A/N: Hello, here I am with another story of course. This one will be Dawsey & Stellaride with strong Kiddson, Shawson, Sevasey friendships and include a lot of the 'One Chicago' cast. I have wanted to dive into a high school story for a long time, and recently got an opportunity to. This is a collab with my friend, Ryan. We both take equal writing credits on this story, and it has been so fun working together so I really hope you all enjoy reading it.

Check them out on twitter sophsmayo or on AO3/FF as: serenesapphic

So, buckle in, I hope you enjoy this story as much as we have enjoyed writing it and please leave a review letting us know what you think!

So, You Brought Out the Best of Me; A Part of Me I've Never Seen

Chapter One:

Sapphire waves crashed onto the shore, one after the next. The sky was a dusty blue, not quite sunrise yet. Grainy sand and open waters spanned as far as Stella could see, and she sighed in an unexplainable comfort. No one else sat on the beach, not even a seagull flew near. She was alone, finally. Stella sat up slightly from where she lay flat on the ground, running the sand through her fingers. Smiling, she looked around at the beauty surrounding her until a figure fell into her gaze. Someone was walking towards her, someone tall and-

"Ms. Kidd? Is there a Stella Kidd here?"

"Hm? Yes, present! Sorry." Stella says hurriedly, torn between being annoyed that her daydream had been cut short and embarrassed she hadn't been paying attention. The teacher gives her a small smile and continues down the attendance list. Stella sits back in her chair, analyzing the book posters displayed on the walls of the classroom. They range from Othello to Pride and Prejudice, and Stella begins to wonder what kind of year she's getting herself into.

Finally, attendance ends and the new school year officially begins.

Though for Stella Kidd, this is far more than just a new school year. It's a new school with new friends to make, new teachers to impress, and a new beginning entirely.

A new beginning that she is determined to make the most of.

"Well, hello everyone. I'm Mrs. Boden. Welcome to your first class as a junior! First things first, is there anyone's name I didn't call?"

A hand in the front row rises hesitantly, and Stella recognizes the back of his head as the student who'd run around the building frantically this morning looking for the classroom with the numbers to match the ones on his schedule. Guess he never found it.

"I'm Peter Mills, ma'am? I had a lot of trouble finding the right room this morning, sorry."

"That's alright, sweetie. Why don't you take your schedule to the front office and Ms. Wilson will help you out," Mrs. Boden responds with a smile.

Mr. Boden has a welcoming presence; I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy her class.

Peter Mills nods quietly, collects his things, and all but runs from the room.

"Oh, thank God," Stella hears her best friend mumble from the seat next to her, clearly pleased that the boy in question was leaving the class.

Gabby looks up from her phone for the first time since they arrived, and Stella notices with confusion.

"We don't like Peter Mills?" she asks quietly.

"Mmmm, we're annoyed by Peter Mills. He's the one that's been obsessed with me since freshman year, and the whole puppy dog routine gets old pretty fast," Gabby says at the same low volume.

Stella nods, soaking in new information every opportunity she got.

"Anyone else?" the teacher asks. To which no one responds.

"Okay! This is first period English III. I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you through the assignments this year! I know today is probably going to be overwhelming for many of you, so I won't do any icebreakers or personal introductions… yet. With that said, this is very much a safe space and I love group projects, so expect to know each other well fairly soon."

Stella practically hears Gabby roll her eyes. She, on the other hand, is petrified. Fortunately, for the rest of the class, Ms. Boden just went over the assignments they would complete throughout the school year.

Kelly Severide sits beside his best friend Matt Casey four rows back, both of them looking over the lengthy syllabus that Mrs. Boden passed out.

As she turns back to her computer to go over notes, Kelly focuses back on his best friend and the conversation they'd been having before the bell rang.

"So, next Friday is our first game, and we need to really work on that passing blitz with Will during practice before we run it in the game."

Matt nods, still looking over what assignments to expect in the year to come. "Yeah, I talked to coach, we'll run it again at practice tonight. This is our year, Sev, I can feel it."

This year they're juniors, more importantly starters on the football team, and Matt is a promising quarterback. With Kelly as his main man on the field the two are an unstoppable force with the championship already in mind before the year has even officially started.

"That's what I like to hear." Kelly laughs, patting Matt on the shoulder excitedly.

