The Life We Deserve

AN: Hi everyone, I'm back! How are you all doing during this crazy time? I hope everyone is safe, doing as best as they can and washing their hands?!

As I'm sure for a lot of people, these past weeks haven't just been about COVID-19 for me. I had to have surgery three weeks ago amid the mayhem and I am at home recovering. I will be back to the hospital that I work at in two weeks, so now that I am feeling better I wanted to make the most of my time and have a bit of fun with some writing.

In between writing original stories, I have been coming back to The Life We Deserve for months. But with the country, well the world being on lockdown, I have really had some time to focus on this story and I got the rest of this first chapter completed. As well as finally mapping out this story and the chapters.

First of all, thank you to everyone reading this, because that means you are giving this story a chance after all of this time! Second of all, I hope everyone knows before starting, that The Life We Deserve, which is the sequel to The Life You Deserve is very different and original in its own right.

It is the next generation, with new characters that I have created. It has all of our canon ST characters and instead of being a series of one-shots, it is a story of one summer in 2013 and will be filled with love, humour, adventure and danger! If it is a story that still intrigues you then I suggest you read on :-)

So, without any further ranting, please enjoy The Life We Deserve Chapter 1!

Chapter 1 – Let the Summer Begin

June 2013

Mike wasn't sure what it was that woke him up as his heavy eyes took a cautious peek into the now bright bedroom. The warm beam of the summer sun cast heat and light into the cosy pale blue room.

The cream drapes fluttered ever so slightly from the breeze of the cracked open window, and the smell of summer; the grass and the sweetness of honeysuckle seeped slowly into the bedroom on the gentle breeze.

Mike sighed a heavy breath as he blinked rapidly to try and decrease the sleepiness still within his gaze. He could tell it wasn't the alarm clock that had woken him, considering his heart didn't feel like it was permanently lodged in his throat and he hadn't woken up feeling startled.

Mike let out a yawn as he turned over, his dark hair ruffled and messy against the pillow as he tucked up to the beautiful woman sleeping beside him. His eyes swept over her face and he felt a smile curve his lips as he looked at his wife.

El was as beautiful today as she had been the first moment he saw her. Almost 30 years together, marriage, careers, three kids and a dog later. Except for the addition of a few lines here or a grey hair there, they were very much the same people. Strong, brave and madly in love.

"You're staring at me again," came the muffled, sleepy voice of El Wheeler.

Mike grinned, biting into his lower lip to contain his laughter. His eyes felt bright as he responded, "when am I not staring at you?"

"That's a good point," El mumbled, yawning as she smiled. She exhaled a sigh and opened her tired eyes, looking straight at her husband. Her beautiful hazel eyes sparkled with the light of the room and she grinned.

"Good morning beautiful," Mike whispered, snuggling closer to El and nuzzling his nose against her own.

She stretched out her left arm, draping it around Mike's naked upper body, pressing her palm against the warm skin of his back. "Good morning handsome," El whispered in response, her voice light and airy with happiness as she pulled Mike closer, their noses bumping slightly as their lips met in a gentle kiss.

Their kisses were lingering, Mike's lips pressing a little firmer, their mouths opening and their breath mingling as they pulled closer. Mike could feel the swirling warmth of desire tingling down his body and he ran a hand through El's messy hair, his fingers getting lost in her curls as he pulled her face closer, wanting no distance between them. They were lost in the moment, lost in their love and never wanting to be found -

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Mike and El jolted, banging their foreheads together and groaning in disappointment. Mike reached for his phone, rubbing his forehead in the process as he cursed his alarm clock. He fumbled for his phone, swiping the beeping alarm silent.

Mike chucked his phone back on the bedside table and sighed, collapsing back onto the pillow next to El who was staring up at the ceiling.

She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, calming her body down. "After today, we won't have to hear that for two weeks."

Mike snorted, nodding his head in agreement. "And we don't have to yell for the kids to get up for at least two months."

El laughed, rolling her eyes in amusement as she turned on her side to look at Mike. He leaned his head against the pillow to stare back at her, a smile playing on his lips.

"I'm sure we will still have to wake them up. They can't stay asleep until noon."

"Ha!" Mike laughed, nudging his cheek into the pillow to get more comfortable as he wrapped his arm around El's slim frame. "You just watch James."

El frowned, "yeah...he has been on that box thingy a lot."

"Xbox babe."

"Yeah that thing."

"You know he wants an Xbox One for Christmas right? I've told him he's got to be an angel for the rest of the year if he thinks he's even in with a chance of getting one."

El smirked, "oh please. You want him to have one because you want to play on it when he's at track practice."

Mike gasped making El laugh, "you've found out my secret!" he teased, tickling her side for a moment, making her squirm and giggle like they were teenagers again.

El grinned, her eyes bright. She loved when Mike got playful. She gave him a stern look which didn't match up with the smile on her face. "I know all of your secrets."

Mike sighed dramatically, "I thought you promised not to read my thoughts anymore."

El smiled, reaching up for her husband, her hand resting on his cheek as she stroked his stubble, her eyes flicking over the few small grey hairs that had started to colour his usually dark facial hair. While she wished she could slow it down, there really was no greater gift than aging with the people you love the most. Sharing memories and growing together was truly a blessing.

"I don't have to read your thoughts to know all your secrets," El smiled, looking into Mike's dark eyes. They had always reminded her of a starry night sky. They were beautiful, deep and held magic. "I just know you."

The warmth spread into Mike's chest, his heart full as he reached for El, kissing her lovingly, every movement of his lips full of purpose and passion for his beautiful wife. There was no greater feeling in the world than being close to her, he could search the universe high and low, and still know that his one true home was by El's side.

There was a tickling sensation on his foot and he grinned against El's lips, mildly surprised that with her powers she could be kissing him with such passion and yet also teasing his toes. He wiggled them, feeling something wet and coarse brush against his heel which distracted him enough to pull away from a confused El.

Mike looked down at his foot which was lying out of the bed and huffed an exasperated sigh of annoyance as he realised who the real culprit was.

Having gotten out of bed to wake up her parents was Eggo, their six-year-old Labrador who happily sat in front of Mike's foot licking it. She caught her dad's eyes and jumped up, pacing slightly to indicate she wanted to go outside.

"Looks like someone needs the bathroom," El chuckled, pulling back the covers and getting out of bed.

"Yeah," Mike sighed in defeat as he also threw back the duvet and got out of bed, unable to prevent himself from scratching behind Eggo's ear when she came bounding over to meet him.

El grabbed her dressing gown and headed to the ensuite, stopping by the door to look back at her husband with a slight smirk. "Maybe if you hurry, you can join me in the shower."

In the time Mike looked up to the ensuite, the door was closing. He blushed slightly, unable to stop the racing in his heart as he looked from the now closed bathroom to Eggo who had gone back to pacing.

Mike grabbed his own dressing gown, never again would he be caught half naked in the hallway by one of his kids, and ushered Eggo out of the bedroom. "I need you to pee like you've never peed before," he muttered to her as she raced down the stairs, Mike hurrying after her. At the sound of the distant water faucet turning and the spray of a shower head, he quickly added. "And if you need a number two, you and I are going to have issues!"

The bacon sizzled in the pan, the smell drawing Mike in as he checked on the rashers while attempting to neaten his tie. He turned his attention to the scrambled egg, mixing it quickly and hoping that it wouldn't stick to the pan because it would be a nightmare to clean.

Ah the trivial worries of adulthood, Mike thought to himself as he smirked, jumping back slightly from the bacon which spat oil as it deepened in colour.

Eggo lurked nearby, far enough not to be caught by any spraying oil but close enough to snatch any droppings of food if the opportunity presented itself.

"You would think we never feed you," Mike mumbled to his fur child, his eyes glancing between her and the full bowl of dog food. He was positive she shrugged at him in response.

There were light footsteps on the stairs and Mike looked over his shoulder to see El come into view. She was in her scrubs now, ready for work except for her shoes.

"Any luck?" Mike asked his wife, watching her expression as she walked over to help with breakfast.

"Ivy's getting ready, Ben has been tempted by breakfast and James just grumbled."

Mike laughed, shaking his head as he let El take the spatula out of his hands. "You would think they weren't excited about summer starting."

"Oh they will be," El mused with a smile on her face as she turned the bacon. "But they still have a full day of school ahead of them. You remember what that's like! It feels like a lifetime."

"True," Mike sighed as he headed for the freezer, pulling out a box of Eggos. He looked down at the cardboard frowning slightly. "But don't you miss it?"

"Miss what?" El called, not taking her attention off the frying pans. The smell in the air made Mike's stomach rumble and his taste buds come to life.

In response he shrugged self-consciously as he loaded the toaster with Eggos. "School," he finally answered. "Being young."

