'm demanding, yes," He replied, and Ryker chuckled darkly. Stoick growled, glancing between his son and the men holding him prisoner, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists. Astrid stared wide-eyed at the situation in from of her. This could not be happening. For a few minutes, there was only the sound of worried muttering, and Viggo simply continued to smirk as he watched the situation dawn on the village. Hiccup thrashed wildly, grunting and growling in protest, until Ryker walked up to him, reaching for the sword that was strapped to his back and holding it to the teenager's neck. He stiffened, trying to back away from the blade as the guards held him fast.

"Well, Stoick what is your choice? Your son or the Dragon Eye?" Viggo asked, extending his hand to indicate which answer he wanted. Astrid shut her eyes, running a hand through her hair. She still couldn't believe any of this. This deal was horribly one-sided, hurt them and kept Hiccup in danger! But she had no choice. It was either this or Hiccup would die. With shaky hands she reached inside Toothless' saddle bag, noting the dragon's distraught look, and took the item to the chief.

"It's the only way," She muttered, eyes downcast as she placed the Dragon Eye in his hands.

"No! Astrid, don't! It's not worth it!" Hiccup shouted, trying to wriggle out of the Hunters' grip while avoiding the sword that was mere centimetres from his throat.

"I'm not losing you, son!" Stoick shouted in reply, walking towards the smug Hunter leader.

"But he'll just use me for m-" He was cut off as Ryker's hand clamped over his mouth.

"Oh, I think we've heard enough from you," The older brother growled, then looked over his shoulder as the exchange took place. With regret, Stoick placed the item into Viggo's hand, and if looks could kill, the Hunter would be dead a thousand times over. But now the Hunters had the Dragon Eye. "We'd best be getting you back in that cell, don't you think, Haddock?" Ryker sneered, gesturing for the guards to bring him back onto the ship.

"Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi!" Came a shout from above them, alerting Astrid to the fact that he had long disappeared from behind her. The Jorgenson swooped down on Hookfang, plucking Hiccup out of the Hunters' grip and into the sky. Astrid cheered, along with the rest of the Berkians, only to quickly subside into gasps as Ryker bodyslammed Hiccup to the floor, the sudden weight causing the Monstrous Nightmare and rider to crash onto the ground. But Vikings were known for not going down easily without a fight. And there were no exceptions for Berkians.

Stoick was the first one to draw his axe, and soon enough every Berkian followed suit and the battle broke out. Astrid unsheathed her axe and sprinted towards where Snotlout lay on the ground, yelling a heartfelt battle cry that Dagur the Deranged himself would be proud of, attacking the Hunters that surrounded him and Hookfang with full force. The other riders and dragons followed her, joining in with their own loud screams of fury. The twins swung their maces in fascinating harmony, while Fishlegs fought with remarkable vigour. Within a few minutes the Hunters were cleared and Snotlout was fighting alongside them.

"Hunters retreat!" Came a booming voice over the noise of clashing metal. The battle stopped in an instant as all of Viggo's men made a beeline for the ships. The Berkians looked around, stunned as their opponents fled their port. That was when Astrid's gaze fell on her boyfriend, who was unconscious as Ryker dragged him up the gangway. He now not only had a bruise on his cheekbone, but a bleeding gash ran along his forehead.

"Hiccup!" She shouted, but he had already disappeared below deck, where Ryker was probably locking him up in a dragon-proof cell. AAAAARRRGGGHH! I'm going to kill that guy! Her brain screamed as she let out a frustrated cry, raising her axe above her head and then swinging it into the wooden pier. She collapsed onto her hands and knees beside her weapon, panting furiously. How could he do this?! Son of a half-troll! First, he ambushes us on the way to Berk and now this?! AAARRRGGHH! It was only when she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder that she looked up, seeing the chief kneeling in front of her.

"I feel the same way, Astrid, really I do. But we'll get my son back another time. Right now, we can be glad that he didn't take anyone else hostage," Stoick said in a quiet voice. Astrid looked around, noticing the gang standing around her, all with morose faces. She nodded silently, taking one last glance at the chief before turning to Snotlout.

"Good job almost getting Hiccup out of there, Snotlout. It may not have worked this time, but it will next time," She gave him a sad smile, and he gave her a nod of acknowledgement in reply.

"That's the spirit," Stoick said from the behind them. "Now we need to come up with a plan to make sure that scumbag doesn't keep Hiccup for much longer."

But that was only the first demand.

The second ransom was only a few days later, on the day the gang had planned to execute their second rescue attempt.