Matt looks up, his eyes focusing on the girl sat a few seats ahead of him, her head rests in her hand as she looked ahead, her short brown hair the only part of her he could see.

Kelly notices his glance, a smirk rising on his lips. "You know, I heard she's single again?"

Matt's eyes snap to him. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh please, I know you were staring at Dawson."

"I wasn't." The blond says, his defenses rising.

Rolling his eyes Kelly holds his hands up in defense. "Whatever you say, Case. Your secret is safe with me."

"Shut up." He simply replies, sparing one last glance to the girl in question before returning to the paper in front of him.

The bell rings soon enough, and Stella waits for Gabby to pick up her bag for them to leave. They make their way out of the classroom and Stella pulls out her phone to check the online version of their class schedule as they walk down the hallway. She feels an arm hook through hers as Gabby speaks.

"What's up with you, girl? You've barely said a word since we got here."

"Nothing! I'm good. Just a bit overwhelmed, I think. There's a lot of people here. A lot more than I'm used to."

"Yeah, it's no Lakewood Prep, but it's not as big as you think. You'll get used to it, trust me. What's your next class?"

"Uh, history."

"Shit, I have science. Here, take those steps at the end of the hall and turn right. Follow the numbers and you'll get there." They stop abruptly. "Unfortunately, this is my stop," she says, pointing to the classroom they stood in front of.

Stella immediately begins biting her nails as Gabby unhooked their arms. She was going to be alone in a new place with no knowledge of anything or anyone outside of her best friend. The desperation to avoid screwing things up again clouds her mind, making Stella beyond nervous.

Gabby notices, like she always does, and calmly lowers Stella's hand.

"You got this, El. Make this school your bitch." She winks at her and enters the classroom as Stella tries to take her words to heart.

Thankfully, she finds the class easily and a second before the bell rings. The desks are organized in pairs and only one isn't full. A girl with chin-length, chestnut-colored hair occupies the seat beside the empty one and Stella stands next to it awkwardly, unsure of how to phrase her request.

"This seat's open," the girl says after seeing Stella.

The girl's voice immediately caught her attention. It was raspy and low and quite frankly, hot.

She sits down and returns the smile the girl with the pretty hair and intriguing voice offers her.

Stella hadn't even noticed there was no teacher present until an older man walked into the room moments later.

"I'm Mr. McHolland! This is US History in Room 223, so if that's not what it says on your schedule, you're in the wrong class."

Two students walk out this time.

"Alright! Now that the dumb ones are gone," a light laugh ripples throughout the class, "let's do attendance."

Stella waits patiently for her name, rehearsing all of the possible ways to say "Here" until he gets to her. Fortunately, she manages to say it normally, and the name right after hers happens to be her new desk partner.

"Erin Lindsay?"

"Here," Erin says, and Stella makes a mental note of her name so she can tell Gabby about it later.

This period goes almost identical to the last one and ends as soon as it begins. She and Erin make small talk about their mutual hatred of history and nervousness about starting the new school year. It goes smoother than Stella had anticipated.

Only one more class stands between her and lunch. And lunch means she's back within her comfort zone, Gabby. She is determined to make it there without incident. She makes her way to the science hall, vaguely remembering Gabby's rushed directions on how to get to each hall during the drive to school that morning.

She finds a seat in the back corner as the rest of the class files in. A few people catch her eye: a girl with sharp cheekbones and a wide smile walking side by side with a boy that had the most piercing blue eyes she'd ever seen, a cute, shorter girl with long, shiny, black hair that's braided on one side, and a put-together blonde boy with a preppy haircut and an assertive walk. The blue-eyed boy stood out, though; he reminded her of the ocean. Gabby had failed to mention how many unbelievably attractive people attend Lincoln Park High School. Everyone seems to know who they want to sit next to, and Stella ends up without a lab partner. She doesn't know whether to feel concerned or relieved.

Dr. Charles, the science teacher, has such a calming energy that Stella thinks she may actually make it through the class alone. Though she can't help but notice the blonde girl and the boy she came in with cracking, what seemed to be inside, jokes the entire time; they seem connected in a way that holds Stella's attention for nearly the whole period.

Soon enough, the lunch bell rings and she all but sprints to the cafeteria. After grabbing what barely resembles actual meat in the form of a hamburger and french fries from the line, she scours the room for her friend.