"Oh but honey I'm still young," El teased, pointing the spatula at Mike whose smile didn't hide the melancholy that was so evident in his face.

El softened as she watched her husband, her hazel eyes flickering over his handsome face. She exhaled a gentle breath, put down the spatula and turned off the stove before walking over to Mike and wrapping her arms around his torso.

El propped her chin on Mike's chest and looked up at him with a smile that curved with the immediate happiness she felt being so close to him. It never failed to give her a feeling of fullness. He made her whole, he truly was her everything, his soul deeply intertwined with her own. There was nothing that could break their bond.

Mike wrapped his arms around El, his hold firm but loving, wanting her as close as possible. He bent his head down and nudged her nose sweetly with his own.

"Hi," he breathed out, his anxiety slowly drifting away.

"Hi," El replied, her voice sweet and her eyes twinkling as she looked up at the man she loved. "Of course I miss being young," she finally admitted, answering Mike's earlier question. "But I love the life we have now. I have everything I could have ever dreamt of. More than I ever thought I would have in my life."

Mike couldn't help but feel choked as he looked deep into El's eyes, his chest tight with deep rooted emotion. The same love that had struck him almost thirty years ago was still there, and it only grew and matured every single day.

"And do you know what my favourite thing is?" El said quietly, her eyes capturing Mike.

"What?" he whispered, the moment feeling intimate.

"That I get the gift of growing old with you. That I get to see our children grow and learn every day. It's a gift Mike."

"Do you know how wise you are?" Mike asked as he moved one hand to El's hair, his fingers brushing through the strands. His dark eyes gazed over her face and he smiled, his chest filling with warmth.

El laughed, "not really. But I'm sure you can tell me a few more times…"

Mike grinned, kissing El's forehead, "you're wise," his lips moved to her cheek, "you're smart", their noses bumped as he moved to her other cheek, "you're beautiful" and finally he reached her lips, "and you mean everything to me."

Their lips collided, El's arms going around Mike's neck as she pulled him down closer. They were like magnets and nothing could pull them apart. It was them against the whole wide world. Nothing, absolutely noth -

"EW! Gross!"

Mike and El equally sighed in defeat against each other's lips, slowly pulling apart to look at their horrified youngest son.

Ben was standing by the stairs, his face disgusted as he looked between his parents and shuddered. Eggo happily bounded over to him and he hesitantly looked away from his mom and dad to stroke the Labrador.

El gave Mike an affectionate tap on the cheek and moved back to the stove. "Are you excited for your last day of school, baby?" she asked her youngest son as Mike started to take plates out of the cupboard.

"Yeah," Ben smiled, climbing onto one of the stools against the central island in the kitchen. "Seth and Logan wanna play D&D all summer, so I've got loads of campaigns to create!" He said enthusiastically.

Mike couldn't help but smile proudly as he laid down a plate of steaming bacon, scrambled eggs and Eggos. "Well if you need any help with campaign ideas you know who to come to."

"Uncle Will?" Ben said with a slight smirk.


Ben laughed, reaching for the syrup and pouring it over his eggs before Mike snatched the syrup for his own meal, sitting next to his son.

El shook her head in amusement watching her boys for a moment before walking over to the stairs and propping her hand on the banister. "Ivy!" she shouted. "James! Breakfast is ready!"

"Coming!" Ivy called back.

El waited for a response from her oldest son, taping her fingers on the banister, when nothing happened she called him again. "James! Breakfast!" She sighed and looked back at Mike who shrugged, his mouth full of bacon and waffle.

El exhaled a sharp breath and ascended the stairs ready for battle, Eggo hurrying to join her. Ivy was just coming out of her room as her mom reached the top of the steps.

"You look lovely sweetie," El smiled at her beautiful daughter who looked down shyly at her denim skirt and sweater.

"Thanks mom," Ivy hesitantly smiled, moving her school bag to her shoulder, her other hand clasped around her smartphone. She watched her mom move towards James's room and sniggered, "good luck with the teenage boy smell!"

El laughed, "thank you honey. Breakfast is on the table."

"Thanks mom!" Ivy hurried past her mother, this time Eggo following the teenager, clearly the prospect of stealing some breakfast was more appealing than getting James up.

El watched her daughter go, a smile on her lips as her mini me disappeared from sight. Ivy was a perfect mix of her mom and dad, she looked so much like El and yet had Mike's dark hair and amber eyes. She was smart and ambitious, kind and gentle and more powerful than she knew. Unlike James, Ivy rarely used her powers. She was introverted, worried about hurting other people or being exposed. Perhaps it was because she understood it more at 17 then James did at 13, but El knew she didn't have to worry about Ivy's powers. She wanted a normal life and lived that way.

El turned her attention back to James, steadying her shoulders as she turned the handle and slowly opened the bedroom door, peering through the gap to see where James was. She respected his privacy, especially now he was a teenager, so once she could see he was in fact still in bed, El rolled her eyes and pushed the door open the rest of the way.

She only cringed slightly at the smell of his room, it was stale and messy. Clothes on the floor, empty potato chips packets on his desk, his Xbox controller lying on top of the clean laundry El had put on top of his dresser three days ago.

"James," she cooed, knowing it would annoy her son who was going through a lot of mood swings recently, and hated being hugged or any physical acts of affection.

James merely responded with a grumble, pulling his pillow over his sleepy head. This made El laugh as she walked closer and placed her hand on her son's skinny shoulder. "Come on now honey, it's the last day of school! And breakfast is on the table."

James yawned but didn't move. El smirked leaning down closer to her son, "wake up sleepy head! Do you want mommy to give you a kiss, a little kiss on the cheek?"

"Mom that's gross," James mumbled in a cracked voice, either from tiredness or puberty, El was unsure.

She stood back and sighed, knowing how she would get through to him. She narrowed her eyes and the pillow he had placed over his face levitated out of his grip while simultaneously the drapes opened wide, allowing sunshine into the blue painted bedroom.

"Mom!" James whined trying to cover his eyes from the light.

"James!" El responded melodramatically. She walked to the bedroom door and looked back at her son, "now don't make me levitate you out of bed again."

"Okay, okay," James yawned, rubbing at his eyes and shuffling to the edge of his bed to get up.

"That's more like it," El smiled fondly, unable to be mad at her lazy teenager. "Breakfast is ready sweetheart."

"Thanks mom," James croaked, giving his mother a thumbs up before reaching out for his clothes which travelled across the room and into his waiting hands as El left the room to give her son privacy.

Mike watched as Ivy gave Ben a look of distaste as he poured more syrup onto his remaining eggs. "You do realise that's disgusting right?"

"You realise you're disgusting right?" Ben responded without looking up from his breakfast while Mike tried to stop the up and coming fight between his children.

"Ben, Ivy is not disgusting. She's a beautiful young lady."

Ben sniggered, and Ivy looked creeped out that her dad would say such a thing as she went back to texting, her thumbs moving quickly on her touch screen phone. Mike sighed before adding "and putting syrup on eggs isn't disgusting either."

Ivy smirked, her eyes not leaving her phone. "I beg to differ."

"Yeah I'm with Ivy on this one," El said re-entering the kitchen and sitting next to their daughter. Mike had done her a plate of Eggos as requested and she smiled at him thankfully.

"Any updates on James?" Mike asked cutting his bacon. "Has he learnt how to say more than 'eurgh' in response to a question?"

Ivy and Ben laughed and El smirked, trying to contain her laughter. "Don't be mean," she cautioned her husband, giving him a playful glare. "You were exactly the same to your mom at that age."

Mike grinned, "I doubt it, when I was 13 I was…" his smile faded off as memories flashed before his eyes. Sitting in the blanket fort, night after night, tears in his eyes, desperation in his voice as he called out to El, again and again.

He felt the gentle touch of El's warm hand on his own bringing him back into the present and he slowly looked up at her. Her beautiful eyes were filled with tender love, safety, home. El was here, she was happy and healthy, and it was everything Mike had ever wanted. Relief filled the old wound that lay deep in his heart.

"What's happening here?" Ivy asked, breaking the moment, looking between her parents in confusion, Ben doing the same as he chewed his bacon, his eyes flicking between Mike and El.

"We were just having a moment," El smiled, giving Mike's hand an affectionate squeeze before going back to her breakfast.

"You have a lot of moments," Ivy mumbled under her breath as she went back to scrolling her Instagram page and ate one handed.

Ben giggled, "Ivy they were kissing when I came into the kitchen."

"I don't doubt it," Ivy shuddered not looking up from her phone.

There was a creek on the stairs and Mike and El looked up as James entered the kitchen, yawning but thankfully dressed and semi presentable.

"Good morning!" Mike said to his son who gave him a small wave in acknowledgement as he jumped up onto the stool and pulled his plate towards him.

"Isn't it lovely being acknowledged by your child," Mike goaded sarcastically to El who laughed.

