Discliamer; you know I don't own it.

A/N, I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update! SO SO SORRY! There is a reason though. Before I broke up for the holidays I had loadsa coursework. I wasn't at home for a lot of the summer and had writer's block. I got back from holiday a week ago and had to catch up on work so I don't know how good this chapter is. Anyway here you are, and thank you to everyone who has reviewed and keeps reviewing, thank you.

All In the Family For Once,

Chapter 11, Talks and Pillow Fights

"How long have you been standing there?" Phoebe demanded in mock anger.

"Long enough to know there's something wrong, what's up sweetie? And yes, I know I sound like a shrink!" Piper grinned and walked to the bed and sat next to her little sister.

"Pipe, I have really screwed up with Paige!" she sighed and dropped her head.

Piper slid onto her knees in front of Phoebe and looked her in the eyes.

"No you haven't. You're both hurting and I think it will take time, but if you really try to get on with her you'll be best mates, I promise!" Piper said using every inch of persuasion she could muster to convince her sister.

"I know, but its hard. She bugs me! I dunno what to do with her." Phoebe said almost ashamedly but not quite sure of what she felt. Very confusing.

"Phoebe, she's young, immature, don't let her bug you. It's your job to be the 'cool' big sister. Prue, well, Prue just stays out the way, she has her friends I suppose." She sounded pensive, reflecting on the distance that had grown between her and the oldest Halliwell sister. After a pause and a sigh she carried on. "I'm not exactly cool, the older geeky sister, so that leaves you! Take her to the movies or something!" Piper said grinning up at Phoebe.

"'K!" Phoebe sniffed and gulped. "Are you both still hurt?" she said.

"Nah, bruise here and there but we're both OK now!" Piper said and chucked some jeans at her sister from the closet.

"OI!" Phoebe shouted and lobbed a pillow at Piper, who caught the pillow deftly and delivered Phoebe a swift whack round the head. The pillow fight that ensued was fast a furious with aims left right and centre barely meeting their marks before the pillow was wielded again. The pair eventually sank onto the bed and dissolved into hysterics. When the laughter subsided and they were both left gasping for breath lying backward over the bed a sleep tousled Paige appeared.

"Wha's so funny?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"Her!" Piper and Phoebe said at the same time and collapsed into giggles again. Paige, being the bubbly sort of kid she was, joined them with a big snickering grin as she watched her, normally more or less dignified, sisters rolling around on the floor.

"Hey Paige, you wanna see a movie later?" Phoebe said in what she hoped was a upbeat, inviting voice.

Paige's eyes flickered to Piper, who grinned, she looked back at Phoebe and tentatively said, "Sure, what film?"

Phoebe smiled, maybe this whole-be-nice-to-Paige-thing would be OK. "You pick!"

"I dunno what's on." She admitted and gave Phoebe a sideways glance, who was standing at her closet critically viewing its contents.

"That's OK, we'll see when we get there. Come on, help me pick what to wear!" Piper said and headed to her side of the closet.

"Hey, wait for me! Dress up party" cried Phoebe and crossed over to other side of the closet too.

Piper and Phoebe shared the biggest room in the house. They had a huge closet along one wall which they shared, well, they kept their clothes in it but no one really knew which side was whose. The room had once been two rooms but had become one sometime before even Grams was around so there was enough room for two double beds. Prue, being the oldest, had her own room, plus she said she needed more privacy than the others. Paige also had her own room. It has been their mom's room, and when she died, just after Paige had been born, her crib had been put in there so Grams could get to her easily from her own room. It was the only real connection to her Mom that Paige had.

5 minutes after Phoebe had her hands in the gigantic the room was covered in clothes. Both Phoebe and Piper had donned 10 different outfits each and Paige was lying on Piper's bed laughing at the 2 clowning around.

"You know, we should ask Prue if she wants to come!" she said, standing in the middle of the mess, mismatched pants and top crinkled, as if they didn't know whether they were being taken off or put on, and a luminous pink feather boa hanging limply from one shoulder.

"I'll go!" said Paige. She bounded out of the room and returned a spilt second later.

"Yep, she'll come. As long we don't see anything dumb!" she cried.

"If you guys get this excited about clothes when we are going to the movies it'll be like world war three when you go on a, you know, date!" she whispered, Piper and Phoebe broke down in giggles laughing at their younger sister.

"What!" she demanded, stomping her foot.

"Nevermind, lets get you dressed huh!" Piper said, tactfully avoiding an awkward conversation. The trio crossed the hall and created the same mess in Paige's room as they had in their own.

Half an hour later they all finally stood at the door, a bit overdressed for the cinema but that was beside the point.

"Prue! Are you ready?" Piper yelled up the stairs.

"I'm not going, I'm going to the mall with Olivia, I'll give you a lift though!" Prue shouted.

5 minutes later they were sat in Prue's car and headed into town. She dropped her three younger siblings off outside the Odeon and zipped off in the general direction of the mall.

About ten minutes, two arguments and a paddy later, they were sitting in cinema seats waiting for the adverts to be over.

The film they had seen had been OK, Paige loved it, but Phoebe thought it didn't even compare to Kill It Before It Dies. Piper was impressed how nice Phoebe had been but had noticed the occasional eye rolls and the muscle tensing in her forehead. Phoebe was determined to make this work, and work it would be, but would that be enough?

A/N. Please review. I will try and update regularly now. Look a little review button, go on click it! Can someone tell me how to do italics and underlining stuff so it appears on the website? Thanks. Love Kangaroo.