"EL!" The call comes from the opposite side of the insanely large room and Stella quickly makes her way over.

"You survived!" Gabby says feigning excitement as she makes room on the bench for her friend.

"Yes, I did. And as a matter of fact, I made a new best friend," she says with conviction.

"Impossible. Who?" Gabby responds, but Stella notices her eyes haven't left the double doors that lead into the cafeteria.

"Well, her name was Erin, and I-" Stella suddenly becomes aware of the two people sitting directly across from them. She recognizes one as the female half of the couple from science, but she's never seen the girl that sat next to her. She quite literally has the face of a model and Stella has to avoid looking directly into her dark brown eyes. The girls hold hands over the table, and are paying absolutely no attention to Gabby and Stella during their hushed conversation. Gabby finally follows her gaze and understands, realizing she'd forgotten to make introductions.

"Shay," she says at a volume that obviously isn't loud enough to catch either of their attention. "Hey, lovebirds! Can you stop whispering and greet our guest, please?"

The blonde one turns to Stella first and holds out her right hand.

"Leslie Shay. Nice to meet you."

Stella shakes it and tries to hide her confusion.

"And I'm April Sexton, Leslie's girlfriend." The second girl settles for a wave.

"But I thought-"

"Well, duh," Gabby says before Stella can respond, "If you sat any closer to Shay, you'd be giving her a lap dance." She sticks her tongue out at her friend and Stella laughs.

She also exhales for what feels like the first time that day. If Leslie and April can be so open about their relationship, maybe this place won't be as scary as she thought.

"Well, hey, I'm Stella. I'm new here but I've known Gabby since diapers basically and she's talked about both of you."

"All lies," April says with a genuine smile, and Stella can't help but smile back. She looks at Gabby, assuming she's going to butt in again, but her attention is entirely focused on the doors.

"Oh, of course," Stella responds. In reality, she'd been jealous of Leslie for a while. A little bit into freshman year, Gabby began telling story after story about the things she and her new friend Leslie had done that day. Naturally, Stella felt a little replaced since school was the one thing separating her and her best friend. After a bit, Gabby noticed and reassured Stella that she would always be her number one, and Stella moved on. April, though, she'd heard nothing about. Stella briefly wonders why Gabby wouldn't mention that Shay had a girlfriend, especially to her. She turns to ask but finds her friend is still preoccupied with her staring contest with the entrance to the lunch room.

"Dawson," Shay says suddenly, and Gabby turns to her, "There's a football lunch today. Kelly and Matt aren't coming."

Stella swears she sees Gabby's shoulders slump a little before she says, "I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't looking for them."

"You're right."

"I know." Gabby shoots back quickly.

"You weren't looking for them, you were looking for Matt," Leslie says slyly.

"I was not!" Gabby reaches across the table to punch Shay in the arm. "Shut up."

The name sounded familiar. "Matt… Wait, Matt Casey?" Stella asks.

"Yeah, why?" Leslie responds immediately, her brows furrowed in confusion.

Stella laughs. "So that's the famous Matt you bring up every time we talk. He's in my science class, you know, and even cuter than you described," she says to her friend.

Gabby squints at her with a threat on her lips.

"I'd back off if I were you, Stella. Gabby's had Matt claimed since at least sophomore year." Leslie hides behind April after her risky statement, unsure of what her reaction will be.

"I'm gonna kill you."

"Hey, be nice. Both of you," April says.

"Yeah, Gabby, be nice," Shay says mockingly, kissing April on the cheek.

Stella laughs and gives Gabby a look that clearly says we're talking about this tonight.

"So, about this Erin girl..." Gabby begins.

Just then, ringing resounds throughout the building and Stella puts on a smug grin.

"Saved by the bell."

"We are so not done with this conversation, Stella Kidd." Gabby hollers after her as she gets her own things together to head to class. Her long-haired friend only turning to wave as she scurries away.

Three hours and a car ride later, Stella lays on Gabby's bed playing a game on her phone and waiting for her counterpart to come out of the bathroom.

"Gabby!" she yells with urgency.


"I'm bored."

Gabby scoffs, finally leaving the adjoining bathroom in her room. She sits next to Stella on the bedspread, looking down at her.

"Ok bored, let's talk about this Erin chick," Gabby says with a supposedly innocent smile.