"I did acknowledge you!" James said through a mouth full of egg. "I waved."

"And I am honoured," Mike gasped, hand to his chest while Ben, Ivy and El laughed. James shrugged going back to his breakfast, shuffling the bacon and egg into his mouth like there was no tomorrow.

Ivy looked away from her phone long enough to shake her head at James. "Do you not know how to chew? You're inhaling your food."

"And you're gonna inhale your phone."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"I don't care, you're gonna – "

"Stop it you two," El warned getting up and putting her plate in the dishwasher. "Or neither of you are coming to the party tonight."

"The party's in our house mom," James said looking up in confusion, watching El close the dishwasher and turn back to her children.

"I don't care, if you can't act like sensible human beings, then you can spend the party in your rooms."

James pouted, "but I wanted to see Zach! Me and Sam were going to let him play Xbox with us."

"Yeah and I've got to see Ryan!" Ivy piped up, panic setting into her voice.

"Yeah you do," James teased quietly making Ben laugh and for Ivy to shove him with her powers.

"Hey!" Mike called, his voice authoritative for once. "Stop this right now, or your mom's right. You won't be coming to the party, and we'll be telling Ryan, Zach and Sam that you're grounded."

Ivy sighed in defeat, "fine," she mumbled picking at her breakfast and finally putting down her phone.

James didn't say anything but went back to his breakfast, his silence acting as his response that he would behave. And for a good ten minutes they managed to have breakfast in relative peace.

"Right I better get to work," El spoke up, pulling on her jacket and walking up to the island where all the kids were still sat. Mike was loading the dishwasher with sauce pans, but he watched on as El went up to Ben, kissing him on the cheek which he still allowed.

"I hope you all have a great last day," El said as she moved onto Ivy kissing her on the cheek. "Have fun and don't do anything stupid," she added ruffling James's hair, making him startle which allowed her time to kiss his cheek as well which he grumbled over but didn't protest too badly. Mike knew James was still a secret mommy's boy and he smirked to himself over this knowledge.

"I love you guys," El smiled, looking at her children. No matter what age they were, they would always be her babies. There was nothing she wouldn't do for them, and she would never stop being their mommy.

"Love you mom," Ivy responded first, smiling at El before going back to her breakfast.

"Love you mom," James and Ben added, their tone almost identical. Both slightly embarrassed at proclaiming their love for their mother. But El was more than happy with the sentiment and happily moved onto Mike who had his arms open ready for his wife.

"Have a great day babe, I love you." Mike told El as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Nothing risqué of course, but it still didn't stop their children from making gagging noises and averting their eyes.

El sighed contently and pressed another kiss to Mike's lips, her heart happy and full. "I love you too sweetheart, have a great last day at work."

"Thank you honey, you too." Mike responded, pulling his wife into his arms. El smiled happily, cuddling into her husband's chest and feeling calm in the moment. Everything else seemed to fade for a moment, the kids moaning, Eggo sniffing the floor for scraps and the sound of the television on the wall. For a moment it was just her and Mike, she could feel his heart beating against his shirt, a strong pounding, beating for her, beating for their children and for the life they had built together.

Things were good, at least in that moment. But time did move and El had to get to work, so she sighed pulling back from her husband and wished her family a good day once more, before giving Eggo a cuddle and leaving the house.

Mike watched her go, leaning by the kitchen window and waving to his wife as she backed her car out of the drive. He stayed by the window until she was out of sight and then turned around to face the kids. They weren't paying attention to him of course, so when he clapped his hands together, he finally grabbed their focus.

"Right team let's get ready to leave."

Mike turned the air con up, cold air blasting through the vents of the Volvo SUV as he drove down the long stretch of roads surrounding Hawkins. He looked in the rear-view mirror to check on Eggo was sitting in the trunk, her head propped on the head rest next to James.

The loud music distracted Mike and he lowered his brow in distaste. It was like they were having a party in the car, but the music was just noise, nothing substantial about it.

"Work hard, play hard, work hard, play hard, we work hard, play hard, keep partying like it's your job!" Ivy sang from the back seat. James sat next to her, nodding his head to the music as he played games on his phone.

"How is this even music?!" Mike shouted to Ben over the loud beat, his youngest son was sat in the passenger seat next to his dad. He looked up at Mike and smiled, shrugging his thin shoulders.

"Come on baby and drop it, scrub that floor and just mop it!" Ivy sang, doing a mini dance in the back seat.

"Mop it?" Mike asked as Ivy continued to rap.

"Show these gangsters how you pop lock it, don't care what you got in your pocket. I peep the way that you rocking, flip that thang thang don't stop it!"

"Please stop it."

James laughed and joined in with Ivy, "Wanna just bang bang and pop it – "

"That makes no sense!"

"While the club crowded just watch you, work it out!"

Mike had enough and turned the music down to James and Ivy's protest. "I'm sorry but that is not real music! You know the eighties was the epitome of music, right?"

"He's got a good point there," James commented going back to his game.

"Yeah eighties music is good, but modern music is good too!" Ivy said exasperated.

Mike scoffed, "the eighties had Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi, Queen!"

"We have Beyoncé!"


"Dad!" Ivy shouted in a pained voice as she hid her face in her hands, screaming internally.

Mike laughed, "relax, I know who Beyoncé is. But seriously, eighties music was the best. Ben put on my playlist please."

Ben grabbed Mike's phone and navigated to his music. "Which one?" he asked his dad as he scrolled through the long list.

Mike smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. "Any, just shuffle. That's the beauty of the eighties. They were all great!"

'I got my first real six-string bought it at the five-and-dime. Played it 'til my fingers bled, was the summer of '69.'

"Oh come on!" Ivy moaned, pointing at the radio. "Summer of '69 is a classic! That's not fair."

Mike laughed while the boys started singing to the masterpiece of a song. "Every eighties song is a classic! Embrace it honey."

Ivy rolled her eyes and looked out the window, crossing her arms but unable to stop the smile that was curving her lips. Before she could help herself, she was miming the words and then joining in with her brothers and dad. All of them belting out the lyrics while Eggo barked along.

"Standing on your mama's porch! You told me that you'd wait forever! Oh, and when you held my hand, I knew that it was now or never! Those were the best days of my life! Oh, yeah!"

They were onto Africa by the time that Mike slowly drove down the gravel drive to the Hopper residence. The old Byers house had been extended over the years, had a new paint job and an extended decking. But it was still familiar, still a second home to Mike along with his own childhood home.

Eggo started to pant, grumbling in impatience as they got closer to the house. For as long as Mike could remember it had been routine that he dropped Eggo off with Hopper on the way to do the school run. Having Eggo and the Henderson's dog Dart, who was Eggo's litter sibling kept the retired Chief of Police young. Well according to Joyce anyway.

"Ah, looks like Sam is already here," Mike commented as he pulled up to the house, slowing the car to a stop.

James looked up and waved to Sam who stood up from the porch where he had been stroking his black Labrador Dart, whose tail was waving madly. James and Sam were both in their final year of middle school and great friends, more like brothers. Mike saw so much of Dustin in Sam, but he was blonde like Laura and seemed to have more of her common sense than his dear old dad.

Mike opened the driver's side door and smiled at Sam, "morning bud, your dad already gone to work?"

Sam stood up from the porch, Dart running madly over to Mike for a quick stroke before waiting impatiently for Eggo to be let out of the trunk. Ivy got out of the car to help their golden Labrador who was starting to whine.

"No, he's just inside," Sam answered Mike's question. "Joyce offered him cookies and you know what he's like."

"Geez this early?" Mike laughed closing the driver's door.

"Mom has him on a diet."

"Ah, that explains it then," Mike grinned, shaking his head in amusement just as the porch door opened, Dustin walking out first, a cookie in his hands.

"Hey guys!" He called, waving at Ben and James in particular who were still sat in the car.

"Hey Uncle Dustin!" they both called back.

Ivy came around the car with Eggo who sprinted towards her brother, Dart jumping at her as they reunited.

"You would think they didn't see each other like every day," Mike mused, watching the dogs.

"They're not stupid, they know it's the last day of summer and they aren't going to be seeing grandpa Hopper every day."

"Enough of that," came the grumble of the retired Chief himself as he exited the house, pretending not to love it when both Labradors bounded over to him excitedly. He absentmindedly scratched behind their ears and looked over at his grandchildren.

"Hey kids," he waved, his stern exterior softening, as it always did at the sight of Ivy, James and Ben.

"Hey grandpa!" Ben waved from the passenger seat before going back to playing on Mike's phone.

"Sup grandpa," James called, moving up for Sam who had just gotten into the car next to him.

"Sup?" Hopper mumbled, turning to look at Mike. "What the hell?"

"Don't look at me!" Mike replied, his hands up in defence while Dustin laughed.