"Have you got your weapons?" Stoick had shouted from where he stood on the peak of the cliff, looking at all the dragon riders and Berkians who were doing their final checks before heading back to Viggo's base.

"Check!" Came a collective shout, followed by the brandishing of axes, swords and maces.

"Bandages in case Hiccup is hurt?"

"Got 'em!" Fishlegs replied.

"Then let's go-"

That was when the horn sounded again. Perfect timing, Astrid had thought grimly. All gazes turned to the sea, where the dreaded Hunter crested ships approached their island.

"Son of a half-troll," She heard Stoick mutter darkly under his breath, and she couldn't help but think of a few choice words to add to the list of insults she wanted to say to Viggo. But they didn't have time for any of that as the sounds of angry muttering from the Berkians gathering at the docks increased in volume. The group flew down to the pier, landing between the crowd of villagers and the approaching boats.

"It's like they knew we were ready to attack and decided to get there first," Gobber muttered, eliciting several grumbles from the other teens. Astrid watched the ships dock and scowled, but couldn't help but wonder what the ransom would be this time. What else could Viggo want from Berk? Besides the dragons… but judging by the lack of dragon-proof cages on board, she doubted that.

Speaking of dragon-proof cages… It was as she scanned the decks of the ships that she noticed a fairly big cage among the many armed Hunters on the lead ship, and inside it sat a certain auburn-haired Berkian, gagged. His hands were behind his back, leaving Astrid to conclude that he was tied up as well. Seems like they've certainly learnt from the last time… Astrid thought to herself darkly, noticing how cautious the guarding Hunters were, several looking up into the sky to prevent aerial attacks or rescue attempts.

"Berk! Long time, no see!" Viggo exclaimed as he walked down the gangway, mimicking how he had done it a few days ago.

"Give us our heir back!" Came an angry shout from the back of the crowd.

"Yeah, 'e's not yours! You 'ave no right to keep him!"

"This is against Viking law!"

"This means war!"

Viggo calmly listened to the all the heckles, his smirk not once faltering. He simply raised an eyebrow at Stoick, clearly asking him to silence the crowd. The chief scowled, staring Viggo down for a few seconds before obeying.

"Quiet! Let the man say what he wants!" He shouted; though the look in his eyes told Astrid that he whole-heartedly agreed with the heckles.

"Thank you, chief. Ever so kind of you," The younger Grimborn continued, faking respect by bowing his head. "I have come here for another proposal. It's very similar to the first one, so I'm sure you'll agree." At this sentence, he smirked knowingly.

"What do you want?" Stoick asked, and Astrid could see that the anger in him was so much more than last time.

"I have heard word of a book that Berk has. Not from this boy, of course, he won't talk," Viggo waved a hand at Hiccup dismissively, causing him to look up and scowl. "But apparently, this book has quite important contents on the topic of dragons," Angry muttering started up in the crowd again, and Astrid and Fishlegs exchanged glances, both of them knowing exactly what he was talking about. The Book of Dragons.

"Why would you want that book if you already have the Dragon Eye?" Snotlout shouted from beside her, getting many people shouting in agreement.

"Ah, well, Snotlout, there may be information in there that even the Hunters haven't found. I've learnt never to underestimate you Berkians, hence, these precautions," Viggo answered, clearly referring to Hiccup's restraints and guards. "And besides, I'm sure you've all heard of sabotage." Astrid narrowed her eyes, struggling not to attack the Hunter leader right there and then.

"And if we don't?" The chief questioned.

"Ah, well…" Viggo trailed off, but the answer was already clear as the Hunters that surrounded Hiccup's cage turned their bows and arrows on him. Astrid could feel the anger and hatred in the air as they watched every Hunter threaten their heir. This was going too far. If they agreed to this deal again… Astrid could see many more ransom demands ahead of them. But were the losses worth Hiccup's life? That she had no doubt about. She just hoped the people of Berk would agree with her.

Stoick turned around to face them, glancing between Fishlegs and Astrid, wordlessly asking where it was.

"Fishlegs..." Astrid muttered.

"On it," And he ran off. She watched him mount Meatlug and fly off then turned back to Viggo, who was looking at her smugly as if taunting her. She could hear his voice in her head. I'm winning, dear Astrid. Look around you, your poor leader tied up in my cage, your village forced to hand over ransom after ransom. You won't defeat me this time… She quickly looked away, not being able to bear the silent gloating. Instead, she turned to Hiccup, reading determination in his eyes that somehow managed to suddenly ease her anger and hopelessness. She couldn't help but smile at how strong and persevering he was, even when he was bound and helpless. He wasn't giving up so she wouldn't either.