"Suddenly, I can entertain myself," Stella responds, resuming her game.

"Sure." Gabby snatches the phone and holds it off the edge of the bed.

"Hey!" Stella reaches over her but misses slightly and ends up grabbing at air.

Gabby drops the phone onto her rug, confident the landing is soft enough to avoid cracks.

"Oops. Tell me about her," she demands.

"Fine. She's this girl in my history class."

Gabby nods along, already intrigued. "Continue."

"Well, she has hair the color of, like, honey roasted almonds? Her eyes were this earthy shade of green-"

"There it is," Gabby interjects, laying down next to Stella.

"What? There what is?" She asks in confusion.

"It's always the eyes with you. There's like three eye colors someone can have and you always manage to give it a million different descriptions. They're like the things you care most about, even if the rest of the person's face is far more appealing."

"I don't know, they're just interesting to me. You can look in someone's eyes and see their whole world. What makes them sad, happy, angry, hurt. If they're intentions are good or not. What they really want…" Stella trails off, suddenly thinking of the boy from her chemistry class who's remarkably blue eyes had reminded her of the ocean... His eyes stuck with her all day, but she isn't sure why.

"Ok Shakespeare. Go on. She sounds hot." Gabby's words cut her thoughts of the blue-eyed boy short and brought her back to their current conversation.

"She was. Short, though, so that was a turn off." She teases.

Gabby elbows Stella in the side for the obvious dig.

"Ow! Fuck you."

"When and where?" Gabby asks, a wicked smirk on her lips.

Stella shakes her head at her. "Anyways, the first thing you notice about her is her voice. It's deep and raspy and-"


"Can I finish please." Stella asks with exasperation.

"No. Erin Lindsay?" She questions.

"I think so, why?"

Gabby laughs, "She dated Kelly freshman year. Well, dating's a strong word but they for sure messed around. But even if they didn't, she's definitely straight."

"Really? That sucks."

"Tell me about it."

"Who's Kelly?"

"Shay's best friend. Well, her other one. They've been close since middle school and now they're inseparable."

"Blue eyes? Dark brown hair?" Stella asks, realizing her previous mistake had at least been based in logic.


"I saw him and Leslie today, thought they were dating."

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't believe how much they get that, despite the fact that Shay made sure the entire school knew she was a lesbian from the moment she arrived. It used to really get under April's skin."

"Interesting. Now, tell me more about this Matt character."


"Nice try. You've been talking about him since last year. I knew you liked him."

"I never said I liked him!"

"You didn't have to."

Gabby narrows her eyes at her friend, "I am so not talking about this; it's nothing."

"Gabby, it's clearly not. Come on, talk to me." Stella prods.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Gabby finally concedes. "Matt is a really great guy. He is sweet and charming, and he just cares so much about the people around him," She gushes.

Stella smiles. "He sounds really great, Gabs."

"He is…" She trails off for a moment. "Matt and I, we've always had this… thing. I don't know how to describe it, but it's just kind of always been there."

"So, he likes you too?" Stella asks.

Gabby shrugs. "I don't know, honestly. I can never figure him out, but usually when I am single, he is taken and vice versa. I like him, I do. He's a great friend, I just don't know that we will ever be more."

Stella takes in her friend, seeing the conflicting emotions playing out on her face. She had never seen Gabby so unsure of herself and her feelings. Gabby is headstrong, confident, and she very rarely doubts herself this much.

Reaching across, she rests a comforting hand on top of Gabby's, forcing her eyes to meet hers. "Look, I don't know, Matt. But I know you, Ella, and if he doesn't like you then not only is he crazy, but he's blind too." Stella finished with a wink causing Gabby to laugh, exactly the reaction she was looking for.

"Thanks, El." They share a smile, a beat of silence passing before Gabby shakes off the conversation. "Anyways… minus meeting hot girl Erin, any other exciting things happen on your first day?"

"Not really, no. But I do think I'm gonna like it here."

Gabby nods. "Of course, you will. This year is going to be great. I promise."

"I'm holding you to that."

"Good. You know I didn't see your name on the sign-up sheet for cheer," Gabby prompts, earning an eye roll from Stella. "Come on. Friday is the last day to join." Gabby gives her best puppy dog eyes and pouty lip. "Please, El."

"No way in hell."

"It will be fun, please, please, please." Gabby begs.