"Hi grandpa," Ivy said, coming over to Hopper to give him a hug. He smiled and squeezed her close.

"Stop growing up you," he said affectionately. "You're only meant to be like seven."

Ivy laughed, rolling her eyes in exasperation as she pulled back. "I'm seventeen grandpa," she said fondly, never mad at Hopper. He was her hero.

"Don't remind me," Mike sighed watching his daughter head back to the car. He exhaled a heavy breath looking back at Dustin and Hopper.

"Am I going to have trouble with her?"

"Considering how you and El were, I'm surprised Ivy has been so good so far!" Dustin teased, causing Mike to punch him in the shoulder, his cheeks reddening, especially under Hopper's glare.

"And what does Henderson mean by that Wheeler?"

"He means nothing," Mike said, looking at Dustin and giving him a warning glare.

Dustin sniggered, "yeah…I meant absolutely nothing. Anyway! I best get to work, and you need to get my son to school before he's late on his last day of middle school!"

"No, no, no! Wait!" Joyce called in a panic, hurrying onto the porch holding an old digital camera. She sighed, shaking her head. "It took me ages to find this damn camera."

"You know you can use the camera on the phone Jonathan bought you right?" Dustin offered kindly, a slight look of sympathy on his face.

Joyce waved him away, "oh I can't use that thing." She started towards the car, looking down at the camera and mumbling to herself about settings.

Mike, Dustin and Hopper watched her as she kissed all the kids and took photos of them in the car.

"Correction, Joyce is going to make Sam late on his last day." Dustin laughed, watching the crazed grandma proudly taking photos of the kids.

"Okay, okay," Hopper mumbled, before clearing his voice and shouting "Joyce! Joyce, they need to get to school."

"Oh okay," his wife replied with a small laugh, her face filled with emotion as she stepped back and let Mike get in the car, not before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Have a great day you, guys!"

"Thank you," Ivy, James, Ben and Sam responded.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do dude," Dustin said to Sam, fist pumping him through the open window as Mike started to reverse the car.

"Well that doesn't give him many options," James joked, making Sam and Dustin laugh.

Don't Stop Believin' began to play in the car and Dustin clapped walking alongside the vehicle as Mike reversed, "yes! Now that's real music!"

"That's what I've been telling them!" Mike responded, while Ivy couldn't help but mention how she had only heard this song from Glee.

Mike scoffed but Dustin smiled as he proclaimed "I love Glee!". James and Sam looked embarrassed, but Ivy leaned over and high waved her uncle.

"Okay, okay," Mike laughed, stopping the car enough to look at Dustin. "I've really got to go now."

"Have a great day everyone!" Dustin responded getting the message as he stepped back and let Mike turn the car and head back up the road. Eggo and Dart obediently stayed by Hopper and when he went to sit on the porch swing they both jumped up to lick him. The calm was interrupted by a blinding flash as Joyce captured the moment.

"Hey!" the Chief moaned, rubbing at his eyes.

Joyce laughed as she joined her husband and the dogs on the swing, Dustin waving to them as he got into his car and headed to the hospital where he and Laura both worked. They watched Dustin leave and turned to look at one another.

"When did they all grow up?" Hopper sighed, his frown adding creases to his already lined face.

Joyce merely smiled, a choked expression on her face as she lay her cheek on Hopper's shoulder, letting him put his arm around her. "Sometime around Demogorgons and puberty I would guess."

Hopper sniffed out a laugh and pressed a kiss to the crown of Joyce's grey hair. "Yeah, I guess so."

"So, if you were an Avenger, which one would you be?" Sam asked James, the boys both playing games on their smart phones, their thumbs quickly tapping on the screens, while Mike finally got closer to the Hawkins Middle School and High School.

"Probably Tony Stark, because one, he's awesome and two, because he's the strongest."

Ivy snorted and looked at James, locking her phone and putting it back in her school bag. "Well I've had my powers the longest and I'm the oldest, so clearly I would be the strongest Avenger."

"So, you'd be Thor then," Sam joked.

"More like The Hulk," James added with a snigger making Sam laugh loudly. "Especially when she's on her per – "

"Boys!" Mike warned while Ivy narrowed her eyes at James, his phone suddenly flying out of his hands making him lose his game.

"Hey!" James shouted, narrowing his own eyes at Ivy's bag, making it unzip and for her own phone to fly out. Ivy glared, the phone stuck floating in mid-air between them both as they equally tried to control it.

Mike pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned in his chair to look at his teenagers. "Enough!" He nervously looked around to see that no other cars had passed.

"How many times have your mom and I told you two the importance of being discreet? We've told you everything your mom has been through! Do you really want that to be you?"

Ivy looked ashamed and James ruffled his hair uncomfortably. The phone drifted slowly back down to the seat and Ivy grabbed it, stuffing it back into her bag.

"Sorry dad," James muttered, his cheeks slightly pink at getting in trouble in front of his friend. Sam looked awkward too, pretending to gaze intently out of the passenger window.

"Sorry dad," Ivy agreed, her eyes genuinely filled with regret. "I don't even use my powers. You know that."

"I know Ivy, but you both can't be losing control like that. I know it's easy to argue with your sibling, hell you should have seen me and Aunt Nancy growing up! But come on you two, you've got to be smarter than that. You've got these gifts and yes, they can be beautiful, but you have to be more responsible with them. Okay?"

"Yeah okay," James nodded, actually listening to his dad for once. Clearing his throat and picking his phone off the car floor. "Sorry dad."

"We'll be more responsible," Ivy added in, smiling slightly at Mike. "Promise."

Mike's frustration wavered, and his lips easily spread into a relieved smile. "Good," he said, sighing as he turned back to the front, and checked his mirrors as he drove the final miles to the school parking lot.

"Have a great day guys," Mike said to James, Sam and Ivy as they all clambered out of the car, the middle school and high school being right next door to one another. James and Sam were already gone, having joined their friends Chris and Josh.

"Will do!" Ivy shouted, as she hurried over to her best friend Lisa, who stood against her own car waiting to be joined. The girls hugged in excitement, already talking avidly as they linked arms and head towards the high school for their last day as juniors. Mike smiled, his eyes softening as he watched them go. He remembered Ivy's first day of kindergarten and swallowed the lump in his throat, unable to believe how fast time had gone.

Mike turned back to Ben who was being quiet, his eyes glazed over.

"You okay bud?" he asked his son, ruffling his honey locks.

Ben nodded but didn't look at his dad. Mike cleared his throat and decided to get out of the parking lot, driving carefully past the flurry of students before crossing the road and heading into the parking lot for the kindergarten. He couldn't believe that Ben would be going into middle school. Out of all of their children, he was the most calm and easy going. But perhaps it was because those damn hormones just hadn't started yet.

Mike pulled up, turned off the car and turned to his youngest son. "What's up?"

Ben bit his lip and looked up at his dad, his complex emotions spilling out into words. "Ivy and James go on and on about their powers and I don't have any. I'm not an Avenger…"

"Oh Ben," Mike sighed, undoing his seat belt so he could turn properly to his son who was looking down at his hands ashamed. "First of all, you know Ivy and James aren't real Avengers, right? They don't go around saving lives or the world for that matter. Well, unless the world was their smart phones."

Ben smiled slightly, but Mike could tell he was still down. The topic of Ben not having powers had not come up that often. El and Mike had just assumed he hadn't inherited the gene like Ivy and James had, that he was more like Mike in that regard. It was never something that had bothered them, in fact it was almost a relief that they didn't have to worry about Ben as much as they did Ivy and James. But in that moment Mike realised they had been wrong to assume that.

Mike reached out for his son, his large palm running through his son's soft hair. "Ben if you have powers or not, it doesn't make you any less special. You are loved and gifted. I mean that imagination of yours? Come on!" Mike smiled, Ben slowly looking up at his dad. "Your campaigns are ten times cooler than mine ever were. Like what you did with the secret passage in Cragmaw Castle?! I was not expecting that."

Ben laughed, his eyes brighter and his smile wider. "It was pretty cool," he admitted, gripping his school bag.

"It was awesome!" Mike grinned. He moved his hand to Ben's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. "So please don't ever think you're not as gifted or special as Ivy and James because you are!"

"Thanks dad," Ben grinned, no longer slouched but looking energised and excited.

"You're welcome bud. Now have a great last day of kindergarten! I love you."

Ben pulled on his backpack and smiled at Mike, "love you dad," he said shyly, opening the car door and jumping out. "Bye," he waved awkwardly.

"Bye bud," Mike waved back, his lip quivering slightly as he watched Ben run over to Logan and Seth. He could tell they were already discussing D&D when Ben pulled out his campaign book as they walked over to the entrance, disappearing a moment later.