It was only a minute later that Meatlug landed beside her, the rider holding the book under his arm. Stoick approached the group of teens, holding his hand out expectantly.

"W-wait, we're just going to give it to him?" Fishlegs questioned, hesitantly holding out the book.

"That's the only wait to stop Hiccup getting killed," Astrid answered quietly.

"Or maybe it isn't," Stoick whispered, peering over his shoulder as subtly as possible and immediately Astrid knew what was happening. "We're not surrendering to those half-trolls without a fight."

"But, chief, that didn't work last time," Tuffnut spoke up, raising his hand and making a confused face. But Stoick was already on the move.

"Hiccup!" He shouted suddenly, unsheathing his sword as he ran. Much to Astrid's surprise, the Hunters seemed to back away from him in shock, effectively making way for him as he recklessly ran up the gangway to Hiccup's cage. The teenager's eyes widened but he stumbled to the bars of his cell as his father reached in, ripping off the gag and slicing the ropes around his wrists. "Are you alright, son?"

"I'm fine, dad, but what are you doing?" Hiccup panted, subconsciously rubbing the irritated skin of his wrists as he peered behind the chief to see the Hunters forming a circle around them. Stoick followed his son's gaze and scowled.

"I'm getting you out of here," He muttered darkly, brandishing his sword and running towards them. Astrid watched this in shock. This was reckless, really reckless, and probably wouldn't work. But they had to do something or Viggo would get off the island with both Hiccup and the chief. She glanced behind her to the rest of the teens and they shared a determined nod before running into battle. They all ran towards the gangway and Astrid raised her axe defensively. A Hunter stepped in the way, but just as Astrid prepared to attack, she felt a kick to the back of the knee from behind her. She collapsed to the ground and rolled over to see who had assaulted her. A dark-haired man stood over her, eyes narrowed into a ferocious glare. Viggo. He brought his sword down, but Astrid rolled out of the way and leapt to her feet. The Hunter swiftly pulled his weapon out of the ground and pointed it at her.

"Why can't you Berkians just surrender when necessary? I have your boyfriend in a cage for Thor's sake!" Viggo growled, not bothering to keep up his usual calm façade.

"A good Viking never goes down without a fight," Astrid replied, using her axe to swat away the sword blade that came too close to her chest for her liking. "We have stubbornness issues." And in an instant, the composure was back as a smirk crept up onto her opponent's face.

"Let's see if I can change that, shall we?" He chuckled, throwing his sword past the young warrior's head. She ducked out of instinct, smiling for a moment of triumph. Until she realised who the real target was. She whirled around to face Hiccup, who stood, clutching the cage and watching the fight in front of him. But then Viggo's sword flew through the bars and embedded itself in his shoulder. A pained scream sounded and immediately silence fell as all the Berkians turned to see their injured heir. Astrid turned angrily back to Viggo, hating the fact that he was getting away with all he was doing, but the man simply smirked and punched her in the stomach. She gasped as the air left her lungs for a moment, then glared as she helplessly watched Viggo amble through the frozen fight to get back to his captive.

"I will not hesitate to do more harm to your precious successor if this fight continues," Viggo boomed, pulling his sword out of Hiccup's shoulder and eliciting another pained scream. The man then turned to Stoick, glaring.

"Get off my ship or I'll put you in a cage as well," He muttered darkly, and the Berkian chief had no choice but to leave. Astrid heard splashes and turned to see several Hunters push the remaining Riders and villagers overboard. Fishlegs and Snotlout were the first to climb onto the pier, panting and gasping for air.

"Fishlegs, where's the book?" Astrid called, helping him up. The plump boy looked up at her sadly.

"The Hunters got it," He answered. The Berkians looked morosely out to sea as the ships slowly moved away from their docks. Another fight lost. Astrid turned to Stoick, who seemed to be feeling a lot of negative emotions all at once.

"Chief?" She said, sheathing her axe again. Stoick didn't reply, eyes narrowed. "Sir?" He avoided her gaze, instead, calling out to his people.

"To the Great Hall immediately! We need to have a meeting."

A/N: There we are, a nice long chapter to start us off. Thoughts? Let me know in the reviews! I'm really quite excited for this story, so I hope you guys enjoy it just as much I do!

Thank you to Nishnibbles for beta-reading this chapter!

As for updates, I plan to update every Monday and Thursday, so twice a week.

Anyway, 'til next time!