Stella shakes her head. "I will think about it, okay. Just wipe that look off your face."

Gabby claps happily. "Fine, I will take that as progress for now."

They both settle back onto the bed, Gabby pulling her book back out to work on the science homework she had yet to finish.

There was silence between them for nearly an hour while they both finished up the last of their homework for the day, neither expecting to have as much as they did with it being the first day, but that was the joy of being upperclassmen now.

Stella fiddles with her pencil as she waits for Gabby to finish writing in her notebook. "So, at lunch today…" She trails off, Gabby simply raises a brow, waiting for her to continue. "April and Leslie. How come you never told me about them? I mean you've talked about Shay a lot, but…"

Stella stops talking again, and Gabby sighs, closing her book and giving her friend her full attention. She knew these questions were coming. Truthfully, she had been expecting them ever since the look Stella gave her at lunch when she found out about the couple.

Gnawing on her bottom lip, Gabby collects her thoughts. "Listen, I wasn't trying to keep a secret from you or anything. I just wasn't sure how you would react to it is all." Stella nods her head in understanding. "They got together officially at the end of last year when everything was happening for you at Lakewood."

Gabby doesn't miss the way her best friend tenses at those words. The reminder of all she had been through at her previous school was still a fresh wound for both of them. A heavy silence settled in the air that made Gabby want to run as far away as possible.

"El," She says at nearly a whisper. Stella brings her hand to her mouth instinctually, and starts chewing nervously on her nails. The anxiety of that situation filling her with guilt yet again. "I am so, so sorry. You know I regret what happened more than anything… I hate that you-"

"It's fine, Ella." Stella cuts her off, trying to give her a reassuring smile. "Really. You know I forgave you for all of that a long time ago. It wasn't your fault, stop blaming yourself."

Gabby tucks her hair behind her ear as she nods, taking in her best friend's words. This wasn't the first time this conversation had taken place, but each time Gabby felt the same regret and shame.

Shaking off those feelings the best she could, she started talking again. "Anyways… I, uh, I wasn't trying to hide it or anything. I just didn't know how you would take the news of some happy gay couple finally getting together with everything you were going through. So, I never mentioned it."

The unspoken words hanging in the air cast a dark cloud over the girls; Gabby didn't want to worsen a situation she had felt she created to begin with.

"Gabby, it's okay. Really. I'm happy for Shay and April. They seem really great… and besides, it gives me some hope. Maybe, if they can be so blissfully happy and open at your school then anyone can." Stella tells her optimistically.

Gabby can't help but smile. "You're right, Lincoln Park has always been pretty open to all things, so that is definitely a positive. Trust me, if you report any issues at all on that front, Shay will be unapologetic in beating someone up for you."

Stella threw her head back in laughter, Gabby joining along even though she knew her words to be true.

"Yeah, I definitely got the vibe today that Shay doesn't put up with any bullshit."

"Ain't that the truth." Gabby chuckled before climbing off the bed and putting her books into her bag by her dresser, finally finishing all the work she had to do.
Stella takes that as her cue to go and start packing up as well, her own work finished nearly an hour ago but she had hung around to talk with Gabby longer.

"El, you don't have to go."

Stella waved her off. "No, it's fine. I am pretty beat after today. Plus, I'll see you tomorrow." She said, a goofy grin covering both of their faces at the statement. They had been friends for most of their lives, but this was the first time they had ever been at the same school together and both were near giddy with excitement at the prospect.

They both tangled their arms around each other in a tight hug. Stella's near six-foot form towering over her much shorter friend.

Pulling back, Stella pulled her bag over her shoulder and opened up Gabby's bedroom window, her friend shaking her head at her as she did so. "You know my parents saw us come in, you can use the door." She deadpans.

Ignoring her words Stella drops her bag onto the ground outside and carefully climbs out. "My turn to drive tomorrow. See you in the morning, Ella."

With those parting words Stella is climbing out the window with ease and strutting across the lawn to her own home next door.

Climbing into bed that night after getting her bag and clothes ready, Stella lets out a sigh she'd been holding in all day. The nerves she had carried over the entire summer while she waited for this day were still there, but had lessened significantly.

For the first time in a long time she was feeling optimistic and excited to get to school tomorrow.

That night, she dreamed of a perfect beach and a boy with eyes the color of the ocean.