Mike sighed and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes. His phone dinged, and he hesitantly opened his eyes, looking at the preview screen. Seeing it was a message from El, Mike picked up his phone and immediately started to reply.

El: How did they get on?! I wish I could have been there :-(

Mike: It's okay babe. They seemed excited, I've just dropped them off!

El: Good :-) And how are you doing babe?

Mike: Not as good!

El: I didn't think so :-( But it will be okay baby, they aren't leaving home just yet!

Mike: Yeah that's true I guess. Well I best get to work beautiful. See you later honey.

El: See you soon babe. I love you Xxx

Mike: I love you babe xxx

The school hallway was bustling with energetic teenagers, seniors hugging each other, their school work completed. They would either be off to college, starting work or figuring out what they wanted to do with their futures.

Freshmen were cheering that they were no longer the fresh meat, sophomores were worrying about the SATs and juniors were thinking of college applications.

Ivy leaned against her locker, laughing with her best friend Lisa as they signed each other's yearbooks.

"Oh my god Matt Edwards signed your yearbook!" Lisa exclaimed her blue eyes flickering over the messy writing.

"Yeah?" Ivy laughed in confusion. "Is that bad?"

Lisa opened her perfectly lip-glossed mouth in shock, "oh honey it's anything but bad. Matt is fit. Do we need to get you glasses?!"

Ivy grinned and shook her head, "I can see perfectly fine thank you!" She shrugged grabbing back her yearbook from Lisa and slipping it into her backpack. "I guess he's fit in a conventional way, but definitely not my type."

"Hmm" Lisa smirked as Ivy closed her locker and the girls headed to home room. "And what is your type exactly? An olive-skinned, hot skateboarder by any chance?"

Ivy immediately felt her cheeks heat and she was thankful she had worn foundation, praying that it would cover the majority of her blushing. "I don't think of Ryan that way…"

Lisa snorted, laughing as she shook her head in dismay. "Just the fact that you knew I was talking about Ryan should answer my question!"

"Stop!" Ivy moaned, unable to stop herself from laughing with Lisa as they made their way through the crowded hallway. "Okay maybe I had a crush on him years ago…but it's not like that now."

"Ivy you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me," Lisa said wisely, the girls pausing to wave at Ivy's twin cousins Lily and Grace Byers who were enjoying their last day of being sophomores before the reality of junior year hit them.

"What do you mean?" Ivy asked Lisa as they turned down the next hallway.

Her best friend gave her a pained expression of sympathy. "Every time Ryan and his family come to visit, you get all giddy and never get off your phone for one."

"Well me and him are making plans for when he's in Hawkins."

"Exactly. Plans together!"

Ivy laughed, "but he's my friend, of course we're making plans together."

"With other people?"

"Well no. Just me and him…" Ivy said uncomfortably, adjusting her school bag. She rolled her eyes at the knowing look on Lisa's face. "Hanging out with a friend just the two of us does not mean I'm in love with him! I mean look at you and me! I'm sorry but I'm going to need some more evidence."

Lisa laughed, her smile widening. "Okay, okay. How about the way you blush and smile when you get his text replies? Or how you never stop talking about him? Or how you've got a photo of the two of you in your locker?"

"Hey! We are like thirteen in that photo."

"And what else happened when you two were thirteen Miss Wheeler?!"

Ivy knew that no foundation in the world could hide the red rosiness of her cheeks. It felt like it was spreading too, her neck was too warm, and her skin felt clammy. "We kissed," she croaked.

She didn't think in a million lifetimes she would ever forget her first kiss with Ryan, her first kiss ever. They were in the movie theatre watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood, her dad who had insisted on chaperoning them had left the theatre for more snacks and it had just happened. They had both reached for the popcorn, their hands resting together, their cheeks flushed, their heart beating erratically as their eyes met.

They had both leaned in, their noses squishing together as their lips touched. It had been rushed and clumsy, but perfect. Ivy had never felt anything like it since. Ryan went back to California the next day, and they didn't talk about their kiss again.

Ivy had assumed that they were a thing, rejecting any date offers she received from her classmates. But when they turned fifteen Ryan told her he was dating a girl named Sophia. Ivy was devastated, and Lisa insisted that they make up a boyfriend for Ivy to get back at Ryan and make him jealous. Enrique was Ivy's fake boyfriend, who mysteriously moved away the second Ryan said that him and Sophia were over.

Since that whole experience they had grown closer but stayed friends. Ivy felt an invisible line around them at all times, and she was terrified about crossing that line and what the implications could be.

"He was your first and only kiss," Lisa continued, bringing Ivy out of her daze. As they reached home room, they paused before going on. "You haven't dated anyone else. I know he's special to you. I just think you should go for it! You're applying for college in California, he lives in California. What's the worst that could happen?"

Ivy shook her head, her chest feeling heavy. "I could tell him how I feel, he could tell me he doesn't like me like that. I could lose one of my closest friends that I have had since I was practically born. Oh, and then I could move to California for no reason!"

Lisa poised her lips taking in Ivy's words. "I mean yeah…that's kind of the worst-case scenario. But just trust me on this okay! Let me go to breakfast with you two, and I will tell you honestly if I think he's harbouring feelings for you. You know I have a sixth sense for these things."

Ivy laughed, finally giving in. "Fine. We will all go to breakfast or something, and you can tell me what the vibes are." The girls found their places in the home room, the space was filled with their fellow students flittering around, talking about summer plans, colleges and signing yearbooks.

In all of the mayhem Ivy was surprised to see Kimberley Kelly making her way over to the girls. Kim was labelled as the most popular girl in the year. The boys wanted her, and the girls wanted to be like her. She wasn't exactly unlikeable which didn't help either.

"Hey Ivy, hey Lisa," Kim said as she handed colourful flyers out to the girls.

"Hey," they both replied, reaching out for the flyers, their eyes scanning the sheet of paper even when Kim spoke.

"My parents are away this weekend, so I'm having an end of junior year party if you wanna come?"

"We'd love to," Lisa replied for Ivy who opened her mouth and quickly closed it. She couldn't help but feel hesitant. Having to hide her powers over the years had made Ivy shy, introverted. Even Lisa didn't know about her abilities, it was kept strictly in the family and extended family.

Ivy always feared using her powers in front of others and what the implications could be. A warm feeling of shame entered her gut as she thought about losing control in the car that morning with James. She didn't want to be that way.

But she couldn't deny that because of her fear over her powers she had missed out on different school opportunities. She had been invited to parties before and declined, and she had been asked on dates numerous times and said no. After a while word must have got around that she was too introverted or even too weird, so no one else asked.

Ivy looked down at the flyer with determination, "yeah," she mumbled before blinking and turning her attention onto Kim, smiling grateful. "Thank you for inviting us, it sounds fun."

Kim smiled, "no problem girls."

"Can we bring along our friend?" Lisa asked, grinning ear to ear while Ivy snapped her head to look at her best friend questioningly.

"Sure!" Kim said handing more flyers out and moving onto the teens sat at the back of the classroom.

"Excellent," Lisa replied, beaming as she folded the flyer and put it in her bag.

Ivy sighed and sat down, "you want me to invite Ryan, don't you?"

"If you don't I will!" Lisa laughed taking her seat in front of Ivy. "I follow him on Instagram remember."

Ivy snorted a laugh and pulled out her textbooks. "I'll think about it okay?"

Before Lisa could do more than give Ivy a thumbs up, their home room teacher called them to attention. Ivy shuffled in her seat as Mrs Baker told them not to get too comfy during the summer and to start their college applications. Sentences about letters of recommendation, college fees and essays flew through the air as Ivy looked out of the window at the clear blue sky and smiled. Somewhere up there would be Ryan's plane, he would no doubt be listening to his music, probably drumming his fingers on his knees while Zach played games on his Nintendo 3DS, Lucas and Max by their side.

Ivy looked at her watch and exhaled a slow breath. Not long now, and he would be here. She smiled, her stomach fluttering at all the possibilities they would have over the next few weeks.

She couldn't wait.

James navigated the cafeteria with his tray, moving carefully to the right and then the left as students rushed past.

"Have a good summer James!" Rachel Ackers shouted, as she walked past with her hoard of girls, all of them clutching their yearbooks.

"Thanks Rachel," James mumbled, feeling uncomfortable anytime a girl talked to him. Rachel was one of the most popular girls in his class and he had been partnered with her in science. She had been kind to him ever since, knowing that they wouldn't have got an A if it wasn't for him. Science wasn't her subject.

"Have a good summer dude," Aaron Thompson said nudging shoulders with James who tried to keep his tray steady. He had the last slice of pizza and he wasn't giving it up for anything, the alternative that looked more like mud than food wasn't worth it.

"You too man," James grinned at Aaron. They were friends from the middle school track team, his growth spurt had been worth it when it meant that he was suddenly good at track, running long distances easily. He couldn't wait to join the high school team, hoping that it would keep him under the radar of 'athletic enough not to be bullied'.

James waved to a few more people he doubted he would see over the summer before heading outside where he knew he would find Sam, Josh and Chris, Chris no doubt having invited his girlfriend Daisy to join them for lunch. Daisy was cool James supposed, but she wasn't into gaming and preferred to steal Chris for make out sessions when his friends needed him to play Call of Duty. But it was all good, they could kiss all summer if they wanted to, because as of that night Zach would be in town and could join the campaign. Zach Sinclair was a year younger than Sam and James, but they were all best friends, brought up more like brothers than anything else.

James looked around the benches, talking to a few of his class mates as he passed. He finally found Sam, Josh, Chris and yes, Daisy sat under one of the trees. He couldn't be mad at their location; the sun was beating down on them today, so a bit of shade was welcome.

"Hey guys," James said as he approached. Putting his tray down and collapsing onto the warm grass.

"Woah," Josh said sitting up and looking at James's tray. "How the hell did you get a pizza slice?!"

James laughed, picking up said slice and taking a bite. "I know right? It was the last one."

"And I'm reduced to this," Josh mumbled in disgust pointing to some brown sludge on his plate.

"What the hell is that?" Sam asked wearily, eating nilla wafers from a box in his bag.

"It's meant to be broccoli bake," Josh muttered, picking at the so-called food with his fork.

James snorted taking another bite of pizza, "since when is broccoli brown?"

"Give me a bite of that pizza," Josh whined as a reply as he moved closer to James.

"Uh oh, no way!" James laughed trying to move the pizza slice away from Josh.

"Just one slice! Common man I'm starving!"

"You can have my cookie okay?"

"No, I want the pizza. And your cookie."

The boys laughed, play fighting over the food until Daisy suddenly spoke up, distracting them from their antics.

"Hi Chloe," Daisy said looking at the girl who was standing shyly in front of them. Chloe Harrington. James immediately felt his cheeks warm up as he and Josh moved away from one another.

"Hi Daisy," Chloe replied with a smile, "I just wanted to see if you wanted to sign my yearbook?"

"Of course!" Daisy said, letting go of Chris's hand and grabbing her own book so the girls could swap them.

Chloe hesitantly joined them on the grass, sitting close to Daisy, but her blue eyes hesitantly looking at James now and again.

James was looking down at his pizza slice, eating it slowly although he felt kind of nauseous. He supposed it wasn't a good thing that anytime Chloe was near she made him feel sick. Definitely couldn't be a positive thing…

"Have you got any plans for the summer?" Daisy asked Chloe who was playing with the hem of her shorts.

"Um, no not really. Just staying in Hawkins, I think. Maybe a trip at the end of the summer?"

"Probably," Sam interjected, smiling kindly at Chloe. "You know how our dads like our 'family' trips."

Chloe laughed, relaxing slightly. It was common knowledge that Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson were like brothers, and that Sam had grown up with Chloe and her older brother Tyler as if he was one of their siblings. The Harrington's had been at countless parties over the years, an extension of the family. Chloe was even in on the family secret after she had once walked in on James showing Sam his super strength by lifting his best friend up by his thumb.

Maybe that was why he felt so awkward around her? Because she knew his secret. James frowned knowing that wasn't it. After all, he had been around her for years and to be frank she had always kind of annoyed him. Following him around or talking about One Direction or Justin Bieber. James hadn't missed that she was currently wearing a 'Believe' t-shirt from the Justin Bieber concert she had talked non-stop about. It was tucked into her denim shorts, her long tanned legs curved to the side, her white converses kind of scuffed, and her dark blonde hair long enough that it brushed against her elbows. James looked away quickly, he noticed too much about Chloe Harrington.

"Here you go," Daisy said happily handing Chloe's yearbook back to her.

"Thanks," Chloe grinned, but before she could take back her book, Sam gestured towards it and Chloe nodded, smiling in thanks. She watched on as her friend signed the book.

Sam happily scribbled away and then glanced at James, a smirk appearing on his face. "Hey James, wanna sign Chloe's yearbook?"

James suddenly felt everyone's eyes on him and glared at Sam who was having a hard time containing his mischievous grin. James cleared his suddenly dry throat and without looking at Chloe he mumbled, "sure…"

He reached for her book off Sam, giving him another glare of pure hatred as he took his pen as well for good measure.

James flicked through the book surprised by how full it was. There were names and messages off people that James liked, and then some from idiots, like Shaun Michaels who was a class A douche bag. James couldn't help but feel uncomfortable by the 'have an amazing summer beautiful! ;-) Shaun x' and quickly turned the page.

Knowing that Chloe was watching him closely, James tried to focus and write something that would be acceptable. He hadn't really signed anyone's yearbook, just drew a few images here and there in Sam, Chris and Josh's.

The pressure got to him and James settled for a generic message. 'Have a great summer Chloe! James.'

"Here you go," James said, coughing awkwardly as he sat up and stretched his arm out to Chloe, the yearbook within his grasp. She got up and took the book from him, holding it to her chest.

"Thanks," she replied slightly breathlessly. She averted her eyes and then looked at Daisy. "Thanks Daisy."

"No problem! See you later?"

"Yeah of course," Chloe said, her tone relaxing again. "Bye guys," she added raising her hand slightly before heading back inside the cafeteria.

James exhaled a quiet breath in relief and went back to his pizza. But only a second later he was disrupted again by Daisy, but this time she was aiming her words at him rather than Chloe.

"Are you an idiot?"

James raised his eyebrow, his mouth full of pizza. "Excuse me?"

Daisy sighed, her palm moving to her forehead as she shook her head. "Oh my god you actually are," she whispered in a pained voice.

"Chloe loves you," Chris teased James before putting his arm back around Daisy.

James scowled, "no she doesn't. How many years do I have to tell you this?" It was a broken record and it had been the same since he was a child. James looked at Josh for back up, "come on man, help me out here?"

"You're right."

"Thank you!"

"No not you," Josh sniggered. "Daisy's right. You are an idiot. And Chloe is totally in love with you."

James groaned and lay back in the grass, covering his face with his arm while his friends laughed and gossiped away.

"Do you remember the time she got him like 10 valentine's cards?" Josh laughed, shaking his head in dismay.

"In her defence, we were like six. She probably didn't know what a valentine's card was," James muttered from under his arm.

"Or that time Maci Turner said Chloe had written 'Mrs Wheeler' all over her notebook?" Chris sniggered.

"Maybe she's in love with Ivy. Or Ben. Or my mom. "

"She also wrote C&J forever."

James blushed, "well maybe Maci was lying."

"Or maybe she loves you!" Sam laughed, nudging James in the side with his foot, pushing hard enough to make his best friend jolt and remove his arm from obscuring his reddening face.

"The golden moment has got to be the school play though," Chris laughed, Sam and Josh joining in with him, while Daisy rolled her eyes and James groaned, hiding his face once more.

Sam leaned on his knees, in his element of drama as his stretched his hands out. "Picture the scene! Chloe's playing Sandy, wig and all. She's singing Hopelessly Devoted to You, only she's not looking at the damn paper in the paddling pool. Oh no! She's looking at James Wheeler in the audience, her one true love!"

"She didn't look at me for the whole song," James muttered, his face as red as a tomato by this point.

"She totally did," Sam chuckled, "my dad's got it on video man. You can come around and watch it anytime!"

Daisy sighed, "will you guys stop. You're acting like a group of hyenas."

"Thank you," James exhaled in relief. If Daisy was telling the boys off they would calm down, it was just how things worked in their group. James felt safe to sit back up, grabbing his cookie back from Josh just to throw it at him.

"These are Chloe's feelings you're laughing over. And if James wants to be an idiot and not accept them, then whatever. But that's not Chloe's fault. So, have a bit of respect."

"Yeah, you're right," Sam cringed, feeling embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Chloe is like a sister to me, I shouldn't tease her like this."

"Good. And I won't tell her," Daisy said softly, looking at the boys. "But just no more teasing okay?"

Chris sighed, "I mean we can't promise. James is just too easy to tease, but okay, we'll try."

Daisy smiled in triumph, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek. "Good. Now, wanna go make out?"

Chris grinned, nodding his head as he scrambled to his feet.

"You two are disgusting," Josh shuddered, James and Sam nodding in agreement.

Chloe laughed taking Chris's hand. "Oh you're all just jealous that you don't have girlfriends." She pulled her tongue at them and tugged a very willing Chris along with her towards the bleachers.

Sam snorted, "I'm totally not jealous." He shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah me neither," Josh laughed, the laugh dying down quite quickly before he went back to eating his cookie.

"Not jealous at all," James added, pulling out his water bottle and taking a swig as his eyes followed Chloe who had just walked back out of the cafeteria with two of her friends. She was smiling and talking avidly, clutching that yearbook to her chest again.

James cleared his throat and looked away, distracting himself the best way he knew. "So, are we gonna play Call of Duty tonight?"

Mike hovered in the entrance of the hospital, looking down at his phone to check the time. With his college students having already finished for the summer, Mike had only had to finish up a bit of paperwork before he was all finished. It was a great feeling, he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and he couldn't stop the smile on his face. He was free and happy, about to see his beautiful wife and be reunited with his best friend's that evening.

The elevator door opened and El came out, her lunch bag in her hand as she headed in the other direction towards the staff canteen.

Feeling slightly foolish for not standing closer to the elevator, Mike hurried after her. "El!" he called, thankful when she immediately turned around.

Her eyes widened slightly, surprised to see her husband, especially at this early hour. "What's wrong?" she asked, automatically assuming that Mike could only be at the hospital for a negative reason. "Please don't tell me you're injured," she added, closing the distance between them, her hands coming up to touch her husband's face.

Mike couldn't help but laugh, loving how attentive and sweet she was. "I'm fine," he reassured her, unable to contain his grin. "I just finished early and wanted to surprise you with lunch."

El immediately softened, her whole body seemed to relax. "That's so sweet," she sighed happily, her eyes looking towards the brown bag that Mike held. "Have you brought Eggos?" She asked hopefully.

Mike grinned, taking the bag in both hands and holding up the Eggos he had microwaved in his college staff room. He knew they would be cold by now, but El never seemed to mind.

"And I bought candy, so you can kind of have an Eggo-extravaganza," Mike said enthusiastically as he showed El the different candies.

El leaned up and pressed a kiss to Mike's lips which he happily returned, his free hand moving to the small of her back. After a moment she pulled back enough to nuzzle his nose with her own, both of them grinning. "What did I do to deserve you huh?"

Mike smiled, shaking his head. "What did I do you mean."

El laughed, "you know we can have this argument all day, right?"

"And I would gladly do it all day," Mike teased, making El push him playfully, before grabbing his hand and leading him towards the staff garden.

"It's nice here," Mike commented after he and El had settled on a bench which look towards a small pond, the enclosed space covered in flowers, bushes and a few trees. Mike had his arm around El and she rested her head against his shoulder as she alternated between eating Eggos and candy.

"It is," El mused, taking a deep breath of fresh fragrant air. "They made a peaceful area for us. After everything we see in a day, a calm and quiet garden is just what we need."

Mike stroked through El's hair before leaning down to press a kiss to her golden-brown curls. "You're all heroes for what you do," he said speaking in a gentle voice, not wanting to break the ambience they were currently sheltered in.

El smiled, her eyes on the pond and the way the water rippled slightly. "We're all just doing our best," she admitted quietly. "We care."

"And you do an amazing job."

El looked up at Mike, her eyes warm with gratitude as she met his lips in a soft kiss. "Thank you," she exhaled, a soft hum escaping her lips.

Mike smiled, looking at El with adoration. "Of course," he whispered, kissing her once again before she settled back against his chest. They stayed like that for some time, Mike resumed stroking her hair as he thought back to the events of the morning. His amber eyes flickered around the small garden to see if anyone was close by. He could only see two nurses on a much further bench, talking over two steaming mugs of coffee.

"Ben was a little upset this morning," he blurted out, unsure really how to start the conversation. He guessed from El's sudden jerk to sit up, that he could have probably started this topic much smoother.

"He was?" El asked, her hazel eyes immediately filling with concern for her baby boy. "Why? Did he say? Was it because it was his last day?"

Mike eyed the nurses again and felt they were far enough to be able to go on with the subject. "No, it's not that," he said quietly, turning his attention to El and reaching for her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "On the way to school Ivy and James got into a fight…"

"Sounds normal," El reasoned.

"And they started using their powers."

"I hope you told them off!" El immediately responded, her shoulders tense.

Mike sighed, stroking her hand with his thumb. He knew how El worried more than anyone about their children and their powers. They weren't as common, but Mike knew El still had nightmares about the lab. Only this time it involved the kids. He would cradle her after the nightmares, wipe her tears and tell her everything was going to be okay. But he knew that if their kids ever brought attention to their powers, there would be so much that would have to change to protect them.

"No one saw anything," Mike tried soothing El, his eyes fixed on hers, hoping she would see the determination and strength within them. "They were just levitating Ivy's phone. But that's not the point," Mike said knowing that he was getting side tracked. "Ben was upset because they have powers and he doesn't. He didn't feel special…"

El's eyes became misty and she shook her head, "that's horrible," she whispered, her voice heavy with emotion. "He has to know that it doesn't matter if he has powers or not. We love him, he's our baby boy."

"It's okay babe, I think I did reassure him," Mike responded, smiling gently as he remembered his conversation with Ben. "I told him that we love him and how special and gifted he is. I just…I don't know, it just made me think."

"About what?" El asked softly, her attention completely focused on Mike's eyes.

Mike inhaled and exhaled slowly trying to think of how to word his thoughts. "Ivy got her powers early, James's were a little later. Does Ben have powers and it's just taking its time to manifest?"

They were silent for a moment, both thinking, the cogs in their brains turning rapidly at all of the possibilities. It was El who finally spoke.

"In a way it doesn't matter," she said with a slight smile. "I understand if he gets powers we will need to make sure he can control them and know the risks. But it won't make him any different, he is our son and we love him. He needs to know he's special, just as he is. Powers or no powers, it doesn't matter. He is always going to be our baby."

Mike looked at his wife, the way she held herself, the passion in her voice when she spoke of their children. The look of determination and love swirling perfectly within her hazel eyes. She was outstandingly beautiful.

"I love you," Mike whispered, his smiling curving rapidly on his lips, creasing his thin cheeks. "And I love our kids."

El beamed, her smile radiating the beauty that shone from the inside out. "Do you love them even when they are hormonal? Or bickering and fighting over phones and games?"

Mike chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Yep," he grinned, pulling El back in for a cuddle. "Even then. They are our hormonal, bickering babies. And I wouldn't have them any other way, because yes, I know they can be a pain in the ass! But I know they all have beautiful hearts. And they are going to grow into even greater versions of themselves."

"Agreed," El smiled, kissing Mike's cheek before wrapping her arm around his stomach and squeezing him affectionately. They stayed like that for the remainder of El's shift, taking in the sunshine and enjoying a moment that was just the two of them. Those moments could be quite rare nowadays.

"Do you have to go back to work?" Mike whined as he walked El to the lift fifteen minutes later.

She grinned, pressing the button for the elevator before turning to look up at her husband. "I'm sorry honey, but I've got to work. Those kids need me."

"I suppose," Mike sighed, pouting slightly. El laughed, reaching up and tracing Mike's pouted lips making him smile despite himself.

"Once I finish at eight, I've got two glorious weeks off," El exhaled, already daydreaming about the fun they would have. She blinked coming back to reality and turned her attention back to Mike. "Can you pick some stuff up for the party though? I got most of the stuff the other day, but we're missing tortilla chips and we could probably do with some more biscuits and soda."

"No problem leave it with me honey," Mike said smiling as he leaned down and gave El a kiss while the elevator pinged and the doors opened.

"I miss you already," El exhaled, pulling away from Mike's lips with regret and stepping into the elevator.

"I miss you more," Mike smiled, his hands in his pockets and a heaviness starting to fill his chest. It didn't matter how old he got, he hated being separated from El. It just didn't feel natural.

El pressed the button for her floor and turned to Mike, "I love you sweetie."

"I love you babe, have a great rest of your shift."

"I will," El said as the doors started to close. She gave Mike a wave and he returned it, feeling sad the moment the doors closed. He ruffled his hair and headed to the exit, trying to remember El's list before deciding it was probably best to write it down. He scooped his phone out of his pocket and started typing. He couldn't help but smile, knowing that in a matter of hours, the Sinclair's, Byers and Henderson's would all be at the Wheeler house.

The party finally reunited. It couldn't come sooner.

"I think that banner is slanted," Will teased the moment he walked into the Wheeler house with Jen and the twins Lily and Grace.

"Ha ha," Mike gasped trying to catch his breath as he held up one side of the Welcome Home! sign. "You could give me a hand you know!"

"Here let me," Jen laughed, handing Will the bottle of wine they had brought.

"Dad can we go to Ivy's room?" Lily asked, smiling sweetly at her dad.

"Of course," Will grinned watching the twins disappear up the stairs.

"You know they probably said that to get out of helping right?" Mike said pinning the banner in place on his side while Jen got onto a chair on the other side. "Ivy's still getting ready apparently, Ben and James have been putting out the snacks, but I've seen them eating more than they're putting out."

Will laughed as he put the wine in the fridge. "I mean they could be hiding in Ivy's room. But you know me, those girls have me wrapped around their little fingers."

"Oh hush you, you love that their daddy's girls," Jen laughed as she secured her side of the banner. "Plus, they're probably just wanting to get the gossip on Ryan and Ivy."

The sound of a sharp squeak sounded in the kitchen for a moment as Mike almost fell off the chair he was standing on, it took him a moment to secure himself before he looked at Jen with a bewildered expression. "What gossip about Ryan and Ivy?"

She merely stared at him for a moment, as if waiting for him to catch on, but when there was nothing but silence, she grinned. "Nothing."

Mike looked between Jen and Will and back again, "you can't say gossip about Ryan and Ivy and then say 'nothing'!"

Jen laughed, taking Will's offered hand to help her down from the chair. "Mike if you haven't caught on then I can't help you."

Mike got down from his chair, his brow creased in a frown. "There's nothing going on between them," he told Will and Jen who looked at each other smirking.

"You just tell yourself that Mike," Will chuckled.

"Yeah well, you've got two teenage daughters, so you'll experience this twice."

The smile was soon wiped off Will's face while Jen assured him that it would be okay. Mike put the chairs away in the dining room and the trio moved back into the kitchen, getting more food out of the fridge ready to set out.

"They're not dating right?" Mike blurted out randomly as he put chips in a bowl on the kitchen island. Jen was in the garden stringing up the fairy lights with James who was cheating with his powers, Will turned his attention from the cupboard where he was getting out plates to his troubled best friend.

"No, I don't think they're dating. But I think there is clearly some feelings there," Will said reasonably as he stacked more plates on the kitchen counter. "I just think you're in denial."

"And what is Michael in denial about today?" Dustin's voice boomed into the kitchen as their Bard walked in with Sam who was holding ingredients for smores and Dart who rushed to find Eggo.

"Is James in the garden?" Sam asked, his neck already craning to look through the French doors.

"Yeah bud," Mike responded, smiling despite his inner anguish. He watched Sam head to the garden and join up with James before he turned back to his friends.

"Do you think Ivy and Ryan are dating?" Mike asked Dustin, his voice strained with concern.

Dustin smiled in mild surprise, looking between Mike and Will in confusion. "Haven't they been dating forever?"

Will laughed and went back to his task, while Mike groaned, stuffing his mouth with potato chips.

The sound of metal scraping metal made Ivy cringe as she pushed each clothes hanger further down the pole, searching for the right outfit for the party. Her amber eyes glanced over a white skater dress that Aunt Holly had bought her the previous summer. It had a black firefly design across the material and Ivy supposed it wasn't too formal, but not too casual either.

Ivy pulled the dress out of the closet and threw off her skirt and sweater. She looked in the mirror as she dressed, insecurities gathering in her mind. Are my boobs too small? Are my legs too long and thin? Is my butt too small? Should my body be curvier?

She thought about all of the girls on social media, the reality stars and their perfect bodies and sighed. "It's not real," Ivy repeated her mother's words to herself in a whisper. "It's filters, angles and lighting."

Ivy pulled the white dress over her body and adjusted the material, looking at her reflection as she smoothed down the dress and pulled the short sleeves down slightly. The dress hit just above the knee and Ivy twirled slightly to make the skirt fabric move.

She smiled hesitantly and grabbed her phone, taking a photo of herself before sending it to Lisa.

Ivy: What do you think?

She was relieved to see Lisa had already seen the message and was typing a response.

Lisa: QUEEN! Perfect combo of sexy and cute!

Ivy: Thanks babe. Love you xxx

Lisa: Love you! Have fun xxx

Feeling a little more empowered Ivy put her phone on her docking speaker and shuffled her music, sitting at her vanity table and going through her make up bag. The piano intro to A Thousand Years began to play and Ivy smiled, closing her eyes for a moment as nostalgia hit her.

"Heart beats fast, colours and promises," Ivy began to sing, pulling out her moisturiser and primer. "How to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow!"

Two familiar voices sang from the hallway, "one step closer!"

Ivy giggled as her cousins poked their heads around the door. "Can we come in please?" Lily asked with a big grin.

"We're going to have to sort stuff out for the party otherwise," Grace added, with a pleading pout.

Ivy giggled, beckoning them in. "Come in, come in." The twins headed for her bed, both of them landing gracefully.

"You look beautiful!" Lily said, her green eyes appraising Ivy's dress.

"Totally gorgeous," Grace agreed with a smile as she shuffled further up the bed.

"Stop you're making me blush," Ivy laughed, smoothing moisturisers onto her freshly washed face.

"It's true though!" Grace said as she reached for one of Ivy's nail polishes from her bedside table. "And you don't even need make up. Can I use this nail polish?"

"Sure," Ivy said turning back to the vanity table and looking at her cousins now and again in the mirror. "And I do need the make-up," she added picking up her primer. "I'm so pale."

"I'd rather have pale skin than pimples," Lily sighed, looking at her own face in the mirror.

"You have like two pimples," Grace muttered as she carefully painted her nails pink. "I've got like a hundred."

"You don't," Lily and Ivy said in unison.

"They'll go, I promise," Ivy reassured her cousins, turning back to give them a confident smile. "I had really bad acne, but I've got a great face wash now that keeps it at bay, it's like manuka honey and tea tree."

"Ooh, can I go and take a look at it?" Lily asked, sitting up.

"Of course, it's in the bathroom."

Ivy finished putting on her primer as Lily walked back in with the face wash in her hands, reading the back of the bottle. "You know they're talking about you down there, I could hear them."

Ivy sighed, rolling her eyes as she picked a creamy eyeshadow. "Let me guess, about me and Ryan?"

"Yep," the twins said in unison even though Grace hadn't even left the room.

"They're debating whether you and Ryan are dating or not," Lily said with a smirk as she looked up at Ivy. "You're not, are you?"

Ivy cleared her throat, "no we're not…" She kept her hands busy, picking her best mascara and unscrewing the lid. "We're just friends."

The twins looked at each other for a moment before Grace went back to painting her nails and Lily took a photo of the face wash.

Maybe it was the fact that Ivy felt no pressure from her cousins to speak about Ryan, that she actually found herself talking about him. She twirled around in her chair to look at them and sighed.

"I just don't know how to act around him anymore. He's the only guy I've ever really…well, he's special but he's also my best friend. And he lives in California! If anything happened, it would be so painful to be away from him."

"But isn't it painful being away from him now?" Grace said wisely, before she blew her nails, trying to dry them.

Ivy said nothing, thinking of how she always felt when Ryan arrived and how she always felt when he left. It was painful to see him go, she didn't feel right, like he took a part of her back to California with him. And technology had always helped over the years with that separation, like video calls and free messaging services. But it still wasn't the same as having him here in the flesh.

"It just makes me feel awkward knowing that everyone is talking about me and him. Like I feel like they will be watching us or something."

Lily sighed, braiding her straight brown hair. "Yeah some people are gonna be watching you two. And I know it's easier said than done, but you just need to forget about everyone else and just be yourself with him. He won't be here forever, so just enjoy the time you have together."

"Yeah," Grace encouraged, smiling at a nervous looking Ivy. "Screw everyone else! Just be yourself Ivy. No matter what happens or doesn't happen romantically, he's still going to be your best friend. So just treat him like that."

Ivy felt a weight leave her chest and she smiled at her cousins, "I don't think fifteen-year olds are meant to be this wise."

Lily laughed, "isn't our dad's nickname Will the Wise?"

"Yeah it is. Wisdom is in our blood," Grace snorted making Ivy laugh.

The girls finished getting ready together, turning the music up, singing along to Rihanna We Found Love as Ivy finished braiding Lily's hair for her, carefully perfecting two French braids while Grace painted her sister's nails.

The moment was finally disrupted by commotion downstairs, dogs barking and Mike shouting "girls! They're here!"

Ivy felt her stomach drop and she looked at the twins anxiously, they gave her smiles of encouragement and pulled her along.

"Just be yourself," Lily reiterated while Ivy smiled tightly, hoping that she would be able to relax. But there really was no more time left to figure it out. The Sinclair's were here. Ryan was here.

"Let the summer begin!" Grace practically squealed with excitement, the music from the surround sound playing downstairs luring them closer.

"Yeah," Ivy choked. "Let the summer begin."

AN: So what did you guys think? I have got SO much more to come! I am currently writing Chapter 2 and really excited about this story. I hope you liked it too and that it's given you a small distraction in these crazy times. This chapter was really to introduce you to some of the new characters, but we've still got the Sinclair's to go ;-) Please leave a review if you can, I would really appreciate it :-)

Sending my love to everyone. Let's hope that this lockdown is over with soon. We will get through it! Thank you for reading xxx